Remember that time a cartoonist named Bill Watterson made an entire comic strip where his self-insert father...

Remember that time a cartoonist named Bill Watterson made an entire comic strip where his self-insert father character mocks and abuses a six-year-old child named after a Christian theologian?

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not vidya

Calvin was his self-insert
Also his dad apologizes one or two comics later

I remember the alamo

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No, it sounds like you're making details up.

Have fun anyway.

Calvin and Hobbes was always midwit shit for redditors to stroke their egos to.



Fuck, another thing I can't like because reddit does.

The target demographic for Calvin And Hobbes is unironically Gen X mind control fetishist homeschool parents

Imagine being so fragile you're swayed by a website.

explain further

i'd have a scoff at the idea of peer pressure on an anonymous website if we weren't on year 20 of it being proven to work

Also Calvin’s dad is literally Bill Watterson’s dad, who constantly told Bill doing things he hates will build character and said total bullshit anytime he was asked a question.

One of the things that gives me a lot of staying power with C&H is at no point are Calvin's parents presented as bad people even when they're overreacting or spouting complete bullshit, Bill loved his parents and you can tell.

He made a comic about a common childhood experience where your parents get angry about something stupid you did, not remembering how scary it is to be yelled at by an adult. He probably did this once or twice, as every parent since the dawn of time did. It's not funny, but not every C&H is supposed to be funny, and this isn't common behavior for the dad character.

NTA but the comic portrays a million different child abuse scenarios in a comical light. One of the most famous drawings related to the strip is Calvin screaming at the top of his lungs while his enraged parents try to rip him off a lamp. I know leftists have destroyed any potential for this kind of conjecture to be taken seriously, but if you take a second to think about it, it becomes really disturbing. Under what circumstances could someone ever justify two middle-aged adults tearing their screaming kid away from a lamp? What would it look like if this happened in real life and why would it happen? If this is based on a real thing that happened, what was the reality of it and why did Bill try to make it a funny haha punchline in a family comic strip meant for both children and adults to read?

Calvin’s dad is literally Bill Watterson’s dad

Doesn’t that maybe make it a little bit more insidious that Watterson made a character based on his dad look exactly like him?

extremely childless post

hey, pro tip, Elmer, if your kids scream at you and don’t ever do what you want, it’s because you’re a sadistic piece of shit who abuses them, not because children are incorrigible little mutants who won’t listen to reason

he thinks all children think and behave the same way and the only difference is how you raise them

like anon said, extremely childless post

or he just looks like his dad

kid doesn't want to take a bath

parents have to struggle with him to take a bath


you've got soft hands

calvin & hobbes



not because children are incorrigible little mutants who won’t listen to reason

please, esmarelda, share a story of a time you reasoned with your totally real 5 year old and had productive discourse that got him to stop breaking your shit and go eat his vegetables

The dad not only apologized, he bought Calvin his own pair of binoculars and Calvin half jokes, 'If I cry about something I get rewarded!'. And given the high popularity of the series and this being one of the more serious, rare, and pivotal story arcs, you can kinda of see this was a turning point in modern culture.

calvin and hobbes is BASED, I read all the comics when I was younger

Opus is better

comic strip that ended 10 years before the creation of reddit is for redditors

I hate zoomers so much

Lmfao what the fuck this is not abuse, you are insane

You should KYS.

you want to eat candy for every meal?

then that's all you'll get :)

You will never breed lol

Only abusers raise their voices to their children

Opus sucks too and Berkeley is the same breed of puritanical Luddite faggot that Bill is

holy shit you are homosexual.

only a legitimately retarded person would get on the video game nigger board to talk about the kids they pretend to have

what non-violent alternative solution to the problem of a misbehaving child do you propose, genius?

Your parents should have beaten you

I thought the mom was hot

Video games?

Only abusers raise their voices to their children

You are not a parent.
Raising your voice to get the attention of a child is perfectly valid.
The only ounce of truth you might have is that constantly screaming at a child will not help.

If you think a child should get their way just because they're being loud and committing all their strength to latching onto something, you lack perspective. It's the parent's job to know what is best even if the kid can't recognize that.

A post so effeminate you can practically count the seconds until its author removes his penis.

Kids with supporting, loving parents don’t end up screaming and clutching onto household objects in fear that their parents are going to rip them off.

lol your kid can be fucked up even if you're a great parent. There is MASSIVE variation in children

Specious reasoning. Children aren't only loud because they were physically hit. They're loud because they see it as the path to get what they want.

what strip are you referring to specifically?

mods moved it to Anon Babble instead of Anon Babble

mods remain the dumbest niggers alive

t. Soccer mom who's kids are constantly being sent to the office for being out of control but it's clearly the teacher's fault.

That is, of course, making the frankly laughable assumption this poster isn't childless.

mods move this thread but not the ten Anon Babble threads lol

haha lol this is so funny bro look she’s giving him rug burns trying to rip his clothes off

Sick fuck neurotypicals in this thread trying to blame abused kids for their parents’ actions because they feel called out

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they moved deltarune threads to Anon Babble back when chapter 2 came out lol nothing changed except more porn was dumped

It's a tranny autist


haha lol he’s screaming out the windows for help and crying what a little retard

10 million people like this comic by the way

Yeah the kid clearly doesn't care

My mommy made me take a bath! I'm so abused...


Your kind is dying out, rat.

Anon doesn't realize that comics are supposed to be exaggerated for humor