Femanon Q&A thread

Time for a femanon Q&A thread!

As always all femanon welcome to join!

No trannies please!

will there be tits, tho ?

Why are women fucked in the head these days?

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Why do you think your special?

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You still trying to meet men on Anon Babble around long beach?

Can you link your onlyfans?

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Why are traps and asians better these days?

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What do you contribute to society?

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laters, have a fun thread


Holy fuck I haven't seen that word in years

Attention whore

You got me

They put out

are there any femanons?

if so, I'm in a convince store now what candy should I buy?

So true then again so do caucasians, they’re just shittier quality these days.
Buy yourself a wake up call and some dignity

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I hope ur one of the good ones vchan
I have faith

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wake up call

wha? but I'm already awake ?!


can't find it in the candy section
is sour jelly beans close enough??

If your boyfriend wanted sex but you weren't in the mood, would you fuck him anyway just to satisfy him? If so, would you pretend to enjoy it or would you act like a passive aggressive bitch?

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Don't got one

Nothing. I contribute to my husband and son.


how do you feel if you keep a boy in chastity

Jelly beans will do~

maybe ur not like the others after all

One of the good ones?

I've only turned it down when I was in physical pain that made that kinda movement hard to do

Fucking weird

Eh who knows

okay skittles it is


aw didn't expect to hear that, thank you!! ^^

Jelly beans will do~

okay, sour jelly beans coming right up
they are pretty great

Nah you're lying but I don't really care

...lying about what?

femanon can I put my head on your lap and go sleep?

Nah only my son and husband can do that

No trannies please!




how old are you auntie?

She means not to steal attention because she's from cali so she likes them.

I'm about to be 35 in like 3 weeks

Lol no

Lol no

See? Based.

You're lying lol

Lying about what?

What's the best thing about being a femanon? What's the worse?

Best? I get to be as emotional as I want and people are a lot more accepting of it

Worst? Knowing that I'm incredibly weak in multiple ways.
Having to give birth sucks too

What is a woman?

You gonna have more kids or stop at one?

Someone born with xx chromosomes.

FUUUUUUCK no. I'm one and done.
My son is special needs. He requires a lot of work and attention so even if I somehow wanted another I just couldn't give the proper attention to 2 kids

How old were you and hubby when you had him?

How'd you lose your virginity? And how old were you?

Depends if she can sneak away and forget birth control

My husband is like a year and a half younger than me.
I had him when I was 30. My husband was 29

To my first boyfriend at 16. He wasn't a virgin and yet made my sheltered ass do all the work.

Nice. Did you like it? How old was he?

He was either 14 or 15, can't rememeber anymore.

I don't remember really enjoying it. I was uncomfortable and super nervous.

How'd he talk you into it? Or was it your idea?

Why, because you're a lazy bitch who browses /b while smoking around your kids answering questions about women when you're only biologically a woman and nothing else?

Eh....I mean part of me wanted to do it sure. But I do think at the time he kind of rushed me. We had tried once and it literally couldn't happen because I was so nervous he legit could not put it inside me. Like my vagina was stiffly closed lol. And then I relaxed enough the 2nd time for it to happen but before that I remember him saying "if we can't do it this time then I don't even wanna try anymore"

Hearing that made me feel pressured to make sure it happened

???? Wut?

Ever considered a horse penis as masturbation material?

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Why are chicks buttholes so damn cute?

That's sick

That's a good question.
Like I kinda agree. When I see a chick's butthole I don't really think anything but a man's butthole literally terrifies me....I wonder why that is....

I guess you can perform under pressure then! Where were you guys? One of your houses or somewhere semi-public?

This isn't cute and is protruding for some reason

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That's hot and amazing it's still good

Lol I guess haha
We were at his house in his room. He had those parents that didn't care if he locked doors or not. Mine would never haha

Damn...I legit don't understand how that was just possible...

Who you vote for?

I don't vote.

That's very unamerican of you commie

Lol I don't consider myself patriotic anyway

Could you set me up with one of your milf friends

I don't really have mom friends. The ones I do have are all married

1.75mb of a fucking picture of the ground
This is why internet trolls have a purpose

?? I just post random pics from my gallery. These are my baby girls

Could you set me up with one of their daughters?

You sound like you’re black. Or definitely not full white

kill yourself nigger


Lmfao what I'm literally a full on white ginger. I'm just from LA

I'm white

Bro, nice digits. Just giving you a passing nod to that. Clean systems, organization, it's good protocol for human computer UI in the long-run. Like stretching memory in all directions with all content imaginable. *hops around* gotta be QUICK *metered panting* *jabs air* *fingers shirt collar* *twiddles fingers* *rolls eyes* Soooooo.....


You arranged the letters wrong it's N-I-G-G-E-R

Post a pic of the back of your hand with the current date to prove it

There's a girl that I'm really interested in, but I don't really know what to do because I never approached a girl in my life since I'm really insecure. I've been complimented on my looks before and even got asked out once, so I probably have an acceptable face, but my personality sucks ass. What do you recommend


I dont have anything to write with?
I mean I can post the back of my hand but I assume that's not enough for you?

Reptard breeded incels harass girls in their schools, flagging posters reading "your body, my choice" right now - maybe you already seen them, if your worldview isn't restricted to Fox and News Corp.

What will you do to prevent this becoming the environment where your daughters, or girls in general, will be growing up?

No it’s fine. You got a beefy hand though I think it’s time to hit the treadmill dude

I have a son. All id do is kick his ass if he tried that kinda bullshit. Simple

Opinions on minorities?

Doubtful :^)

Not really? Everyone thinks i have weird long fingers.

Nah that forearm gives it away large marge. I can sniff out your bmi from just looking at it

I don't particularly care for the blacks.

Beans and Asians are cool

? Well I'm not fat. Never said I was exactly skinny though. Just....chubby?

Why don’t you care for black people? Pls explain in a vocaroo

That's cope and chubby, fluffy, thick doesn't exist and there's underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese.

sad cuzi dont have ovaries in my face