Now that im an adult, none of this shit is funny at all

now that im an adult, none of this shit is funny at all
only spurts like the nickelodeon episode
it sucks getting old bros, its over

reddit grumps


Actually full of SOVL

This era was legitimately magical. Video games and video game nostalgia was at it's absolute peak.

Now that Trump is president again can we return to the Golden Age of Let's Plays?

Jontron GameGrumps




The King of Hate Himself: DSP

I legit miss it. Fuck livestreams; literal soulless tripe.

The DD&J era wasn't that good. Julian is a fucking faggot who thinks silly voices are the height of comedy.

Jontron was fine. Arin, however, is an insufferable retard and has only gotten progressively more annoying as he ages. The singing faggot is just as bad if not worse.
I enjoy the current faggots more, sorry.


The brawl episodes are some of the funniest shit ever posted to youtube cause its so genuine.


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I'm an adult and these are still the funniest let's plays ever recorded
you're just a fag

I still say "ARE YOU BUTTFUCKIN' MUCKIN' ME?" to this day

Still so mad they never finished it.

It sucks that almost every single youtube channel that had synergy between its members either broke up due to creative/money reasons or they were never friends to begin with.

I miss JoshJepson and Attackingtucans doing Versus videos so bad.


But Anon Babble told me JonTron was based

nostalgia critic is funny for movie reviews

game grupmps, and angry video game nerd were always cringe.

Especially any time AVGN tries to do any sort of comedy or movie parody re-enactment.

Trump has been ousted and returned to being president

Wan Wan's made zero games and is still milking stooges for free pateon bucks

Imagine giving the scat duo money just because they made funny voices on youtube lol


check lawrence's twitter to see what he is doing after seeing this post

being a limp wristed faggot and crying about leaving twitter because trump

Jesus i wonder how he would have turned out if his first wife wasn't a bitch and he got the wife and kids he dreamed of instead of being with a disgusting pink haired LA cow

I don't know about Game Grumps, but I still enjoy some of Jontron's solo shit, and Oneyplays remains some the funniest/comfiest background noise of all time (the Zach/Chris/Tomar episodes anyway).

I think I'm fully over AVGN at this point. The new shit just feels cringe and phoned in, and I've kind of burned myself out on the older stuff.

Dingdong and Julian

No thanks. OP is borderline unwatchable when Zach isn't involved.

Cory isn't making it any more bearable. Genuinely started skipping his videos unless Zach is there or Lyle to call him a retard. He seems to be the only one to call out Cory for being a Spaz or just making shit up.

Arin is ok and quite funny, I just dislike how dishonest he is, like the Mario RPG let's play where he pretends he never played it for the sake of reactions, fucker said it was his one of his childhood games in a Goof troop episode.

I miss them bros...

It's ok to have shit taste.

I really can't handle Cory either. His approach to humor seems to be limited to "shout over everyone else", and "say something degenerate, usually involving furfaggotry".

none of this shit is funny at a-

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Jon won

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Cory + Lyle = Gold
Cory + Dave = Funny
Cory + Tomar = Eh
Cory + Adam = ok
Cory + Zach = Fucking Platinum

My problem is he autistically talks about things like an expert, even when he knows jack shit.

Eggman made Sonic in the Archie comics and that's how he turned blue!

That was Fleetway for example. All of his "Knowledge" is from random YouTube lore videos of topics he only half paid attention to, but then speaks like he knows it. FNAF lore, Sonic history, game development, really anything...

You should know better than taking anything from the funni bois as facts.

There's a reason why Zach has a successful Adult Swim show, and everyone else is either going to be stuck doing let's plays for the rest of their lives, or have already faded into obscurity.

I guess Tomar has a career voicing random video game NPCs too, so there's that. I actually caught him completely unexpectedly as a Shinra soldier in that Crisis Core remaster from a year or two back.



I don't care if he's wrong, he speaks like he is trying to show off his knowledge and he knows jack shit. He's insufferable in that regard and all his autistic screeching and bad opinions.

Julian/DD episodes are nothing but stupid noises and annoying as fuck role plays and the whole "I'm a faggot so I'm depressed" shtick. Everything after them is way better and it's not even close. 5 minutes of Cory is funnier than the whole Julian/DD arc

Julian will be deported and Ding Dong will be thrown in prison for being gay under Project 2025, sadly.

Chris: makes music and is making his own video game (at a snail's pace but he has his ambitions)

Cory: has a band, is making nightmare cops, draws, goons

Tomar: voice actor, has a wife and kid, streams

Zach: has his own tv show, does streams and let's plays in his spare time

Adam: nothing is known about him

All the other people who occasionally come onto the Oneyplays seem cool and well adjusted and the guys all seem to have their own lives and dreams. I'd say they're on the right path

Have amazonian warrior wife and precious daughter

Tomar really won the game

DD and Julian are annoying depressed faggots but cory makes every video unwatchable

I was an adult when it started, and it's still funny.

That McDonald's roleplay they did (I think in the Kingdom Hearts episode) is put out there like some all time classic bit, but I just find it painfully cringe. Even Chris sounded annoyed by the one, and was just trying to keep in-character.

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thinks silly voices are the height of comedy

what a strange issue to take on chris o'neill's lets play channel

This. The only person that’s even less entertaining than DD and Julian is Adam.

Ding Dong became "born again" at some point, and now hates all of the vaguely chuddy people he used to identify with.

Lyle: Wrathclub, published Class of 09 which was a success, pregame discharge, also has a band

This rat slayer climbed the ladder from the depths of the sewer.

Mario Oddysey, Kingdom Hearts and Yiik are fucking great. Honorable mention RE4 where Ding Dong sounded genuinely happy.

when he turns around and snowboards back up hill

People are mad at them for shit talking these games.

hating on tiny Hitler

Is there a reason why none of the "Best of..." OP compilations have bits from the DD/J era?

Adam streams now. Today was his first one I think. Pretty sure he's a drug brain fried trustfund kid.

Vinesauce Joel is the only streamer I can stand and even then watching him live sucks cause twitch is shit

I assume they requested it. Ding Dong constantly has big bipolar melt downs about people associating him with OneyPlays, and quoting the videos.

No! That's not who I am! I'm a real human being

Man, shut the fuck up.
You were in something people liked, because it was funny. Just let it be.

Wouldn't make sense to promote them to new viewers. Just watch the old episodes.

Tbf Chris was pretty relentless about it, I doubt it reflects his actual views on gay people but he would make bug chasing jokes directly to DD's face lmfao

imagine getting filtered by cory lmao

Wouldn't be shocked if DD demanded they stopped calling any attention to him on the channel any more. He probably wanted all the videos of him removed entirely but that was too unreasonable of a demand.

OR, the less conspiratorial theory, they simply ran out of DD/JJ era clips to keep using. You've gotta keep in mind the new era of oneyplays has been going on a lot longer than the original era by this point.

Probably a bit of both.

DD's abusing his mod privileges again.

Oops, I meant to quote this post
but the thread was 404'd as I was typing and I copy-pasted the post.

the new episodes barely reach 100k

Best of ____ Vol 2

the Zach episodes are few and far between, and are starting to lose steam

is it over?
I still watch the channel, but even I can't ignore it

I always preferred SuperBestFriends.

I happy for Zach's success, but if I had my way, Smiling Friends would have never taken off, and he would have remained a regular on OP.

this normie shit is for faggot zoomers and the zaibatsu was the only decent big "letsplay"

SBF is normie stuff as well. They just are slightly more intelligent and not as screechy.

Game Grumps always sucked. Arin is an insufferable manbaby and Dan is a fucking idiot. How the two of them are still making videos is beyond me. They ran outta shit to talk about 10 years ago yet here they are still shitting up YouTube with their trash content

Funny enough, for the longest time, I've said I'd be happy if Chris quit the channel if his animations were financially viable. Sadly, short skits do poorly on YouTube (which TikTok took advantage of), and animation is time-consuming. I'm glad that we have Smiling Friends and it's doing well enough for Zach, Chris, and co. to make something.

Zach getting Smiling Friends has been terrible for the channel.
There has been an air of vitriol toward Zach from the commenters and more importantly from Chris.
Chris is seemingly bitter. I know he plays it like a joke. But, you can tell there is some realness to his "jokes".

>Game Grumps always sucked

proceeds to complain about Dan

Are we at the point where some people don't even know GG used to be co-hosted by Jontron?


can you blame chris? he's been trying at things like that for so long, and he's got so much more raw talent

I didn't get into them until like a year or two before they split... feels bad

I still like it, I miss the obnoxious jongrumps era, but I'm so overwhelmed with political garbage now that that's all I put my youtube time toward

It's almost as if Dan has been the co-host for a decade and for far longer than Jontron ever was you dumb fucking nigger

Best guy leaves

Entire channel falls to shit and never recovers

Any word on what /ourguy/ has been up to?

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