My 2028 election prediction

Democratic primary is Kamala Harris versus Pete Buttigieg. The primary is close but Pete Buttigieg eeks out a win.

Republican primary is J.D. Vance versus Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley could defeat either Harris or Buttigieg but Republican voters, in their infinite wisdom, nominate J.D. Vance who could beat neither Harris nor Buttigieg.

Pete Buttigieg goes on to defeat J.D. Vance in the general election. On January 20, 2029, Pete Buttigieg is inaugurated as the 48th President of the United States.

Yeah, that's not happening.

bootyjudge as a national candidate?
that's hilarious

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vote in their candidate

wild, not going to happen.

What 2028 election? Donald is Julius, Barron is Augustus.

I'd love to see Buttigieg as president but he's too smart to win a general election. His debate skills are excellent but he won't be able to dumb down his message to appeal to the broad public.

wrong, in 2028 Baron will have grown 3 feet taller and won't fit inside most buildings

I would vote for Kamala Harris in this hypothetical democratic primary but it just feels like Pete Buttigeig would win. Honestly I see South Carolina voting for Harris over Buttigieg so maybe she'll win if South Carolina keeps its track record as a bellwether, but Buttigieg definitely wins Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

You're also missing the fact he's gay. We're not electing a gay President even if he is the only adult in the room.

An openly gay President elected in the United States? Never gonna happen.

explain Obama

Yeah, you're spot on.

The second anon did


That's what you said about the black dude.

He will tear down the White House and replace it with the White Palace, a royal residence fitting for the new American Empire.

Democratic primary is Kamala Harris versus Pete Buttigieg

the dnc will chose for you

People can't even pronounce his name
That's a deal killer

Dems nominate a guy for the sole reason that he sucks cock and takes cock up the butt, see it as a winning strategy. He chooses as his running mate a disabled black trans activist.

^ this

Its "Booty-gay-g", right?

Sees Buttigieg

Thinks of sucking cock and anal sex

What did anon mean by this?


What if Buttfag gets aids?

Fun fact, it means "father of the chicken" in Maltese.

Let's begin with what if he has aids?

The current President is mentally incapacitated and the less said about Trump the better.

A useless far left-wing faggot? America won't go for that bullshit.

The was the easiest chance, the only chance she was gonna have. There's no way they fuckin run her again after that utter failstrom.

Lol, how the fuck is Pete "far left-wing"?

Guy is another incompetent.

Spends too much time judging men's Bootie & the gieging on their cocks

Time Traveler here, screen shot.

Democrat primary is a crowded field, but gets whittled down to Harris, Buttigieg, and Newsom. Harris is only there because people remember 2024, but she doesn't make it because people remember 2024. Newsom eventually wins after relentlessly ripping Buttigieg for his shit record as Transportation Secretary.

Republican primary is crowded too, but not as much as the Democrats. Trump doesn't endorse during the primary, so Vance stands on his own, but is eventually ripped apart by the media using simple gaffs against him. The race eventually ends up with Rand Paul versus Tim Scott. MAGA wing goes for Paul, GOP establishment goes for Scott. Very close primary, but Paul barely squeaks by. Paul takes Scott as his running mate to "heal" the party.

The actual race is pretty straightforward. Rerun 2024 were the media massively backs Newsom and tries to destroy Paul over literally anything. Everything eventually falls apart for Newsom in the debates. They agree to 3, and Newsom clearly didn't prepare to counter Libertarian talking points for the first debate. 2nd debate was on Fox News, and while Newsom does better, he struggles with being fact checked. 3rd debate Newsom actually does extremely well, but so many people were checked out that it made very little impact. Paul eventually wins with the "October Surprise" being a white anchor on a liberal network (not spoiling this one because it was hilarious) making extremely racist comments about Paul's running mate because he let his guard down after his panel of black guests got done roasting Scott.

It's way more likely than a woman. If he's white and you can't "tell" he's gay it won't matter.

The Dems are just dumb enough and just arrogant enough to do that.

They could also nominate him for, you know, being a highly competent politician.

Bootie Edge sucks cock and gets his cheeks clapped like a little bitch. This country is tired of the gay shit. No woman, black or fag is winning anything for at least 15 years

Yeah I think that Harris shot her load this election and knows that she is done

Fascinating prediction

it will be a male no matter who runs. A woman will never hold the office of POTUS.

There will be no 2028 election. The Democrats said that democracy is over if Trump wins, and I believe everything they say. We are in a fashist dicktatership now.

this. The Office of POTUS will always be held by a STRAIGHT MALE OF 45 YEARS OR OVER.

Delusional. This assclown couldn't fill a pothole in the town he was from. He and Cackles will be forgotten in 2025 after the election is certified.

Vance is way smarter and more likeable than this guy.

Also, its interesting to note that California, Illinois and New York are loosing a few electoral votes next presidential election. All of them are going to red states like Texas and Tennessee. There are a lot of theories going on right now that New Jersey could be the next swing state.

Texas and Florida and Tennessee are places where people can find jobs and places to live that aren't a closet with 9000 illegals as roommates


Yeah, no more primaries EVER because there wasn't time for one after Biden stepped down.

Fucking retard schizos.

my god I hope they run Mayor Faggot, guy has nothing going for him besides monkeypox

oh no, he'll get santorum all over the lincoln room.

i hate his husband so much. i find him so insufferable. i actually think he's the reason i dislike Buttigieg. He's a typical politician so I should just mildly dislike him, but i really hate him. Its not cause he's gay. I get my dick sucked by gay men regulrly. theyre cool as fuck. sure beat women except for the whole looking like men thing.

Spreading Santorum, lol. I'm glad people still remember that over 20 years later.

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Why does this perpetuate? LOSING. LOSE.

Not fucking 'loose'. Fucking 3rd world retards.

Thank you for calling tech support! My name is Randy! How might I humbly assist you today?!

Pete would be next if he was just gay, but he is a furry faggot, that puts him in line behind tranvestite faggots.

Is bottom left real? 0.0

whats.. stopping trump from training one of his kids to be president?

The Trump admin is going to politically gut this guy over the next four years over all the stupid shit he did as the Secretary of Transportation. Buttgag will probably not run, saying he did not want to subject his little gay familiy to the abuse an open fag would get on the campaign trail. Gays being acceptable in public life is on its way out.

Someone with a brain? He'll never make it in the idiocracy climate the replublitards have created.

Training? How fucking stupid are you? Trump was never presidential material in the first place. Which of his spoiled idiot kids would take over? Fucking assburgers Barron? LOL, right. That kid would have no chance in the world were it not for the money.


I'm telling you to screen shot for a reason. Then again, those of us who have an Authorized Restricted Access Pass are still able to post on certain past forums for a reason should tell you how little time reflects you and your works. I could post tomorrow's lottery numbers here and because of the Probability of Nihilism (a weird equation I learned in my time management studies), nearly every single user in most universal examples would either not believe the numbers, believe the numbers and fail to act, believe the numbers and be prevented to act, and/or believe the numbers and be among an infinite amount of others who also believe the numbers and act. The universe in which you cast doubt and are "uniquely" right or wrong are so insignificant small that you must realize that when I'm telling you I'm a time traveler telling you the news of tomorrow, the odds are on my side for the truth rather than what you perceive...

Then again, in my time we've only been doing this for 125 years, and we have no way of knowing our impact, even if we do everything to keep ourselves restrained from observing past events in real time. The ethics questions of my field of study are endless.

nah kamala is done. Also Pete wouldn't beat Gavin or Andy Bashear.

iM a RhOdEs ScHoLaR
Im SmArTeR tHaN yOu

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Democratic primary is Kamala Harris versus Pete Buttigieg.

Harris's political career is permanently over.

Republican primary is J.D. Vance versus Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley could defeat either Harris or Buttigieg

She's a crazy harpy. Absolutely no national appeal. Vance did a great job in 2024 endearing himself to the public, except for redditors who chose to spam gay couch memes like the retards they are.

Pete Buttigieg is inaugurated as the 48th President of the United States.

there will never be an openly gay president.

conclusion: you have brain damage