Eternal trap/femboy/tranny/twink thread

Eternal trap/femboy/tranny/twink thread

BNWObitch.webm - 540x960, 254.44K

RIP Thread


say the line BWS

is that you? you’re hot as fuck

you got an account anywhere to watch these with sound? also can i suck you?

Anybody who doesn't want bnwofreaks can go here.

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Check me out on twitter <3

Yep it's me!

0051.webm - 540x960, 631.3K

Fragile masculinity

Love watching you jerk that cute dick

You Are jewish.

lol yeah im out of here

BWS mindbroken and finally fucks off

Based. We should split the threads more often. Keep the spergs out

Put your name on nigger.

It's a win-win...but also wanna keep wasting his time

0233.webm - 540x960, 925.96K

I just took a shower lol.

it's obviously ba. no wonder this bnwo simping and bws sperging isnt natural.

Janice is hot af and I would eat her ass without hesitation.

Grim Thread


Ty for bumping it <3

0033.webm - 720x1280, 1.75M

I didn't lol, theres an Options Field.

Wish our dicks could bump together

Need to make that happen then <3

0195.webm - 720x1280, 1.28M

Where you from baby?

Cherry simp spergs out and posts blacked porn

Strange how often this happens

turns out it was ba the whole time.

Need Polish princess NOW

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what the fuck is going on here?

Actually having fun and not crying

All those yummy loads wasted that I could have taken and swallowed! Or held in my mouth and kissed you!

black anon spamming without his name on like usual

looks like you're having a melty again

gross as fuck thread holy shit

this thread is active and the other one is dead

Proves people just wanna post and have fun without having to worry about some retard crying and sperging

we should split the threads more often

The dead thread you're looking for is this way

Omg my porn posted by other users isn't perfectly suited to me wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

This thread is fuckin garbage and the other has OC?

Only poster here is a fat ugly sissy and the nigger spamming. Its dead hours right now otherwise the other Thread would be full.

being whiny fags and not lurking both

kill yourselves

Thread has jade bro who is getting zero attention, poor her.

this thread is just the fat pig and black anon spamming though

they say while posting in the active thread

Welcome to the real thread baby


active thread

its just spammy

Lets be real. Jades content isn't what it used to be and is stale af

Hi Black Anon!

Notice how “everyone” crying about this thread still would rather post here than the other boring one


based thread
can someone post some fat asses for a playa


You would think they would stay in the other thread now that they have the option.

I guess they just find me irresistible or something. Can't get enough Janice, I get it <3

They know where the real entertainment is

Janice feet = best feet


Splitting the threads is a great idea. Everyone is welcome in this one and all the boring fags can move to the others

Idgaf if you fuck dogs or black men as long as you’re hot and post sexy pics
This is sin city baby

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Liking me is pretty divisive. A lot of people won't admit to openly liking my content but my follower, sub counts and discord say otherwise :P

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yup based


<3 Will be making a lot more feet content soon. Any ideas on what you'd like to see?

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jade and trap photgraghy

we have cherry and shanice

Lmao btfo

cherry and shanice


kys ba

I do have some giantess/crushing customs I made. Will try to look for them!

0124.webm - 540x960, 289.99K

this with rach but her ass

Is Cherry a furry? Because that would make her a thousand times hotter

Looking forward to seeing them ;)


thread dies

its samefagging, simping, seething, convinced theres like 4 dudes here

Hey cutie
Does that thing get hard?


Word of advice: Never, ever simp.

For a dogfucker or fatso.

looks suckable to me
based trips too

For anyone.

imagine not being cherrypilled after this lol
she’s fucking perfect


Garbage fucking thread

Of course
Any ass?

Garbage fucking world

Yet your here.

theres another thread that seems less chaotic but yeah

So are you.

Not in denial about it loool.

Grim Thread

Hopefully you are able to move on from being a simp for trannies. The quick hits of dopamine might feel nice at first, but in the end it's no way to live.


i would fuck cherry but i'd probably kick her out of my house right after

I would cuddle naked with her in bed
Maybe fall asleep with my cock inside her ass

i wouldn't do that shes too trashy. id probably triple wrap it

I love white trashy girls

nigger-tier talk. shes built for fucking and forgetting

Aren't they all?

threads suddenly dead

Oc posters left.

nutted twice need a min

Were none lol.

why did you niggers thread split?

Fucking gross lmao

Everyone needs to pick a side. What are you, some kind of wimpy fence-sitter?

idk i guess the mid ones came here

So you are the nigger? lol, Trump Won.

bump limit


Don't bring them there retard

Continue being a troll? kys

Of course Trump won - God and Jesus were on his side. Now who's the nigger?

The nigger is a spammer.

mid thread go here

you exposed yourself for samefagging in your thread lel


kys troll


Go here Ignore the other shit it's trolling