I’m so fucking mad idk what to do

My parents just fucking destroyed my PC and told me to get a fucking job. I’m posting this from my phone right now cuz my PC is trashed. I keep telling them I don’t need to get a job cuz I can literally just leech off the government and get welfare checks. But they wont listen to me. They told me if I don’t get a job by the end of the week theyre going to call the police and have me kicked out. This is total bullshit. I dont want to get a job i just want to play video games and goon all day. They literally destroyed my PC with a baseball bat while I was sleeping. All my hard work and my games are now gone. I had everything on there. They even destroyed the hard drive. Theres no way I can get it all back. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? I cant file a police report either cuz technically my parents paid for everything so its not really *mine*. And I can’t go to my brother’s coz he hates me and doesnt want me around his family he says. Why the fuck cant I just live my life? I don’t want to have to get a job.

Its literally not fair

Did you try getting a job?

No because i dont need to

Claim ptsd compensation. Get full accomodation paid for by disability, you’ll be reimbursed with a new computer and a better phone too

I tried a long time ago but the therapist said i dont have ptsd and that im a narcissist or something which is bullshit

Well take risperidone for the oppositional defiance you exhibit, embrace the zombie, redeem narcolepsy, depression, ADHD perhaps even autism then cease risperidone


No wtf, I already tried those things but they wouldnt diagnose me and my therapist told me i will probably die alone

my therapist told me i will probably die alone

Well get a job and prove em wrong then nigga

Youre gay and your life is boring, fuck off faggot.

Have you at least tried just getting a job?



Why didn't you tell them you're a cam whore?
Who just isn't very good at it..That was your job until they destroyed the PC..

Right, what about just getting some employment though?

Shut the fuck up faggot i hope you die in a fire

Yeah true, but have you considered just getting a job?

They wouldve already kicked me out if i did that you fucking sperg

Right, but it could be a fire at work, because I have a job, ever consider just getting a job?

Sounds like you just need to get a job then.

Would you fuck off

just get a fucking job. it's not hard

I already said i dont want to get a job stop trying to make me get a fucking job

As soon as you just get a job.

They wanted you to have a job..How picky can they be about what it is? If you were a cam whore, it's still a job. If you're over the age of consent wherever you are, you can do whatever the hell ya want.


I cant make you do shit, but pretty soon youre gonna be both homeless and a big old fucking loser. You should just get a job.

Sounds like your parents dpnt really give a fuck what you want. Guess you'll just have to get a job.

shut the fuck up

Except be a leech off the system and his parents* obviously. Dude should just get a job.

They still wouldve kicked me out if they found out i did that like i already fucking said

You could just try to get a job. Just sayin.

No im not

Im not getting a fucking job

Aah I see, welp, sounds like you just need to get a job.

Youre already a loser, pretty soon to be homeless according to your whoney ass story. Guess you should just get a job.

No i dont need to get a job if i can just live off welfare


This is not fucking fair

Then whats the problem?

Because my parents are kicking me out!!!!!

Then it sounds like you can just "live off welfare" so as I said, youre about to just be a homeless loser, you could however, just get a job and not get kicked out.

Get a fucking job

Guess what...Life is not fair.. And you aren't owed a lifestyle just for existing. Even a minimal one. You gotta do SOMETHING and make an effort to make something of your own way.

What are you going to do when your parents get old and need to sell off the house to move to a retirement place? You can't pay taxes and insurance and all that. Do you even help around the house or do stuff for other family members or do you just sit in your room?

shut the fuck up

Im not getting a fucking job


Then it sounds like you better get off your phone, and start figuring out how your gonna live out in the woods. And I wouldn't count on that cell phone bill being paid for you for much longer either.

Whyd they have to smash my PC i just want to play video games

Im not living out in the woods you idiot im gonna stay right fucking here this is my house and I live here

I doubt the police will see it that way if your
18+ and aren't either paying rent and the people that own the place don't want you there. You'll get a few minutes to pack a bag and out the door you go.

Just get a job.

This is my fucking house bitch and I live here, I dont care who pays for it this is my fucking house and I can do whatever the fuck i want

No fuck you

Go get a job picking cotton, you lazy black ass nigger

You can tell that to the cops..They'll laugh..
If your nice they'll take you down to the Salvation Army..If your and ass to them they'll take you to the city limits and shove you out of the car.

Fuck off

shit bait thread

The cops will be on my side bitch, you cant just kick someone out for any reason. Its illegal. I live here.

casual arson or be a gooners sextoy.

Get a job, Tyrone.

The fuck

That's not true. If you're over 18, you don't pay rent, you aren't wanted there, you can be removed. You are quite mistaken on how things work. If you contributed by paying something, you might have an argument.

I’m not black or gay, I am a free citizen of the USA and I can do what i want

Get a job and start paying rent, Daquan.

No you cant you cant just kick someone out with nowhere to go its literally against the law why would anyone do that

murder them in your sleep

I shouldnt need to get a fucking job i am being treated unfairly

if he gets mail there, no he actually cannot be removed. you don't even have to be related to someone as long as you're inside the home and you receive mail you have a right to live and be there. it's actually you who doesn't know how things work. getting him removed varies by state but they absolutely could not call the police and just have him removed from the house. it's a very long and expensive process.

No ill get arrested

Just walk into your local McDonalds and say "I would like a job please". So easy even a convicted felon can do it.

exactly fucktard they cant just remove me


fuck off nigger you have a mind virus

Fuck you and fuck Trump im not getting a job

I'm sure the Salvation Army people will think that's a real interesting take, when they tell you to go get a damn job. They have people with real problems to help, not just lazy fucks..


im not going to the salvation army cuz im not fucking leaving my house

get a job sucking cock at a gay bar

43 why

No im not gay or black you faggot

Too old for rape

sad.jpg - 185x222, 24.05K

Go join the military

I guess it depends on what state your in.

OP has already been given notice essentially.

Google says this about IL.

Yes, in Illinois, a person over 18 who is not contributing to the household can be removed from a property, as long as they are not considered a tenant with a lease agreement, and the property owner follows the proper legal eviction process through the court system, which typically involves providing a notice to vacate the premises before initiating legal action.

that's why i said in your sleep. they'll drop the murder charges if you sleepwalked and murdered them

Im not joining the military you idiot i could literally die, are you retarded?

stop being antisemitic

Whatever happens you HAVE TO move out your parent's house no matter what cause they are gonna die before you might as well get over that hurdle of being left alone now, if you really wanna make money to NEET and you're a lazy nigger get paypigs from pretending to be a woman

see exactly i cant be kicked out because I live here

No wtf im not moving out and im not gay, i dont care if my parents die

You only live there at the whim of the OWNERS.
Your parents.If you aren't renting or leasing, they told you to get a job or get out.The next step is either you leave or they get the law involved. It's pretty fucking clear.

start selling bussy pics

I literally cant tell if this is bait cause there are some loser ass niggas on 4cvck

(me).jpg - 183x275, 6.74K

Then who's going to do the upkeep on the house? Pay the insurance, pay the taxes? It isn't gonna be your welfare check, that's for sure.

I dont fucking care. I dont care if they call the cops. I am legally an owner and they cant just fucking kick me out for no fucking reason

the government will

Would you please just fuck off dude

When Trump wins, your lazy entitled libtarded ass will be required by law to get a job

Not a faggot, nigger, or tranny. I am a legal resident and citizen of the house and i can fucking live here if i want, thats that.

Trump wont fucking win he literally has no votes

ok then how about YOU do something you lazy nigger ur getting all these ideas and you're just saying no to all of them

You are NOT an owner unless your name is on the title or the mortgage.

They most certainly will not. You'll have maybe a year or so after the taxes stop being paid before the house is sold at auction on the courthouse steps. The new owner of the title will then legally evict you

just fuck off dude

Because theyre all dumb as fuck and i dont need to. I dont need to get a job if i live here legally.

like i can literally just have the government pay my taxes and shot like that, do the fucking math

Grow up and get a fucking job, you worthless manchild. You cant spend your entire life playing video games and jerking to bbc tranny gangbang porn in your moms basement.

then why even make the thread, if you are so sure of your status

Cuz im fucking pissed off and its not fair

you shut the fuck up and kill yourself u fucking faggot, you probably jerk off to dudes

its ok just jerk off to BNWO and calm down

get a three hole balaclava, cover yourself head to toe in all black, wear gloves so your fingerprints wont get on anything, grab a knife, and aim for their neck, after you killed them, leave the house and hide in the dark alleyways in the street for a few months, after that, you are safe, feel free to rob a store or mug someone to get money so you don't die from starvation like some homeless crackhead

Idk what the fuck im gonna do

I already said im not killing anybody cuz i dont wanna get arrested, your plan sucks

Your so entitled..And That little world is falling apart. You better get a fucking clue pretty damn
quick, cause what's being told to you is reality.

It's your parents house, their rules, and they are paying the bills. They can cut you off any damn time they want.

Remember when your parents molested you? It was terrible, you should do something about it

that's what the balaclava and the all black clothing and gloves are for, if they cant identify you, than they cant arrest you

no im fucking not entitled you dumb bitch, they cant just kick me out cuz its literally my house too. I live here dude, i have lived here since my 20’s

Rent a room in a house full of stoners & gooners & pay for it with welfare dumbass

They never molested me?

If your name's not on a written agreement they can boot you out with no notice if you share a kitchen or bathroom

op learning he cant be a lazy NEET for the rest of his life

it still wouldnt work idiot, im nkt a murderer


You must've forgotten. When you remember, destroy them

Cops will drag you out

fuck off faggot i can do whatever I want if Im a citizen with legal rights here

Have you ever had a fucking job?

And the period of time you've been there means nothing. I stayed at a Holiday in for a week once. Does that mean I am entitled to live there forever? No it does not.

im literally a legal dependent so fuck off


Become a Anon Babble janitor


I was one for awhile actually

You are not A "dependent". You are an adult capable of having a job and functioning in society.

That's only for taxes unless you're under 16

I literally am a dependent if i live here and im not paying rent, its literally in the fucking paperwork

LARP and identify as a black trans woman, then go get a job, they will be forced to give you a job because if they dont, they will be scolded for being bigoted racist transphobes, also since you are a diversity hire, nobody could fuck with you since you can just label them racist and transphobic and they will get fired, modern society loves niggers and troons, and if you pretend to be one, you can do just about anything, so get a clown wig and get ready

what are you talking about?

Go ahead, apply for "welfare" and see where that gets you. Do you even know where to start?
Do you know how long the process even is?

You are incredibly naive to think you can just walk into an office and they'll hand you a check every month for the rest of your life for no reason other than you just wanna play vidya and jerk it.

Are you a minor? If not you're fucked

No im not a fucking troon for the last time, im not gay, Im not black, im not anything you fuck. Fuck off

I can just google it you fucktard its probably not even that hard

cant you read nigger? i said to PRETEND to be one, you dont actually have to prove you are a nigger troon fag, if you just pretend to be one, they will be forced to hire you and shit

i am 43, im pretty sure im still a dependant

start making tranny porn

no im not “pretending” to be anything, I’m not gay and I’m not trans. Try harder faggot

For the last time, fuck OFF

holy fuck you are autistic and cant read, are you a fucking mexican or something?

YOU many be depending on them..But you aren't
a "Dependent" in the legal sense that you have no other way to survive..BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ADULT CAPABLE OF HAVING A JOB..

I strongly doubt you'll listen to me, but you really should. You do not want to be homeless. I was homeless for 2 years, I got addicted to crack out there and did a lot of horrible shit I still regret over a decade later. Your welfare check is not enough to live off of, and if you go homeless you are very unlikely to come out of it.

You still have a chance to save yourself. The fact that they didn't already kick you out means that they're still willing to help you get your shit together, but I promise you that once they kick you out, that ship will sail and you will regret it for the rest of your life, I promise you.

You need to sit down and talk to your parents. You need to listen and take whatever they say to heart. They are not telling you it to insult you or make you feel bad, they clearly very much want to save you. You can use this as an opportunity to grow from this and turn your life around.

Accept what they say, and take the help they offer. You probably are not ready for a job yet. Likely if you get a job right now you'll get fired and fuck up future opportunities. Tell them that you need therapy. Tell them that getting well should be your full time job right now.

Here's the difficult part. You need to accept what your actual problems are and genuinely work with the therapist to get better. You need to accept what the therapist says and give back genuine feedback. This is easier said than done, and it's not an easy thing to be open and honest with a stranger professional or not, but this is probably your last good shot at doing so.

If you can't do that I can give you some advice about being homeless. One way or another your life is about to change dramatically. Whether it's a positive change or catastrophic, the choice is entirely yours.

no? I’m literally white, fucktard, fuck off

how am I not a dependant if im literally depending on them dumbass, try harder

You have to grow up sometime. Unless you're a faggot like Asmongold or some other no life rich asshole, you have to work for a living.

shut the fuck up not reading all that

make some meth and sell it on the dark web or on the streets, become a drug dealer and you will earn some big money fast, trust me bro

Why are you here then? Do you want advice or do you just want to complain?

Good advice anon! Sorry you had to go through
all that to get to that moment of clarity. But at least you did.

I literally got therapy and they told me im a narcissist and a psychopath, thats why my brother and most of my family cut me off for no reason just cuz i sent a dickpic to his bitch wife

You can make money from sucking tranny cock

I can literally live off welfare though you fucking morons

I'm not saying this to insult you, but based on your behavior here, that is very likely true. You can continue to ignore that, and go homeless and see your life completely destroyed, or you can accept these problems and get help for them.

The world would be better without you, just end it if you don't want to live. (you're not living life)

I want advice on what im supposed to fucking do here

Welfare is not going to save you from homelessness, and the check you will get from the government will not even cover basic housing. I am speaking from experience. If you go homeless you are cooked.

Your just being a contrary bitch because the truth is, you can't handle the shit coming down. Your going to end up on the street in short order and your going to be totally fucked because your too lazy to do the work it takes to live like that.

Then take the 2 minutes out of your life to read the post

listen to this guy

i already said im not going homeless you idiot. That therapist was just mad cuz shes fucking crazy. Why is everybody so fucking retarded

take a short walk off a very tall building. and dont forget to do a flip

Two words: skin suit

you’re just fucking larping at this point

Its not even that big of a deal, the cops probably cant even do anything so i can stay here as long as i fucking want, my house my rules.

i skimmed through it a little bit.

become a male stripper and sell your body on the street

no fuck you im not depressed

It's your house? You own the house? The name on the deed or lease to the house is yours? Because if they answer is no, they can in fact kick you out.

is that a warhammer reference?

Yea im clearly wasting my time here, this guy's cooked.

Too long didn't read past get a job maybe you should get a job maybe getting a job is what you need to do maybe if you had a job you can have your own place to live so go get a job you lazy scumbum no excuses no excuses there are one armed construction workers out there shoveling gravel you lazy fuck

It's not YOUR house dumb shit..It's your parents
house. And it's THEIR rules. They pay the bills.
I don't care if you lived there since you fell out of your moms twat. If they want you gone, they CAN do that.

I AM LITERALLY A DEPENDANT. How can they kick me out if I am literally a dependent. Answer me that faggot, you can’t.

The government doesn't give men who are not disabled or have kids welfare. So go live in a cardboard box and eat out of dumpsters, you lazy fuck.

This dude will not be able to hold a job. He can barely hold a fucking conversation on an anonymous image board. He needs to get urgent professional help, but that's clearly not going to happen.

OP, you need some big black cock in your life. Trust me, you'll feel so much better after your tight little white asshole has been pounded by a real American homo thug.

Tell cops you're in a common law relationship with your mom. Done & done

ITS MY HOUSE IF IM A DEPENDENT. I am literally a resident of the house and i get my mail here. Stop being so fucking retarded

Of course they do retard, just not for long unless you game it properly

Being a dependent is just a tax write-off. You would know that if you actually paid taxes. The cops do not give a fuck if you're a dependent, they care about who owns the property, and that isn't you.

Absolute BEST case scenario, they have to give you 30 days notice, but that's also not likely to happen. You are not going to behave when the cops show up, you're gonna flip out like you're doing now and get your ass arrested.

learn to fucking type then ill listen faggot

welfare is literally available to everybody you retard its in the constitution

I got help and they thru me under the fucking bus

If he shares a kitchen or bathroom he doesnt get the 30 days

thats what im gonna do

You are *NOT* in a legal sense, Dependent.
You are capable of having a job and living on your own. If they decide to cut you off, that's
totally their choice. And they are choosing to cut you off.

You didn't get help. The therapist tried to give you a diagnosis, and you didn't listen or want to accept anything they said. Instead you decided everything is everyone's fault besides yours. You need to actually accept, communicate, and work with the therapist to be getting help.

When they look disgusted just tell them to mind their own business

how am i flipping out?

Cant tell if OP is trolling or if hes genuinely retarded

And by the way. You need a formal diagnosis if you want even a chance at getting actual social security and section 8 housing from the goverment, which means talking with a therapist for more than 5 minutes and not losing your shit the moment you don't get your way.

how am i not a dependent if I LITERALLY LIVE WITH THEM

You can't even read more than a short few sentences without cussing someone out or just refusing to read. On a thread you made, asking for advice for your situation.

Sure, anyone can APPLY for anything. But you aren't going to get it. Someone totally capable but too lazy to work isn't getting a damn dime. And even if you did, the amount you get won't be enough to live on. A single person might get $500 or $600 tops a month.

thats literally what i did and they threw me under the bus. If im a narcissist then how come everyone hates me? Its just psychological bullshit jargon, theres no such thing as narcissists

why would they look disgusted when im the one being accused and shit here?

Because you are CAPABLE of making a living
on your own. Legally, at least in IL. Being a "Dependent" means you are either under 18 or you are so physically/mentally disabled that you can't live without assistance.

i already have a diagnosis from that fucking skank therapist and it didnt work, you guys are literally so retarded

You are a narcissist because you refuse to accept anything that anyone tells you, and instead blame insult and hurt the people around you. You don't see people as people, and you don't see advice or someone trying to help you as that.

For example you don't see your parents as 2 people who care about you and want to help you. You see them as money dispensers that are just supposed to coddle you for the rest of your life like a child.

I'm not saying that to insult you. If you want even a chance at not ruining your relationship with the last 2 people in your life that give even a single fuck about you, then you really need to accept that you have a problem.

You’re the ones that are trolling here faggot, not me

okay? how is cussing at a bunch of trolls telling them to fuck off flipping out???

how is that not enough to live on?

op be like

am i an asshole?

no. its everyone else who is an asshole

Because, while the majority of the people here are trolling you, there are quite a few also trying to give you genuine advice. Instead of taking it, or even responding in a normal manner to the feedback, you insult everyone around you. You don't want advice. You want someone to tell you what you want to hear.

I can't even talk to you like a normal person. I have to use short direct sentences to even hope to communicate with you, and unlike your parent's I'm not going to bend over backwards to help you.

well then illinois is retarded cuz thats not what being dependent means. Plus I dont live there, so your argument is fucking stupid

This is the picture of a narcissist when their world collapses. They lash out, they blame everyone but themselves, and will be contrary to the point of making the situation way worse because they can't take any personal blame for a situation. Just like a certain orange faced politician that just refuses to be wrong and will make up their own world of lies and gaslighting to try to maintain their fragile little ego.

I know this dude is completely unable to be helped, but if you wanna make shit political, there's an entire board dedicated to that. It's Anon Babble

how the fuck do my parents care about me if they want to kick me out, I literally told them I can live off welfare checks but theyre too fucking stupid to listen just like the rest of you retards here. You guys are just popping things out of thin air claiming im a narcissist just cuz that bitch therapist said so. U guys are the fucking narcissists here i think, not me.

gtfo of my thread dumbass, mommy and daddy are talking

You're just proving them right

What state then? Because I BET you if i go look at their statutes that their legal definitions for what a "Dependent" is, will be really similar.

You CAN work, you are NOT "Dependent" in
the legal sense that you can't make a life for yourself. And THAT definition is all that matters
to the courts and the state.

whatever faggot, you’re just trolling me cuz you’re actually a narcissist trying to gaslight me into thinking im a narcisst and using my diagnosis to troll me. Fuck off and die loser

I cannot help you. I tried, but you are beyond help. As someone who was once a lot like you here's my advice.

Get all of your important legal documents together. Your social security card, birth certificate, your passport if you got one. You're going to need them to apply for section 8 housing. You will be put on an emergency list, assuming you can handle your shit long enough to fill out the paperwork, but it will be a while before you actually get in.

While living rough avoid other people. If you think people on Anon Babble can be cruel, you haven't seen cruel yet. People on the streets are famously cruel to the homeless.

You're probably not even gonna read this because it's more than 3 sentences long, but good luck. I hope you can survive out there, and I hope the experience humbles you so you can finally accept the help you need.

If you can life off "welfare", Then why haven't you applied before? On what grounds are you going to make a claim that you need it? You have to have a reason. You can't just walk in and ask and get it. There is a process. A LONG one.
And very few people actually get approved. Even people that are physically impaired get denied.

how am I even close to being like trump? Trump is a rapist, i didnt rape anybody just sent a dick pic. Im just a normal guy, but u guys just wanna troll me cuz im the only real one here and my spirit irritates your demons. So you guys just wanna paint me as the bad guy cuz deep down, you dont wanna admit its you thats the bad guy, not me


Good luck out there. You're gonna need a lot of it. I suggest you use some of your neetbucks to buy a tent and some camping equipment. I'm gonna stick around and watch the dumpster fire now, but you're not worth the energy it takes to type with. I'd make more progress trying to teach crabs how to read.

i live in fucking missouri but it doesnt matter what state i live in, i am a literal dependent and i dont have to abide by false definitions of what they think is law

it doesnt matter cuz im not going homeless, im not leaving my fucking house for shit

Jewmaxxing aka Kikemaxxing, the jewpill, kikepill? Just say you are jewish, simple as. I have been using this trick for years now, when they make me take a "DEI" seminar I say I am jewish and watch everyone tremble in my presence. I have accused so many people of antisemitism it is unreal, and it works, it REALLY works. Someone will say something like, fuck christianity and the bible. And I will say: Why don't you just say you hate all the jews and get it out of your system! They then say: I was talking about the bible not the jews. I reply with: 70% of the bible is the Torah, which is the jewish bible. They then begin vigorously apologizing to me. When they say that I am a privileged white cis male, I bring up the holocaust and watch them all sink into the floor and look away. These tricks really work anon, I have fucked over my co-workers so hard by larping as a jew. IT IS FUCKING GLORIOUS! I have been promoted twice in the last 2 years, and everyone is afraid to say ANYTHING to me. They have made special exemptions for me personally because I am jewish, I do not have to take DEI workshops anymore, and I get first pick for any new positions opening up. These tricks can work for you too anons, just say you are jewish, buy a 3 dollar yarmulke and add a few jewish words to your vocabulary and BAM!, you are jewish. The best part is that no one can force you to prove you are jewish because you can just bring up the holocaust and talk about the "yellow star". Leftists are utterly hopeless against these tricks, they are bound in their dogma so strongly that they will deny the evidence of their own eyes and ears. Anyway, good luck anons, I wish you all the luck in the world with implementing these tactics for your personal gain!

hmm maybe on the grounds that i am a living fucking citizen? Its called human rights moron

You're a rude narcissist who's incapable of admitting when he's wrong, insteas chosing to blame all your failures on others, just like nigger Trump.

When the cops take you in for mental hygiene laws, and get dropped off at a hotel or some shit because your parents refuse to take you back in, please come back here and report in. Maybe we can try this again once you realize just how fucked you are.

theres no fucking dumpster fire you retard, its just youre making it out to be one

i dont have to abide by false definitions of what they think is law

You are in for a real surprise in that regard.

I have a relative that's legally blind, lives in MO, and gets about $550 a month. That's it. parents have to cover a lot of the rest. You CANNOT live on that and only that. Even a blind person gets almost nothing. Your capable of working you'll get nothing.

fuck the jews im not gonna claim to be jewish, hitler did nothing wrong

that makes no sense, I literally never raped anyone or did anything horrible like murder so how am I trump again???

He thinks he's above the law and the rules that apply to every other American in the world don't apply to him. But he's totally not a narcissist, it's everyone else's fault.

lol, have sex incel loser, of course a nazi would still be living in his moms basement, kys nazi loser

whatever faggot im not fucked or a narcissist, its literally just all in your head cuz of all that psychology bullshit you fags made up

nice larp faggot

Oh yea you totally got us. Everyone on the entire planet made up psychology just to fuck with you, because you're just that important.

Wow if i knew you were such a piece of shit racist I would have withheld any advice that might have helped..I hope you get tossed to the curb a-hole. Enjoy living in the streets you lazy fuck. I'm sure the black street people are going to love knowing they can knife the racist POS for his shoes and feel good about it.

im not above the law i just know my fucking rights you fucking degenerate retard

How am I like Trump again?

Why would i kill myself if im not depressed idiot

At least I can hold a job and am not despised by my entire family.

everyone on the planet is fucking retarded

im not going fucking HOMELESS you dumb fuck

Except you, obviously.

Yea, everyone on the planet except you is completely wrong and against you. You're the most important person on the planet. Totally not something a narcissist would say.

If this is actually a galaxy brained troll stringing us all along I'm going to cum.

yeah probably cuz your family is full of gay faggots like you

Yea, got me again. Everyone on the planet is just here to serve you.

its not a narcissist things its just a fucking fact of life, douchebag. If i was a narcissist i would be like you, trying to troll me into thinking i dont have any rights or authority as a resident of my fucking house

you’re the one thats fucking trying to troll me here fucking jew lovers

Wow you're just too smart for me. You're right you have the ultimate authority, the law doesn't apply to you, and don't do anything about your parents, someone as big and important as you couldn't possibly have anything bad happen to you. Stay on course.

again, stop trying to fucking gaslight me into thinking im some fucking narcissist or psychopath

From Teh Googles:

once you're over age 24, you can no longer be claimed as a qualifying child. The only exception to this is if you're permanently and totally disabled.

You're not. The entirety of psychology was invented just to bother you specifically. You're just that important.

They say God made Man in his image. But God made himself in Your image.

it literally says IN THE CONSTITUTION the people or citizens are all powerful, go the fuck back to third grade

A landlord in Missouri can evict an adult child through an unlawful detainer action if the child fails to move out after their lease ends, the lease is terminated, or the child was not permitted to live on the property.
Here are some other things to know about evictions in Missouri:

Landlords must provide tenants with at least 10 days notice before filing an eviction, unless the circumstances are different.
Landlords must pay a filing fee to the courts, which averages around $52.

Yea you're right. The cops don't have any power. You're not going to be homeless, just continue exactly what you're currently doing and you'll be fine.

I didnt say i was a child i said i was a dependent you fuck

umm thats not what it says sweaty

read a book

now you’re not even trying. Easy bait is easy, nice try troll

god’s not real faggot, never said i was a christian

Yep. And your parents were just trolling when they threatened to kick you out.

my parents arent fucking landlords, landlords are only over apartments you dumb faggot, I live in a house. Theres a difference.

they dont have power if its not in the constitution dumbass

hm i mustve misread when it said “A government for the people”, my bad…

That's what I'm saying! We're agreeing with each other right now. Why are you even worried? Just tell the cops to make your parents buy you another computer. They have to do it, it's in the constitution.

they practically were since they technically cant legally kick me out, nice try

Well i mean you’re not wrong though they actually do have to since its my computer, like they cant just smash it if im literally the owner of my stuff, so thanks for proving my point douche

The Definition of "Dependent" according to Missouri statute

What qualifies as a legal dependent?

Relationship: Be your son, daughter, stepchild, eligible foster child, brother, sister, half-sister or -brother, stepbrother, stepsister, adopted child or the child of one of these. Age: Be under age 19 or under 24 if a full-time student, or any age if permanently and totally disabled

Fucking retards, read the constitution…

ok well we already went over that those definitions are really not valid, just cuz they say it is doesnt mean it is. Use your eyes next time retard, if you have any

Fucking retard, read Mein Kampf...

Try that argument with the police..I bet it goes about as far as you can throw a washing machine. All your parents have to do is pay $52 for the eviction paper and swear to having given you 10 days notice to leave.

I have read mein kampf and its really not bad if you consider Hitler was conspired against and made to look like a bad guy, just like how you’re doing to me, right now…

Why don't you just tell the cops to force your parents to give you their house. Sign the deed over to you. You're their dependent so they have to do it. Then you can kick THEM out, and force them to buy you a maid to take care of all your needs. It's in the constitution, you have ABSOLUTE power.

so we ALREADY WENT OVER that they legally cant do that. The cops know the fucking law, they should know im a dependent and what my parents can or cannot do. I would think they know the law better than you, a retard googling ghings…

I mean technically i might be able to do that, it wouldnt hurt to try since technically im being victimized, so again, thanks for proving my point.

You're welcome I'm really glad I could help you out. You deserve the best for all the hard work you've done.

You deserve the best for all the hard work you've done.

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now you’re just being fucking annoying, fuck off

I am so sorry, I'll fuck right off. I wouldn't want to disobey the constitution by bothering you.

okay we get it you’re trying to convince me im a narcissist by acting all weird, literally the ruse is up. I can literally see you’re trying to troll me at this point. take your fucking (You)’s and go. Fucking dumbass loser, dont you have something better to do than fuck around on the internet this late

No I just got off work, don't got shit to do for days, and you are just such an amazing person to be around.

youre lucky i dont know you’re name cuz i can literally sue u over this shit, u know that right?

Oh man, I better lawyer up. With all those neetbucks I bet you can get the best team of lawyers money can buy!

I mean if i save up yeah i can, with the wellness checks. I just dont know your fucking name which is frustrating


I'm sure with all those resources you got you'll find it in no time.


how does a thread of this low quality have this many replies?
this is like the lowest effort troll thread ive seen in 10+ years
on the infinitesimally small chance OP isnt a troll you NEED to kill yourself as soon as possible

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You’re going to give op a panic attack!

If he's a troll he's god tier. He's reacting perfectly.

you’re the ones fucking trolling me trying to convince me im a narcissist and shit. Posting the cat face yeah no obviously you’re fucking trolling

but yeahkeep fucking trolling i already got that one guys fucking IP address and name and im gonna sue the fyck out of him for dehumanizing me

What's my name op?

not telling you your name faggot just keep watch for the fucking mail so you can get your goddamn court date, bitch

You must be some master hacker if you got all my info from that IP Address.

The countdown fixed things. At this point a thesaurus would be useful. Just sayin .

actually youd be fucking surprised how much i can get from my phone, just to fucking warn you. Im already gonna fucking sue your ass

you’re the one that needs a fucking thesarus, and maybe a basic first grade knowledge of the constitution

Good luck. I'm behind 7 proxies.

More like multiple platforms.

proxies only work against fucking websites dumbass, I literally have a fucking whole fucking list of your information on my phone including your family’s. Not that im gonna use it other than your name, I dont wanna break the law

Oh wow you got ALL of my familes information from one ip address. Absolutely terrifying.

like i said u would be fucking surprised what i can do on my phone. Its really not complicated

and btw that IP address is your LAN IP address destination, not the normal one or the LAN IP address

Shaking in my boots.

Just calm down

I mean how can I? He's got my entire family history and all the money on the planet!

You do realize im literally about to sue you, right?

Like im literally about to call a lawyer and file a lawsuit against you for obstructing my peace

Yea, I'm freaking out right now. I've already killed my entire family to spare them from your wrath.

no i mean literally. I’m literally suing your ass. You’re acting like you’re not fucked but you are

I have all the screenshots

My whole family is dead. I killed them all to protect them from you.

no theyre not you fcking troll. I am literally about to sue your ass, i have your name and everything. Everything

Don't worry, filling out the forms would be work and he won't do it.

You can sue me, but you can't sue my family! Can't sue the dead, it's in the constitution!

300+ self replies and AI generated bait posts


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why wouldnt i fucking do it you idiot

actually you can sue them if theyre dead im pretty sure

You’re the bot here faggot, you guys have been baiting me this whole thread cuz youre all insecure faggot losers

It's too late. They're already dead! My whole family is dead!


Do you really think this is AI generated?

getting a lawyer, filling out forms, writing up the incident, sending the screenshots.Sounds like a lot of work..If you had a real job you'd at least get paid and not thrown out of your basement.

Oh god.... what if it is?

why are u so fucking retarded?

Dont fucking start that shit up again, we already we t thru that ovwr and over again and im telling you im not going fucking homeless. I am a dependent. You fucking tard

Well I'm larping with either a man-child or possibly an AI bot instead of playing videogames. That's a good start for why I might be retarded.

why the fuck would I be an AI bot, how do I know you’re not a bot

If your having fun, does it matter which it is? :D

Nearly every single post has the same format, so yeah. Also these "please stop using this frog" threads are posted literally every day.


im not a fucking robot you dumb fag

Fair. I never knew Anon Babble could actually be fun. I honestly hope its a bot or a troll, because if this is all a real person it is an extremely sad waste of a human life.

Thank you for the information :)


After all the racist crap, that tapped me out for caring..And generally, I'll try to at least help a fellow Anon Babble tard with some legit advice.

God i wish i hadnt have made this stupid fucking thread

All about perspective

its not racist if its fucking true, look at the statistics Hitler was a fucking saint compared to the jewish cunts you worship as presidents who made up all these fucking lies. There was no fucking holocaust, there was no fucking moon landing, nasa isnt fucking real. Do your fucking research instead of eaiting up your lies like the good goy u are

When I was much younger I was a piece of shit myself. I mean I wasn't THIS bad, this is so comical I honestly keep asking myself if this is even real, but it was bad enough that I still regret being like that 10+ years later.

I lost almost fucking everything and had to completely build myself back up from nothing, but falling that hard and going through the amount of shit I went through humbled me and made me driven to try and help other people not fuck up like I did.

I have way too much empathy for this website, but this place was my childhood and I cannot let it go. Actually that probably explains why it took me so long to become a half-decent person to begin with lol.

i dont give a fuck idiot, obviously ypure still the same if youre still here trying to troll me into thinking im a narcissist so shut the fuck up

shit ive even been wondering if flat earth is a valid possibility

Did you fall asleep?

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Tell them you will compromise and get a part-time job. 4 hours is literally nothing. Some jobs you can even listen to music/podcasts for the 4 hours

no fuck off i refuse

are u talking to me or the idiot?

I have to get off my shoulder.

Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about gay rights.

There are pieces of shit..And there are pieces of shit..Sometimes a person feels like they are when, relatively, they aren't THAT terrible. Rebuilding your life from nothing is quite a thing.
Anon Babble isn't ALL terrible..Mainly because there are some anon that are legit and just harmless.

The ultimate bait

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Oh no I was a real piece of shit back in the day. I was homeless because I kept trying to an-hero and my mom was legit afraid of me. I was smoking crack, stealing and selling stuff, and basically fucking everything with legs. I absolutely despise the person I was, and thank god every day I went to jail and got the wake up call I needed to change.

I know that looking at my past and regretting all the shit I did means that I've grown as a person, and I'm very grateful to still have a good relationship with my family, I really don't deserve all of the blessings I have, and all I can really do is continue to improve myself, and try to help others whenever possible.

Op, if that's you, and you've been trolling this whole time, you have my respect. You need to get into acting or something.

actually i was into it for a little bit but then life happened, i could probably still pursue it if i wanted to

This is what I have so far.

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If you're gonna do it you should start another thread and spin a different narrative.

I'm not a big fan of Anon Babble shit tbh. I mean its guaranteed bait, but its like the junk-food of bait. This thread was like a journey. We need more of that kind of trolling on here.

Feel better.

I feel pretty good man. Best thread I've been on in years. I can't wait to see what you do next. I'm off to play vydjya. Hope I see you around.

Catch you on the flip side.

I actually didnt think this thread would live that long. I kept thinking “what would Darrell Brooks say to this reply?” Now i am a Anon Babble god

I’ve got 3% battery life left

alabama goes blue

Louisiana goes blue

Mississippi goes blue



NY red

Thanks for your input retard, really valuable stuff

2% left

1% on the battery

Good night fellow troll poster, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite