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almost everybody is live

somehow 0 good content to watch

By the aid of the man from Germania, the Gladiator’s presence grew mightier,
and soon all the Eastern women came unto him willingly.
But as his power spread, the Alligator, overcome with terror, fled to Los Angeles, the city of feigned smiles and empty souls,
abandoning his own wife in a vain attempt to escape the reach of him who was JV hockey MVP, stood sevenfold as a victor in the arena, and was crowned the Apex Predator.
Thus forsaken by the Alligator, his wife, too, went unto the Gladiator.

W predator

who owns the house and who's just the roommate again?

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he drugged those women

im sad too i need my gladiator gang :(

dont ruin this thread with pointless discussions please and death to all the self inserts, daniel psycho anon and messi, broly already died

Please lets have a normal thread

You just know he tried peaking down the red dress

agreed, lets all love eachother

you should also kys

ill splat when mizzy splats!

i'll never understand how miz can live like a frat boy at the age of 30. i seriously believe he'll pancake if he ever lives alone again, and his shitty mental state is what makes him keep people around

too much to ask for

dont ruin this thread with pointless discussions please and death to all the self inserts, daniel psycho anon and messi, broly already died

when i unironically shit the thread up as a gossiper obessing over fellow gossipers because im mentally deranged

Mentally disabled EE from earth 1291200

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lol. esfand's about to join soda to play, you know he's praying soda will raid him. then asmon will likely raid him

It’s never normal

Bit on the spectrum


Maokif LMAO

t10nat has more. esfand should just retire

Miz (Matt M) ordered Emi tea and dumplings on her last stream.

Emi reading a message then looking confused.

Note that at this point Emi had been out of the intro for 75 minutes already.

She said she ordered an Iced Tea and it was at the front door.

She comes back with a bag and iced tea.

She shows the iced tea up close, but not before noticing there's the label and bringing it swiftly back down.


When she comes back from the bathroom after the video she starts opening the bag.


She finds out what is inside, dumplings, then shows the cam.

The MOST telling is the reaction of the text
BUT ALSO Emi was already live out of intro for 70 MINUTES and didn't order anything or even talk about having ordered anything. People were looking for Emi using her phone and nope, nothing.
This is all very reminiscent of the Matt M Starbucks surprise sandwich.

Here is the Matt M confirmed surprise sandwich for reference!

"There's also a sandwich!"
So this theory has a precedent.


i like the theory that emi has some rare disease better

Emi is fucking asmon and tried to hide it with the fact she only wine for ee lol, since nmp is her new group she wanted to add her boyfriend asmon as well


she better show pussy before she dies


post mortem autopsy reveals things you didnt want to know

Esfands chat is going at 5 lines per minute. gotta be a new record.

honestly, she might be dating sonii and dantes too

julia here to make sure mizzy wizzy doesnt bully nat again or she's gonna fuck him up

I guarantee you she will have a sex tape leak in the next 5 years

I will say her trying to say she only went for ee was sus, we know she invited asmon


goes from ees invite

invites asmon

i dont see how this contradicts

Literally hundreds, possibly thousands of horny dudes have been looking for that shit for years. It doesn't exist anon

comparing alt channel with main one / PATHETIC

good bait

Not yet but she said she goes with whatever her partner wants and I bet the next one will want to record it and boom….. let me dream

Because she tried to make it seem like she only went for ee when she invited asmon, obviously went for him

then why did fanfan say emi left after one hour and asmon arther and nick stayed together

obviously went for him

so you claim that she went on the basis of asmon accepting her invitation, and that she wouldn't go otherwise?

Would be a good match, but is completely made up.


already lost the asmon raid, why do they even bother

Nick is whipped by Katchii.

you guys know that all these non us citizens streaming in US are breaking the law, right?
they don't have right to work in the US
technically all streamers streaming in a different country without the right to work there are breaking the law

Katchii's mom dm leak

You won't take boat. U will walk.

U look sooooo distressed

Drunk alcholic



People know you're drunk

Always crying because of eyebrows

Concealer under eyes so white like raccoon

Do romance comedy

It's in the bag

In the plastic pouch in the bag

Microphone in the plastic pouch in the bag

Microphone in the bag

Do romance comedy. I'm in the dark because I like black.

I'm actually liking here in the dark because I like black.

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Nick might have invited Asmon. He was complaining about not getting invited to Korean BBQ when Nick raided him that day.



gladiator 3 way with mommy?

Skull emoji

Omg wee need to stoopppp theemmm pls oh nwowooo

well, she can bond with nick over having an insane mother


her mom sounds alot like miz LMAOOOO

is there any proof of her being the one that invited him?

she's getting nick's bag EZ

As I expected, filipino women are crazy
The last messages was probably talking how dark it it was when she was streaming

damn, I remember her crying on stream about her mom messaging her early on

People know you're drunk

mom keeping her in check

no wonder the daughter is crazy too

Fan fan said her emi and ee left, we then found out ee and fan fan slept there so she meant the hot tub area, emi could have been there for hours like last time

Lmao her mum is based though because she is alcoholic. Was hoping the mum is major racist though. That would help her career if there were DMs of her mum roasting the gladiator and her defending him

once again i am right as always just another dirty fucking Philipenis couple gold digging as always hahahah fucking retards with no experience with how woman work lmaoooooo

she is like one of those moms sending their child girls to some LA hollywood movie director pedophile. similar vibes.

No. It was probably Nick.

We know there was not meeting that night, nicks was in discord at 9 talking about food, so she had to have invited him after steak and eggs, they started late filming anyway and emi said they hung out a bit after. She invited him

nick weinstein is real

No it wasn’t nick was home talking about getting food

can we keep the hot tub convo only for the eu fags ? my brain hurts every time

Do romance comedy

It was all a script gladiatorbros

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no shit? lol

no shit katchii is using nick lmao

I don’t know what’s accurate about the hot tub because of all the bait

mizkids much like mizkif, overinvested and believe its real. thanks for the viewers though miz.

in 20 yrs, he'll go down just like diddy and I can say I saw it all live

Not surprised model moms are usually crazy

Yeah the angle that emi left after an hour is hilarious good chance she was there till 2-3 like last time

Are all filipino women insane

Her mom is based

maybe don't gate fucking career growth behind real romance and minor sexual harassment lmao. what a dumbass

All I got out of that is Asmon stuck around the hot tub until Emi left. Simp wanted to catch an eyeful of that ass lmao

literal gold digger lmao

that or either living in poverty, perma looking for western men they can live off of

Maybe I'm a dumbass but what part of this is bad for Katchii? Her mom just seems weird and super bad at English.


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People tried to say emi left after an hour becuse fan fan said emi Ee and herself left after an hour but ee and fan fan slept at nicks that night so she meant the hot tub, no one knows how long they stayed. The first time emi stayed till 3 according to ee

Asmon literally stayed at the hottub with arther, emi left the hot tub area, what we don't know if she went home or just inside

Katchii might be an alcoholic. Hiding vodka in water bottles and drinking enough where she had to go to the hospital is kind of a bad sign. Nick probably doesn't know the full extent of her drinking.

it's a party game
it's only fun if you play with friends
but cuckfand dont have friends

god i was calling this shit the day she appeared and you faggots said nothing

pinoy woman have one goal and one goal only

to drain the white mans bank account

i am dead serious

Not true emi just left the hot tub area holy shit, who knows how long they all stayed

Fanfan stayed, EE didn't stay that night cause she drove over to pick up Nick in the morning

i thought she came from a well off family tho? at least it seem like it

to drain the white man's bank account

Didn't realize they let color blind anons in here.

damnit, I was enjoying this soda stream and esfand had to insert

never not enough money for these sea rats

nigga had a 12k raid

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he finally joined soda lac and poke. don;t know why he was playing with that 10 viewer gtarp guy, killing nick's raid

Do romantic comedy

She's just a bag chasing whore running a script from her mom, fuck

Fuck bros all that's left is that boring, no chemo Nora....even Nora's sister was more interesting with Nick. At this point would rather get Mandela back

It was clear from the clip, that she meant they left the hot tub, not the house.
Anyway Acie was also there. Maybe Asmon went for her?

He thinks he's 16

Yeah, might as well pack up and forget it all. Nora ain't content.

doesn't matter hes rich

dont worry about it pussy


Which one of you has the huevos to put this on his reddit - or hers?

you're telling me my gladiator is being seduced by a money hungry succubus who is playing puppet to her mom??? Oh hell nah

Her last stream when she turned the stream on and was raided by Nick, she was still inside the hotel room. Her mom then went to say that she doesnt want to be seen on stream and later, which is very important, to not stream the hotel rooms interior. Katchii then said something along the lines of

but does that matter? its the hotel that looks like this and we had no choice since we wanted to be on this beach

Her mom seems to be very preoccupied on how other people see her and her family, most likey doesnt want to be seen as poor in this instance. What really hit me was the look Katchii had in her eyes when she said that to her mother. A look of defeat, anger, sadness. All somehow mixed up in another layer of care for her single mother. I can see why she takes up the bottle.

Prove she invited asmon and it wasn't much inviting him at the end of their meeting.

Know plenty of people that live with room mates. How fucking old are you to not know that it's pretty common.

even Nora's sister was more interesting with Nick.


He'll never live alone if he can help it. It will get worse as he gets older though as he will keep inviting more and more people into his house.

it's worse for esfand now. he's down to 1500 while bonnie is holding on at 2K

it's not that important and it'll ruin future leaks


i can see both ways. either she is into him or she would never dream of getting together with a dude that has a leaky butt and could lead to shitstains on the bed each time you have sex with him.

Idrc about the hot tub stuff but is that twitch log of nick saying emi was there true

i mean, have you seen her ex bf? he seems to be the complete opposite of nicholas polom

even Nora's sister was more interesting with Nick

Waaaaaay more interesting than Nora

At this point would rather get Mandela back

I dunno about that. Its back to EE vs Cinna...depending on if Cinna can dicksuck her way into AMP using Agent or Faze by using Jason. If she fails shell crawl back to Nick

There was no meetings nick was in discord at 9 talking about food, they filled steak and eggs late and emi said they even hung out for a bit after, so she invited him man


LOL im going to really look forward to katchii bringing down the org with a twitlonger after she dont get what she wants.

seems everyone in otk is a retard and an idiot unable to think 3 steps ahead.

sell ur stock and equity lol if theres any left of value

More interesting things happening in the thread faggot stop spamming

One night got confirmed by EE, and another night by Nick with Asmon being there

Loving the hot tub debates almost going 2 weeks now!!

Its funny he (sympa) is still farming emi. Better than hot tub arguments

Have a link to this on yt?

fanfan said emi nick and asmon all came together


Gladiator bros.. we got too cocky

That one pic with some chad on the pool? Do we even know it was her ex bf? She has enough nerdy interests for me to believe she might be interested in Nick. What women prefer over anything is a man with charisma, character and to be well-spoken. Nick is all of it and he is intelligent as well. But again, i could also see her mother trying to get the bag through her. Unless Nick is getting babytrapped that wont happen, though. Considering the whole context how Nick and Manula broke up it is realistic he could be babytrapped. I just dont know. Katchii seems crazy but in a good way. She doesnt strike me as a bad human.

baits are fun, but she won't be dating asmon, let's be real

katchii should go for asmon to make nick jealous

LOL im going to really look forward to katchii bringing down the org with a twitlonger after she dont get what she wants.

He's taking a blackout drunk to Vegas. This idiot is about to lose half that 7 million

these are literally nothing other than drunkard comment (understandable)

She's gonna need to get bigger tits first

otk womanizer shipper men met their match: professional golddiggers.

oh man i cant wait to see it all go down LOL.

Nick thinks he is smarter than he is with all the shipping stuff. He thinks he is too smart to get effected by it and knows what he is doing. It will come back to bite him.

asmon has a bigger wallet and a even bigger dick, of course she would

nick buddy are you here?

Asmon might be more of a mental headcase than Miz with his living conditions.

She's telling her she needs to be making flirty comments about Nick lmao

bro is already in love with Katchii. the question is what she really thinks of him.

Emi and Asmon going to this made the hot tub the most interesting thing in Austin.

Yeah but it's too late anyway, nick is in too deep, bro is smitten.

old emi?
yes she would
2024 emi doesn't need it anymore

She is running that raggedy bitch like Kim K's mum runs those whores. Nick is done for bro

Timestamp? Pretty sure that is bait

the do romance comedy comment means that? sure I guess

Do romance comedy. I'm in the dark because I like black.

I'm actually liking here in the dark because I like black.

its a boring ad day

seems like it, the only bad one is >it's in the bag , but it looks like the mom is talking about the mic

This is bait she never said that

This ugly fuckin nigger
Soda used to always warn him that being black and ugly would mean he'd never make it big on his own
Then he others to do it for him
And he's as smug as ever
Total nigger death

He's 33 and she is 24. He said he wants kids within 2 years and someone that is just starting on their streaming career wouldn't want to settle down unless she is in it for his money.

Yes she will

Mom's parasocial lmao

meds mindless faggot

t10nat's stream is the only thing worth watching rn

I don't think she said that. Proof?

bro is already in love with Katchii. the question is what she really thinks of him.

She thinks he's a bag. Probably only rain she show played it was race. Nothing is more racist than an Asian mom who already has gaps kids....she wouldn't want katchii with an Asian mum let alone a black man

bro esfands house is fucking trashed.
the pile of clothes from his closet cleanup 2 months ago is still just piled up in the living room. the top streamers invading the house i kinda get bonnie when she said she was "hoping" not to be home.

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whats the lore on gigachad? ngl i'd suck his dick too

katchii is in her 30s

This guy mogs Nick so hard


and i feel bad for emi

this week was supposed to be for her to relax her mind and forget about her problems, but it turns out that she's going to have to pay extra attention to make sure aria doesn't do anything stupid.

why does her mother talk to her in english? bad english even
wouldn't make more sense to say in Tagalog?

she's a viewers lmao

Katchii is close to 30 and women usually want family at that point. And Nick is a secure guy.

>Do romance comedy. I'm in the dark because I like black.

>I'm actually liking here in the dark because I like black.

It looks like shes telling katchii what to do. Did katchii said this on stream?

always fascinates me how these seemingly random people show up use these places for content, trash them, never clean anything.

literal gigachad

I'm in the dark because I like black.

I'm actually liking here in the dark because I like black.

This is obviously about the room and not having the lights on middle of the night


she wants the gladiatorial bbc

too bad he's asian, microdick mf
can't beat gladiator's bnlack hammer

He basically lives in a college house where a bunch of dudes in their early 20s would rent together and no one every cleans up. The only thing is that they don't have parties and stuff there like at Miz's which is more of a frat house.

world record gossip thread (you)'s inc? no bait no samefagging?

can we beat matt M?

coomer thread is finished, anons are just posting their own nudes and gooning to each other now. Using names and all.

why are they there?

they're going to start taking hormones soon


Big dick

Using names and all

couldnt be us, amirite broly, messi, psycho anon?

is this a bad thing LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO

esfand's and miz's houses are both trashed

they're too lazy to clean it up, they're excuse is the weekly maids will handle it. shit, i'd fineness the fuck out of these guys if I was their maid

u think streamers have time to clean lmao

miz's upstairs isnt bad the downstairs is fucked

unironically this is the pipeline they travelled down after being in a gooner thread for years. Grim.

anons are just posting their own nudes and gooning to each other now. Using names and all.

goes to thread sees 2 OC posts the rest are your typical goon material twitch streamer posts

typical retarded anon farming hysteria

yep, her mom was mad because she was sleeping and katchi started the stream at 3AM


As someone with alot of experience with female asian foreigners, trust me when i say this, all of them are golddiggers, even their mothers encourage the daughters to go get a rich man, Nick is like a gold chest waiting to be farmed. He has no idea what kind of fire he is playing with.

I fucking knew it, it all started with the Emifags and Marfags. You couldn't post one Emi pic without having faggots trying to erp or trying to groom you to one of the discords

Hoo boy. I know i shouldnt judge people by their cover but my whole defense for Katchii itt is making me regret doing it. Watching this she seems like your selfcentered SEA whore that tries to make it big in America. I wonder if her ex cheated on her, though. OR they are still together and Nick will end up being NTR'd.


I know about the trash but why are they streaming in esfand's house?


oh hey remember when during today stream Cinna refused to go to dinner off stream with Nick? first she told him to go kill himself, then she said she wants Arther to come too

the frequency has increased over the past few weeks and is a new trend, but I guess you need things in a neat snapshot if you're a retard

coomer thread died long ago with spambotting

new trend

dis newfag


the two streamers with the worst mental health in the group have their houses like garbage?

what a surprise

No fucking shit. How do you go through life being this naive?

its avatarfags all the way down talking about how they want to have gay sex with each other. nothing to do with streamers.

yes, anons posting solo nudes outside of babecocks being a demand is new. Wanna go 3/3 on retarded statements next?

L mother in law

Yes, it is I, Nicholas Polom. You've summoned me, and I'm here to say: you're a faggot.

yeah its a new trend pepelaugh


How hard is to keep your house clean when your only job is to stream yourself playing games or watching videos? How hard is to be a man tell people to clean after themselves and to respect your fucking house?

it was t10nat's idea to drink before the improv show btw

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say the n word


how many days of twitch anon?

this is what im saying, psycho anon broly messi

based toxickbunny was right

3/3 congrats kek

genuine questions, are you autistic? Wasn't it obvious to you she was running a script? Do you have zero experience with women IRL?

I honestly thought all of us were shipping them ironically because of how obviously scripted that shit was.

mizs house is clean, just a lot of daily trash that piles up and doesn't get cleaned up, but its done quickly.
esfands house is a landfill just a million random things stacked on top of each other and piled together. the guy has not a single shelf that is usable the he had the same christmas decoration in the same places for 2 years did not remove anything.

Big Tec is at it again

Do romance comedy

that's got to become a meme

oh hey remember when during today stream Cinna

Never seen a bitch's ego tries fatter than this sluts. Luckily she's don't everything wrong currently and her only chance for growth is whoring herself to Jason or Agent....she could have grown an Ee sized community for herself on her own terms but she's making it so her stream is dead without collabs

ur glowing discordfag

Yeah miz's house could be cleaned in a few hours.

Wasn't it established this dude was gay?

Think her mother was just using broken English is all. Only the drinking part is worrying I think.


Stupid useless bitch

how many nights of having his dick in your mouth?

ee sized community

so 3k desktop & 8k irl?

100%. Nick is thinking with his dick and it's going to backfire so hard. Nick really doesn't understand how batshit crazy the gold digging Philippine whores are.

the christmas tree in the same place for 3 years is a perfect summary of esfand's life

do you guys think miz or emi read these threads?

@miz stop being a bitch and win her back

The upstairs is just not cluttered since they are downstairs all the time I think and Miz never uses the kitchen for anything.

thats a new trend with a demand

the Top Streamers have been living in Esfands, been sleeping in the guestroom and the couch in the living room. that's why that area is messier than before even with Esfand's closet clothes.

Imagine getting bitched by your mom in DMs and then also Nick (the guy you just met)

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i think neither do but they have people tell them stuff

asmon just started playing atomic picnic so he will end stream in an hour and once again carry esfand who is pretty much just the same as otknetwork channel except at this point, just a place to raid into.

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problem for nick is that all the girls are still in the "i can grow my stream from him" phase. it's in a few months when he wants to move on or he settles down that resentment starts to grow

splat mizzy splat

the biggest dick i ever sucked was an asian just fyi

if he can get a good 15-20 year run thats really all that matters.

wait i thought he left mad mushroom tho and emi and tectone followed to support him

faggot rofl

Lay off the galaxy gas, cuh.

If any of you thought that was real ur fucking stupid, Nick is also a sociopathic manipulator that will do anything for a bag.

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Damn, T10nat is at 5.5k while Esfand...

but does have have a gtr?

Bitch we all know you're an asian dude trying to protect your clan

good that old fuck had his time leave the new blood alone esfand you failing faggot

Why does this place even care about Nick all so suddenly? It was all about Miz and Emi the moment this threat split from the other streamer one. And since the breakup its all about Nick now? Feels really weird. From zero discusssion to constant discussion. Are you fucks just living through him because he is single now?

it's basically an ad stream

his numbers will improve with onlyfangs

it's ok esfand will be getting t10nat's raid, asmon raid, soda raid, and bonnie's raid

this dude gay btw and he seemed gay as well

you dont do horseback riding as a dude unless u hella gay

miz lost all his viewers by reacting to someone making content


I'm just here for Emi. But Nick is ok too.

You are a female, right? Right anon?

i don't buy that any of the girls want him so it feels too artificial to get invested. i think he's just talked about because people like comparing him to miz lol.


because his faggot moderators (mostly indym) started actually typing in these threads rather than lurking for emi deepfakes. you can tell who they are by their gladfag spam

Guys, couldn't it be that she started out farming, but over time developed feelings for Nick, and never looped her mom in out of fear that she'd think her daughter weak? That could be true too, eh?

yes thanks for playing

not one female uses these boards that isnt a streamer lurking

well, miz viewers watched miz react to katchii shit for so long that they got invested. now instead of watching/discussing miz, they just watch/discuss nick.

Most of us moved on from miz, why would anyone care about a guy with 80% bots lol

they owe him for esfand having to put up with their bullshit and being the nicest guy

i don't think they care, but right now he's the only otk streamer making good content

yo boys, boys... what are we doing? its nick. The dms are the fakest shit ive seen since my post...

yall need jesus.

nothing else is happening now?


Nick has been doing good content since August when he came back from Spain. That is when people started talking about him more and it took off from there.

Anons, give me your most good faith argument why Katchii might not be a gold digger looking for that gold nigger.

she tries to shut down his advances he makes on her
cinnas boyfriend jackthecuck will be tommorow in LA with her
they havent seen eachother in like 2 weeks and she has only around 1 week left in her LA content house
she also has asked every collab partner about their view on making a relationship public
maybe she feels bad for jack that everybody ships her with streamers and she doesnt want to say she is taken for over 2 years now
i guess they will be doing dragonball and IRLs together though maybe AMP and FAZE and NMP will put two and two together

already said thanks for playing anon, you hit 5/5 on retarded replies, you won


What riveting content are Miz and Emi doing that is worth talking about? They broke up, will you faggots ever move on and stop analyzing every small detail that means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things?

She just applied to top streamer, she didn't really apply to be Nick's girlfriend.
Nick put her in that situation but she might be gold digging now

boomer comeback

no, he has to talk to asmon and asmon relays it to her.

we know its emi because hes sitting crisscross apple sauce


you really have nothing left kek

She watched Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso and liked it.

bro nick farmed these people good and got them believing every word kek

ur so obsessed with me i got you on constant farm status

anyone watching dandadan? incredible anime..

Fanfan, my wife

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dont get too invested the cuck themes are about to break loose.

you know it's over when someone does the "w-well you're keep replying to me!" cop out. Oh 8/8 btw

EE! Love your streams <3

E-girl pretending to be single for shippers and simps

Wow who would have thought

ah yes anon lets rehash and recycle the same schizo emikif bullshit from the past several months I'm sure that will keep people interested!!!!

find a rope I beg you

ruined catholic girl

Rip, just when she was trying to expand her audience

what is it about? currently just about to finish watching frieren

Excuse you. Emi is currently sitting in a Japanese bath house with Poki, Hyoon and a crying Aria. We will soon be getting prime GFE content.



why do they always have to add ntr shit

Here she does look like a Filipina

Will Acie actually move into Nick's house?


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you know there not actually dating right a kiss on these cheek mean nothing

two schoolmates (boy/girl) with physic abilities fighting demons/aliens

jack and esfand fight for the title of biggest cuck in austin

Isn't she only a quarter Filipina?

gets to fuck cinna

earns millions by soyfacing over weeb cartoons

Jack-sama I KNEEL

one fact: ALL ASIANS think blacks are subhuman. All of them. Doesn't matter if they say they don't, their mom or dad usually will think that.

has katchi revealed that she is 32 yet?

Who knows. What killed it for me is when the bitch started blushing at the advances of her childhood friend chad, right after she had a sweet date with MC after her work was over. I tried to continue reading but then the scene where she slept in the arms of her CF was where i dropped out.

farm status

chink lil microdick boy coping

old hag kek

why you'd have to say that they are boy/girl freak

your anxiety probably goes up refreshing for my replies kek

I don't think she is and this is not flattering

This just shows, by comparison, how fat she's gotten.

dont make me spam bbc x asian kino man... please dont make me do it

hope not, she not nearly interesting enough and should only be reserved for those who earn it

Why does washedkif even care about Nick all so suddenly?

marpdeo detected



makes virgins on Anon Babble seethe

he's so based

stfu woj

you missed out on that whole village wanting to rape her buttnaked. the author clearly has a ntr fetish.

the same reason he cares about ANYONE, viewership

esfand joins soda's group and soda instantly loses almost 3K viewers. the paladin debuff

projecting now lol

Isn't the flight there like 14 hours long or something? She's probably passed out


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She still looks pretty

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because nick viewers send the clips? use your brain next time

when all her info leaked it was revealed she was born in 2000 and school records confirms this as well, so I don't know where you're are going with this


She is gently drying Aria's tears.

Jiji doesn't view her in a romantic way at all and she doesn't view him that way anymore. So it is dead bait. Zuma is the new bait.

yellow fever fags


typical response when hit with facts

checks thread after a few months being hiatus

wonders why there isnt much emi talk

checks previous 10 threads for a quick recap

realizes emikif is dead

holy fuck thats sad.


Arther is Nick's biggest success story. He kept saying he wanted to create his own Emiru with the girls he streams with, but he created it in Arther. If Nick isn't live and Arther streams around Nick's usually time he can pull 15-20K without any raid.

how fat she's gotten

Low t fag

>wonders why there isnt much emi talk

don't worry there will be a lot more when she streams in japan

what happened? wasn't the second channel doing well?

Any time she streams these threads become the wild west, just wait

both channels are fucking dead compared to nick's or asmon's bro lmao

well, as long as he farms fanfan


did nothing but be an absolute faggot

so jimmyhere has exactly the same viewership right now as esfand 1.1k
jimmys chat is flying and esfand chat is just standing still
what is going on? is esfand botted?

i think she only promised one stream and with aria depressed i don't expect any streams

he had 7K when Nick and everyone else was streaming in the afternoon and fanfan wasn't there.

Nick's discord trying to astroturf after the dm leak


You mean that 1 stream she promised to do over the entire next week?

lol so it was just emi and asmon

I don't think boost that everyone around nmp is getting will be permanent. maybe I'm wrong, but I think eventually people will start to get tired of this shipping post-divorce arc.

i know hyoon was going to stream the muscle girl bar but waited for poki and emi

Emi was actually at the hot tub for Arther.

zoomer audience vs boomer audience

Damn. And here I thought hyoon was above being a shameless leech.

jimmy is a youtuber who gets 150k+ every video while esfand is a fcuking loser that can break 2k per vid, chats or even twitch viewers don't matter since youtubers>>>>streamers at everything every single time

soda has 7K and his chat is slower than jimmys. gaming audience vs reactive audience. just how it is

another depressing emoney stream...:Pain

Mizkif aoe hitting him too?

Yeah the clip implies they literally came together lol. Are they dating??

or she doesnt want to go with a depressed aria lmao

Esfands streamer career is slowly dying. thats all

drop some examples, anon. need a laugh

Emi and Hyoon getting their asses smacked by the muscle girls

Now this could be some actual content

yes it is obvious to everyone that asmon and emi are dating

He won't average 35-40K forever but he will probably still get 25-30K. No one else is as consistent as him and he streams in the morning. So he should be fine.

no it was after steak and eggs


just that youtube requires way more luck but once you hit the algorithm you're good for a bit. the bad thing about YT is that once you fall off you fall fast. twitch you can still live comfortably with 500 viewers

Until GTA 6 comes out and he can RP that.







I wish girls would sleep on my couch so I could watch them

Do romantic comedy. I'm in the dark bec I like black

So the people saying her asmon and nick arrived at the same time lied? Seems like she went with asmon and not for ee, wouldn’t emi have had to go home and get a bathing suit, how did they arrive at the same time, something is not adding up

why wasn't he getting that with malena though? his content isn't really that different now, aside from the shipping, and we was averaging about 15k before

They need to do this.

lmao mar skipped out on otk game day

are we going to see esfand drop below 1k anon?

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Aria crashes out on twitter about once a month. Literally nothing she said or posted is out of the ordinary for her and hyoon, emi and poki are fully aware of that.

Mizkif looking for Asian arms to break, wide of her

i dont think emi went into the tub that day and only had her feet in

she would assmog everyone there, so thoughtful of her to skip

You actually made a good point

Emi said she went in though

I mean of people in the discord losing it.

yeah but wyr wait for poki and emi to come or go with aria



bonnie is ending soon, her mod will save him

no, but they are probably friends. They came over after the podcast. I guess Tectone isn't cool enough to get invited.

yeah fanfan said her and other people only had feet in and we know acie arther ee and clara were in the whole tub

fanfan said not everyone was and people had only their feet

Ooooo good catch how did they arrive at the same time if emi had to get a bathing suit unless they drove together??

She didn't go fully in the tub

Don't know if it's even leaked outside of here yet

Emi said she went in though on her stream and even made a point asmon and nick didn’t

she did not say that lol

He was getting 20K with Malena in the past. Not like he was doing 10K or something. His stream only really tanked because he was stuck in Europe and Spain for months. Malena has barely been on his stream in all of 2024. As long as he streams in the morning he is fine as no one else streams then that does the kind of IRL content he does. Also his YT has grown a lot since last year too which has helped his viewership. It's brought a lot of new people to his stream.

She literally said on her stream she did, they had to have rode together

she went in the first monday not this monday

true, but now they are on the other side of the world wit her, if anything happens, they'll take the blame

yeah asmon and nick werent in the tub at all. ee, acie, clara, and arther were inside the tub everybody else had their feet in. Nick's tub can fit 3/4 people very comfortably anything more than it starts getting tight

You don't need a bathing suit to dip your feet

Emi always carries her bathing suit with her when she knows she's hanging out with asmon. :3

emigold might actually be a thing. when it comes to emi i really wouldnt even be surprised.

Did she say that? she's retarded if she did

EE was bleeding that day so only the freaks like me would be in

Esfand managed to get T10Nat raid


Emi might of made plans for the hot tub that night and put her bathing suite in a backpack or some shit during steak and eggs/left it in the car.

Too bad he's boring notice how he almost never streams alone always with a girl

lol t10 raiding into esfand
another raid into the void

retards actually addicted to baiting with asmon even after fanfan said emi left while asmon stayed

Also best tech and production quality on Twitch by far.

Clara is on vacation I think. So she hasn't been there since Acie got there.

I love baiting with asmon cause it triggers people every time. Literally the easiest bait LOL

It's almost like when you throw a complete made up variable, they arrived at the same time, into the equation then the math will always look off.

God you asmon faggots need to neck. What's funny is we all know you're just the same days that we're doing this with Taco a few weeks ago. Crazy how much you flip flop.

its not bait?

holy fuck this hot tub shit is so fucking retarded, talk about katchii leaks or something

even the orbiters are trying to save him, that's sad

wrong. she said they left the hot tub not the house. i bet you're the same person saying that nmp, asmon, and emi arrived together.


Bait she said emi ee and herself left, but fan fan stayed the night so she was talking about the hot tub, emi could have stayed till 3 who knows

they've been sleeping at his house all the 3 top streamers

Yeah asmon is my go to bait now cause it guarantees at least 3 (you)'s :)

emigold is a thing. not might be.

He's pretty funny. But I guess people that like Miz's crazy random humor wouldn't like him.

esfand got the t10nat raid

LOL I have at least 20 post in this thread just about the hot tub cause it triggers you fags so much

Nora hot tub when?

You keep trying it spin it as bait when in reality it looks like it is becoming an actual thing

live right now

And calling out you retards got me 6 (You)s :)

her and asmon arriving together is pretty telling that they are. that use to be a miz and emi thing.

Acie live with Arther on her channel


I thought you said they were astroturfing it in his discord - you if you're the anon whom I originally replied to.

she started talking about it at 54:54
(was gonna dm nmp but she was too busy, so maybe in the future)

It would be kind of cute, but this is fanfiction.

Btw did anyone notice how none of the asmon fags that went on and on about mas mushroom and people " leaving" in solidarity with asmon have not mentioned how he's literally right now playing a mad mushroom game #ad :)

Kill yourselves

it's pretty telling that they both finished the podcast so they arrived at the same time

I wonder if he's feeling humiliated yet. A Top Streamer contestant that started streaming yesterday is carrying him.

This is the most likely scenario.

They just went live if u guys want to watch

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No one's posted acies nudes yeT? newfags


Sit down, we are talking about relevant streamers now. It is important to know how exactly Asmon and Emi ended up being at the hot tub at the same time.

acies nudes yeT

post it now

soda didnt raid esfand? wtf

You guys need to ignore the Asmon bait and just focus on the first time Arther mentioned Emi. She showed up and stayed with them till 3am. It's over. That used to be the time she spent with Miz. She's doing the healthy thing and finding other people to spend time with.






it's cultural knowledge inherited from their rice-farming ancestors who conquered the dark skin natives of southern asia

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erobb told emmy they can go to the aquarium tomorrow but then forgot he has game day so he cant

what a shit dad

fucking jackass

LMAO esfand crashing out because people are giving atomic picnic a negative review
you can't even make this up

Now Artheru can rise. They will duo in WoW from the hot tub.

yeah in a deleted vod she already talked about how her mom can be controlling and a stage mom, and she tried talking to her about it but she doesn’t stop. the texts don’t mean shit about her, just her mom. she spent like 3 weeks with nick on and off cam. i feel bad for her, her mom is like Sam from icarly’s

you know she fakes this, right? her moms not texting her in english lol