Oh no no no no hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Oh no no no no hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

there is a correlation between intelligence and lack of belief

unless the belief is in something we promote like gays, niggers, trannies, clot shot, global warming, trump being a nazi, etc., in this case you're dumb if you lack belief

True intelligence understands why religion is important and what it actually represents in the greater scheme of things.

True intelligence knows that the realm of god is real god is real and we understand constant interaction from beings that are so much more vastly advanced we will never understand them or ourselves as they do us truly hard for people who lost our faith when young but came to understand through continued learning then lose faith and just know the truth

yeah no shit

if you are still believing in that made up shit with no proof in 2024 you are retarded

That's more of a stance than an understanding. But on the right path.

And Muslims?


Here's the article if you want to read it yourself. This is the same Ed Dutton who goes by the Jolly Heretic on youtube, he's pretty based actually.
Funnily enough the meta analysis also found the same negative correlation between intelligence and fervent ideological advocacy, so those people are just as stupid
None of this means that you have to be retarded to be religious, it was a "weak but significant" link apparently, you can absolutely be intelligent and religious, this is also pointed out in the article

Oh no I understand and know they exist as well as the face that Christ is the being that has the power to help humanity against these evil being that want our utter destruction they hate us because god Christ loves us I can’t imagine how the world of consciousness that god uses to create this material world works but I know that through other people who have us the Biblical principles to save ourselves and others and until we die nobody past present or future will have a true understanding how could we these being are beyond infinity and created themselves for absolutely nothing nothing we know of or could know compares to what they know and are capable of only god Christ divine protection keeps us safe from them and he asks very little of his favorite of creations once our material bodies die and our true selves go into his realm really hope I can do what’s needed and start a path towards that after falling for all the mountains of lies and delusions that took me away

This man said it best and he is one of the most intelligent people to ever live

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Maybe someone already said this, but it's hard to believe that something came from nothing
I don't really care about Jesus or Muhammad or whoever was Buddha's messenger, they're an afterthought, I got other things to worry about like getting a job and a gf

Yeah, humans NEED a grander purpose to latch on to or they grow listless, stupid, unpredictable, and violent.
Normies can't do nihilism, it makes them go crazy.
And worse they don't even understand why it's happening or how to aliveate the crushing despair the just slowly crushes their personality and desires.
Proof: state of our civilization.

npc damage control mode on

Atheists are midwits.

Some of our best minds were atheist ...right? ....right?

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I mean how could science evolve without atheist at the helm?

It's absolutely crazy that you've created in your head this impossible human being that behaves and thinks a very specific way, that you think everyone who doesn't agree with you is that person, and that you wouldn't believe for a second thinking like this is exactly how someone incredibly stupid who was exposed to a lot of propaganda and misinformation would think...

All those major discoveries made by atheists...

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2 things I always say to this

something came from nothing

That isn't the claim. That's the trickle down broken telephone thing people keep saying. It's more likely something was always there. Even the big bang claims it originated from a dense ball of everything.
And having a hard time wrapping our heads around eternity doesn't make it not real.

so it must be God.

If you think about it long enough you realize that's weirder... if something did come from nothing:

There was either nothing
There was nothing BUT ALSO an anthropomorphized conscious being with the power to do anything it wants that was sitting there forever then I guess got bored and decided to create a physical universe that itself follows strict predictable boring laws and has like zero magic in it.

That's weirder. That's worse. That's less sensical. I don't know why people keep going with "I feel there couldn't have been nothing, so there must have been nothing but also a wizard."

Why is it always "Atheist better than Christians"? Never see "better than jews" "better than Muslims" "better than religious X". That's how you know ow a worthless, divisive, hook-nosed, child, raping, nigger jew wrote the article

As I said, it's a start. You have to look at it from both perspectives and conflate the similarities between base reality and full belief spirituality. That is where you find the human element. But wait! There's more! The true kernel of religion is that human element. Are we fighting good and evil? Or are we just fighting eachother for selfish and greedy causes? Spending more time in ponderance than in preaching, is a glorious virtue.

Awful funny that you can't find an early life section on the guy.

Research compiled by

The same types of academic institutions that can’t tell a man and a woman apart. I’m sorry but you have zero credibility.

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Well, yeah, if you believe in gods without any proof, you will literally believe in anything like a gullible moron

Like that a man can become a woman if he wants to hard enough. Oh wait no that’s atheism.

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stick to watching porn, you're not bright enough for nuanced discussions

Nah, he's good. Censoring speech in any way is an instant sign of deep nefarious intent.

What nuance? You have zero credibility when it comes to science or truth, you can’t or won’t even tell a man and a woman apart.

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Apparently neither are you, since you failed to refute the point he made.

Been a while since I heard from that monkey. Him shoving bananas up his ass says everything you need to know about him.

it has nothing to do with the discussion friendo
bringing up trans people or jews is all these retards are able to do, they are braindead parrots

Let me guess, Edward Dutton is an atheist. ''Research'' by atheists that puts atheists as better. What a shock.


It’s relevant because it explains why your academic studies have zero credibility.

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oh look it's a another

let's yammer on about religion again for the umpteenth time


now do the same article for islam and jews

His brain is Swiss cheese from syphilis and diabetes

trans males can get pregnant if they have a uterus
what about this don't you understand?

Can’t say what a woman is

Expects to be believe and taken seriously

Pick one

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a woman is the opposite of a man, pretty simple

meta analysis

So for those of you who are retarded and dont understand how good research is done, research like this is straight up terrible. Im not defending bible humpers in any way, but this is just bad. "Meta-analysis" uses already completed studies and takes their findings and combones them to look for correlations, there are several reasons this is retarded and flawed. Most importantly it tends to ignore the independent limitations of each study so that by the time the data are arranged from all of them you have an errenous factor of above 50% which is considered a solid False, realisticially anything over 5% is considered wholely too innacurate to publish.
This brings me to my second part, this is terrible research because it was published by an institute the author pays to fubd and is hidden behind a pay wall that is public. Real research is either provided through independent journals or provided for institutional research, not some lackluster institute of social research which says on the whole that their research is mostly all qualitative psychological bullshit.

tl;dr: its garbage research posted by a garbage pay walled private journal funded by the author.

3/10 for effort

If you can’t even define something as fundamental as a woman you won’t be believe in any other issue. Academia has lost all credibility but hey at least you get a lot of likes from gay teenagers on social media and isn’t that what science is really all about?

ok, woman

I don't need to define anything dipshit, dictionaries already exist and you can look it up

So define it then… you can’t because it would offend transvestites and that’s how shallow your commitment to the truth is.

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Meant for

And how do you define female? You can’t because you’re not a scientist, you’re a gay activist.

That makes no sense retard I literally said female is a sex.not a gender.

The point is that academic institutions lost all credibility trying to appear hip and supporting transvestite delusions.

They didnt though, I work as a lab tech and we are still pursuing plenty of research meaning that credible science was never effected by the petty social issues non-academics find important.

Depending on your field you may find that the public doesn’t believe in your work and you may even find funding starting to dry up.