You know what's funny to me? You can post "Americans are fucking retarded" in every single thread on this board...

You know what's funny to me? You can post "Americans are fucking retarded" in every single thread on this board, and it would absolutely seem like a legit comment to the thread content.

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I mean, Americans ARE retarded.

Third world foreigner cope thread

Yes yes, but it's funny that it's always applicable. Always. BBC thread? You can post that they're retarded, and it fits. /pol thread? Retarded, will fit. Math thread where they struggle with basic probability? Retarded. It works on every single thread.

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Only niggers struggle with math, stop coping. Foreigners seething over the fact trump got elected kek

Thinks about Americans

Thinks about BBC

Typical of non Americans All day everyday think about Americans and BBC.

Euro trannies

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That's because it's a universal truth, anon.

Canadian here, I promise you Americans do not have a monopoly on being retarded.

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Of course not. We have absolute retards in my country too. They're everywhere, like cockroaches. Only more difficult to get rid of. But you can't go "Canadians are retarded" in a random thread and it will make sense. But you can go "Americans are retarded" in a random thread, and it will make sense.

no more "but"!!

you have lost Pdir,go away from Lehm!!!

and they were all tossing stones at him

Glunk got mad for life,he gathered all the diamond like pieces and tossed them to the sky

so all the stars we see up there today are Glunk's tears

hey Paul,I have finished analysing the material from the jar and there was plenty of stuff in there


*desire to die
and it was 12 years ago

eh? I'm the greatest? What are you saying fool? In that case what about this?

and she was naked,dutch angle and all

That's a robbery! Hand over that meat!!

No fucking way!!! I had so much trouble hunting it and cooking it!!!

and a severe beating followed these lines

I already paid...


two years later

I'm going too


fairly deserved if you ask me
in 19a and in 21a respectively

we settle the mood by singing a horrible song about these horses fucking

and it was two floating heads
from 16a,now 26a

for love....

so she sang
very horribly and all
second hand embracement at its finest
11a,now 26a

well,at least I'm not the one screaming


at the supermarket cameras
stuff from yet 4b I think



no,these gang...they very funny

*laughter laughter laughter
and several of the same guy, indicating the super speed
from yet 2b I think

well I suppose you do an excellent job representing your people here even if your fellow "cockroaches" don't have internet access to share themselves as you do


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Americans are fucking retarded.

We most definitely are retarded, you couldn't even post this without us invention the internet

Euros on suicide watch ever since trump got elected

us invention the internet

This is hilarious. What's it like being unable to write correctly in your own native language?

You lost

spoken like a true retard.

Keep crying on one of our many inventions

I don't, no. Why do you ask?

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This is an American culture board. This is why we all come here to enjoy it. The mayhem, the chaos, the outrage. It is a perpetual circus. Go on, pretend you didn't know this


the only you could invent is a child with reactive attachment disorder

that's because America is the focus in every thread. It's all the world thinks about. America is the king of the world.

in before some Eurotard whines and cries that they are also relevant. You're not.You're huge cucks and half your country is brown now and your favorite dish is curry.

Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet, and he's English, not American. Worked out of Oxford. Perhaps now would be a good time not to double down on being retarded?

You're King of the world, and therefore it's eternally applicable that it fits when we call you retarded? I find it far more plausible that most of you are actually close to being retarded.

NTA but the first Internet was a US government project called Arpanet or something like that.

Yes, but its invention wasn't. Kinda like the China invented the crossbow, but didn't know how to develop it properly. I'm not arguing that most internet servers isn't in the US. But playing make believe that the US invented the internet is objectively false.

This seems like a trivial and pedantic argument, by all accounts the Internet was primarily developed in the US and then spread elsewhere.

Well whatever way you think it seems, fact is World Wide Web, the HTML markup language, the URL system, and HTTP were all invented by Berners-Lee.

Again that’s trivial and pedantic the fact is that you can use the Internet to call Americans retards but there will always be a certain amount of irony to that.

how does that makes sense when we've built the greatest nation in history? your country sucks balls because you and it's people suck balls. you're lazy and dumb af, so you just try to borrow everything we have. you beg us for funding and all your best entertainment is from the USA. i'm willing to bet we pay for your protection because you're all betas as well.

get up off your ass and do something about your own shithole. we're already the best, and we're doing it while supporting your welfare country ass.

You think my take is pedantic and trivial, I think yours is imprecise and simplified. Want to inject any more subjective irrelevant interpretations of actual facts, or are are you done being ridiculous?

I’m just saying there’s a certain irony to using the Internet to tell Americans that they’re retarded. Like people using their iPhones to bitch about China.

You know the internet was invented by an English dude, right? Americans are retarded.

I don't no.

Post an American President

Sure anon. Sure.

I don't see it. It's like me telling you I find it ridiculous you're using English to criticize England, or you using a railroad whose path was cleared by Swedish dynamite. It's a ridiculous position IMO. Like, I could legit argue that every the US is is a consequence of European bravery, money and ingenuity, and all I need to do is go back half a millennium and it would all be true. Reductionist arguments all suffer because we all came from the same fucking place. Do we owe African deference because our ancestors were black? Hardly.

Despite American contribution to the internet, calling Americans retarded is acceptable anywhere. Not going to hide the truth. I'll call Musk retarded as well on X. I'll use Facebook to call Zuck a retard. Just because someone invented/contributed to a platform of communication doesn't mean you have to like, agree with, or be polite to them. Your choice to use the platform is your own, and by choosing it you are allowing yourself to contribute to it but by no means are you pledging to like or respect its creator/contributor.