Would you work as girl's executioner?

Would you work as girl's executioner?

What's the pay like?

Most sane Anon Babble OP

I would say $200k per year plus $10k per execution

Jailer or prison warden yes, especially if paid well, executioner no

I would straight up hang women on a volunteer basis, as long as I got to play with them once they were dead and maybe get to recommend girls I know to get sent to my noose.

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Before and after
Girls should be ashamed as best as possible before being killed

You get it

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How would look like your execution routine?

Imagine what you could get away with, especially if it was in an isolated place...

Very simple. I’d enter their cell and rape them in the hours leading to their death. Then I would bind them naked and take them to a short scaffold outside the jail where a crowd has gathered to watch them swing. I’d make them stand on a small stool and noose them, then kick out the stool and watch them drop only a few inches, making sure their neck doesn’t break. Once their bodies stop twitching and the last drops of piss spill from their bodies I’d cut them down and have my way with their corpse one final time.

Symphony of embarrassment, pain and pleasure that girls would suffer

I'd do both. Running a prison that happens to contain a death row.

Instead of stool I would use rope slowly pulled with motor

Like what?

I would gladly work as girl's executioner
Especially if I could choose how they would die and what they would experience before that

Being kept naked all time and daily fuck sessions and so one

Invasive, humiliating strip searches, forced nudity and humiliation, communal showers, voyeuristic and horny male guards, spankings, the possibilities go on...

Clean and by-the-book but humiliating. They get last rights, a last meal, and all that, then they shower. But once they dry off they have to face a male firing squad naked and sometimes with their bodies shaved. If they have big tits they have to hold the left one up high.

last rights

last rites

As long as their last moments are spent terrified at how painful and humiliating their death is going be

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My mistake lol

They need to be shaved every time before execution
Holding left tit up while standing before firing squad soudns hot

I would even left their hands free to make them fight the noose and keep them alive longer

no worries, m8

Guards and staff should be able to do whatever with them as long as nobody gets hurt. It would probably be common for guards to take away privileges and restore them in exchange for sexual favors.

It would probably be common for guards to take away privileges and restore them in exchange for sexual favors.

like in most American prisons now

I like them bound because I want them to feel as hopeless as possible

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ok bitch, I will give you new toothbrush but you must swallow all my hot load first

please caption her

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Yeah it exposes the heart area and keeps the breast out of the way but it's also just embarrassing.

What do you think about intravaginal electric chair?
Naked girl would have to sit on chair with rubber buttplug. To her pussy would be inserted a thick metal dildo, and to her nipples metal clamps would be attached or metal needles injected into.
Execution would start slow with low power current to arouse girl. After some time current would raise to point when she would die.

What would intake day/processing be like?

Humiliating. They have to give their name, info, etc then each batch has to line up, strip naked, and put their clothes in boxes. They can be photographed and filmed. They are strip searched thoroughly, sometimes in two lines facing each other to make it more embarrassing. "Stop covering up, no more playing with yourselves. Lift your arms and show your pits. Show your hands. Wiggle your fingers. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Elbows out, now lift your tits by the nipples. Shake them out and spread them. Lift your belly if you have one. Rub your bellybutton. Comb through your pubes with your fingers. Spread your pussylips wide - show some pink. Wider, more pink. Good. Push back your clit hood and show your love button. Looks like some of you enjoyed that. Turn around, bend over, and spread your butt cheeks wide. Wider. Spread your pussy again. Squat and cough. Lift your feet and wiggle your toes. Good" They're photographed, interviewed, and tested for diseases. All still naked. Then they get to sit and watch the next batch and the whole process.

Only if they let me masturbate as I do it

Your get a girl to kill and date when you would have to give back her dead body
