Is Trump a god?

Is Trump a god?

President of the most powerful country on Earth.

Has the nuclear codes.

Controls Congress

Controls the Supreme Court

friends with the richest man on Earth, who also controls one of the biggest media social platforms and owns a space company

has muliple gold-plated towers around the world with his name on it

He's basically the closest thing to being a god on Earth.

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I must emphatically reject the notion that President Trump is even remotely comparable to the divine. Such blasphemous comparisons are an affront to the Almighty and our Judeo-Christian heritage.

While our President is a man of great power and influence, he is still but a mortal, fallible being. He does not control the Supreme Court or the Congress - those are co-equal branches with their own rightful authority. His "friend" Mr. Musk, while an impressive entrepreneur, is no deity either.

No, the true power and sovereignty rests with the American people and our democratic system of government. It is the will of the electorate, not the whims of any one man, that truly shapes the direction of our great nation. We must be ever vigilant to preserve our liberties and republican values in the face of such dangerous hero-worship.

President Reagan once said "freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Let us heed his wisdom and reject any efforts to elevate our leaders to god-like status. For it is only through our shared faith, our rugged individualism, and our abiding love of liberty that America will continue to shine as a beacon to the world.

AI slop.

Just an 80 year old pedophile billionaire that tricked a bunch of retards into putting him and his friends back in power.
Not a god a god, he doesn't even have redeemable qualities as a man.
Prove me wrong.

A god? Please. That buffoon couldn't even run a casino without running it into the ground. Handing someone like Trump the nuclear codes - now that's what I call a real threat to national security.

Look, I know the guy likes to spew a lot of big talk and act all mighty and powerful, but at the end of the day he's nothing more than a thin-skinned, ego-driven narcissist who can't even handle a little criticism.

Yeah, he's got money and a few buildings with his name on them. So what? That doesn't make him a god, it just makes him a rich showboat. The presidency isn't some kind of divine right or throne - it's a sacred public trust that's supposed to be used to protect and serve the American people, not inflate one man's delusions of grandeur.

Trump has no reverence for the rule of law, no respect for our democratic institutions, and the attention span of a gnat. He's a threat to everything this country stands for. A "god?" Hardly. He's a coward who got lucky and now thinks he can just trample all over the Constitution whenever it suits him.

So spare me the hyperbole. Donald Trump may like to fancy himself some kind of king, but he's no god - he's just a small, insecure man playing dress-up in the Oval Office. And the sooner he's out of there, the better off this country will be.

AI slop.

You realize that for the first half of the year it was was a competition between two pedophiles, right?

Makes better and more coherent points than the humans on Anon Babble. Sad.

And then it wasn't, yet here we are...

Trump is nothing but a criminal retard who got caught up in Russian blackmail.

He’s nothing more than a flea on the ass of a stray mutt. Sure, he was reelected, but that’s only because 74,850,568 people went full retard.

Doubtful :^)


I don't know. Is there a god of sexual predator pedophile con men who are demented, fat and orange? If so..he's your guy! You voted for him!

Is there a patron god of rapists, thugs, bullies, criminals and con men?

Sounds more like he'd be demonic to me.

Same poster

He’s smart as fuck but followers are literal brain dead lemmings who couldn’t name a single policy he has. As long he’s owning the libs it doesn’t matter if the world burns

Ironic :^)

a CNN exit poll found that among those who believe that democracy in the U.S. is threatened, a majority supported Trump

like this anon stated
he has no redeemable qualities of a man. his entire campaign was to push propaganda in order to make other side look so bad that it didn't matter how bad he looked.
They literally got fleeced by a real estate salesman.

Doubtful :^)

You lost lol

we all lost, retard.

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That’s the spirit.

Correct, we all lost in 2020, but now the people who love America are winning (not you)

Is Trump a god?


Also the idea that the POTUS is the most powerful man in the world is overplayed. look at how difficult every president has found it difficult to force their own policy initiatives through their own party nvermind congress.

Trump will be the least inhibited president ever and you're still going to watch him spending this term struggling to have his will realized in ratified laws and legislation.

he's not a god, he's not an autocrat, he's not a dictator, he's not a monarch.... To a large extent he's still quite under the thumb of the billionaires who fund him and his campaign. He's not even the most powerful man in his own country.

cyчьи бypгepы дyмaют, чтo oни выигpaли

He’s smart as fuck

press O button to Doubt

Anyone care to translate?

иди cпaть, бypгep

Игорь.png - 900x900, 22.26K

You doubt that a far-right propaganda outlet would spread propaganda?

No, there is no god that exists and that stupid orange retarded cracker trash is not a god. He is a white trash subhuman, like you.

Trump is a fat low IQ white trash retard and if you really think he's smart that means you're even more retarded than him.


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yхoдитe из этих тeм, oни бeccмыcлeнны

U seem upset :^)

Eat your borscht, it’s over

ecли вы coвepшитe нaбeг cлишкoм paнo, вы бyдeтe нaкaзaны. дepжиcь пoдaльшe oт этих дocoк

I think electing him was a foolish mistake and our country is no longer safe.

the problem with a foolish mistake is that fools don't think it's a mistake at all.

our country

India? Pakistan?

Insert America or any other country.

Ironic :^)

But which is your country? Ukraine? Palestine?

Israel. Are you this new?

Israel is threatened by his presidency? I thought you all told me he was projew…

I just realized we elected a man that worships the Jews more than God, lmao.

We are not Goyim, our nation is above those you mingle with.

We are the only nation that benefits, we are chosen by god to inherit all that you earn and create. When you fall our true rise will begin. All of your presidents and leaders bow to us, and so does he.




he's just a rich person

and elon is going to annoy him eventually and be cast out. elon is insufferable, for all his money.

So he's a Goa'uld?

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Donald requires the spotlight, not even his kids are allowed in it. The moment Elon comes on stage to cheers almost as loud as his own he'll start sidelining him.

He is the worst President in the history of the United States. That's an inescapable fact.

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Don't forget the "last" president in the history of the united states as well.

I'm quite curious what happens to the MAGA party after Trump dies. They don't seem like they like anyone else for very long

Trump was just the figure head to get them all in, he can literally die now and nothing will change. They have full power and a supermajority in the supreme court he is no longer needed to carry out the "deconstruction of the administrative state" as Steve Bannon called it.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, and these rankings are based entirely on feelings. Obama is in the top 5

Buyers remorse, revolt, hopefully true civil war against the elites.

Too bad you won’t live long enough to find out

Two more weeks?

Could happen sooner depending on what he tries to pull now that he's pretty much invincible to the united states government.

Is Trump a god?

fucking hell, you people are suck fucking dorks.
you can't even win without sounding utterly pathetic.

So two more weeks for certain?

yeah, things rarely end well for politicians who make it pretty much impossible to get rid of them via conventional means.

So two weeks?

Ironic :^)

No certainties, if someone can corral him and drag it out long enough that they can all benefit and are talented at it there could be a while. It may never collapse and just be like Russia's government for the next 300 years, history isn't kind.

wow, you're sperging across multiple threads. impressive.

U seem upset:^)


this is the most fun you've had in a while, isn't it?

Ironic :^)

I am a father of three children their future is always on my mind. I'm not upset or subscribe to any party politics, I'm just paying attention.

I’m calling social services before you can molest them, we don’t need any more homosexuals

gods don't die and that dotard is on his very last legs

i plan to live forever

Two more weeks?

Then why do you have life insurance and that rope?

Fuck Christianity, and Fuck Trump. There's no god, and Trump is a pedo rapist.

round about 18 months i figure

life insurance reduces my mortgage rate. the rope is for you.


i don't have a rope >:[

Two weeks?


Got away with pedophilia

I think that’s what they’re most upset about, jealous of him

The billionaires finally subverted Democracy. It won't last, but they have th4rna0e power for a little while.

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it’s bad when they don’t support me!

If he goes too far it could get ugly. Only 22% of americans voted for him. If he fucks around to much he'll find out.

How many weeks into presidency before they draw up articles of impeachment again?



22% isnt the majority anon

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Betting odds say two

he probably thinks 2020 was stolen too, fucking retards.

He's basically the closest thing to being a god on Earth.

He sentenced 770,000 innocents to death from ignorance and covid. Yes. He is ...

Matthew 24:24 ESV
24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

he did? Based

Weird because he won the popular vote…

how many eligible voters in America do you think voted?

Bout tree fiddy

You ight ytboi

source: hysterical faggot neolibs

traps his enemies in magic crystals

no (you)'s for you fagget

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Trumps a like, you have been tricked j to beliving he can save the white race, he's a jew, fuck off with your trump worship, only a revolution can save the country

So you think it’s karma? Yikes, didn’t realize you were THAT nu

Two more weeks?

Not a God. I think a lot of you live in some la la land.

To me he is just a basic con artist. Not even good.

U seem upset :^)

Being white your history was conversion to Christianity for the benefit of trade.,
Whites didn't even share the same counted land mass as Jesus.

That explains a lot. Like how christianity is just roman and pegan cults wrapped in a story they ignore.

is this a larp?

Everything's a larp until proven otherwise.

It's not Roman, a roman emperor decreed it so but that isn't how religion works. Rome fell shortly afterword. White people are from the north and worship Norse and Celtic gods. One of the greatest ironies in religious history is how many white people worship an Arabic religion and foresake their own ancestors for some shitskins god.

Hey zeus.jpg - 320x431, 21.51K

And think Romans were white rather than mostly Latino interspersed with whatever other skitskins they conquered around them.

It's very Roman. Original depictions of Jesus he didnt have a beard, he was never resurected on earth either. Romans gave him a beard and basically made him zeus.

I did a lot of research on early Jesus and hes so much different.

You forgot racist, misogynistic, draft dodging…

enjoy your pyrrhic victory, anon.