So i have saved the world but i don't know what to do about that. I have made something that's so fucking revolutionary that it feels like noone would ever believe me. What should i do?
So i have saved the world but i don't know what to do about that...
take your meds
I'm not even joking, dude.
That your meds, talk to your psychiatrist
Told you noone would believe me..
make a prototype, document all aspects of manufacturing it in detail in secret, make a detailed pdf guide on what it is, what it does, how you made it, leave no personal fingerprint.
upload copies of the videos and guide to multiple file sharing locations across different continents, place your prototype in a lock box with gps coordinates and include the location in the documents (not near where you live). go buy a brand new chromebook, cover the camera, drive to a location where you can get free wifi (again not where near you live), upload all of the files into the file share locations and then upload the links to as many online platforms as you can (all burners, nothing linking you, all created on the new chromebook).
after you are done, double check that your links work, power off the chromebook and throw it into the nearest dumpster. go back home. never say a word.
It's actually a method and not a thing.
then just anonymously email the people who could use the method that you trust after vetting them in whatever industry would use it
Maybe you are right, maybe should i make a video on Youtube where i'd just tell what i have done, in order to attract attention?
It concerns pretty much ALL industries in the world. I told you it was something revolutionary.
get a vpn and post it then
If you make a youtube video the government will see you're discovering the secrets that they so deperately want to keep within them so they'll arrest you, be careful bro
If it's so great then use it to start your own revolutionary business and amaze the world. Why would nobody believe you?
Be racist
Articulate your explanation like a math proof, fundamental ideas combined to make Pen pineapple apple pen.
This will make you poor.
Thank you for your service, alternatively you can go the starlite route, invent shit outside your field and field of everyone you talk to show it off on national television refuse to sell it and watch as people in that field develop better versions and continue to claim superiority making your family rich, but your product does not see the light of day
It could be used by pretty much anybody in the world. It's barely something you could sell with a company.. It's something that everybody does but i have corrected it and now it's working to the point it'll save the world.
What is it?
it's an ass-wiping machine
I can get as obese as I want and not have to smell like poop.
What should i do?
make youtube videos
Ian Foote played a similar salvific role vis-a-vis humanity, and he talks about it on his videos
Please do your best to make it into a reality and become the next terry davis, we need another one of him in the world
It could anihilate production of wastes in the world.
Thank you, the support it appreciated.
What exactly is this thing you made? How is it revolutionary and what does it do. I can't come to a decision without essential information. If you really made something that can save the world, and you don't put it to use, then you haven't really saved the world now have you?
Take a nap
What should i do?
talk to your psychiatrist
By avoiding their production.
I have created an industrial planning method that avoid producing goods that'll go to waste.
By avoiding their production.
that doesn't solve any problems, if you avoid making waste but not making anything that doesn't do any good
created revolutionary thing that will save the world
doesn’t know “no one” is two words
keep it to yourself
people who make revolutionary new stuff get whacked quite often
Pretty much all industries in the world who don't produce goods going to waster isn't something that'll do any good to you?
Alright, thank you, that was my thouth all along.
there's almost nothing that doesn't produce waste products
what do you propose everyone do the rest of their lives if no one can make or buy anything anymore? how are you going to convince all of humanity to take up your cause?
this is not revolutionary, this is trying to push unrealistic ideals onto everyone else
I'd say contact some local businesses and suggest what you made to them. Pitch it to them and ask for some of the revenue saved if it works. You get field testing and some profit if it works. Or at the very least you might get some insight from someone in the field on why it won't work.
Exactly what i said, noone would belive me.Yet it's a reality, my bro.
you implied that no one would believe that you saved the world, and you're right, because you didn't. you came up with an impossible scenario, you didn't invent anything, you made it seem like you created some revolutionary new invention that solves everyone's problems, when you didn't actually do anything at all
and what do you propose this even "saves" in the first place? what problem are you solving, for who's benefit? how does it still allow people to live meaningful and productive lives as they choose?
How can you ay that?
I said i made a method that allows all industries in the world to produce and avoid production that go to waste. I put an end to uncertainty in the supply chain. How is this not revolutionarly..? Can you put your ego aside, i really need the help of my Anon Babbleros.
you should watch vid related
Suck a cock.
I said i made a method
if that method is "just stop making anything", then no, you didn't make anything
if you created some invention that can recycle all of the waste created during manufacture ring that is actually novel and revolutionary
As i said it's even better than that, you produce only what you need and avoid producing goods that go to waste. How can you say it's not revolutionary?
if you could actually achieve that it might be revolutionary, but I don't think you understand how manufacturing works, it's rarely possible to have zero waste unless it's just finally assembly of components or something
you're created an idealized scenario in your head that isn't practially achievable in most cases
"just don't produce any waste lol" is not a revolutionary invention
Alright, stay in denial, bro.
denial of what? your idea? you didn't invent anything, you live in a fantasy world and think you did something
Alright bro. It literally got proven efficient on the field but yeh it's fantasy.
I mean I guess you can say you have 100% efficiency when you produce nothing, that's a weird way to look at it though
Alright bro. Kiss.
Dear OP.
You are a faggot.
The stories...
You are full of shit.
We gave you a chance.
Now we sage all fields.
Good evening anon, I am Elon mUsk.
I want to fund your invention.
For $100,000,000,000 I want 40% of the stock, do we have a deal?
how many companies have you sold your invention to? and for how much?