Your next president

Caca face

*our next massive fuckup
There you go. FTFY.

He should nuke Russia


He's too busy cutting taxes for billionaires and raising taxes on poor people to do that

He'd need to take putin's dick outta his mouth first.

Last time he was in office, me flatmate decided that he's wearing a wig. And the russians have smuggled in circuitry and he's now under remote control. He's only ½ serious, but I think the notion is funny as fuck.

Also, one day when his face appeared on the news, me flatmate declared: I'd love to take a shit in his shoes. I think that'd be funny as ferk too. I'd love to see the look on his face as he slips his foot in n *squish*

Trump won so Republicans have stopped pretending to care about punishing pedophiles.

His mission will be cut tax on people like him.

Cut an itsy bitsy not existy tax on people like you.

Leave a tax deficit.

Pay more to cage immigrants than he could profit from them doing what they do now in taxes.

Making that tax hole bigger.

Raise the cost of living on America through gas prices.

Increase American debt by another 5 trillion as he did before.

Blame it on the Democrats.

Just a rinse repeat of last time kind of.

Go from the bottom 6th of worst Presidents to the bottom.

Singles and he carries out the full term

Dubs and he passes of old age mid-term with Vance carrying out the rest

Trips or higher and Kamala refuses to certify the election results with Biden installing her as the next prez

Just a rinse repeat of last time kind of.

I'm all for another Trump plague to thin out the stupid.

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You think your country can cope with a 51%+ population loss?

He didn't say all of them.

Didn't it turn out Kamala had the majority vote?

Anyway those farmers are going to hate him. His plans are going to backfire,

That's not all of them. It's not even ¾. Closer to ⅛. I think you're underestimating the prevailence of stupid.

And yeah, I've not seen one single 'good' move announced so far, each intended action will either directly, or indirectly screw you inna arse with a pinapple, sideways.

But it could be worse, right? At least he's not installing a circlejerk of yesmen in key positions so there's not going to be anyone to tell him it's a stupid idea, and why...

not my president

Not mine either.
Got your popcorn? I'm ready... This is gonna be funny as fuck.

Claims he can see the future

Salty because he didn’t foresee Trump winning

LOL dumbfuck faggot

Wow he can do that before he even takes office? Boy, Biden really is a phenomenally shit president.

Didn't it turn out Kamala had the majority vote?

LOL fucking retard

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Anyway those farmers are going to hate him.

Possibly, but as there's nothing farmers love more than a good self-indulgent whine it's unlikely they'll even manage to make the connection.


You're not convincing, bruh.

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The left scared away white men.

Your next gf, OP:

"President" is a strong word

I'm not American though.

What do democrats lie about everything? What is it about you that makes you constantly lie about people? Some diagnosed mental illness?

Liberals literally cannot have a discussion online without talking about someone's dick or gay sex. They're obsessed with it.

As opposed to the senile puppet that's "president" right now?

trumpfag mad about the truth
this time is gonna be even worse Trump and his rich billionaire buddies plan to buy it all up after driving it into the shitter
you're finally gonna get to take part in a system of slavery it's just, you're gonna be a field nigger

you sure love talking about liberals and gay sex
just go on out there and find ya a handsome fella to root around in your anus son, you'll feel a lot better and forget all about this place

Retarded democrat doesn't realize that more billionaires are democrats than Republicans.

You guys bring it up in every conversation. You're obsessed with dicks and gay sex. It's really weird.

They're both garbage options. Just cause Biden is senile doesn't mean Trump is better. Trump seems almost as senile during a lot of his recent outings, will definitely reach that point by the end of the next 4 years (unless he dies before then).

Trump is far better. His cabinet is a ideologically and ethnically diverse,. and not filled with a bunch of crazy faggots and troons.

you are truly retarded

I bet you think Trump's cabinet is all white men, don't you? Get outside of your bubble occasionally.

wow yeah you're right, so diverse, it's not just white men, it's also whte women, a whole bunch of jews and a token black guy

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no, I just think you're retarded
sometimes it's pretty simple, dummy

oh and a jeet and two gooks


Well, there aren't any troons if that's what you're upset about, otherwise about as diverse as Biden's cabinet.

Dems are so ridiculously racist when the minority in question isn't subservient to their party.

shut up you lil faggot you don't speak for white people

Nice projection kid.

Look at this faggot raging over being called out for his racism.

Please. Any politician with dark skin who isn't a democrat drives you racists insane. Like, how could the ungrateful bastards dare to not be democrats?

racism, shut your little cockhole you fucking queerbait
I'd slap the gay outta ya like your gay daddy shoulda years ago
you will never be redeemed

Holy shit you're delusional.

He should nuke Ukraine lol

No we’re still coming after the lgbt

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Racists trigger for being called out by their racism.

he should nuke your mom's gaping anus with arab semen

you can catch them on Grindr but you already know that

blah blah blah....teehee

racism is cool you trump queer

We’re about to catch them in public schools.

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you're not allowed near public schools tho :0

enjoy your tariffs fucktard.

me? im gonna vacation for 4 years in Cancun. maybe Bali, or Japan. good thing bitcoin made me a millionaire and not my daddy like bitch made trump


Yeah, we totally believe you, little fella.

If Trump gets into office homosexuals won’t be allowed within 100 feet of minors.

What are Pete Buttigieg and his partner going to do with the babies they bought, then?

You put a crazy 78 year old man back in power yet you expect a positive outcome.

Are you guys going to do this chicken little bullshit again for the next 4 years?

good. they should be fucking deported. fags are child molesters deep down anyway. they should all be shipped to russia where they will be summarily executed.

when i had to go to a parent teacher conference for my 10 year old son and saw the rainbow pedophile flag hanging up instead of the american flag i was ready to kill that fat faggot bitch teacher.

God bless donald trump. i hope he hangs those rapist pedophile faggots from the rafters

Probably raping them.

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In a father too and I feel the exact same way about homosexuals; they should all be killed for the safety of our children.

It is kind of weird, but just about every fag you talk to was fucking grown men when they were kids.

and the fact they are being accepted into government institutions such as schools and the military is fucking disgusting.

schools more than anything. our children do not deserve the trauma and brainwashing that will come from having the faggot agenda being crammed down their throats in the classroom. and if the teacher is a homo, they have a chance of being raped.

i wouldnt doubt it. maybe pedophilia and homosexuality is contracted like a STD

Trump’s incredible stupidity will assure this.

Agreed. Homosexual activists have no business being within 100 feet of children.

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an overqualified, mentally sharp, extremely intelligent, patriotic 78 year old man? a man who will fix our economy by imposing tariffs on our enemy nations? a man who will bring us back to a christian nation? a man who will bring us back to the prosperity of the 1950s? sounds like a pretty fucking good deal to me. enjoy your president you fucking retard.

You liberal fucks trying to use the same debunked photo to try and gaslight a nothing issue. The event was in NY city, Susan Koman Cure for Cancer. 1990 Liberals not only stupid but lazy

He will do none of these things, you gullible idiot.

God Bless The Don.

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must not be American

hi, it's me, the guy who posted that screenshot, I just wanted to let you know tha I don't really give a fuck about your politics, I only keep up with them for the comedic value. And you may call me racist but don't call me dem
how'd you guess?

Right, which is why you click on this thread, took the time to answer, then went out and looked Trump's cabinet, posted a screenshot, and then again replied.
You don't care.

yes because it's funny, if kamala was elected it would also be funny, that's what's great about american politics when you don't have to lvie it