LGBT+ crisis hotlines report spike in calls after Trump victory

LGBTQ+ crisis hotlines have been inundated with phone calls from young people distressed by Donald Trump's victory in the 2024 US presidential election, according to reports.

The Trevor Project, a nonprofit collective dedicated to supporting LGBTQ youths, revealed it had experienced a nearly 200 percent increase in conversations with election-related keywords such as "election" and "rights."

The organization also reported that 90 percent of LGBTQ+ young people said their well-being was negatively impacted due to the election.

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We need to get those hotline numbers so we can jam them up so the sodomites kill themselves.


mental illness is a helluva drug

Has anyone noticed the usual how do I kill myself threads today?

I hate to tell you but I'm not having a crisis. I didn't even bother to vote. I had absolutely no investment in the outcome of this election or any other. Absolutely nothing has changed for me. I'm not going to hide from you now or ever. Fucking do something about it if you think you can. I'll believe it when I see it.


Do something faggot. Make me kill myself.


Do something. Anything. Or are you all talk?


That's it? Repeating yourself is the best you can do? The point is you have no power over me. You didn't before and you still don't. I don't give a single fuck who the president of America is. Fuck them all and fuck you too. I'm going to keep saying and doing whatever the fuck I want, same as last week and every other day and you're going to type "cringe" on Anon Babble and shut the fuck up and stay in you lane in public same as usual. You're the one that lives in fear of being exposed and not me.


Mail them all a stress reduction kit.

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Mentally ill people will act in mentally ill ways.
Trump didn't do much against their "rights" during his 1st term. Only a complete retard would be imagining a president would do something so awful to them that suicide would seem preferable.
Now, for the general populace; these mentally ill sexual deviants committing suicide would be preferred.
Nothing of value would be lost.

You aren't going to piss me off just by repeating yourself. Its a simple psychological strategy that probably works on most Americans, but unfortunately for you I'm not an idiot. Aside from that.I already know everyone e thinks I'm "cringe". Gay men are everyone's favorite punching bag. Its a given that nobody respects me. If I gave a fuck what anyone thought of me I be a closeted forever alone typing "cringe" on Anon Babble all day like you.


If you think reelecting Trump and calling me cringe all day is going to make me run away crying you are going to be disappointed. Grown adults like me aren't scared of little boys like you.

It just shows how mentally ill the trannies and faggots are. Trump never a single thing about the fags and trans. He said he would go after illegals, government waste, and Chinese dumping of goods. All good. Show me a single clip where he talks about throwing trannies off a cliff. I actually wish he had, but he didn't. But while we're at it, let's toss some trannies and fags off a cliff.

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This is the problem. You people think you can treat me however you want. I don't give a fuck about Donald Trump. You are my enemies. If Republicans aren't going to do anything to me then fucking splendid. I'm not here to talk about politics. I here to talk about you. Now that got what you wanted any further hostility from any of you towards me will not be tolerated. I don't mean the keyboard warrior bullshit here. Out in the real world you will mind your manners or there will be retaliation, because further hostility isn't reciprocity anymore. Now its aggression.

Mentally ill faggots responding like mentally ill faggots

Gee, what a surprise.



You will give me the respect I am due whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry your parents failed you. I hope you'll be well someday.


Not here I won't.

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Out in the real world you get onepunched lmao

You can't make me feel bad. I'm not going to kill myself now or ever. The only one of us that might end up with a gun in their mouth is you if you even consider the thought of disrespecting me like this in the real world. This may surprise you but gun stores don't turn a way fags at the door and my money seems to spend as well as anyone elses. I'm not fucking scared of you. Ive walked all over this country with my held high without a single incident do over 30 years. That's how I know you're a coward. You don't have the courage to say that outside of this cess pool.

Whatever this is ain't me. I'm not an "activist" play fighting in the street. I am a grown muscular man with a handgun, and I will immediately murder anyone who trys being stupid with me.

You aren't going to type cringe again? This is an open invitation to all of you: Keep this same attitude after you put your phones back in your pockets. Go outside into real life and start bullying people. The internet is a safe space for cowards. Prove me wrong.

You are based, anon

tell everyone Trump is going to kill them

act surprised when they get scared

It's not Trump doing this, it's the Trump haters.

0/10 larp dilate

You will do absolutely nothing faggot tranny

You're right, because you never have the balls to start shit in the first place. Every time you put your phone back your pocket you go back to being a little bitch.

I can absolutely treat you how I want. If you want to walk around with a dime store wig, heels and your mother's dress, fine. But I also reserve the right to glare at you and tell you to get the fuck out of the women's room when my daughter has to take a leak at the mall. Just because your father never played catch with you in the backyard, and now you're mentally ill, doesn't mean I have to respect your choices.

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or we need your address to tie your tiny cock to a truck and drag you all over the USA

You can pretend whatever you want, but I don't have to hide when I go out into the world. You go back to hiding every time you turn your screen off. Prove me wrong. Go out and so something. The only time I can recall anyone trying was that nightclub shooting in Florida. Even the fucking muslims stand on business better than your bitch ass. Nobody with any sense is scared of you because all you do is talk.

@FBI? Seems like we have our next mass shooter here ready for "revenge". yikes.

Make sure you tie it to something solid. My guess is you're 250+ and not all muscle, if you get my drift.

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there's far more lesbian pervs looking at your daughter in the bathroom than trans ones.

You want to fix the problem? Fix the way we build bathroom stalls with cardboard boxes with fuckin two inch gaps between doors. That way nobody needs to look at anybodys junk, and then it wont matter what you're dressed as.

I have absolutely zero interest in killing anyone that isn't trying to hurt me. I'm just making the point that Donald Trump is the president but YOU AREN'T. There's no secret service coming to dove in the way of the bullets when you fuck around and find out. I am encouraging you to continue making the smart choice and keep your opinions to yourselves, because if you don't there very well may be consequences.

Guessed wrong. Don't care. I've been here since highschool and I graduated in 2005. You think i haven't been called a fagor tranny and been told to kill myself before? I was in PC game chat rooms before some of you were born. Fuck off with this nonsense or speak to me like a man. Pick one.




None of this would be a problem in Canada.
