for curious newfags



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"I never met him" Miz met him with emi :3

you know i wouldn't even be that surprised if emi didn't wanna do onlyfangs because of the strict SSF rules and her not being able to accept gifts from viewers because that was like 90% of her content in wow taking gifts or getting mobtagged by her viewers.
BUT now comes the big but: Miz saying that she didn't wanna do it because SHE HAD TO lvl with miz alone is just straight up admitting that they broke up. Why would Emi say she wouldn't want to duo lvl with miz alone that sounds so cruel if they were still dating and she says that shit. That's why i think it's over for good now

Watching a twitch stream is literally the worst thing you can do with your time.

arrav for the win

over some miku pics lmaoooooooooooo

OTK sponsored thread

So it's gotta either be Arrav or T10nat right?

T10Nat is the only 4k+ potential streamer there

yeah, pretty much depends on OTK judges

even more, she can take over the ee role while ee is doing the same stream with nmp over and over again

just wait for it to happen, if is true, then we are all free for this trash at last and we can laugh at miz fumble forever.

arrav wins
t10nat second and signs with OTK later
toxickbunny 3rd because tits

Watch the following happen:

Miz will panic because his community already started crying about him not duoing with emi

He will crawl back to her because he is desperate for wow views, she will agree and they make up

they will play together and it will be worse than ever

again breakup after wow ends



yeah no joke I see this
toxickbunny is gonna have to thank them tits for carrying her through this

Nah, once emi has moved on she's gone. if she's cancelled onlyfangs then she's already made up her mind

OTK isn't signing anybody LMAO

extraemily plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

he deserves the worst twitlonger ever but emi is too nice to do it

Sardaco 100 percent gets 3rd

if you call this correct ill post my bare naked ass

All muslims should be killed

idk if I'm reading into too much or from personal experience but that chick looks done to me like she gives off the vibes of I'm not dealing with it anymore

I've had it happen to me so I know the look but again I could be wrong.

you are literally smoking crack

I will come back to this comment

if sardaco couldnt win anything the first 10 years he streamed he isnt winning anything today

now this is more likely to happen

i wouldnt blame her miz is the most indecisive person i ever seen, and she is close to walling, so she has to find a stable male soon or risk being a single cat lady at 30.

t10 wins
klat second
seby third

Who will be last? Moat, Jaeroze or Bampa?

kill yourself when you are wrong pls. that would be really funny

they probably wont tell

It wasn't even the pictures, it was all the streamer that DM her looking to fuck after she post them. Such a retarded move, now she's single and knows she has a bunch of rich streamers thirsting for her.

jaeroze 100%

Obviously, Arrav and T10 have both already befriended most of OTK and done a ton of collabs. Some of the top streamers have literally not done shit outside of the shows

oh no mizzy....

be sure to make another video of 100% twisting the facts and making her the bad person in the relationship

We can only hope

jaeroze dead last by virtue of being an esfand viewer
poor unc

Bampha everyone hates him

you genuinely might be braindead

Cyr became pretty good friends with Arrav, both were on each other's stream multiple times

Unfortunately she said she is not that gay anymore, it will be asmon or some other big streamer

Fast nigger
Skinny nigger


wtf does that mean lol? i am not an emi simp but i was purely blaming miz for the relationship not her, maybe wrong reply?

he just comes off overly generic like idk what it is but he cringes me out

arrav is getting a whole career as a klat, t10 gets signed by otk and a career from that and toxickbunny will be getting an egirl career

Nora comes backs after the Japan trip, there's no fucking doubt in my mind that she's going to keep influencing her to post more risky stuff.

moat and sebby switch

Please stop the asmon talk it was neevr funny and there's no need for it anymore

10 for ToxicBunny

Can smell asmons dick on your breath

t10klat on top

Miz is done sponsoring Emi's career with Emi giving near nothing in return. Hopefully he stops doing the private relationship shit, it hurts his career.
Imagine if fucking Nick was hiding his relationships lmao

i wont be asmon dude, she wont jump from a manchild streamer to another, maybe she would she is mentally ill like that, but she would have so many better options than streamers now.

I am genuinely not even baiting, I can see it being asmon in a few months


Didn't she pay his taxes and shit lolol
Fucking delusional

I see what sardaco was trying to do there

the more whorish her content gets the less allure she is gonna have, be careful what you wish for.

might've already happened

You do realize there's actual Asmon viewers in these threads right? They are not baiting when they ship him with Emi, they actually want it to happen

expose t10klat? i noticed too

he knows about t10klat

Fawn will bring more risky cosplay next time, tell Emi what she will wear before coming over and Emi will feel forced to pick something more risky aswell. It's gonna happen, I swear (hope)

I will put my two cents in, I could 100 percent her going for asmon. Especially if they are going to start doing more content togther not just for steak and eggs and he cleans himself up

There is only ONE True King. Don't forget it.

they all definitely know, no one has slept on nights because loud animal sex

remember when he crashed her car and didn't replace/fix it until he could get a stream out of it 2 years later

why is he so insufferable rn? feels like his adhd is sperging out

See? they are literally subhuman beings, mf can't even type a coherent sentence

Arther going live right before when Katchii said she was going to. Grabbing up nicks viewers first. Coincidence? Or trying to mess with her on purpose?

Misterincel strikes again

yeah cause miz never makes the same mistake twice...

he is probably gonna double down and tried to date a normie, a go even harder on the pretending and the obfuscation, which will eventually lead to another failed relationship because he cant live a double life and have a normal relationship at the same time, is incompatible.

What is up with this fake faggot? Fanfan isn't even staying at Nick's anymore, EE already confirmed she was staying at her place

He needs some dominant bitch that kills the manchild in him

big simp having a 3 way

Nah he's seen the viewcount and even said "I need to get shipped with someone" recently. I think he's farming the next one

bampha ate a banana

Because Nora and her sister are staying there.

Simply is the man

He was trying to farm fanfan again with the room stream I guess fanfan didn't like the place because she would rather stay with EE in a one bedroom apartment

the less allure she is gonna have

who cares, she has like 2 years top before hitting the wall


Might even be Nora's cousin too

1st message ape emoji
2nd message banana ape emojis
hans_007 has been permanently banned.

It's all little faggot fuckboy can do. Ship himself with someone and then tear them down later. Any woman signing up for that or ppl shipping it are fucking retarded. The guy is a bad dude.

Is that real? Isn't that place too small to host guests? Or is EE just going to Simply's place to relax?

he needs to man the fuck up first, then get with a decent woman that hopefully doesn't bring as much baggage as emi, or any other egirl for that matter.


He speedruns that shit

Simply does have his own apartment so I can see her staying there most days

That's racist

The problem is him and him alone. The world will be better off if he never procreates.

im glad we are on the shipping simplEE train now

i agree, although nmp prob will have the biggest say & esfand & the emilys will agree. If this was best voice actor or wow then sebby or sard would win. But top streamer, gotta go w/ someone who can do most variety content.

Thank god for that Galveston trip video leak

Well, EE exposed herself, so here we are

Simply and EE have been going to Nick's lately.

They do it separately

Bunny or Sebby

Emi will date a black guy next


bro is literally slick 2
he used to be a simp fuslie and pokimane mod ffs lmao

They are hot tub enjoyers

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when's katchii stream?

nick isn't going to vote for miz's meme lol.

recap, will they show zyz shinya, kek

it's funny seeing the tv with the 3 chats and EE's, NMP's are flying while Esfand's is barely moving in the middle

that's the only good thing he ever realized himself. he doesn't want kids because he doesn't want anyone else have his shitty genes

Are they gonna show Katchii

i agree with that, but i do think he wants to procreate, since he pretty much beat the survival part of life and he doesnt really have any real hobbies besides streaming. Miz is a lot like emi and cant stay single for long, so the likelihood we see a third gf (and hopefully the last) in miz career is pretty high imo.

smart chatters would chat on esfands, gets most screentime 5Head

(I may be one of them)

Massive yellow fever and weird creep energy. He is basically a successful Selenick.

They showed the nigger

GermanSlick gives me the creeps tbh

Wasn't that black bitch problematic?

@_@ two tummies. That's twice as many tummies

let me guess you are a skinny white guy that is a virgin and loves bbc porn.

i hope he dies

Katchii will literally be irrelevant in 1 month. Nick is going to farm Acie and Nora and her cousins to death, the shippers will move on and the only ones remanining will be the self inserting simps that actually thought she and Nick had anything real going on, 1k andy incoming.

why is miz so pressed about top streamer when we know for a fact he would hate doing it? just ego i guess

the queen is live, fan service stream get in there

what did zyz even do lol

Well she already knew that Nora and her cousins were coming, that room isn't hers.

Him bringing in Acie today prob shows he has a bigger plans. He's assembling a squad.

Honestly if he created a new org I bet Emi and EE would join it. It'd cut out all the useless middlemen like Miz Esfand Soda Asmon who don't do jack shit for the org anymore. Cutting dead weight.

Yeah wasn't she mad about shipping or something even though no one knew who the fuck she was

I can see this actually happening

im in fellow katchiichad

I predicted 2k and I think she could still hold that if she stays consistent. She keeps starting stream later and later but hopefully she's getting sleep and not staying up all night like an idiot

Said he would fuck emi

Katchiis down fall will be the fact she's a shit streamer who knows nothing about streaming

jayroze getting last kek

i'm gonna have to go with ann selzer here anon, +3(000) CCV for katchii indefinitely
underestimate the undecideds and moderates at your peril

saying he saw deepfakes of emi and that he fell in love seeing her in person that he couldn't respond to her questions

all the progressive contestants are going in the dumpster at the end of this besides Arrav and Sardacco.


cyr restreaming the event without being there and still get's a botted to 6k EZ

I wonder who else just became single

arrav top 3 if he's reading in alphabetical order, no surprise

Kek'd, I guess everyone thought the exact same. Bampha and Jay were literally pointless

nat and arrav*

the dark skins all last lmao

I might follow sebby if he actually plays games

yeah, that kinda gave it away by saying alphabetical order


sardaco bottom 4 kek

10 year andy out lmao

Announcing 4th through 8th losers and forcing everyone to clap has to be one of the most disrespectful things I've seen.

i hope otk made over a mil for this shit. 7 months of shows is crazy



The nigger, jayroze, moat, sardaco and toxicbunny out

How is old man seby top 4

Wrong, Sardaco is already in the Austin leech sphere. Nat is going bye bye never to be mentioned again

toxickbunny's tit didn't help enough

called it NIGGERS

Who do we think emi goes for next? Another streamer? Another girl?Non streamer? Long time friend?



Holy shit OTK is cheap

They for sure did

yeah lmao why not just do top 3

emi wasted at least 10 streams for this

You will literally never know who emi is with next, never

it's this fag's fault

think almost everyone knew t10nat and arrav would be top 2 lmao

Will absolutely be another streamer

he is a god

No way she repeats the same mistake again and in the same org.

This result were literally predicted days back kek

pappypete / tazzaroni / skareem etc. RP lmfao


if it's a normie then sure, but the secret dating stuff between streamers is just schizo bait. they can't help but leak and the floodgates will open up

you faggots really are watching an sposored stream for free, jesus and i thought extraemily viewers were losers...

Arrav won




nasty flat Asian bitch btfo


deserved. arrav streamed the most and put in alot of effort

fucks the asian chick

takes the 50k


The one who leeeched off miz the most won lmao

we like flatties here

I ain't even mad, the klats are the leakGODS

that's what makes you a top streamer honestly

I think Acie will be the girl that will break Arthers and Nicks friendship, because they both want to fuck her

Doubt that but it will be a streamer, unironically I know she will date a guy but her and Nora would be dope

arrav and t10nat where the ones who grinded all of this weeks

klat is basically miz's doing, dude let him live in his backyard

She has to realize at this point its nothing but trouble and bad for business

Klats are content kings and respectful. Great new characters


true but mostly because her stream there was shit

how much does 2nd place get?

otk rigging the competition so t10nat not winning this competition doesnt confuse retards about the goal of top streamers when she joins OTK in 3 months. They are so obvious ....

Arrav genuinely had no shot until he started hanging at Miz's

She has a podcast with tectone and asmon she doesn’t care


That is just miz lmao, why would she not want to date someone you she can play games with and stuff


Bro sardaco and emi kinda a vibe

so is it over? can otk finally die now?



Garden Klat was a genius move

Miz back tonight and already making plans with Knut and not emi lmao

The nigger just wants to touch emi lmao

they need more men at this point that are useful and aren't cancelled not more women

speaking of will neff has to be the most useful hire ever. i really believe miz insisted he get hired bc it was a leech bridge to hasan, literally only explanation for hiring that useless retarded fuck

no shit man let it go



Why are you still trying to post bait when 99% of people have acknowledged they broke up

nick 36k viewers and 12k raid


i see what you did there :3

6k for ee 28k lol


Arther is somehow the best leech, even outleeching the hottest girls. He actually convinced Nick somehow that they are real friends, and that he isn't actually a parasite. Imagine losing to this passive aggressive catty "nice guy" act, these girls suck lmfao.

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ofc my goat mizzy had the most real viewers of all the channels streaming the show, Gatorade


holy shit the botting was insane for this

only 15k ppl raided

no thanks leech

FINALLY someone watchable streaming

has fanfan caught onto his act?

well i lasted 2 days for no nut november o7


didn't she ship nick and nora at tc na? lmao

finally some good fucking stream

you fucking fag go suck arther's cock lmfao

can we talk about how the retard mizkif has to google search twitch to come to the webside instead of just typing the url directly into the browser

is she in a bikini?



"should i let my girlfriend do whatever she wants"


keep falling for every nick leech you 86 IQ impressionable retards

She is Soda's ex.


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do you guys think that emi will talk about onlyfangs and game gaunlet in the future? or will she just ignore it?

who is gonna end cyr's stream

Miz ending



LOL faggot got told by Tips to sit there like a cuck and simulcast it

wtf this katchii stream is 60fps 8k bitrate

17K stream


teasing with a bikini but only showing her face. thats how its done. cinna should take notes

Looooooool miz at 13k raiding arrav already ffs, nick raided with barely more at 35k

got the gladiator tech

looks nice out there man i miss summer


And? That was like 5 years ago. Soda has moved on, and Nick has expressed his interest in Acie several times under the guise of "PogO jokes".

Learned from the best

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destiny's ex-wife still gets thousands of viewers doing almost nothing, just going live is enough

so adding up all the streams and leaving out the people that watch multiple streams at once the big finale had like 20k real people watching, great job otk!

ngl she looks incredible

Meanwhile Cyr in Mexico have threesomes with Peach and Rune

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is Nick's camera man whenever he needs one

cleaned out Nick's garage without being asked

redid Nick's tech set up

helped move the stuff out of the podcast room

fixed up the guest bedroom

For it being an act he has done a lot for Nick.

nick wouldn't fuck his friend's ex

Esfand is hosting an after party after this


U can see by teh raid how irrelevant miz is, arrav was 15K before and now he is at 20K. and already down to 19K

miz just adds you at most 4/5K dicksucks on top of the usual OTk audience. literally washkif

I’m telling you sardaco and emi could be the next couple


can't wait for this toxic bunny bitch to leave and never come back

EZ Cyr

goood luck even getting baiters bother with that random ass shit

where does she live?

doing basic chores and hanging around streams

Wow what a nice guy, living for free, getting free food everyday, getting 10k+ viewers, making thousands of dollars/month. Retard.

god is not fair anons

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at least he fucked off to watch his queen, fucking simp

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Seattle, but goes to Toronto often

cinna would have woj hovering in the bg

Is that the leader of the Katchii fags?


katchii flying back to the us end of november or beginning of december

based keeping the pussy purring for his gladiator

nice bait lmao dude was wojitoo before wojitoo was wojitoo
genuinely a nice dude who has been around for virtually every notable twitch era

wait woj is this you? are you pissed that you got stuck with EE and Cinna and not hot asians and europeans?

she is beautiful no doubt, but she really needs to lower the makeup like 20% and it will do wonders for her.

yeah that dude is actually funny af lol

Will Nick set up Emi with that Asian millionaire friend of his that he tried to set up EE with? Or was that friend just a lie from Nick?

so when Nora leaves lmao

Indym is such a massive loser, his personality is literally worshipping Nick and being edgy

she's just busy don't worry

the only way she comes back is if lacari is down bad

sound familiar faggot?

worshipping Nick


still makes me laugh that esfand's stream backpack was dogshit until nick took a look at it
esfand's streams have been near flawless too

He puts in the work though. He isn't just a hanger on.

Any emikif updates or cute Emi mentions from miz stream?

Is the miz stream a skip?

this katchii stream looks better than all her previous streams and she's at the fucking beach. not only does it seem like she bought equipment, it also sounds like she learned some streaming shit too.

she's actually trying. she might make it.

Is there a fraternization clause between the contestants, otherwise Arrav would have planted a wet one on t10nat?

By that logic mizkif had 9k for his melee event kek

Maybe someone can bait her to talk about it on Tuesday


No one tell him

it amazes me that even arther has haters, I guess no matter what you do there'll always be some retards somewhere that are going to hate

miz said emi probably isnt duoing with him

ann selzer +3(000) sustained CCV indefinitely wherever she goes live from it doesn't matter

Ya he mentioned that she is not gonna play of with him

you meant nick bought her equipment

he's still posting here shitting on miz as always dude


She is 100 percent playing Onlyfangs just not with miz

you got stuck with EE and Cinna and not hot asians and europeans?


You are somehow worse than Oro, atleast she gets paid to worship Nick, imagine rizzing in a girls chat for another man

is the nick cosplay on tuesday happening? he has the tectone irl sponsor but i guess she can stall for 2 hours and do it later

worshipping Nick

you're so wrong


didn't they used to have that sponsor?

if so i want to hear her say it

sardaco is literally married retards kek

they probably lost it thanks to washedkif

how is she so pretty bros... holy shit..


worse than Oro


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this is so fucking sad

Arrav needs to take over the stream nobody cares about these photos

emi just sitting there on her phone

what is pretty? fucking makeup?

did anyone get the 4k version before it was deleted


married to WOW


starforge the only thing keeping otk stocks up

give me one streamer that isnt caked up in makeup you dumb nigger

Now show us her face without Makeup

who are you talking about? emiru?

nah the refunds for faulty intel cpus are piling up

she wears way less than most other female streamers

the lines it katchii's lips are so hot



Did Emi leave?

not even 5inches of makeup can fix this..

No she’s with Nick

good cope messi

Yeah she always does that, she didn't lie about her social battery running out after ~3 hours

good one indym

Holy shit you say she is so pretty and they immediately know your talking about emi deep down they know


mine is only 720p


Not yet, but you could hear Nick asking her in the background if she wanted to hang out in the hot tub later.

Cry more washedkif enjoyer

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and fuck the pajeet spammer


mizkif and emi broke up because he cant stand her being a bigger streamer/content creator on ALL platforms. what a pathetic fuck that instead of being more likeable and providing better content, hed rather shift the blame onto someone else to satisfy his fragile ego. sad.

agreed, Emiru is really ugly

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k4tch11 is the next m1r4

mitch jones was once a gladiator and nick will face the same fate as him if he continues this path.

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no 'relationship' will ever work out for him. he is autistic and severally mentally ill

miz knew that wall hit, based

hey man, just let me get a cosplay on

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as she always does with any social event.

what are we trying to say here|

TELL EMI TO STFU is a meem for a reason

wtf why did nobody link this it's actually over

i really wanna go to australia

- arrav

wonder why?

he's the ugliest motherfucker of all LOL

this is why nick should stick with nora. katchii is mine. mine!

oh no katchii's stream went black for a moment and she's on the verge of breaking down again

someone here gatekept it

ok toxicbunny wants to feel that klat cock too after hearing t10klat.... and nat didnt seem too fond of hearing that just there

Tox and Nat fighting for arrav nice

nick said

claraatwork looks good without any makeup

i dont think anybody is as psychotic as blowjob machine

Is there anything sadder than Emiru's viewerbase? All of you stuck here in purgatory deathly afraid of some man spoiling her virginity.

Acie is hot but she is really boring, im waiting for Nmp to come crash the stream and save this snoozefest

her smile carries her

she fucks dogs

Its gonna get harder and harder to find a girl that will put up with his bullshit as he gets older.

mine too but apparently there was 4k quality available

Emi looks sad af

u look like a nora simp rping as a katchii simp

nevermind what nick said, the way miz says that they won't duo is clear

she has a witchy face going on with a calming personaity and sultry voice. mid B-tier.

im so sad bros this pic makes me feel something ive never felt before

not even close. she was a shitty person from the outset, it was just content because of early twitch.

I still have no idea what this top streamer shit is all about except the bots

it's terrible, arther is good with fanfan only

I still think she looks her best with blonde hair

also boobs>>

vanguard just said faggot lmaoo

i bet she cried when nick fucked her too

damn what a shame

he thinks he is still hot shit as long as he has these mentally ill freaks like messi on their discord bigging him up like he's some kind of alpha male but ye the walls are closing in on this faggot.

acie going for arther

Miz old viewerbase is scattered all over twitch with different people he collabed with and with people that they collabed with, he will never be a real 30k+ andy again, and we all know that shit is killing him every day, tearing him apart because his ego can't handle being a smaller streamer than most of the girls he made

did Nick leave?

it's over

i unironically ship nick with nora because i want katchii to stay away from those austin retards and go full jinny. sustained 3-5k CCV indefinitely.

he made

he platformed because he isn't good content with a girl on

you can almost see what's on emi's phone

the worst one?

you can see Emi's phone OTKNetwork



Half of last thread was literally only about this

toxic defn wanted arrav to win. She did not want the KKrikey to win.

not at all, look at her thighs hnnnnnng

It looks like twitter or insta

katchii is wearing a bracelet...bros what does it mean?

Ok, she actually looks sad, I'm guessing Miz is bitching about telling Nick they're not playing OnlyFangs together.

red eyes, puffy nose, ruddy complexion. Signs of alcoholism


Nora moving into Nick's house, streamers schizoing out asking Miz about Nick and shipping him with the leech whores, they're no different from us, it's seeming like hip-gate was real and Nick knew Malena was a fake-wife and hip-gate was the lighter on the fuze, so Nora is the new mommy now chat.

Unironically tonight might be a hot tub night

Agreed. They don't have any chemistry. o7

she misses miz :3

what was ee talking about with nick? another anon said her discord. whats her discord saying?

Did ToxicBunny get 4th?

Are you kidding? Is this your example of an ugly picture? She looks so good here.

his ego can't handle being a smaller streamer than most of the girls he made

Disagree. I think he'd be okay with it if their fame was always credited to him because he'd always share a part of their relevancy.
But in Emi's case she pulled a sleight of hand and switched hosts to Asmon leaving Miz with all loss and no gain.

she will never have a longer relationship than with miz, or even close to that. she will date several people for few months at max at best

they do this because they can't stand to not be in all of this guys place, arther, nick, miz, etc, they are fuming they can have all of this girls as friends, they probably all look as bad as that shinya meatball too or pajeets

they didnt tell, she is somewhere between 4-8th


Is this the wrong time stamp? It’s just the ball landing in emis tits

for anyone else assuming this guy is retarded. I can see asmon too

Best and most spot on explanation lol

Didn’t say they only said top 3


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They said it was in random order, but knowing OTK it what likely in order of 8th to 4th.

How bored are you

keep watching he smiles and says nice

EE + Acie + Ashley +Emi(?)


Katchii is the crazy girl you fuck before you find the right one, Nora is probably the best choice for Nick though

He did the same shit with Maya. When she started consistently getting more viewers than him, you could see him sulk all the time and forced her to stream inconvenient hours so he could continue to appear bigger

looks like nora is a few below why is woj first?

Kind of obvious it was last to first they just didn't want to say

oh yeah, she was constantly drunk before her top streamer crash out

streamers schizoing out asking Miz about Nick

retard it's miz constantly bringing it up trying to overwhelm and deter nick

It was alphabetical

so did nick already fuck nora at tc na?

Arrav on the S+E podcast tomorrow

cringe mf trying to leech from nick every 5 min

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Most likely

yeah hes mentally fucked with his mindset, but i still dont think hes irredeemable. would just take so much change and acceptance that hes just not that guy but he doesnt know how to enjoy life without numbers controlling him

It was alphabetical which is actually even more stupid because when they announced Bampha didn't make it that pretty much confirmed Arrav was top 3.


i'm gonna say he didn't. nora is a virgin and probably liked that nick isn't pushy about sex.

damn, source on middle?

oh god esfand talking about himself again

emi putting her legs up

can kinda see her screen again

Oof, tbf tho it could just be that she wants to do gaming content like she hasn’t been able to because of the OTK top streamer shit show. She has a bunch of games she wants to play, so she would probably rather do that than play WOW non-stop for 3 months

I think she's just scrolling tiktok

and ee needs to stop wearing bras as many have agreed

I think he'll never change. Reason is because he has so many yes men that glaze him for anything in his discord, he makes too much money and got so successful doing the bare minimum, and it's clear he doesn't want to change either. He'll have moments where he realizes he's the problem (see post therapy streams or old wow alt streams) but then he goes back to his old habits almost instantly

Is this the after party? Sitting there looking at instagram?


Why is this thread so full of Nora simps? Has none of you clocked that her head is SHAPED LIKE A DEFLATED BASKETBALL?

No it’s whenever Esfand goes live

aly and oro in chat
good luck cam schizos

then stares at his phones mid conversation to see chat's reaction

you can see her turn her phone away from the camera and typing stuff every few minutes

For emi yeah

just block them and they cant see you type

She has good chemistry with Nick, and her persona is actually funny, she is a more mature version of Katchii

aly is the one putting the cam on emi/ee

arrav needs to run away from cookedfand

esfand explaing shit to arrav like the expert bodybuilder he is

yoooooo chat I was hanging out with EMILY AND EMI last night IT WAS WILD dude

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i just mouthread onlyfangs from emi and she shook her head no

can these whores take their heels off already?

fuck man i can't believe it's oover

imagine winning an event that gives you an opportunity to became a top streamer and you immdeiatly get roped into taking advice from esfand

1000 percent a hot tub night

you can see the viewers coming down every minute he's with him

You know that these guys don't actually like each other right? All of this fake scripted content doesn't make for real genuine relationships. It's literally a sponsor farming event with a bunch of randoms.

planning the next hot tub night


he will be saying that lol

What you take for maturity is dull-wittedness and lack of energy; what you take humor is a peaceable willingness to go with a bit.
She has nothing to commend her as a streamer. Man to man, you're backing the wrong horse.

This has worse vibes than nick and malena breaking up

nice spelling miz

Ee and emi cuddling

in the tub last night with EMI AND EMILY

trying to hide my boner for four hours bro it was so lit, I got to touch emi's shoulder bro not gonna lie on god

Both emilys breaking free and becoming eemiru is cool


1000% confirmed they broke up, she doesn't want to hang out with her EX more than necessary for business related things

virus do not open

they are co-workers.. just like irl, some co-workers are friends outside of work, some dont like each other, some fuck each other, some might even hate each other etc.
...and nothing new was learned here

why are nick, ee, and emiru hanging around the house so long


nick doesn't say lit

It's EmEEru fucker

stalling for the hot tub

Esfand is doing an after party on his stream with a bunch of people

Everyone is probably going out to eat after like every otk event, so they're waiting for that

102x117 png of black screen

pixel fags do your magic

this generation is toast

Going out ti eat with contestants and planning hot tub later

Ok so now this cringe event is over (I didn't watch most of it) were any of the contestants actually entertaining or authentic? Or were they just glazing OTK the whole time and being cringe wanna-bes

why did miz post the "rat" IG photo
im so confused bros :(

hot tub at nick's in a bit don't rush it

arrav made the mistake of walking up to esfand and start talking to him

so whats the new cope after the wow news? surely you gave up as you said you would right?

"Sardaco:Is Esfand still talking"

lol its a streamable link

esfand can be funny but his main downfall is that he does a bit for to damn long

Are you retarded? Can you read?

guys emi is mad at her phone is mathew mad at her that the bots werent working or are they broken up and not on speaking turns

which bait is it retards

he asked esfand for one bit of advice and 30 min later nothing useful was said

Orophia: reset

Fuck this obese janitor

aly made her do it

oro will hunt you down and slap you around a bit with a large trout you filthy heathen

last night was a movie not gonna lie, I hung out with emily and emiru, chat

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they are leaving now

they should stick their toes in each others pussies haha

they are finally leaving

early hot tub sesh

Definitely hot tub night

Katchii will be watching Nick's behavior over the next few weeks, she's a schizo.

going to nicks hot tub

i know you dont really like feet cause thats stupid

The only authentic contestant was the drunk mama who flamed out in spectacular fashion weeks ago, and by her subsequent success, highlighted the competition as an irredeemable farce. The rest are pretty bleh.

shes crazy jealous

probably dinner

Ee and emi leaving together probably getting dinner again

She has to hang out with goofy ass EE, I'd be sad too

She said she doesn't like competing for attention, it's over for Nick

esfand crashing out hard rn

Man the Philippines looks like heaven, the beaches there are so Nice

holy fuck esfand just stfu
arrav is too nice to cut you off

yo nick

katchiifeet.png - 1005x496, 469.9K

Who watches esfand man, what a boring dude

The only good contestant was the only one who wasn't sponsor friendly

Who woulda thunk

They are All getting dinner

esfand is actually anti-content

If you think about it, soda lead to the breakup. He delayed onlyfans which brought on tons of free timr to cosplay

cookedfand fuck off

i wonder if soda knows
them not playing together is a huge blow to onlyfangs

Why is she interested in a man whose content is flirting with women?

If they were playing Onlyfangs right now they would've been on their way to marriage, kinda wild

he drags jokes out so much
just desperately needs to make sure even the most dumbest retard in the room understands the premise
plus him laughing at his own stuff, wtf is that about

lmao the whole chat hates esfand right now

esfand never stops talking about himself holy shit

It's gonna ruin his vacation

cant believe hes still there

he wont care... at all.

if he cared about views for onlyfangs he would have given asmon special treatment last year...

he's gonna be so mad


Nick just put her in that role to farm content

i just hope vei lets him out of his chastity cage during guild meetings
it'd be a big hit to morale if mainfang's voice is cracking and has trouble making eye contact

Even Jeff is shitting on Esfand

tubbin :3

Esfand leeching Arrav was not in my predictions

and always with a can of energy drink

crazy how he can no longer function like a normal human being

YUNGJEFF: dude what the hell is esfand talking about OMEGADANCEBUTFAST
orophia: om

as soon as miz started stream he addressed why he was away from austin for a week and missing emi's halloween party
he definitely saw prying posts/comments and was pressed to address it immediately

soda doesnt care about views anymore, however miz is fuming

Arrav was the only one who was authentic even though he was playing a character the whole time, he was respected in the OSRS category like Sardaco
T10Nat was entertaining on the streams she were on, she's inauthentic but would match well with OTK as a replacement for Cinna
Toxickbunny is a good content creator and would have won if she was on fuslie's streamer camp shit, but she sucks around OTK people she's just thick emiru with worse cosplays
Bamph and Moat are actually funny in those few mask off moments but #ad cucked them into being fake and unwatchable
Sebby is just another Will, Caroline and Cyr clone so he's good but we already have so many of the same type of cringe streamer
Sardaco is Sardaco he was supposed to sweep this thing but he's too WoW autistic to even do well IRL. I am guessing the plan was for him to win and then it would transition nicely into Onlyfangs.

All in all made sense they were in the finale. The bar is just low cause the other contestants were kinda dogshit. It was made worse because they had to be sponsor friendly the whole time on stream.

She seems like the type that is extremely jealous but once you get her she would be loyal but expect the same in return. Thered be no cucking of her like he did with Malena.

is esfand what xqc is gonna be when hes in his 30s

Yeah she'd never put up with that

yes :(

Esfand is a retard, he should spend time with his friend/camerman from Paris and let Arrav do the after party unsponsored content.