/waifu/ thread

/waifu/ thread

song: youtu.be/qXTREKTaMRY?si=6iaVt2IkTXCw4AHJ


claim waifu

post waifu

dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you)

no erp

no overly lewd content

passniggers get the rope

posting gets you a reserved place in hell.

no trips or higher will go unchecked, this is absolute. -Book of Moot 1:12

discuss and have fun

They are making a fucking Steins;Gate reboot?
What? Nobody told me about this.
Well either way there is no way in hell they are ever going to top the original.

I think so anyway. I’m pretty sure. I was reading a thread about it yesterday. Apparently they’re making Korisu’s boots bigger. Here’s the thread if you wanna skim it . I heard it’s very uh unique to its time or something like that. Like one of those “you just had to be there” kinda things

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Wait no it’s Kurisu not Korisu. Fuck

I dont think its one of those things you had to be there for.
Its perfectly enjoyable as it is no matter when you watch it but there certainly was an incredible fanbase and culture around it at the time it was huge.

Well, watch or play I mean.

Ah, good to hear. I never read it but this gacha I play had a collab with it awhile ago and I liked the story and characters. Okabe in particular. I might read it someday, either the original or this reboot

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I never played it either, I just saw the animes.
My old classmates were S;G fanatics so I have seen chunks and bits of it here and there though.

Oh yeah, that works too. I might just watch the anime instead honestly.
What about you? Are you reading anything right now?

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Yeah im reading the Flying Witch, max comf Manga.


every night i think im gonna die in my sleep but i dont which is good

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Sounds comf. What’s it about?

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Slept 8 hours and am tired af. Body.. why

A witch moves in with normies and the normies experience witch things in a slice of life fashion.

Very comf indeed. Also witches are cute

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That they are, did you ever watch Mahoutsukai no Yome?
The first season of that was a banger.

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I’ve never heard of it honestly. I looked it up just now and it sounds interesting though. But what the fuck is that goat man thing?

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Thats the other main character, I forget what exactly he was supposed to be.
Its really good, the second season was a bit of a disappointment after all those years of waiting though.

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The Wikipedia premise says he’s some sort of demon or whatever. I should probably stop spoiling the story to myself though. I might watch it, it looks kinda comfy despite the imagery

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Did someone say, shitty reboot cash grab?

How many waifus can say they've best girl'd a 20+yo franchise?

Well misty actually is but not to say that one didn't really win a time frame. I can go through reasons why misty is if ypu want but it's quite long

I should go buy beer.. but it's dark outside already. I don't wanna go alone..

Bring your marin dakimakura

But that thing is worth more than I have money.. that would make it way more likely to get robbed.

Unless they pull a gun you're fine. I fought off 2 niggers trying to take my bag and phone before so you should be fine and worse case it rips

My legs are in shape cause of work but my arms aren't.. I can't fight anyone.

No Worries. I know what I want to do now, even if it costs me. Things have been going pretty good for me.
I hope you've been well.
Nah, not even close. The only character to have an arc on par with Lillie is N, MAYBE Arven, but they're guys, so don't factor into best girl competition.
I've had this argument so many times i've lost count.

But misty didn't just have an arc she had seasons and major character development in them over time and being one of the most cosplayed and memorable characters in the show including being a recurring character later. Fast character development is sometimes more enjoyable and I understand the bias however not to say it doesn't hold weight

Im not talking about that, you may not be bright but I know youre not stupid enough to follow some random niggers advice on something so serious and important as the course of your own life.
Im talking about the drawing "advice" I gave you.

It's only because of millennials having Misty as their first fap. She really isn't special, and Dawn is the most popular anime girl. I've seen much of the early anime, and have started to watch it from the beginning, but game Lillie won't be surpassed, of that I'm sure.
You mistake my weakness for stupidity. I need to clear my head of emotion and I'm able to solve about any problem, but it takes effort. I know what I must do now, and it's find something I find genuine enjoyment in. That brings me back to life. That will make me feel passion. It used to be here, but i've found something else now.

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Very well then, believe what you want to believe.
I will leave now, I have a lenghty piece to finish.

that explains popularity but in objective view she had alot going for her. It's so long of character development that it's hard to keep track and true because misty wasn't especially special in yellow version much to many disappointment they should've made her the gym companion imho since it was supposed to be like the show

schizofriend and i
will now be saving this thread
surrender yourselves

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Those colors suit her quite well.

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Blair is the only acceptable halloween cat and that is something horrible and ai slop because what is she doing it looks like she's got the wrong end of the flying broom up her ass

I don't hate ai too much but i don't like people that take and post pictures that don't make sense. The broom or wand is up her ass

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you'd think someone who calls them self an artist would be able to correctly discern ai and real art

Yes i can, guess im only banned from Anon Babble for 3 days then

Should make a halloween folder but its effort to hunt down those 3 halloween images that I have.
Just ignore the fact I just hunted down one of them to make this post.

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It's not real art

This is a better version imo but not completely like the character

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damn hands

You know if you were to look them up now you wouldn't have to do so next year

You make a compelling argument.

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I'll run it again to try save hands or probably not because I don't do anything for anyone here

Same artist and the mouth you can tell it's ai. It's crazy to me ai generators watermark images.

forgot image

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This shit is always a giveaway

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The faggot is tracing over ai but copied the biggest tell. Dumbasses

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Well look at her being a big smarty pants.
I bet she wrote her thesis on cat napping and its benefits on society as a whole.

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The USP is really popular it seems. I get asked about it a lot when I take it out.

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welfare checks still coming in?

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Random image i saved to look into that I haven't deleted also while messing with digibros

I don't get those unfortunately and have to gypsy people amongst other things that are morally gray

lol what a retard

do gypsies still sneak in through your windows to steal your lighters?

someone posts an actual drawn picture

calls it AI and doubles down on it despite it obviously not being ai

posts ai picture and claims it's a better version

immediately complains about the hands


that was a puerto rican girl but not much difference and she would sleep on my bed. I did that for lulz I have and always had locks on that window
It's traced over ai and their whole deviant art is that.

Damn is that why my lighters keep disappearing?

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what about the booby trapped shotgun pointing at the front door?

My door was inside behind a security door so why would I need that? I moved aswell

Nice, what's your address? I'll bring you a fruitcake

I forgot that's banable.

short term memory loss from chronic opioid and alcohol abuse most likely, my condolences

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Alcohol definitely but o well my long term is still like a steel trap

if i hand you rope
will you hang yourself with it
or climb out of hell

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what was the first thing I ever said to you? no cheating

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you were posting without images so imageless or with image?


I only post with images so that obviously

She should consider teaching.
I would attend her classes.

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I really can't prove it's you anyway

Teaching takes a whole lot of energy
You'd find a MyPillow pillow on the list of required school supplies

One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

if you nap you pass

What the hell is a MyPillow?

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When she went to onlyfans she blew up. A disaster

U ever just.. not drink for 2 days and then get absolutely railed in the ass by the first 2 beers? I hate it

You gotta nap properly though
It's a pillow company and from what i've heard their pillows are pretty sweet
Could've waited 1 more day to get hammered on drinks on halloween

How do you nap not properly?
If you wake up too early you flunk?
Have you ever had a water pillow? Those things are so nice for the neck.
I miss mine.

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Who said I'm not gonna drink tomorrow?

How do you nap not properly?

If you wake up too early you flunk?

I would tell you exactly that but only at my exclusive seminars
Never had a water pillow before, usually use two and that hits just the right spot
Noone did
I'm gonna wait for the party

My mates all turned into worthless old people... no party for me this year. I have to drink myself to shit and dress up here at home.

maybe you should consider growing up and not be a manchild

Yes, hello. Is Louie here?

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Fucker, where do I sign up for the free trial?
They are neat, thats all I can say kek.

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Any other friend circles that are going or knoww people that are hosting a party?
No free trials! Maybe a demonstration
I should look for some new pillows
They should hire me as pillow expert

Well to answer you thought I believed in tulpas even though I have always considered waifus an avatar

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What the fuck, come on. At least a discount?
You could be the guy at IKEA thats like "Yeah this pillow fucking slaps."

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More world-building shenanigans (albeit slow and distracted). What's up with you?

Why did I think that?
Having fun? I'm at work.

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Nope, none. I only keep close friends. Very few, very close ones.

Idk I didn't even ever spell it as tulpa. Tbh there's alot of things people believe about me that are factually false.

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maybe you should consider growing up and not be a manchild

All I know is that you're a paranoid schizophrenic with some form of autism and a serious drinking problem. And you like heroin.
You don't live in section 8 housing do you?
I haven't really looked at any of it much tbh. If I ever need it I might though.

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I need to work on my Halloween posting image tonight.
Although I'm not sure Suzuka would appreciate being portrayed as poking out of a pumpkin.

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None of this is true lol nobody knows who I am or anything about me and no

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Well as long as you're running modules I reckon you don't need it. Honestly I think even a West Marshes campaign would need the factions (at best you could place factions within the homebase city, but even so idk how they'd be useful).

Honestly I

*don't think

Too tired.

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True enough anyway, besides if you deny it that only makes it seem more true. But you knew that already.
One day I'll run a sandbox campaign again. Pretty sure the west marches is permanently shitcanned though. If I do something it'll be my age of sail world again.

Not exactly how that works. Paranoid would be worried about something for no reason and I have been proven by bait that there's good reason to not say anything true. A drinking problem would be causing problems with my life and it doesn't. Autism is not even defined it's a blanket term like bpd and I see them getting rid of it like bpd and in most cases it's fake like adhd

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waifu thread?

Make your own thread exclusively about waifus.

Someone will or one might get moved to this board

Be the change you want to see.