Twice thread!

According to what I was hearing from this fellow I was conversing with on the streets, those Nice threads are most Twice threads!

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For me, it has to be 1.5+ Hours of Teaching You How to Play YUGIOH to Fall Asleep to!

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For our first Jimmy-Jam of this Twice thread, I give to the frens this one KJimmy-Jam from that one Kgrouping and I guess it’s a bit of a NEW tune still for the frens to partake in!

Are you aware that there’s been recently declassified documents which seem to support the theories put forth by many which said how the US military went on a military expedition to Antarctica in order to combat German holdouts which had advanced AYYLmao technologies?! For any interested frens, post TWO numbers [1-515, 1-734] and receive TWO videos in the form of a Jimmy-Jam and a SmartBoi video!

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All of the evidence seems to point to the fact that we’ve found another one of those RARE cards here tonight!

And the card which is seen here does appear to me like it’d be a bit of a RARE card and maybe even a NEW card as well!




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i went to be the INSTANT i posted last night and I still didn't get enough sleep. maybe i was meant to sleep an extra hour. waking up so early is getting to me

what? where?

Salutations, my frens!
I hope that all is going well over there today on this one start of the week day that we've been experiencing at the current moment!
Have a number of those particularly EPIC partaking been dabbled in today?!

The “Case of” times seem to have found us here now but I do believe some of those most EPIC times are set to be had here by the frens tonight!

And you secured some DUBBARINOS there as well?! Heck, this seemed to work quite well for him I think maybe or something who knows!

Greetings to you there, my fren!
I pray that you’ve been up to a handful of the neats times as one does during such moments!
Might a doing be out there to be done tonight?!

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The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: A traditional Morndas sort of Jimmy-Jam for the frens to partake in that’s hopefully not related to their current Morndas-day that they’re living through!

Where ya gettin' all of those from anyways?

Those RARE DIGITS and what not I mean!


stop cursing me with the monday digits

EXCELLENT 9's you've obtained there once more, my fren!

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Anyways, let's talk about those RARE DIGITS and how the fren has been progressing in ALL of his vidya doings!

He said he was going to dabble in those today!

we were supposed to talk about the twice thread not the digit thread
I have some stories today if I can remember them

Good job with those GETS, keep it up!

I think he'll have quite a few to add to the roster here tonight!

I think that the frens can converse about... well, basically ANYTHING in the end!
Especially the neat stuffs, like the vidya times partaken in by them there!

That and those GETS they were obtaining and will continue to!

this guy at work laughs too much at what I say. I am not even trying to be funny

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: THE SUMS provide to the frens another Jimmy-Jamming here and I’d call it quite the CLASSIC one of theirs!

They must've seen hose RARE DIGITS he obtained before and had some tee-hee and ha-ha moments!

I don't blame them of course, I'd be having a hootin' and holler time as well, especially knowing how many more the fren was going to obtain today with this good starting of the week for him!

i don't know what to converse about. i kind of wanted to make a black veil man ai model thing but it is too much work for one little joke

The fren likes those Jimmy-Jammings from that one band?

I guess they could have a couple good ones for all I know, I just really know that one there even though one sees the band all over the place!

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The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Linkin band is here and I believe it will be this one Jimmy-Jamming of theirs that the frens would call CLASSIC in nature!

the digits are coming from inside the thread. and they are you

This is known of course, the RARE DIGITS were obtained by you and there must be many more for you!

I mean, you're sort of the one who secures basically heckin' ALL of them so why wouldn't we think those GETS were just magnetically drawn to the fren?!

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The down under band x213 is here and I reckon that the frens out there might enjoy partaking in this one BOP of theirs!

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s yet another one of those tunes the frens might be familiar with since it’s kind of a pop-punkin’ BOP!

i played KPOP for the first time to that guy after I hear he doesn't know that there were THREE hank williams and when i played him hank williams 1 he passed on it. then he passed on the finnish trash metal. and then I asked him about pantera


iron maiden

no. too thrash metal

iron maiden is not thrash metal.
well then what DO you like?

goo goo daolls. RUSH


the KPOP song that he wasn't in to

oh they don't even have an accent

i didn't give him soyeons lawnmower eglish
(nah but I do like her)
you want csome choppy english

I-I see...

I think!

Well, I'm seeing as I think here I mean!


But this though, that just means he's most partial to those BOPS of old!
The vintage ones at least, and the cozy ones he'd hear all over the radio back in the day!

There's no issue with that, he's just most partial towards one type of BOP than another and surely he needs to try some OTHER KJimmy-Jammings more like those Googler fellows and he'll be onboard!

Perhaps he needed to provide those sorts of Jimmy-Jammings of a NEWER nature to that fellow and maybe he'd be more partial!

O-Or just from that one popular grouping in general!

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another tune from back in the day and I imagine one the frens are somewhat familiar with!

How heckin' long ago did this bell DING for him though compared to a releasing of a viewing?

The fren wants his hecking first comments and if he can't get that because the bell tolls late...

Just make sure you're keeping tabs on all of those GETS of yours that you've obtained and will obtain soon enough so you don't lose them, alright?

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another one of those somewhat pop-punkin’ tunes and a POWERFUL one at that!

Those must be those mass shootin's I've been hearing about...

But thankfully the frens do not reside in the Chiraq location so I think they're safe and sound!

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Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The rising against the unknown thingy band is here and I believe that the frens will find this one to be a bit of a BOP as well!

yeah I just want to flood him with stuff now. something has to catch on
but I was thinking more
someone almost did a karaoke of that one line in there while driving in the car and was going to post it but ended up NOT doing it

The fren just needs to try a variety of the viewings methinks!

Maybe he needs to provide the visual viewings as well, just so he can see each of the flashy thingies and maybe something will stick!

From VARIOUS grouppings of course!

He just needs to be like "What genre like and/or are interested in?!" and then he can list some stuffs and he might be like "Oh heck, why not this one?!" and the fren will have one in reserve ready to go!

Along with the rest of those POWERFUL BOPS since we need to get him into those as well!

I suggest the Jimmy-Jamming about dinos and dragons could be helpful as well!

someone almost did a karaoke of that one line in there while driving in the car and was going to post it but ended up NOT doing it

When are you doing Jimmy-Jamming night at that one location down the road?

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: THE SUMS are here this time and with a bit of a FEELS-y tune for the frens to dabble in!

I was at work 10 hours ago. I can't just jump on everything
i keep tabs alright. i just seem to not have any gets.

and no im not still looking for that meme

yeah! they should do something about it.
like, pass a law or something. everyone there follows laws

But they'd understand... the fren getting the first comment shows that he's dedicated and ready to get the doing done right away!

Plus he'd feel good getting that FIRST on there himself!

Also, did you find that one thingy yet?

He must've found it when he looked underneat the shelving unit folder he has on the device!

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Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Linkin band is here now and I would think that this could be another tune the frens would be all about!

he already clued me in on the rush limbaugh and the giggle dolls
rush aint too bad. i guess. i'd listen to it if it came on the radio
there must be some others like this. like some kpop rush sound alikes
but he doesn't like some good music who cares.



i found that first comments don't translate to much that is redeemable like nice guy cards.

Then the fren has something to look for of course!

I know there's the mining vidya versions of their Jimmy-Jammings so he can even go that route as well for the fellows!

but he doesn't like some good music who cares.

I mean like... I give a hecking he finds MORE BOPS and he can help the fren find some new ones as well!
That's why Jimmy-Jamming is neats since it's a bit of an exchange!

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Seething band is here and with a bit of a cozy tune for the frens to dabble in tonight as well!

what is love

idk fren idk

made the dating profile again the other day but deleted it again after two days of no matches

I just torture myself

But what if he was the first to comment about those DUBBARINOS as well?

I think that it's still a neat doing to be done though, it shows that he's really into the viewings and want to be there to give them that viewing and interaction to bolster the algorithm placements!

i never REALLY watched this video before. I like the song. good song.
but I never noticed this part until just now

you seen it first-hand when it was first released on VHS, but not necessarily in the theater. maybe when it first came out on HBO. I mean you wouldn't have thought it was your kind of movie so it is not like you would see it in the theater.

no one gets the reference. the young people today have no idea what this simple image is refering to.
he is murdered by a puerto rican and then comes back to his wife as a "MOVIE TITLE" and tries to relive that one little moment in his life when they were together. both alive.

Stop that...

The deleting part, just leave a thingy because one isn't going to get a thingy from not having a thingy!


S-Some might say there's a NUMBER of the referentials in the one viewing actually!
Like... of a bunch of different viewings and I bet the fren has seen some of them as well!

I would image that many of the youngsters doing a viewing of that one viewing there don't know what viewings are being discussed in the viewing BUT them knowing one and looking in the comments and seeing fellows talking about other viewings makes them look up the viewings and maybe those viewings will be viewed by the viewers as well!

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The rising against the unknown thingy band is here and I do believe they have a bit of a BOP the frens will be rather partial towards!

I am not sure what to say but i do know online dating seems like it is a scam.
maybe you can just talk to random people until you find one that will introduce you to a niece in a foreign land.
you know just small talk. always smile. seem like a safe guy.

yeah but there is ONE patient zero, prime reference.
like a, what do you call it?
the origin reference.

the what?
I can't eat dubs

But what if one said that there was a referential in that one viewing which was made to a referential which was a bit of a modernization of a thingy, essentially a referential being made to a referential which is in turn a referential?!

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The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The rising against the unknown thingy band is here now and I think this one Jimmy-Jamming of theirs will be another one the frens can get behind!

Those DUBBARINOS right there!

With the dual 5's the fren obtained of course!
Obviously there were many more up there, but this is the most pressing one that the fren obtained!

so anyway this is only a slight symptom of my mental illness. i am not sure how to diagnose it. i cant go to a doctor because they don't want to hear anything they just want to prescribe drugs.
but it is the hyper-vigilance and having too much alone time on my hands. maybe not enough people to talk to. i get lost in my own though and then start noticing patterns everywhere and then i get called a racist

no one has actually called me that though i just notice patterns of people saying things i have thought and THEY were called racist


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MORE DUBBARINOS seen quite soon I imagine!

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I think that if you go to the mormon church and tell them that you are willing to do the 10% of your income thing to them for the rest of your life they will accept you in. mormons like getting new members

i will call up this mormon guy i know and i am sure if i give him your location he can just network with the mormoms to get you roped into the clan.
the mormon clan.
i mean, but not me though. im a good little catholic boy

i do know some mormons though

I think the odds are not in your favor for the prediction you have made.

All in a period of time which is due of course!

Sometimes they're just preparing to give the fren ALL of the GETS at once or some MEGA GET he'd never expect to obtain!

We've seen that more times than I could count really!

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The MUSE-ical band is here now and with a comfy tune of theirs I could see the frens enjoying as well!

I think in the long run it will be very few numbers. In the meantime I am trying to think of some ai thing to do

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Well, is he going to make a neats creation thingy then?!

Surely he'd have a bunch of those ready to go for the impending wacky times where fellows are Pocket going to the polls and what not!

I imagine the Pepperino will be a busy one that day since I heard he was volunteering as a poll worker!

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i don't have the idea yet.
but that does remind me. turns out the office manager is getting a little discouraged by the special event tomorrow. she was overheard talking to an outside contractor IT man saying

well if we lose the presidency at least we can grab the senate

but what senate are they going to grab
anyhow she got mad because two guys were talking about an issue on the ballot and what the wording means because it was worded confusingly
and she was all


one story of me being a loser

I heard that one fellow in particular was the Senate...

I don't know if he'll let them just take it from him since last time it devolved into some proper heckery!

What can be said is that it will be a particular time to be seen but I just hope to obtain one of those stickers because stickers are neats and one can add it to their collection!


The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Systemic band is here now and I do believe this will be another BOP the frens can get behind!

im going to have a lot of posts to count tonight

im going to start counting now

He found his DUBBARINOS or something like that!

wasn't that many. good thing I counted now so I don't spend all night after the thread

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: I’m sure the frens are familiar with this CLASSIC and POWERFUL Insectoid band Jimmy-Jammings and they might want to dabble in it tonight!

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a Jimmy-Jamming of the pop-punkin’ nature and I’d say another one of the CLASSIC ones at that!

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: A Jimmy-Jamming which keeps popping up for me but one that’s still comfy enough to be rocked out to!

But what will be seen in the MAGIKS orb though...

A question that the frens will need to investigate when they go to their nearest fortune teller!

The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: Heck knows why these fellows haven’t been locked up with a name like this but it will still be a Jimmy-Jamming partaken in!

it is not getting too late for you right now, right? i know last week this would have been a pretty late thread

I don't quite understands...

All I know is that the frens all did a shifting of the times and we're all synced up as a result!

D-Did you remember to change your clock as well?!

Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another one of the tunes from back in the day and one more of those I can see the frens being somewhat partial to!

spouse woke up late today


oh that one? that was the cheap chinese clock form amazon. the other ones didn't change


i tried that nicorette gum again and got sick.
maybe i should have started smoking already to get used to the gum


It's meant to do a changing like that so the fren and fellow don't get hecked by appearing to do a thingy at a later hour!

Tell us about those TRIPPERINOS of the 5's though?

I heard that an EPIC GET was on the way and well... there it certainly is!
Don't do the hecked items though when he could be partaking in the GOOD ones, the RARE DIGITS demand he avoid the sickly times!

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The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: That one Chemical band is here again since they just can’t keep from giving us some BOPS to partake in!

how tf am I out of string

I might need one of those storage places soon as well

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Just remember to make the storing place plenty big enough of course!

And make it EXTRA laggy by making it automatic with like 12,000 chests and 24,000 hoppers!


You know it fren!
You're finally coming around

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Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: I do believe that the frens out there will be familiar with this tune even though the other fellow sort of stole the BOP but putting his name on it!

oh that reminds me. the boss replaces his two curved monitors for one monitor.

curved monitors
how do i sneak it past the you-know-who

she is already complaining i order too much stuff from amazon

OR it could just feature a bunch of the chests clearly labeled in various areas so you can just drop the stuffs off quite easily!

I'm sure he can find a how-do guide for how to set those up efficiently, the whole what-put in which chest and what not and NOT the automatic way of doing stuffs!

Get TWO of them?

Perhaps he can like... put a sheet over it or something and fellows will be none the wiser!

Of course he could always give the other one to that one character so they can have fun with some BIG viewings as well!

Didn't take any screenies of such doings but I had to search for 2 hours yesterday for a brown mushroom before I finally looked at the map and realized I had a dark forest very close by

Methinks one needs to do more of an investigation of the surrounding areas to be fair!

Mark them out so you know what's where and make paths to it so he can get there easily and not spend hours looking for the stuffs!

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Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another one of the vintage tunes and another cozy one at that for the frens to partake in and enjoy!

im being boring tonight. i don't know what to post. im shy


At least he waited long enough to secure the GETS by the bell!

So that's something!

It's not FIRST, but it's still a GETS!

This nigga cooking eggs rn

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mood kind of dipping

i am pretty sure we aren't about GETs in this thread

I don't see why not?!
They're part of the PurePosting experience so, along with the PurePosts, the GETS can and will be obtained by him there in particular!

There might be some chattings and Jimmy-Jammings going along with it as well, who can say!

people can have wrong opinions about things

it doesn't add anything to the thread. we are here to discuss the JYP company line of KPOP groups like TWICE.
and some adjacent companies

I don't know if those are WRONG though, those are just opinions!

But what is factually known is that these mining vidya versions are quite good renditions and perhaps even better than the originals BY FAR!

there can be wrong opinions though, right?

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That's more or less what I was thinking really!

We can have the GETS and the various PurePostings of many different Kgroupings and the like!

Along with the rest of the stuffs that comes with such cozy times, so thankfully the fren is on the same page as us now!

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the GETS ...
get, uh,
in the way
no place for them


too fast 711

Once again, my frens, another Blessed Twice thread!
Excellent work!

Since we're into the hours of departation for a number of frens out there, I'd reckon the one Twice threaddarino is the route to take for tonight!

But of course a few of the BLESSED BOPS must be given to those remaining frens while they're still around!

Like this one Jimmy-Jam that’s a bit of a Morndas CLASSIC and an educational BOP as well!



But how in the actual HECKING does she manage to get away with it like this though?!

is this still an ok time. not too late?

when you guys go to the phlebotomist do you look away or do you stare straight at the needle going in?
because i found out at work today I might be the only person that looks.
it doesn't hurt if you look at it. im not say9ing I like it. just that you have to face your fears head on


The frens do seem to be rather partial to those educational Jimmy-Jammings as well and this one here will certainly inform the frens on the process of mummification from back in the day!

A-An okay time for the fren to partake in the mining vidya stuffs?

I don't know, that's more up to him in the end really!

is he helping you? he is hacking me and helping you?

hacking me

face your fears and just charge at it

Where did he...


The fren is quite lucky there today, I hope he's been marking down those GETS like was mentioned up there since putting all of these into his database will take some time if he waited to do so now!

yeah. dodged it again. you cant hack me

no luck. he is mad because i told him im not posting him anymore and im not making any more pictures of him


Now I'll just say that this one mining vidya Jimmy-Jamming came out of nowhere but it's still quite the proper BOP and a half for the frens to rock out to here tonight to be certain!

Idk how much I'll be here this week. I'm thinking of trying to finish up the rest of the chapters I have to read this week which would take rest of the week. I'll probably be here tomorrow for sure as I want to see the election memes and such but after that I might be offline trying to study instead of pureposting. Not sure yet but just saying if I disappear rest of the week do not be alarmed.

ill give you some election memes

The hecking with this one here...

But he's going to miss out on some of those cozy times among the frens, I do reckon there will be some peculiar chattings to be had as well soon enough!

Alrighty my frens, I reckon that's me and my bit of Jimmy-Jamming here for tonight!

Another cozy as all heck night of some POWERFUL PurePosting and partaking in a great many BOPPIN' Jimmy-Jams and, of course, chatting it up with the frens on everything from how the one fren there continues on his quest to provide some of the BOPS unto that one fellow and he's going to find one he's all about just like how that one fren there will FINALLY make a storing place to store just a few of the items he's collecting! I hope the frens managed to have as cozy a night here tonight as I did!

May each of the BLESSED frens find those equally BLESSED TwiceDreams tonight FILLED with the qt-est of qt Twicefus to adventure with in the Dreamworld for all of the wholesome and cozy times you've given us here tonight!
Goodnight to you, my frens!

But of course a couple of those random videos for the frens to partake in are also due and I have a selection of them right here!

Also, do one of those votings thingies as well since I heard it's important or something like that and heck that one heckster in particular because hecking them so vote for the other one because heck that one there... or something along those lines I think maybe!

goodnight fren


Goodnight to you there, my frens!
Another most Blessed night spent partaking in some cozy as heck times here with you all once again!
Hopefully some of those cozy times were had here PurePosting it up with the frens and that you'll manage to secure a few of those rather Blessed TwiceDreams and the like over there as well FILLED with Twicefus aplenty!
Goodnight to you, my frens!

Are those some sorts of DUBBARINOS seen there as well?!

The frens simply cannot be kept from them it seems!

some memes

HA HA 66