Left game with good story and good gameplay

Left game with good story and good gameplay
Right game with only good gameplay
Learn the difference

left will breastfeed you

right will cook and feed you

wat do


theyre both ugly as fuck. i prefer trans girls and femboys.

Left ages poorly
Right ages gracefully

Right already hit the wall

ages gracefully into a potato. she looks like shit.


Only dates dark skin men


Sex with white boys only

right will age better

i mean, yeah but in this particular case that's the choice

Better body on the right, shit tier faces on both, carry on.

You will never have a hymen.

Games need good gameplay (ass)
Story is totally optional (tits)

I guess it checks out.

Left’s tits are only so big because she’s fat. Disgusting.

games pander to niggers now

the gameplay is bloated and disgusting

It checks.

i hate women so much its unreal
love from kazakhstan

How are you enjoying the new Dragon Age fellow gamer?

We hate gays here.



Im would solely breed left because im hoping she is like 6ft. I can pass those genes onto my son and my daughter might get some h’s

You will never have a hymen.

im a man with a long thing cock

why are white men like this?

SOUL vs soulless

would but i'd still hate trannies and faggots

theres /lbqt/ board for you, Anon Babble is straight white male board

The greeks loved ass. That means civilization = ass.

maybe, but the most surefire method is seeing what their mom looks like

Do you people just have webms of random couples' babies on your hard drive?

It’s okay to be retarded anon why couldn’t you keep it to yourself tho?


tits are life, ass is hometown

What's the status of Natalie's asshole?

What is this board and why is the file size limit half normal boards

nigga stole that kid

This. Anyone who knows anything looks forward to meeting their girl's parents

like a clown's pocket

Ok we are on Anon Babble
Post left taking BBC and fucking it with her massive udders

Kys faggot.

Right will convince left to cut her breasts off as is custom with tiktok tradition.

Kys cuck faggot.