What was your childhood sex education like...

What was your childhood sex education like? What do you remember about how your parents/other authority figures treated the subject of sex?

Do you think your early sex education caused your fetishes?

idiot actually thinks 'fetishes' are real


"Fetish" "sexual interests" whatever.

but fetishes AREN'T sexual interests.
fetishes have nothing to do with sex

a 'fetish' is a distraction technique, meant to appear as an advanced 'elite' sexuality, something that the common man is incapable of understanding.

fetish people don't like sex. they avoid sex

'fetish' people use their fake 'fetishes' to avoid sex. they're uncomfortable with sex.

a 'fetish' clearly demonstrates that person's unresolved childhood emotional issues.

like a childhood fear of abandonment, which of! course becomes a fear of intimacy as an adult... trust issues.

these men avoid sex. if a beautiful woman removed her clothes and spread her legs, these guys would gravitate straight to her FEET.

feet have nothing to do with sex. nothing.

neither does discipline, or spanking, or authority or drinking champagne out of a stiletto or wearing black rubber fashions.

those are not sex

these asexual men realize they're abnormies, because they avoid sex, but they don't want to be viewed uas 'weitdos', so they pretend that they are 'sexual elitists' with a specialized aficionado-level extreme sexuality, one that you'll never understand

but they don't like sex
they avoid it at all costs

for example: feet

what's the body part most far removed from a sexual area ? FEET

feet are the farthest distance from the genitals, the mouth, the breasts, the butt.

convenient, if you're looking for a way to hide your lack of sexual desires

and now you finally understand the truth about 'fetishes'

goodnight. I'm crashing. my wife and I have to be awake early this morning

in summary:

if a man is interested in sex, he'll get his dick sucked

hell gt some pussy, hell fuck her asshole

but he won't waste his time (or hers) with stupid foot games

Got myself a book at a young age. It explained everything I could want to ask and plenty more. It was a very dry no nonsense book. I bring it to school and some little shit made a fuss and destroyed it.
Years later I was forced to endure the vastly inferior public education version of sex ed. Full of "Rape is a no no." and "Check out all these genitals horrifically mutilated by stds." There was also the video that showed a woman giving birth which was not a pretty sight. Beyond that most of the sex ed was just basic biology stuff and telling kids to stay a virgin until 18 and trying to convince us being one of the ten virgins left in high school was cool.

Do you think your early sex education caused your fetishes?

everything (EVERYTHING!) being forbidden caused a ton of fetishes
single mothers are the root of all evil


It was mostly my sister showing me what she liked and making me do it to her. I didn’t like it at the time but it did turn out in my favor.

So, my dad was one of those weird homeschooling dads. Instead of, like, actually teaching me stuff, he'd put on these fucked up cartoons.

I'm talking Brickleberry and South Park. Yeah, you read that right. He thought it was some kind of genius move. Like, "Hey kid, let's learn about sex by watching a bear fuck a squirrel."

I was like 10. Ten! I didn't need to know about anal sex, or how a guy could get his dick stuck in a toaster. I just wanted to play video games and eat pizza.

Now I'm all fucked up. I can't look at a squirrel without thinking about bestiality. I'm pretty sure I've got some kind of weird fetish because of that show.

Anyone else had a fucked up homeschooling experience?

I didn't really have any sex education. My parents never taught me anyting about it and in grade school we would have about 1 week of sex-ed each year but I don't remember learing anything from that.

I started sucking cock at a VERY young age though. When I was 5 I'd show my cock to my friends if they showed thiers to me, and at only 8 years old I started sucking off my friends.

Who diddled you anon?

see?... I'm the only person in here who has lost my virginity

great thread!

just stuff in school. Was raised christian so all I got was the whole 'nothing until after marriage then figure it out' thing

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Grew up in a pretty rural setting. The nearest neighbors lived about a 15minute bike ride away. They had two daughters I played with. One was slightly younger but in the same grade as me, the other was about two years older. I, along with the younger sister, learned everything from her in a hay loft.

I was homescooled by my parents and they done a good job

yes, but the only thing that matters is:
do you still believe Jesus ever actually existed?

Never thought about it this way. One of the most confusing things the question of "when do you cum? Do you jack off after the whipping? Do you fuck each other in the doodoo and piss? How fucking?" This idea really puts things in perspective.

yes I do. Even if I lost the faith there's nothing I can do about it cause I'm in too deep

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That's interesting. So you're telling me just because your family used the classic Christian technique of brainwashing you when you were a child, before you were old enough to realize you could call the police or just scream for help..

their conditioning and brainwashing was so effective, that although you are now fully aware Jesus never existed, he's just a ridiculous myth, you still have a hard time letting go of the brainwashing?

That's exactly why they target children.
If any other cult targeted your children at such a young age, you would have them thrown in a prison cell.

And obviously you're not stupid. You are obviously an intelligent man. So you are acknowledging the power of brainwashing.. That's very interesting.

religion is the most dangerous destructive thing on earth, having caused much more damage and death than any nuclear bombs.

I think it should be a felony to expose any child to ANY form of religion whatsoever, and at the age of 18, they are allowed to make their own decisions, and lean towards whatever religion they consider to be 'real'...

I literally think anybody who pushes religion on a child needs to be beaten within an inch of their life (teach them what's going to happen next time) and thrown into solitary confinement in a prison for no less than 10 years.

ruining a child's life should be punishable by a life sentence, but I'm a bit pragmatic, perhaps.

I think being bludged within an inch of their lives, then 10 years of repeated violent gangraping in a prison cell is fair punishment

want some dressing with that work salad?

I stick with the Church because the alternative of sexual hedonism does nothing for me. I'd rather be ashamed of my sexuality than be a degenerate burnout

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It's not an idea... It's absolute truth.

when I was a younger man, I used to fuck a psychiatrist named Allison, who was hot as shit!! tall thin and blonde, I guess Gwyneth Paltrow is a close facsimile for descriptive purposes, although Allison was much better looking (and cooler) than Gwyneth Paltrow.

One day I mentioned something in passing about a friend who always presented himself as being a 'fetishist', and Allison laughed... I didn't understand why she was laughing, so she explained in great detail:

"fetish people don't enjoy sex, so they contrive a predictable smoke screen, pretending as if their alleged 'fetish' is an advanced form of sexuality normal people are too amateur to understand"

then she detailed a long laundry list of predictable prefabricated fetishes (notice that nobody ever has an original weird unique fetish, and it's always from the same grab bag of tired cliche concepts like feet or bondage or whatever)

when she listed All the different fetish categories, I finally began to understand:

let's imagine for a moment if I had a unique fetish, in which I was into "toilet bowl scrubbers glued to the top of my head while eating pancakes and raw pork"

obviously, toilet bowl scrubbers, pancakes and raw pork have absolutely nothing to do with sex.

But imagine me trying to convince you that it's extremely sexual, and you are too much of a sexual novice to understand the glorious magnificence of toilet bowl scrubbers glued to the top of my head while I eat pancakes and raw pork.

now imagine me trying to convince a woman to climb into bed with me while I glue toilet bowl scrubbers to my head with a bowl of pancakes and pork in my hands.

exactly... For the first time in my life, I finally understood "fetishes" are nothing more than a distraction technique used by asexual people who are trying to avoid sex.

Allison was smart as shit.

Jesus never existed

I don’t think that’s true and I’m not even a Christian…

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I'm glad you were honest about it, because you just verified something I've always told people -

The reason Christians can learn Jesus never existed, but still pretend they believe in the Bible:

by admitting they were wrong and gullible, they would also be admitting THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY LINEAGE WAS ALSO GULLIBLE.

It would mean admitting their parents were easily fooled, and their grandparents before them, and they're great grandparents previously, along with their great-great grandparents and their great-great-great-grandparents.

admitting you were gullible means UNRAVELING YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY'S BELIEF SYSTEM

So can learn Jesus never existed and the entire Bible is poorly written fiction, But they will STILL steadfastly refuse to admit their entire family lineage consisted of gullible easily manipulated relatives.

It's their ego. The ego wants to preserve the fabric of their families belief system, even if they realize it's all a lie.

they will reach a point where they KNOW Jesus never existed, yet they will STILL pretend to believe in him.

It's an interesting phenomenon
And it's all because
they don't want to admit
How gullible and
easily manipulated
All of their ancestors were.

by unraveling the fabric of their families belief system, they fear they will be erasing the value of their life and childhood.

work salad

yo! word up, my nigga!

it's early give me a break

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I don't think that's true

I don't think

You are correct
obviously, you don't think

lol I'm just fucking with you. I make typos all the time! probably more than anybody else in here, to be honest.

I use speech to text a lot, and I'm usually multitasking, so I'm famous for hitting 'Post' without proofreading, and of course it usually results in some pretty hilarious typographical errors.

relax, you're doing just fine.
and you have been conditioned to believe Jesus actually existed...

or to be more technically accurate:

when you were a child, they hoodwinked you into blindly believing anything, no matter how absurd and far-fetched, requiring absolutely ZERO PROOF before jumping in headfirst and building your entire life's belief system around it.

I doubt you would buy an expensive house without ever seeing it. I doubt you would buy an expensive sports car without any evidence it exists.

But you 'Don't think it's true' that Jesus never existed?

Even though there's never been a single human being in history who could provide even the teeniest tiniest little shred of evidence?


I'd like you to invest in a project I'm working on. I'm building an invisible bridge across the Atlantic Ocean, and you could become a millionaire overnight if you wire me $500 today.

so me liking piss is just a kink but not a fetish? Genuinely asking

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Let me correct that: Jesus most likely existed the current consensus among historians is that he was a real person who was really crucified.

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Tell you what I'm going to do...
I'm going to wait right here...
I want you to go find some tangible evidence proving Jesus existed, and I'll be right here waiting for you.

(forgive me if I don't hold my breath)

they will reach a point where they KNOW Jesus never existed

But Jesus did exist. How could you “know” something that isn’t true?


Besides the gospels, and the letters of Paul, non-biblical works that are considered sources for the historicity of Jesus include two mentions in Antiquities of the Jews (Testimonium Flavianum, Jesus' own brother James) by Jewish historian and Galilean military leader Josephus (dated circa 93–94 AD) and a mention in Annals by Roman historian Tacitus (circa 116 AD). From just Paul, Josephus, and Tacitus alone, the existence of Jesus along with the general time and place of his activity can be adduced.

urine has nothing to do with sex.
urine is not a sexual fluid.
You can bring toilet bowl scrubbers and raw pork into bed, but that doesn't mean they have anything to do with sex.

anybody with a urine fixation obviously has some kind of unresolved issue in their head, and it has nothing to do with sex.

same goes for feces or modeling clay or super glue or wall outlets or penny loafers or Amazon delivery vans or pineapple slices or linoleum flooring.

those things have nothing to do with sex, and can only serve as a distraction that delays or prevents sex.

a way to stall and waste time while trying to avoid actual sex.

Every knee WILL bow and every tongue WILL CONFESS...

the current consensus among historians


which current consensus?
because they've been saying 'current consensus' for a couple thousand years so far, with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

And which historians?

are you talking about the Christian historians?

You can't make a vague statement about alleged historians and some imaginary current consensus.

what people THINK means nothing

because there's no PROOF

You’re welcome to read the article I linked. I’m going to trust historians on this issue over some edgy atheist teenager on Anon Babble lol.

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But Jesus did exist

hahaha lol
prove it!...
Like I said, I'll wait right here
take as long as you'd like
But I'm not holding my breath
because there's never been a human being who could provide even be smallest little shred of evidence proving Jesus ever existed

And I hate to burst your bubble, but
You are NOT going to be the first person who finds this alleged evidence

The evidence already exists, it’s not really up for debate:

Besides the gospels, and the letters of Paul, non-biblical works that are considered sources for the historicity of Jesus include two mentions in Antiquities of the Jews (Testimonium Flavianum, Jesus' own brother James) by Jewish historian and Galilean military leader Josephus (dated circa 93–94 AD) and a mention in Annals by Roman historian Tacitus (circa 116 AD). From just Paul, Josephus, and Tacitus alone, the existence of Jesus along with the general time and place of his activity can be adduced.

I don't give a fuck about your stupid link or any stupid Wikipedia 'article'

no need to go into it at some great length
because it only takes one millisecond
For you to prove
You don't have any evidence

If you had evidence
You would have already provided it

So I'll pass on the stupid Wikipedia 'article'

funny you'd mention Paul...
because Paul, Daniel, Timothy, Luke, David, Matthew, John etc etc

those are all ANGLO-SAXON NAMES that didn't exist 2,000 years ago

lol You really phoned it in that time, didn't you?

You have no proof,
So you present names
that never existed
until 700 or 800 years ago

That’s fine I already posted the relevant section including the sources twice. You don’t even need to go to Wikipedia.

I don't doubt you've done some weird shit with your tongue when you're down on your knees.

speaking of which, my testicles itch
wanna help a brotha out?

No, those are biblical names that are mostly Hebrew or Greek in origin.

feel free to show me even ONE HISTORIAN who has real tangible evidence, something other than innuendo or 'a strong gut feeling'...

what's that you say?...
You can't find one?

You're not very good at this, are you?

For example Daniel:

Daniel (Hebrew: דָּנִיֵּאל) is a masculine given name and a surname of Hebrew origin. It means "God is my judge" and derives from two early biblical figures, primary among them Daniel from the Book of Daniel.

If the evidence already exists:

or shut the fuck up, you gullible little sheep


Jewish historian and Galilean military leader Josephus (dated circa 93–94 AD) and a mention in Annals by Roman historian Tacitus (circa 116 AD).

David is an Old Testament Hebrew name:

David is a common masculine given name of Hebrew origin. Its popularity derives from the initial oral tradition (Oral Torah) and recorded use related to King David, a central figure in the Torah and foundational to Judaism, and subsequently significant in the religious traditions of Christianity and Islam.

Matthew is also Hebrew in origin:

Matthew is an English language masculine given name. It ultimately derives from the Hebrew name "מַתִּתְיָהוּ" (Matityahu) which means "Gift of Yahwe".

FAITH = hoping you're not wrong

"I have faith the homeless crack addict will spend my $5 on food instead of crack cocaine"

Guess what? hoping isn't good enough

hoping you're wrong doesn't qualify as evidence

I couldn't give any less of a shit about some handful of cherry picked 'historians' who have 'faith' Jesus existed.

obviously, there's no shortage of gullible fools who will invest their life's belief system into an empty fairy tale with absolutely no evidence.

And we've already seen the unwillingness to admit when you're wrong in this thread, when the young man admitted he no longer believes in Jesus, but he simply can't let go of his family's belief system.

Your cherry picked historians obviously believe in Jesus, having been brainwashed as children, and although they CAN'T FIND ANY EVIDENCE, they still claim "a general consensus that he probably lived"


amateur hour, right?
stop presenting speculation and gut feelings

and provide the evidence
or shut the fuck up, Moses.

religion is psychosis
And of course you'll never admit you suffer from a psychosis

they still claim "a general consensus that he probably lived"

Yep, the general consensus among historians is that Jesus was a real person.

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I don't even need to go to Wikipedia

You're goddamn right
Why would I waste my time?

If that Wikipedia article contained real tangible evidence of Jesus Christ's existence, it wouldn't be some obscure URL you had to search for.

everybody on planet Earth would be presenting that evidence right now.

But there isn't any

there's just a bunch of gullible fools, Who have proven themselves to be gullible, but are willing to appear SO COWARDLY, that they can't admit when they are wrong.

Not just a fool
But a cowardly fool

You don’t need to go to Wikipedia I’ll summarize it for you because I’m cool that way.

Greek or Hebrew in origin

I'm not talking about the origins
(or the "oranges" as Trump says)

The Bible is filled with Anglo-Saxon names that didn't exist until 700 or 800 years ago

You're full of shit
And so is your book of toilet paper

You understand you're autistic right?
Fetishes ARE sexual, it's not the 1600s anymore, Fetishism and fetishes have referred to sexual obsessions for the last 127 years, since then, the word has been associated with sexual obsessions, because of notable sexual obsessions among the population.

It comes from Latin, Portuguese, and French words, which all generally mean "to hold in reverence," or "Unnatural," or "A recreation," in essence. In 1901, books on fetishism, and consequently, the birth of the use of the word fetish in general to refer to sexual matters, were published by scholars of psychology and philosophy.

"In certain perversions of the sexual instinct, the person, part of the body, or particular object belonging to the person by whom the impulse is excited, is called the fetish of the patient. [E. Morselli in "Baldwin Dictionary of Philosophy," 1901]"

This belief in studying sexual behavior to treat people was common at the time. Since at the very least, 1901, that has been what fetish means.

You can't just redefine a word. Words mean their generally accepted definition (see linguistics, the entire field is not prescriptive, it's descriptive.)
If I were to, in an average conversation, refer to the word fetish, no one would interpret it any other way. That's kinda what makes language useful, the way it changes is useful to the people using it. The redefining of an ambiguous word with no English equivalent (Fetiché, Fitiço) in the 1900s isn't equivalent to you redefining an English word with an established meaning in 2024. No one will accept or use your meaning for the word fetish, so when people talk about them, instead of going on an autistic rant, you should engage the conversation from the same context as everyone else would expect.
Your theory also makes no sense. It flies in the face of the last 200 years of observations in the field of sexuality.

Daniel is derived from the name Daniel

Read what you just said carefully

The general consensus

The polar opposite of evidence

The general consensus

a phrase which is only used when they are unable to find actual evidence

there's no "general consensus" that electric automobiles exist

there's no "general consensus" that dinosaurs used to exist

there's no "general consensus" that Julius Caesar existed

So why does Jesus need a general consensus?

lol you literally can't stop losing this argument, can you?

You've got nothing of value to offer
Just a bunch of empty rumors
and prefabricated innuendo
wrapped in ridiculous parables

mythology certainly works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?

You wouldn't know the symptomology of autism if it bought you a new gaming chair.

You wouldn't know the difference between schizoaffective disorder and dissociative fugue if your life depended on it.

anything else, Mr Freud?

None of those names are Anglo-Saxon in origin, not a single one. They’re all Hebrew or Greek or Latin.

Daniel is a Hebrew name of Old Testament origin so it did exist during Jesus’ time.

AGAIN: things that have nothing to do with sex HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX

I don't care how much you protest, bicycle tire inner tubes have nothing to do with sex

woodworking has nothing to do with sex

and none of The predictable list of prefabricated grab bag 'fetishes' Have a goddamn thing to do with sex

General consensus of historians who studied the topic weighs more than angry ramblings of gay teenagers on social media, anon.

You're simply offended because I hit the nail on the head... You are indignant because I correctly stated that you are asexual at heart.

I'm guessing you probably have a fear of intimacy? You probably have a fear of commitment...

when you were a kid, that was originally a fear of abandonment by your mother.

too bad you can't let go of the past, and resolve your childish little emotional issues, because it's affecting the quality of your life.

now run along and pretend to be attracted to somebody's feet, loser

Tfw you just like girls cute feet but some autist on Anon Babble insists you’re asexual

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ITT: Christians are confused about how sex works