Trumps landslide victory reminds me of that moment in LOTR during the battle of Helm's Deep where the Orcs seem like they're certain to win, but then the sun rises and Gandalf shows up leading a massive army to save the day. In this scenario Trump is like Gandalf, and the Orcs are Antifa, BLM, Trannies, and various other Satan worshipers. Christians made their voices heard and the forces of darkness were defeated!
Christians are back in control
God bless the USA
Donnie is a wasp and he worships wood.
MAGAs dont' give a fuck about movies....only femanine man-babies do.
Your post tells me that your a dumb liberal who is trying to get on the Trump train now that he's won.
I'm new to America, but is it normal to be called a dirty Mexican wetback by these Christians even though I'm Salvadorian?
Orcs are Antifa, BLM, Trannies, and various other Satan worshipers
This is the problem with right wingers.
This mf will tank our economy into the ground, drive prices up to all time highs, fuck over those in need of SSI payments (retirement and disability) and healthcare.
All to make a marginalized group of people (~6% of the population) and fictitious groups based on Twitter hashtags from 8 years ago upset.
"I fUcKeD mYsElF tO oWn ThE LiBs!"
And no, I've supported Trump since 2016.
Most Americans could not tell you where El Salvador is, let alone know what country you are from when you say "Salvadorian".
Hell, a lot of my fellow Americans have probably never even heard of El Salvador.
This mf will tank our economy into the ground
Biden did that. Trump had the greatest economic year on record in 2019 when the poverty rate was at an all time low. Trump will bring that back again. He will bring costs down by scrapping the Green New Deal bullshit and lifting all restrictions on drilling.
Protip: Mexico extends from the United states border all the way down to practically Antarctica
Well than hopefully you were under the age of 12 when you watched Lord of the Rings...otherwise there is no excuse.
Republican president inherits a decent economy from a Democrat, takes credit for it, sets the economy back up to fail and then lets Dems take the fall.
Many such cases. Covid and Trump's terrible management of the whole situation doesn't help. Enjoy your 200% markup on everything due to tariffs.
I like how you point out the dip in poverty rate during Covid, where people were getting tens of thousands of dollars in unemployment Covid relief funding, stimulus checks, free housing, and free healthcare.
Oh whoops, those are all left wing socialist things!
poverty rate at all-time low
unemployment rate highest since great depression
2019 was pre-covid, retard
why did Christians vote for a non-Christian who espouses the exact opposite of what Jesus preached?
>Well than hopefully you were under the age of 12 when you watched Lord of the Rings...otherwise there is no excuse.
I read the books when I was a teen in the late 90s and that was before the films came out.
Covid and Trump's terrible management
Trump's terrible management of COVID lies in the fact that he tried to manage it at all. The economy should NOT have been shut down, and Big Pharma should have been told to go fuck themselves in regard to their Scamscenes.
But Biden was even worse. Far more authoritarian, and issued mandates forcing people to take it or else lose their jobs, etc.
There's small scale fraud in every election. 2,500 isn't unexpected, is not enough to alter the outcome in that state or nationally, and your screenshot doesn't even say which candidate benefited from said fraud.
Funny how there never seems to be an economic boom when a Democrat is president. But then when a Republican takes office and the economic boom comes, we're supposed to believe it was the previous Democrat president who laid the groundwork for it. Then a Democrat becomes president, things turn to shit, and suddenly that recession was something they "inherited".
this faggot doesn't understand that Tolkien wrote LOTR as a WW2 allegory where the orcs were the nazis and the men and elves were the allies
what a dumb fucking cunt you are, like actually braindead with no media literacy whatsoever
you literally voted for sauron, so don't act all shocked when he scours the shire
I also want to add that if you really do think Biden is so great and deserves the credit for the economic boom that you think will come in Trump's presidency, then why didn't you stick with him instead of ditching him for a candidate no one wanted?
Sure Biden is senile, but he was also senile in 2020 and that didn't stop him from getting the most votes of any candidate in any election in history. All you had to do was get him to hide in the basement like the last time and have your lying MSM apparatus which the left completely controls run cover for him. It worked before.
Democrats are not responsible for anything bad that happens when they are in office, and but are responsible for everything good that happens when they're not in office
That's a lot of cope, faggot.
why did Christians vote for a non-Christian who espouses the exact opposite of what Jesus preached?
Did you forget that Democrats made some national tranny holiday that happened on the same day as Easter this year? This is a big deal because Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays. Also, the opening ceremony of the Olympics this year made a mockery of Christ and the last supper. Do you think we're stupid and do not see this blasphemy? You're also flooding Muslims into this country to try and replace us.
orcs were the nazis
You mean like those Azov guys over in Ukraine whom the Demoncraps are funding? The Demoncraps who also hate Israel?
Except you Dom own or control a date because your magic sky daddy says it's special. Need I remind you appropriating holidays is a Christian tradition? Such as Christmas not even being Jesus's birthday but an appropriated pagan holiday.
Get bent. Stay bent
Don't own*
You fucking idiot. Tolkien repeatedly refuted that his books were any allegory for ww1 and ww2. He despised allegory.
Except you Dom own or control a date
Well, you sure don't. So expect your made up fake Tranny holidays to be scrapped. If your party ever gets back into office you can bring it back, but don't expect it to be a government sanctioned thing for the next 4 years (minimum).
You can however celebrate tranny days in your own time and in your own way privately. You just won't have the government sanctioning it. Nor should it.
landslide victory
Barely over 270 is not a landslide, my cumsucking friend.
Satan worshipers
Trump is an adulterer and a liar, so he's a sinner. He also regularly engage in the seven deadly sins, which is a nono depending on if you're a Catholic or not.
Democrats made some national tranny holiday
transgender day of support was not made by the democrats lol.
that happened on the same day as Easter this year?
oh no! not sacred egg bunny day! transgender day of visibility has been a thing on March 31 since 2009, and you faggots are only bothered by it now because it happened to fall on the same day as egg bunny man one time.
Also, the opening ceremony of the Olympics this year made a mockery of Christ and the last supper
and who organized that? Japan. not democrats.
Barely over 270
It was like 312 iirc. Trump won every toss up state including Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and so on. Kamala only won the states which there was never any doubt she would win, but nothing more than that.
You still can't get laid
transgender day of support was not made by the democrats lol.
Your own image says Obama and Biden are the ones who made it a holiday after some transgender activist lobbied for it. And don't kid yourself, there's a >99% probability that transgender activist is also a Democrat too.
Yeah, that's 57%, roughly. Nowhere near anything that could possibly be categorized as a landslide. A landslide would be 70% at least.
and who organized that? Japan.
Not Japan, France. With a bit of reading on Wikipedia I was to pin down the director of the ceremony.
Its all the fault of this guy. And his (((early life history))) reveals exactly what you'd expect.
You still can't get laid
Your own image says Obama and Biden are the ones who made it a holiday
except you conveniently ignored the part about "no proclamation was signed". all Obama and biden did was recognize it as an important day for that community. there's nothing official about it. it's not a "holiday" you perpetual victim
In the EC? 312. More than Biden got in 2020. He had 306.
So then there hasn't been a landslide since 1988?
Yes, that's barely over 270.
Uh, no.
Seethe motherfucker, the people have spoken and the lefties lost soundly.
It's 16% over 270.
Sure thing, but not with a landslide, which is what's being discussed.
How did you end up with that? 312 out of 538 is roughly 58%.
More than any recent election.
For sure. Still not a landslide. The marginals are too small to be called that. He won fair and square. But he did not win by a landslide.
Daily reminder that in Lord of the Rings the backwards regressive parochial traditionalists defeated the Globohomo technocracy.
42 is 16% of 270
Yes, but the total number of electoral votes isn't 270, so those 16% mean nothing.
ok, the article I had said the opposite, not really important anyway because it's still not "a holiday" as you claim.
have fun when the leopards come btw
It’s not a leopard that’s coming it’s an elephant. And the Democrat one is a donkey.
This guy is openly a jew lover, fucking retard op
Sites article written by a far left writer for the Black Information Network.
Whew, lad.
How come you guys never cite anything that's not extremely biased, and always hid where it came from?
If there is too much CO2 in the air, the most optimal solution is to use plants to turn that CO2 into oxygen via photosynthesis.
You don't need to plant more trees (though doing that is always a good idea), all you need to do is to get the trees you've already planted to work overtime.
Thanks to humanity's complete dependence on plants not just for food, but also for drinks (beer, coffee, tea, etc.), medicines, and even clothes (cotton), we have trillions upon trillions of plants in farms turning CO2 into oxygen. Unfortunately, they only do this during the day.
Photosynthesis needs light, but it doesn't have to be sunlight per se. Any light will work so long as it's strong enough. So you can place spotlights on farms to help the plants do photosynthesis at night. You can even connect the spotlights to wind turbines so they are self-sufficient and don't need to be connected to the power grid.
This could potentially double the amount of CO2 turned into oxygen in the farm, while also increasing food production, and it should pay for itself thanks to that increase in food production.
This is the most efficient, most effective, cheapest way to deal with any extra CO2 in the air because it would turn that CO2 into food at virtually no cost, and could be deployed and be fully functional worldwide in a matter of months.
The current approach of trying to reduce CO2 emissions (which has proven to be a complete failure for 50 years) has 2 inherent flaws:
First off, reducing CO2 emissions does NOT reduce the amount of CO2 that is already in the air. You're going to need plants to deal with that no matter what.
And second, unless you can convince 8 billion people and trillions of animals to stop breathing, the total amount of CO2 released into the air every day isn't going to go down by much anyway, even if you convince everyone to stop using fossil fuels. Increasing Earth's capacity to turn CO2 into oxygen is the only sensible way to go, and only plants can do that
trump wins 2016
economy soars
covid happens, dims take over
economy tanks
trump wins 2024
economy soars
like what reality do you live in? more government spending and more regulations produces shitty results compared to less government spending, less regulation, and letting the free (free ish) market do free market things. printing money is not real economic growth.
How come that didn't bother you with Biden? He's been best friends with Netenyahu since the 1970s, and openly calls himself a Zionist.
Or with Kamala, who is married to a Zionist Jew who has been spending a lot of his time in Israel in support of the war effort and acting as a back channel for communication with the White House?
You seem oddly OK with them being "Jew lovers" but not Trump. Why is that, anon?
That's the best deflection you could do?
No but Biden and Kamala!
Fuck you nigger,I hate all 3
Pointing out your hypocrisy isn't "deflection". For the last four years, the president of the US has been best friends with the PM of Israel and has basically given them a blank check, sending billions in cash, weapons, and ammo to Israel for their wars in Gaza and Lebanon.
But you're having a spergout over Trump being a "Jew lover". I think it quite germane to the discussion that you're completely hypocritical on this issue because "orangemanbad": while ignoring the special relationship both the current president and vice president have with Israel and Jews.
Anon thinks donny loving jews is new. Kek, why did he give his favorite kids to the jews? Has donny said he will stop giving them weapons? No? Kek
why did he give his favorite kids
In the US the father doesn't own his children. They get to chose who they marry. We're not some third world shithole where women are chattel.
So tell, what backwards ass third world shithole are you from that you own your daughter and decide who they marry?
I'm thinking you must be a sand nigger.
Interesting you left out the second question and fixated on donny letting his daughter marry a jew. Has donny said he would stop giving Israel weapons?
So, yeah, you're a sand nigger. Exactly what I thought.
Has donny said he would stop giving weapons to Israel?
Who cares? They're killing sand niggers.
So you criticizing joe for giving isreal weapons is just bait. Gotcha
Nah, I was pointing out your hypocricy. And you're still doing it, sperging out on what Trump "might" do, while completely ignoring what Biden has done and continues to do. You do realize that he is president right now, and Trump is not?
my hypocrisy
Not my post...nor was anon post hypocrisy as they said they hate all three (joe, kamala and donny). Who moved the US embassy in Israel? Point to any statement donny has said he will stop the weapons
Another weak deflection
Just admit you're a fucking kike
Who cares about a symbolic move (a distance of 40 miles).
And no, not a kike. I notice you haven't denied being a sand nigger though.
Who cares about a symbolic move (a distance of 40 miles
The people in the region, both Israel and Palestine cared. Now point to any statement donny has put out saying he will stop weapons going to Israel
nono, they're leopards. and they have a taste for face
Yet another deflection. Pathetic.
Idk what you’re talking about but you can safely dismiss any opinion posted by a faggot with an Ukraine flag lol that’s like a flag for “look at me I’m retarded and probably gay.”
He hasn't. Nor did I ever claim he would.
Again, pointing out how hypocritical you hysterical faggots are over Trump when your criticism is of things the democrats are also doing or doing more is relevant here.
You had not a single word of criticism for Biden being best buddies with the PM of Israel and openly calling himself a Zionist.
You're an idiot and hypocrite. Go fuck yourself you humongous faggot.
Tonnes of people called them all zionists you fucking faggot kys
Christians are back in control
Isn't Biden also a Catholic?
Yup joe has supported them, I dont hate jews tho. You do. Donny, supported israel when he was potus and will continue to support Israel when he is potus again
Why do you retards keep sperging out over the terrifs thing but completely skip over that it would only take place if income taxes are done away with? Also, that "200 billion" in food imports is from Mexico and Canada, and they didn't exist prior to NAFTA.
It's a case of US farming being harmed by the "free trade" agreement.
I'm not a hypocrite, I've always had the same stance that they're all zionists. Now fucking kill yourself and take one or two of your heeb race out with you.
But you ignored it in this thread in your rush to criticize the bad orange man. Hence noting your hypocrisy.We aren't talking about those other people, we're talking about you.
How does america get produce during the winter?
But you ignored it in this thread
The projection here, kek
Just not in this thread where you were having your "orangemanbad" spergout earlier and saying dumb ass shit about Trump "giving" his daughter to Jews like some third world barbarian.
You seem to not know what that means. How is it "projection" when I never claimed shit like you dude while hypocritically ignoring the same thing about the current president?
See And tell us what you think anon meant when he said "fuck you I hate all three"
Or did "you ignore it in this thread"
I've never had trump derangement syndrome, I've actually been trying to separate out the kike that he is from the policies he will implement. Some of his policies are actually good imo. Like protectionism and also letting Ukraine get taken over by Russia.
You don't give people here enough credit. We can hold 2 opposing thoughts in our brain you fucking cunt.
Isn't Biden also a Catholic?
Is he? He said he was a Zionist, all of his children married kikes, and his entire administration is nothing but kikes. He also has polar opposite political stances on Catholic issues like abortion, LGBT, etc.
But anyone can call themselves anything you like regardless of conviction or sincerity. Attempted Trump assassin Thomas Crooks registered as a Republican, but is also on record having donated money to ActBlue. You probably he's a Republican just because of that registration and despite the donation and the fact he tried to kill the Republican candidate which goes against it.
But hey whatever, you also think men can be women by chopping their dicks off...
Yeah, he's a Catholic. So is Pelosi. Both were refused communion at times but the current far left pope put an end to that sort of thing.
That's what you trannies said back in 2016, kamala sis. Surprised you haven't roped yourself yet like the rest of your libtard cult are in the process of doing.
Yeah, he's a Catholic. So is Pelosi.
I don't care about tyranny holidays. I just find your butthurt comedic