If morality is so self evident. Why are there like 500 different moralities? If morality is so innate, intuitive...

If morality is so self evident. Why are there like 500 different moralities? If morality is so innate, intuitive, and natural. Why does it need to be taught? If rights are so eternal and unchanging. Why was slavery considered a human right in 1800 but anti-slavery is now considered the human right in 2024? Also why does Globohomo transgenderism think its morality is THE morality?

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Morality is in the Bible, it doesn’t really need to be any more complicated than that.

Ahhh so you believe in "divine command theory". That the only reason we know right from wrong is because the Bible says so. So the only thing stopping you from committing murder is because the Bible says so? Fascinating.

Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind©

posts Jak

wants to be taken seriously

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Quite the opposite the Bible commands us to murder faggots for example but secular authorities are preventing this.

Uses post modernism to criticize post modernism.

Thinks ethics and morality are the same thing.

uh huh
John's Epistle to the Bigots 3:18

That's only in the $3 Chinese bible Trump sells for $60

It’s Leviticus 20:13

do you follow the instructions in Leviticus on "unclean animals" too?
Ever eat bacon?

click, hide post

Yes. Next question?

Yes I eat bacon and yes I think sodomites should be stoned to death. Any other questions?

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the part of the bible where god says swine is unclean is "symbolic" because it's too hard for me to follow!!!

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so you're a pick-and-chose hypocrite?

Hey Christians. Romans 13:1-2 and 1 Peter 2:13-14 says to obey the government and Acts 4:35 and 11:29 tells you to share. Matthew 7:1 says don't judge. So if the government tells you to share your 8 vacant homes with the needy then what exactly is the problem?

How do Christians determine which parts of the Bible are mandatory for all of society to follow and which parts are voluntary?

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But the part where we stone sodomites to death is also hard to follow but we should absolutely do it.

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Aren’t we all?

then your beliefs are not bible-based
just your raw bigotry

How do Christians determine which parts of the Bible are mandatory for all of society to follow and which parts are voluntary?

We use common sense. It’s not that complicated.

Aren’t we all?

I do not claim to "follow the bible" in any way, shape, or form

I prefer “Bible based bigotry” but I don’t really care what you call it when I chuck a brick at your faggot pedophile head.

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Ah another member of the lgbt I see.

We use common sense.

but not the bible

thump moar

We use both, it’s not that complicated. We interpret the Bible using the reason that God gave us.

Matthew 5:28
Stormy Daniels

We interpret the Bible

you pick and choose, be honest
lying is a sin

Yes, and?

Proverbs 6:32

some sins are OK

Yep, but sodomy isn’t one of them.

and you wonder why people don't take xtians seriously...

I don’t even know what an xtian is, brother, but I promise you no one on Earth takes a sodomite seriously.

Maybe that's why there's been a 19% decline in "christians" since 2007

I don’t even know what an xtian is

surely, as a biblical scholar, you know what the Greek letter Chi stands for



Unfortunately I don’t even have an elementary knowledge of Greek.

read moar instead of exposing your ignorance

google chi rho, you devout christian

fuck, I'm not even a "christian" and I know what that means

Ok I got you now I understand.

I don’t even know what an xtian is

Google is hard

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