OTK & Friends / Twitch Streamer Gossip & Drama
OTK & Friends / Twitch Streamer Gossip & Drama
Katchii is from a billionaire family by the way. That's why she could meet Manny after only 3 months of streaming
Emi ditching everything to hang out with Asmon. Reminds me of when she first started dating Miz
the fuck esfand still on? he's not going to his parents house in dallas?
he seems to still be unsure lol. even just a few minutes ago he was say8ing something about not having a car to drive back and maybe he can just fly. but i thought he has 2 cars no? escalade and maxima
esfand mentioned the escalade is still in the shop and not sure why he can't use the other car. but the maxima is the car bonnie uses as well. maybe she's not around? who knows, esfand seems cooked atm tbh lmao
knut's cooking a big thanksgiving dinner at esfand's house later today and invited anyone who's around to come over so if esfand doesn't go to dallas he'll still have food at his house courtesy of king klat
it'll pick up in a couple hours. still morning in EU and NA is sleeping, and the asians are getting home from work or school
The dinner itself is supposed to be off stream and an actual thanksgiving dinner right? We know miz is going and if emi streams instead of going to that with miz i think they might actually be done
yeah knut said he's just streaming the cooking portion
esfand will only show up if he thinks he can leech
this is correct. miz wanted it to be special for wake since wake hasn't had a good thanksgiving in years since his parents are dead. so only the cooking will be stream and probably have guests like arrav, sebbywebz, t10nat, and whoever is around at esfand's and miz's
damn i was gonna watch it but knowing
1. wake will be there
2. its gonna be all about wake
i will not be tuning in that shit. fucking hate that faggot
True, two days in a row with asmon
Yeah emi is going to asmon and his dads. Not even bait
wake might not even be on it, probably playing WoW tbh. knut's cooking with his daughter and wife and they are eating offstream
Makes sense. Emi joined miz and his parents for a holiday really early in their relationship as well. Seems to just be her mo
so why is nigger1 refusing to use addons? is he a retarded niggger?
My face when i see asmonfags baiting in a dead thread
Imagine still believing emikif is real. More delusional than the people who believe humans have actually landed on the moon
Queen Salmmus is live
still more evidence of emikif than humans landing on the moon.
Bant existing makes bait attempts so much funnier
esfand is retarded
bonnie doesn't live there, she sure as fuck doesn't spend thanksgiving there
I would be sooooo thankful if extraemily did this on stream
Grab Mar by the pigtails and fuck her throat into oblivion.
Hi, crew, I just wanted to say I'm thankful that I don't have to see Snora's ugly mug on Nick's stream anymore. Glory be to god, and all that.
Does she ever show skin? Whats the hottest pic or video of her?
If you were her bf she would do whatever you request. Just date her and ask her to do this for you.
she is mulsim. they would stone her to death if she tried showing skin
What about Innes? She showa her tits.
no I really don't think I have the emotional capacity to meet the levels of need she requires from a boyfriend.
??? when/where
Back off LimeD
ignore these retards. they think if someone is muslim it automatically equals ultraorthodox cave dweller
Are you guys RP'in Salma talking to Innes now?
Why not do an RP of Innes and Salma taking turns getting impaled on The Gladiator's meat rod.
Katchii is from a billionaire family by the way. That's why she could meet Manny after only 3 months of streaming
oh thats nice of her to choose streaming
bootEE bootEE
the stereotype exists for very good reason
Queen Salmmus is live
damn she's back to looking like a 2/10
I just wanted to say I'm thankful that I don't have to see Snora's ugly mug on Nick's stream anymore
you and me both....will miss salmmus the cutie pie
well if gabe is not around maybe bonnie will be out looking for another cougar experience
Exactly. These retards think a the daughter of Asian billionaires would be allowed to become a streamer. Even so much as watching a stream would be verboten. They're either Norafags trying to throw smut - and it's a lousy job; or they're actual retards.
the reason being snow roaches don't know anyone outside of their suburban hell holes
Salmmus's first stream summary:
boring as fuck its just these whores talking
takes the time to make sure everyone knows that nothing happened with Arther and there was never anything between them
Arther's reputation is on thin ice....I wonder if Fanfan will be able to completely tank it before his love or host
Innes mogs salmmus. Salmmus mogs Nora. All of them mogged by katchii and Malena mogs them all
Not sure if Fanfan's still the right messenger. You'd think, but after she dressed him down about his farming on stream, she was savaged in the comments for being a hypocrite. They turned on her in a blink, and she had to delete her video. Arther kept his up, though, and it's a pile-on - and also a rush to defend Arther. No, it has to be someone from left field. Salma will do.
I just pray it happens - he's got all this momentum for God knows what reason, and it would be amazing to see a woman cut him down while he's on a run.
Esfand had the opportunity to get tranny software viewers, changes his sleep schedule, and dies 7 times and can’t catch up.
pirate software le epic hackerman
good one
15k is 15k. Boomer audience too so they got money, retard
savaged in the comments for a video that never had comments enable to begin with. shut the fuck up
or alternatively religion is stupid and islam is the worst of them all. it must be sand nigger hours where you cry about wanting to fuck underage kids because muhammad did
they aren't real viewers at all. pirate software is a known botting faggot
well knut's cooking there at esfand's house for thanksgiving later, let's see if bonnie makes any appearance at all lol jimmyhere and tectone don't really celebrate thanksgiving since tec streamed through it last year and jimmy just plans to level in HC WOW later today
Wrong, baby foreskin loving kike
no one likes tectone
no one likes jimmyhere
religion is stupid and that's why i spend all my time whining specifically about one of the religions with practitioners i'm least likely to run into or have any impact on my life
the brain of a snow roach
jews are the 2nd worst. only good thing theyre doing is ramming their dicks in your dog shit countries
wtf that really bonnie? sounds different tbh
"yes i do swallow" nice
Arther kept his up, though, and it's a pile-on
he kept his video because its a pile on. On the vods their combined chat are almost entirely on her side. Even the guys from Arther's stream who arent tell him to end the call because its cooked and she's not into his vibes anymore....everyone else was on her side about the farming being forced and too much.
At the end you could tell he was getting angry when she asked if he is upset everyone in chat was saying yes....thats around when he started to say "none of what you're saying makes sense" and that he disagrees with how she feels.
In Emily's stream right aftr his diagnosis was that "Fanfan had an off day and nothing that she said makes sense" so he's decided she's going under the bus.
I think part of the reason he was so defensive was coz salmmus probably expressed the same opinion as Fanfan. You could tell neither of them were feeling his farming when it got to that point where every answer is a farming attempt, like in salmmus's cooking stream
i know, just saying that they don't celebrate thanksgiving, so no reason for bonnie to be there for thanksgiving festivities
You know, when you write like that you sound like a raging fatty, huffing and puffing your way through a reply.
Is this how salmmus streams usually are? People tune into this?
she won't you retarded fuck
what the fuck are you dumbfuck even talking about
they will watch ANYTHING that otk shows them
yes it's bonnie. there was a time in her life when she talked with a lower octave because she hated how her high pitch voice sounds, her normal voice that you hear now in days. even now she hates her mosquito voice.
when she switch to MFC she pretty much gave up on trying to make her voice sound deeper
they will watch ANYTHING that otk shows them
then how do you explain esfand/cyr
wtf? lol. what is there to not understand?
everytime I've watched a Nora/salmmus solo stream I feel like there must be something I'm missing because whats happening in the stream never justifies the viewer numbers.
thats the gabe schizo, the one that thinks bonnie's in nyc all day everyday
Yeah, cause he went from “I noticed you did something different with your hair, it looks nice” to “I just want you to be my wife and bear my children” He’s forcing the farming now when before he would just give genuine compliments. The simps defending him are retards
I see. See, I missed the live show. I only caught the residue on YT. In that case, we're in a better spot than I thought. I just hope whatever backlash she did get on YT didn't sour Fanfan against the idea of really taking him down.
It's funny that Arther thinks he should be immune to this kind of criticism by virtue of his proximity to Nick, when he doesn't have the stable foundation of an audience, nor does he have Nick's charisma to dilute some of the creepiness. Bro is really deluded. It's only a matter of time before he way oversteps.
they both have careers
pedophile bonnie
oh yeah look at the time, it's around bonnie hours when EU is home and asia is dinner/relax time. where the main bonnie schizo's are. should have noticed lol
incoming that one anon in
sandnigger time
when is this gonna hit LSF?
It’s the same as watching nicks 2 hour intro. Just some chill background audio.
By the way, can someone ban the stockphoto guy from these threads for good? He's actually killing my enjoyment of these threads.
LMAO true, look who's chatting in her offline now. one is from the middle east and the other is india i think. both her mods
Where do you think you are lmao
Just quietly filter and move on
No one actually wants to cancel Bonnie. She’s too cute
It's only a matter of time before he way oversteps.
funny thing is there were a lot of those comments even from Arthers chat
Shroud move on to poe2
Bro shut up, made me double check if release was this week
Newfag, obvs, how do I filter? Do I have to go one
by one?
Get Anon Babble x and figure it out, for images you need the hash so youre gonna have to google that
4chanx (a script for use with tampermonkey/greasemonkey/violentmonkey, etc)
you will have a drop down menu that you can use to filter posts like pic related
Comments in Arther's chat from HIS viewers at the end of the Fanfan thing:
she said you flew to close to the sun. one down. will happen with the rest
You fell too hard into believing what NMP does is normal @MISTERARTHER
Everyone agrees with her, just stop forcing the farm
Friend Simulator was more fun than Girlfriend Simulator
if u play dumb forever maybe it wont become reality
you understand, you are just in denial
you don’t live in the moment anymore fucko @misterarther
you have changed a little yeah,not the innocent arther anymore
Be less fake and more real you and Nick it's just too much farming. She is right 100%
Every interaction with Salmmus was constant flirting, as opposed to just having a real conversation with funny moments
This ship meta is getting boring... W Fanfan for cut it off
@MISTERARTHER, it's difficult to understand from your point because you're part of the cast, and she says this from the point of a viewer - it feels much more forced for us, but for you it's the same
In the beginning, the farming was kinda "will they wont they". Now arther so over the top, that its obvious farming with every women that isn't running away fast enough...
how he got away with this being blamed on Fanfan and turned around on him I do not understand
Good. Fuck off the site.
Kill all filter fags.
filtered B)
Extension fags should be murdered.
Anyone know what Nick just deleted in his discord?
called miz the hard R (retarded)
forsen is back today, i repeat, the god gamer will be streaming today
I respect filtering all image dumpers, at best it's avatarfagging and just universally cringe
clap clap clap
yes, nick said him and arther are cooking something. not sure if they have guests coming
Miz only level 20
Thanksgiving dinner shit today
Won't be able to level anything before 4pm
Emi will skip stream again
its cringe that they make fun of me fantasizing about fictional streamer relationships
Fuck off this site pussy.
So there are two thanksgiving plans going on. Say emi does not stream, will she go to knuts or asmons? Both are doing something
*wood sounds*
katchii live on an alt lol
why does everyone feel the need to make alts some of these niggas need hobbies
addicted to streaming btw. wants to stream more hours btw
yeah whatever emi
katchii has an alt lmao
this guy is going to have a heart attack on stream one day. constant drug abuse, not eating, not sleeping
how the fuck does a 3 month old streamer have a fucking ALT
and only 3 people in chat will react, all assuming its a bit
I Rubin she is streaming. If she actually messaged miz back and didn’t ignore him miz made it seem like she is streaming today
he call me schizo so he avatar fagging
Seethe. He won.
If anything people like stock img guy who spend all day here deluded in the belief they're "mocking" people while passively engaging in similar behavior are the real lolcows, that's why they seethe so hard at getting filtered because they can't engage socially otherwise and even anonymously they can't get others to like and accept them
Also filtered B)
Not even baiting she will choose asmon
result of nmp making her ccv obsessed
he had a mcdonalds breakfast, but that doesn't help. and he's still planning to drive to dallas on no sleep?
"I can't wait to just have a game I can sit and braindead grind levels in again, it will be so much fun"
Doesn't touch the game in 3 days straight
Well let’s see, she has chose asmon the past two days over miz, so why would she not do that today?
Guys anyone saw what nick deleted in his discord.
She made it to play wow without worrying about entertaining people, which is fair cause who tf wants to watch solo leveling in wow
Thanks, anons.
true and... yea well. true... when he wakes up he'll try to start a hospital stream. then he'll get some sympathy views. when he's recovered the hospital will try to kick him out but that viewer boost wont let him leave
brother if you care this much just get a 3rd party discord client that logs deleted messages
he said he might just uber to the airport and fly there and sleep during those
COOKED, safer route i guess but still COOKED
Man could you imagine the cope in here if it got leaked she went to asmons thanksgiving shit over Knut and miz. Would actually like to see how people would defend it
I think she streams but there would be no defending it m, literally zero defending her if she chose thanksgiving at asmons
I can’t be bothered to do that. I just wanted to see if I could get lucky and see if anyone here saw it.
I kinda know what it is anyway. It was something about dating nora or katchii. I just don’t know the exact words.
whats cooked to me is that you watch him enough to know what his plans are
He said he is having over a few friends because he got his house cleaned up. Was kind of implied it was another streamer because he said we'd see. Idk if that means via social media or if it means he is allowing them to stream it.
the people who call you out for being pathetic are "lolcows"
Kek. He's so mad. I don't think he cares if he's like or accepted. And you can't engage socially so you hide behind your filters. You're the biggest loser in these threads. Constantly hiding things 5hay go against your emkif relations.
i assumed anyone who watches esfand/cyr are just bots.................
tectone most likely
arent asmon and tectone beefing?
This didn't happen btw
what's wrong with watching esfand? i enjoy his content from time to time. motherfucker is just cooked.
asmon and tec?? hell nah. tect still considers asmon as a very important person in his life
Fuck if i care about emikif, as i said before people like him would be funny if they didnt post on cooldown for hours, that's literally the only issue and why they get filtered
im genuinely asking because i genuinely dont get it and i dont think ive ever seen anyone who actually watch him in these threads...
but what do you actually enjoy from him?
NTA but i saw his collab with ee and i had fun watching it
I think many anons itt watch and talk about bonfand historically, and theres a few that keep up with him regularly
positivety is not allowed here so no point in saying what i like about his streams. that's why i think he's pretty retarded and cooked. i will only say bad things about him because that's what these threads are for. but i do watch him
No he is doing something with his dad, but he will invite Emiru, let’s see who she chooses if she does stream
Asmon said yesterday that he talked to Tectone on Tuesday. Same day emi ditched btw
Is this salmmus bitch botting or what? How are 4 K people tuned into this utter garbage?
i did see some posts about that collab being good tbh
i used to watch him when no one else was streaming but hes too cooked since gtarp
positivity is fine. but every time ive tried to tune in hes just bitching about something, shitting on some viewer, talking about his accomplishments
positivity is definitely allowed, look at the EEfags, all nice and wholesome :)
isn't it in EA for people who pay
same reason why esfand jumped 1K the past 20 minutes
gladiator waiting room
Nah starts the 5th or 6th if you pay pretty sure
and a handful of eefags who want to see her hurt
Nick is having a nice thanksgiving kek
oh that makes sense
wholesome :)
positivity is fine. but every time ive tried to tune in hes just bitching about something, shitting on some viewer, talking about his accomplishments
esfand's stream is not a stream you watch, it's a stream you leave in the background and tune in when something worth watching is happening. if you tune in and out then yeah, what you said happens
he's an irl wow stream
Orophia catching strays
katchii live on an alt lol
whats your username in Katchii's discord(I wont tell)
No wonder she doesn't want to come on stream. She knows the audience Nick cultivated will destroy her.
lol esfand's mods do this. that's why they barely mod anything on his channel, they have him on a 2nd or 3rd monitor
do you think oro could make ee orgasm
She said the alt name on her last stream
cant wait for this ugly fat whale to get a reality check
I don't use discord nigga
She’s too fat. Not enough arm strength to finger.
Nah she doesnt stream, can't raid her
i mean i got a few streamers that i just put in the background and i used to use him for that as well but every so often id stop zoning him out and its just him being a huge bitch and eventually that became too irritating
What did nick delete before?
Interesting, let’s see who she chooses if she does not stream
he said he cant wait for oro to get to austin because he misses fat bitches(reference to malena)
“Thanksgiving with Nick and two big leeches” AMAZING CONTENT! I TOTALLY WONT KILL MYSELF NOW
Esfand is such a faggot for constantly stalking others chats to permaban anyone that makes fun of him
It wasn't anything crazy.
It was twitchtracker screenshot of soda, nick, emi, and emi being above xqc in response to someone saying xqc put nick number 24 on his list.
nick almost has 30k subs.... what the fuck is wrong with people?
So emi is gonna go to asmon and his dads thanksgiving lmaooo I guesss her spending the last two days with him wasn’t enough
Does he not realize he's a fat fuck again? LMAO
bretty based imo. should start sticking his dick in ee offline and dumping on the mizkids who shit on him there.
nick should ask him what his stream would be without the harem of women.... xqc was getting 100k just sitting there doing shit he'd do off stream
he very much realizes it
Parasocial 30-40 something year olds will continue to support him with their disposable income
this would prob get him lots of viewers
1 hour of geting free money from retards doing nothing
yeah im good
Damn I went to bed and had a good sleep, Esfand is somehow still on and Tectone is getting roasted on Twitter by JustaMinx? LMAO
but bro WE are getting so many subs!! OUR banks are growing!!!
yeah thanksgiving keeps on giving kek
Leaving our the part were he specifically says he hasn't talked to Emi about the podcast despite talking with tectone about it
tectone getting dropped by otk, getting exposed as a rapist, and getting shit on by everyone on social media >>>>>>>> GOD IS REAL AND GOD IS GOOD
I hope she does go to asmons so I can see the meltdown in here
Also you are retarded if you actually believe that
Shit is pretty funny ngl
Yeah because there's so many reasons to lie about it
he's holding 5k(!) viewers, thanksgiving is cancelled while he's holding this record numbers
Think I’m doing watch that retard
i have a feeling he's going to die again since his brain is currently focused on GTARP talk with these 2 other people on call
"Gathering intel to win over MISTERARTHERS lov"
is innes tryin to get into the harem?
Return of the king
Nmp ditching Katchii HAHAHA
Katchii its just money, im sure nick have some % of her contract in unitedtalent
Get a life you fucking simp. Neither Nora nor Katchi give a shit about people like you
Yes maybe he doesn’t want to speak for emi and let her address it in her own, maybe they don’t want people to know they are still talking to Tectone, don’t be a retard
Yeah he's all in with her financially, but seems like he's done with her romantically (for now)
He always lies about hanging and talking to emi, when they both don’t stream today and she is having thanksgiving with him and his dad can’t wait to see the cope
well that lasted 5 minutes the gladiator doesn't know what he wants kek
That was just farming for her to get the views
No he always mentions her when he can he straight up says he does not care about schizo viewers and never considers them
Tectone wasn't dropped by OTK retard. You were dropped on your head as a baby though.
He should ditch all these golddigging whores but he is too braindead
There's something so funny about people that look like asmon desperately hoping he can pull emi
nick is a mega simp every time he talks or plays with katchii , he acts all tough but the second she's there or in the call the retard is awestruck and starts simping hard
Because Miz is such a good looking guy right? Fucking goblin lover.
You must be a 30 year old baby face if you think she is with Miz.
He's objectively better looking than Asmon lmao
Mizkif is an average looking guy, asmon is unironically the most likely man to win ugliest in the world without a deformity
Asmonfags continue to be the funniest posters
Everyone thinks she's with miz
ofc he does, she is the money
Schizos think she is with miz* fixed it for you.
That's not a hard thing to do
Saying Asmon is the ugliest with a group with Esfand and Tectone in it is wild.
No essentially every casual viewer does too
No they don't. If you think they're together you're no longer casual. You're a schizo.
Nick doesn’t know what he wants. He is just going with the flow. Switching between katchii snd nora constantly.
No he doesn’t lmao, not hot tub mention, no mention of them getting dinner which they reveled on the patreon by emi btw, no mention of them all getting lunch after the pod all three of them. All those leaks were from Tectone and emi, his dad reveling emi road in his car how would his dad know unless they met up to eat with them? Again all leaks and none from asmon, he never mentions shit
Saying Asmon is the ugliest with a group with Esfand and Tectone in it is wild.
I'm not even joking both of those are better looking men that asmon. I'm not even getting into his hygiene which makes it way, way worse. I'm talking from someone seeing them for the first time asmon is horrible looking
esfand is still fucking live and now blaming his death on being an adrenaline junkie and making it more entertaining for viewers. LOL dude is so fucking cooked. the comments on the LSF are amazing. people calling out that he was a meme on the private servers he talks so mucha about.
So all of those people that don't really watch either and hate Emi for dating miz?
have you ever seen esfands skin? dude is just as gross as asmon. and the stories about his house being pretty damn filthy exist too.
Asmon is literally rotting from the inside out
All those normies in Reddit, tiktok, and YouTube comments are schizos?
Yes I have seen esfands. He is considerably better looking and more hygienic than asmon
Keep going, everyone is laughing at you
forsen didnt shut down the onlyfangs idea this time :Pausechamp do it king
Asmon is anorexic and looks like a rotting corpse
No, he has built immunity through the years of living with mold. He has become one with it.
Looool when Emi got nominated for streamer of the year the amount of adin ross viewers calling her "mizkifs cumrag" etc
and yet he still has to pay women with clout or money to fuck him
Yes, anyone who assumes they know what those two do in private is a mentally ill individual.
No one is laughing, you are just on full cope mode, he never leaks shit
Are you talking about asmon?
No, I'm laughing at you.
NTA but you think asmon and emi went to a one on one dinner so looooooooool
You believe emkif is a thing because they played a video game. Shut up nerd.
it's the same every year
he never decides if he's going or not, he always makes excuses
I think he's ashamed to say he'd rather be streaming than visiting his parents
full cope mode
Spouts asmon fanfics
It's ok kiddo, not everyone has critical thinking :)
Emi deletes Miku pictures
Leaked Google search "should I let my girlfriend post what she wants"
Emi cries for a couple weeks refusing to mention miz
I wonder what miz said to her as an apology honestly
when are you going to understand that everything he does or says on stream is to farm?
I doubt it took much, she's still very in love with him
true lol. he ended his stream just a few minutes ago saying he doesn't know what the exact plan is for thanksgiving. would be a bad idea for him to drive 3 hours on no sleep
"should I let my girlfriend post what she wants"
Obviously but she went from crying every second stream to landing from a 15 hour flight and going over to his house at 2am at night
This is getting embarrassing for you
Bro put down the keyboard and rest you're having a bad time
I assume they made up before japan, with emi initiating it, considering it seemed she missed him a lot
Feel like it would have happened in Japan cause she would have came over the night he got beepo otherwise
He told Trav and Nidas that he was going home for Thanksgiving. And when he ended a chatter asked if he was driving now and he said no prob a bit later. So yeah he's driving home. Poor Bonnie won't have a car to drive around looking for dick.
Maybe but I'd think they'd make up in person
In before "she doesn't live there" or "she's already with gabe she doesn't need to"
When are you going to understand that if the option was there he would actually get with these women. You need to learn when he is farming and when he isn’t. He is definitely farming 90% of the time on his main stream but not everywhere else.
yuge cock
and watching her play wow on her alt
dude is a simp offstream
why is this katchi wow stream better than her main one tho lmao
esfand said earlier that he might uber and fly to dallas and sleep on the rides
Why do I get a boner when I hear Katchii speak and sing?
cause you are a coomer brained virgin
dear lord
Well he didn't correct the chatter and Trav also said have a safe drive and he didn't correct him either. So who knows. Flying would definitely be the safer option.
We might be getting another emi tik tok today
Or he could just pop some addy and be A-OK for a drive.
Will the goat return today or will he go to thanksgiving at asmons dads with emi
same anon
did Forsen move? he's streaming from a new room or something
esfand always laughs at the stupidest shit, I can never understand why he's laughing so much. there's something really wicked about it.
yeah he mentioned moving, probably back to spain (with malena)
Snora's mom self insert on Nick's stream again holy attention whoring family
right when he was glazing katchi too, insane
His laugh duration is always way too long as well. It probably weirds people out all the time.
esfand ends stream and tectone tweets literally a minute within each other
Idk what's being implied here?
100% fucking
Esfand and Tectone are fucking, obviously. Duh. Tecfand is gonna be new hot thing.
it means emi was at tectone's house most likely
at least that's the vibe i'm getting from that
I fucking knew it man
She’s waiting for miz to catch up so they can duo together
That all went out the window when she went back to duoing with miz
emi such a whore she's letting teccy and asmon and even that zzxy guy go hole to hole :3
snora is a 27 old lesbian muslim
nick is their last hope, that's why her mother is so invested
Whats the break up count? Are they at 50+?
guess she fake as fuck fam
because she's not sleep deprived
Bonnie is in Mexico dumbass.
Can someone spam in Greekgodx's chat that he should call Kachii? Would be content
Tectone live soon
Rent is due OPEN UP!
is gabe younger than bonnie though?
Is this nigger still relevant?
i'll take the trash out soon master tectone
"Yes I do swallow" gets me everytime LMAO
She just find nick funny. It’s not that complicated. Noras mother is completely alone while her husband is terminally ill and lives in morocco. She is clearly very alone and just finds nicks stream fun and is invested in her daughters life.
Fuck no the dude is more irrelevant than Cyr now
I’m actually intrigued on what he is gonna say and I can’t believe I’m saying this
Nora's dad is terminally ill?
Isa popped the fuck off
YAWN! nobody cares.
this retard is braindead
lol meanwhile nick glazing hard
who is she and why she is at mizs?
Interesting that aly is only in the discord servers of people emi considers her closest friends, asmon, miz, Tectone, taco, nmp
Only miz and taco are her friends lmaoo
bonnie swallowing would keep this green sweater that belongs to gabe clean kek kek kek
First she was a Miz offliner.
Then she became a Miz orbiter (friends with Russels friend group)
They met at a party like 5 months ago at Miz's house and she kept following Miz around the whole night and Miz went live the next day and called her a stalker but said no one cares since she's a girl
bonnie bonnie bonnie
wonder if she'll show up anytime on knut's stream who's going to cook food at esfand's house
bonnie who fucked a 16 year old just to fulfill her cougar dreams and "no1 ever knew about it" ?
that fat bitch can be happy nick is still keeping her around. I used to have that lesbians Insta but forgot to save it. People used to link it in erobbs chat.
not until she told that story to her chaturbate audience and with this clip to whoever has seen it. i've been following her since 2014 from those days. she has some crazy stories and some of them Mouse backs her up so some are true, and this was one of them
reverse the roles and have a man say the things she said in this video, instant jail since those crimes never expire
it's time to move on from emi
Bonnie was colouring in her last alt stream.
With markers.
Learning robotics and playing old ps2 games.
Compare that to tectone.
Why would someone give a shit about two teenagers having consensual sex ten years ago. Just don’t respond to the Bonnie schizos or they go insane. Bonanons are fine but there’s a small handful of incels, defensive emikifers and esfand freaks in here.
I always love seeing the proof fags in the replies LMAO
bonnie was prolly 22-25 when she fucked that underage boy
you seem like an avid bonnie viewer. who the fuck watches her boring ass that much. she's cute though
she's cute though
indeed bonnie is
no makeup needed
Can someone tell that stupid nigga erobb to finally do the puzzle.
lmao she's a pedo anon
She's really not trying to hide it at this point, just not mentioning it.
Nick trying to get off this call lmao
otk is done and not just on twitch
Tectone said he tried to kill himself twice lmao
Nora is definitely going to the streamer awards
You’re a retard. Based on the other clips she’s about 19 here.
he wants to play wow with katchii so bad lmao
what does he says next? i wasnt watching
is miss emily-beth schunk streaming today?
he turned it into a joke and asked which asians they should invite to a new org
he started at 10k and got up to 15k playing wow and now has 20k with soda offline. even if he botted, he still gained a bunch of new wow boomers watching him. esfand was stupid to botch this so badly
More liesLETSGO
I only reacted that way because you're not just my girlfriend. I want to marry you. You know I'm nearing my 30s,I want to start a family with you - Matt M
I told you faggots nick will fuck off of ADTK and make an actual good org with all his orbiters (nora,katchii,cinna,salmus,acie,clara,etc)
Based on what miz said yes
Right, those pedo allegations won't affect him at all...
yes miz has caught up to her level she is allowed to play/stream again
5k viewers as always
huh?? I thought he got cancelled?
His audience is a bunch of anime weeb coomers, they all like underage shit so they relate to him
OTQ (One True Queen) with Nmp, Arther and Cyr as the owners would go hard tbh
No one is ever going to pancake, but everyone tried at least 2 times.
bruh nora self inserting in fucking everything is so fucking cringe
I only know about salmmus because of these past weeks and the glasses sub goal. but it's kinda funny how people can spend a month with someone like nick and still not learn how to stream.
neah, this is all nick's doing
he is preparing something
wait until him and pink goes to court and more shit arises. pink is not backing down
nick called nora you retard
Man having them side by side just shows how much funnier and sharper Katchii is.
bonnie is a good distraction when there's nothing else to talk about in here, no point in canceling her
Tectone just said that he would still do steak and eggs
tectone just said hes still doing steak and eggs
What did Knut do to Arrav
Someone need to post this on LSF
katchii is mega content ngl
noone comes close
i'm actually starting to believe the joining otk talk might be real
talks about eating salads but every time on stream it's fast food garbage
Tectone got his nails done with emi, so they did hang out
considering otk can barely get sponsors cus half their streamers are cancelled, IT IS a good idea
pretty sure otk wont go past 2025