Twice thread!
Twice thread!
In all of the experiences I’ve had as of late, those Twice threads remain being quite Nice threads!
For me, it’d have to be the Top 10 FTK Enablers in YuGiOh!
For our first Jimmy-Jam of this Twice thread, I give to the frens this KJimmy-Jam from that one Dreamyfu which isn’t exactly a KJimmy-Jamming but it’s still a BOP to be dabbled in that’s comfy!
Did you know that there’s been significant evidence to support the theory that the BethFellow vidya makers are planning on making the next Fallingout vidya in the KLand and that it might even feature a few of the familiar Kcharacters there as well?! For any interested frens, post TWO numbers [1-515, 1-734] and receive TWO videos in the form of a Jimmy-Jam and a SmartBoi video!
All the signs seem to suggest that we’ve found another one of those RARE cards here tonight!
And the card seen here does seem to me like it’d be a bit of a RARE card and maybe even a NEW card!
the temple beth fellow
The DUBBARINOS of the 5's, he called it!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Chemical band is here now and with quite the CLASSIC tune for the frens to enjoy partaking in since they’re most partial to them!
For me though at least, after doing that one Pocket thingy the other day, it was doing the post-vidya thingy as well!
A short partaking, but a simple and cozy enough one methinks!
And yes, before you ask, of course we captured Jeffmon!
AND when I was trying to get to a PocketPlace after that doing and a half, this one Pocket had the AUDACITY to challenge me!
I just ran away though, I'm surprised he didn't RIP just from lookin' at Ray!
One even had a heckin' TUSSLE and a half against these fellows of the Magmatic variety...
But Poseidonmon was able to make quick work of them!
We just used OMEGA Wave, which was captured in a thingy, and it was solved just like that!
I don't know what the Magmatics were thinking!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another CLASSIC tune and an electronic one which I’m sure many a fren has rocked out to in the past as well!
One does still need to put together the Pokersquad FINAL thingy but... first one needs to work on the various Pocket League battlin's and what not!
And we have FOUR of them so far, like SiddlesGuy who didn't do too well!
Then of course there was SPOOKUMS Sally who liked to use some BULKYmons, at least a couple of them!
But they didn't stick around for TOO long!
We can't forget IcyWoman!
She only RIP'd a few Pockets because of bad RNGs on my part... it could've been changed methinks but I just stuck with the hand which was given unto I!
And, of course, Draco Malfoy!
He would be quite SPOOKUMS to battle but... I had the ULTIMATE counters for him in the end!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Snoozing band is here now and I believe that the frens out there might just find this one Jimmy-Jamming of theirs as being another worthy addition to these Jimmy-Jamming times!
im too tired for digits tonight
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Roman band is here and I think that the frens would be most partial to this one Jimmy-Jamming of theirs!
all your numbers
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The down under band x24 is here and with a tune that might remind the fren of some of those pop-punkin’ BOPS of old!
and my tummy hurt all day so i didn't eat much
DUBBARINOS of the 4's have been SEEN!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a Chilean band Jimmy-Jamming and still a BOP to be dabbled in to be sure!
im boring tonight.
i only have garbage
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s one of those pop-punkin’ sorts of tunes and one I believe the frens will be all about!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’d be what I’d call another sort of vintage BOP for the frens to partake in and maybe one they’ll enjoy!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a bit of a FEELS-y tune I suppose but still one worth partaking in there tonight!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a band which I think the frens will be all about because they’re all about Jeebus!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s what I’d call another comfy enough tune and maybe the frens will be all about it as well!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The band who is also all about Jeebus is here and I believe the frens will be partial to this one BOP of them as well!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Chemical band has a Jimmy-Jamming for us and I bet it’ll be a BOP to partake in as well!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: Ozzymandias is here now and it seems to me like this one BOP of his will be another the frens can get behind!
i think i been saying too much stuff that is racist and antisemetic. maybe it makes me look cringe
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: I do remember this one band giving us some BOPS in the past and maybe this will be a POWERFUL one as a result!
Did you know that one fellow poisoned all of his familials and the pets and the like?!
And in the end, he STILL RIP'd himself!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a bit of a FUNKY FRESH tune and one that I think the frens will be able to rock out to!
it was out of compassion. he didn't want his dogs hung upside down and dragged through the streets like the italians
But even still, it seems to me like there's a bit of a fan club for that one fellow and he has his own tomb and what not!
Body to be sent back there I guess but... it's more than the other fellow has!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The MUSE-ical band is here now again and they do have another tune for the frens to partake in!
he is a hero from saving his pets from the pain and humiliation of a public death
But they could've used those critters as foods though...
Like what that one fellow said some of the fellows do these days without there being the proofs of it!
Heck, it's not like those hecked Rooskies would be the ones to give them any foods so anything they can get is good!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The desert watering hole band is here and with a BOP of theirs from back in the day that’s still comfy!
what? you don't eat pets.
anyway they were killing themselves too.
think of the dogs it would be so traumatic to see them kill themselves so it is better to kill them first.
I don't think that most of the fellows do to be fair, they'd ship them off to Africas for fellows to eat instead since they don't have enough foods or something there!
Perhaps there should be some of those thingies like on the driving cards where one can say if it's okay to cut out all of the organs, but for doggos and stuffs!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The rising against the unknown thingy band is here and I believe the frens out there will be partial enough to this one tune of theirs!
The heck he means with THAT?!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s another one of the FEELS-y tunes for the frens to dabble in tonight and I suppose it could be another neat enough one they’ll enjoy!
you know there is a song about that. i sometimes post it. i don't know if you ever really listened to the words but imagine in the mid (SOME DECADE) a coworker tells me about the band and so I go to the music store and buy their CD
No wonder why no one can take the YouTubbies serious anymore...
And there's little issuing seen with that I'd reckon!
The fren just finds more of the BOPS to partake in and more of them that stick with him for ages and ages!
THEN he can tell that one other youngster fellow who barely even does a Pockets to partake and the cycle might just continue!
He just needs to make it appear to his younger noggin and stuffs since, well, they often times work different and he wants to ensure the greatest successes in the BOP provisions!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The band who is always looking for those nickels is here again and it seems like with a tune the frens will be familiar with!
im hungry and that looks kind of good
But what about the eggs?!
The fren can double up on the eggs to fill the foods void, maybe he can make some cereals or something since that's a good pre-snoozing snackies!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: I do believe the frens will be familiar with this pop-punkin’ tune from back in the day as well!
im still looking for a meme that i wanted to post about 45 minutes ago.
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The band who is partial to Jeebus like the frens is here tonight and I do reckon the frens can rock out ot this one tune of theirs as well!
Did you look on the shelf?
Or rather, in the shelf folder?
Because the other stuffs was on the shelf before so maybe it's in there, he just needs to do a perusal and search some keywords and he might find something!
He just wanted some of the heckin' coals...
He doesn't have his auto-lavas generation farm going yet!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: It’s a Jimmy-Jamming from that one band with the dirty clothing and I do suppose one that the frens could likely be familiar with!
im going to make some instant oatmeal and mix old fashioned oatmeal in it to cut down the sweetness and i will have oatmeal for dinner
Oats are, of course, entirely respectable!
Another good option for the pre-snoozings foods as well methinks and one which won't cause too much heckery with it as well!
Although it could do with more of the sweetness, perhaps he could put a pinch or two of the sugars on it!
i stopped looking. it is gone forever. no one wants to see simpsons memes in a twice thread
Heck under the shelf as well!
I bet stuffs falls behind and slips under there plenty of times, so you never know if it'd be there!
In that one folder I mean!
The fren has the entire heckin' collection after all so I'm sure the memetic is still there!
Waiting to be uncovered by going through that next folder!
that is not my voice
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: Ben and the Band gives us that one somewhat NEW BOP of theirs and it’s still a most POWERFUL one to be partaken in!
Y-You're sure about that?
it wasn't any good.
i feel like i am wasting WAY too much time looking for images tonight. i am slowing the thread down
well it is sure not your voice
So he says!
But there's been many moments where he's looking for a thingy and finds a thingy or even ANOTHER thingy and goes "Heck... that is a rootin' and tootin' one!"
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: THE SUMS give us one of those tunes from back in the day and it’s a bit of a CLASSIC enough one I’d reckon!
yeah sure but this is a twice thread. no one wants to see the off topic ones
So did you find it yet?
Because we're waiting for him to find it and I don't know if it's in that one folder with the PurePostings or not, maybe it was misplaced in there!
We've heard of those thingies!
We've also heard of those RARE DUBBARINOS being obtained by the fren quite often, which was done there with the dual 9's of his!
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The rising against the unknown thingy band is here now as well and I could see many a fren knowing this CLASSIC and POWERFUL BOP of theirs!
Frens how are you today?
I'm still waiting to get paid but when I do it's saving money time!
Now what in the hecking...
GIB the fren the buckarinos already!
These fellows are holding back, they're trying to figure out how to swindle him of the buckarinos!
I do pray that the fren there has been up to some of the cozy post-SPOOKUMS Day times though!
Might he have been up to some wacky doings?!
For me, as always, cozy times are had with the frens so it's neats for me!
what is it that you like laughing at?
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The MUSE-ical band just keeps showing up with these tunes for us to partake in and this one is no exception from what I can tell as well!
I don't know if I do a jovials that much, at least not as much as that one character who does the Tee-Hee and Ha-Ha thingies!
I think it's because of a pay period thing. I worked at an airport briefly where a toothless methhead was my boss and was a prick and I got insulted by people a lot. I hated that job so left it. Later on I find out that methhead guy had three kids.
i have to ignore digits tonight. i just don't have the time. i am going too slow as it is
Well, he's still a peculiar one nonetheless and the fren made the right move to do a moving from the workies location!
And at least with the current one he seems to be about it enough to the point where he didn't go HECKING on day one or something like was done prior!
So one does hope said buckarinos will flow unto him soon enough and that he can further the educationals and what not as is meant to be done!
im tired is what i am
It seems like a strange move to be done when one secures the DUBBARINOS right heckin' there with the dual 3's this time around!
Soon he'll have the entire heckin' collection!
Also, he must ensure he's putting those in his log of the GETS so they aren't lost!
The new job is a hecking nice one and a hecking one I feel valued at!
Why is that?
The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: The Radioband is here now and with this other tune of old from them that’s one I remembered existed!
but what makes you happy or content or satisfied.
what is a successful image post?
And this is how the fren should feel ALL of the heckin' time of course since he's brought some of the neat times unto us here!
I don't see why that's NOT the case for him IRL so he should be valued there AND perhaps even given some sort of boostings for the buckarinos as a resulting!
That'd be ideal and the fren needs what one can get to acquire some of those neat posters he still needs to put up in the Twice cave of the various Kcharacters!
didn't sleep well last night. inlaws were loud this morning
Hecking if I was aware, but what I am aware of is when there's the cozy PurePostings going on and there's neats ones that appear here and there!
Along with the comfy chattings from time to time when the frens can muster a thingy through the near-snoozings!
but what is comfy in life
My girlfriend recorded a video of me snoring the other day too, I know a thing or two about being a hecking loud sometimes. Maybe get noise cancelling earbuds for sleep with some ASMR. I do that too!
Been feeling better there and on my Lexapro.
Well, comfy stuffs!
It's different for each and every fren out there, but one just knows when they know!
I suggest some Pocketventures and the like though, or Frensday ventures with the neat character!
Those are good, alongside the snoozings which are required for the fren sooner rather than later!
Then the fren has the stuffs figured out methinks!
As long as he keeps on this path, the path to success I mean, the further paths will unlock like it's a RPG vidyas or something!
And SOON he'll have a full set of Daedric armors and some enchanted weapons and he'll be a true force to be reckoned with!
Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: THE SUMS are here again and it seems like with another pop-punkin’ tune and a half of theirs!
We know that one!
And the other one of course!
but did you really know that one
Once again, my frens, another Blessed Twice thread!
Excellent work!
Since we're into the hours of departation for a number of frens and a few of them are out and about in partying it up in the club as is tradition, I'd reckon the one Twice threaddarino is the route to take for tonight!
But of course a few of the BLESSED BOPS must be given to those remaining frens while they're still around!
And I have one of those sorts of BOPS right here that’s one of those wombo-combos I’m sure the Sanic fans among the frens will be partial to!
how many bad posts did i make today
i can't tell if this is the normal thread ending time or if it is late
I do know that the frens enjoy those sorts of FUNKY FRESH and still somewhat SPOOKUMS BOPS so this wombo-combo seemed like an ideal one to partake in since it has BOTH of those parts in it!
What can be stated factually is that cozy times were had and the fren will do ALL of the snoozings now like he should've done AGES ago!
The hecking with that one...
There better be enough of the snoozings obtained with the current time of departation and there should be MANY TwiceDreams with the Twicefus had as well!
Goodnight, my fren!
Now this is another one of the CLASSIC BOPS to be partaken in of the mining vidya variety and I can safely say the frens will see just how much energies and passions the fellow put into it!
Alrighty my frens, I reckon that's me and my bit of Jimmy-Jamming here for tonight!
Another truly cozy night spent dabbling in those POWERFUL PurePosts and partaking in a great many BOPPIN' Jimmy-Jams and, of course, chatting it up with the frens on everything from how the fren was able to dabble in some of the Pockets with like NONE of the updatings but he will do a snoozings so he can prepare for the EPIC doings of the week and maybe those could involve more Pocket stuffs as well and also conversing with our fren who is still on the successfuls path and will continue being on there until he too has acquire ALL of the equipments to allow for him to partake in the mining vidya times like the frens! I hope the frens managed to have as cozy a night here tonight as I did!
May each of the BLESSED frens find those equally BLESSED TwiceDreams tonight FILLED with the qt-est of qt Twicefus to adventure with in the Dreamworld for all of the wholesome and cozy times you've given us here tonight!
Goodnight to you, my frens!
But of course a couple of those random videos for the frens to partake in are also due and I have a selection of them right here!
Have a comfy night in your twice caves frens and I will see you in tomorrow's thread!