What's your opinion on communism?
What's your opinion on communism?
it's for fags
a lot more people have died or been murdered by communism than jews supposedly killed in ww2. we only talk about the jews though. so yeah.
i dont know but shes cute
it already happened in atlantis thats why many feel their heart strings tug at it its a soul memory it wont happen again as much as it seems like an obvious trajectory the journey of the soul is individualistic BUT metaphysically collective
You're talking about authoritarianism. Wait until you find out how many people died under capitalism rofl
Sounds great when youre a teenager rebelling against greed
I think there's that in every government type
no I'm talking about communism. just because no one implemented it under YOUR standards of communism doesn't mean it wasn't communism. stupid faggot. hundreds of millions dead.
that's fair
Sounds cool, in reality doesn't work cuz people are greedy
Also dictators
Communism never works because all systems require management. The job of managing people and systems is more stressful than basic labor and requires a lot of experience to do well.
That means managers need more to sustain themselves and work in ways others cant.
Communism under its best theories is highly inefficient for the competitive aspects of global economy, and always ends up relying on classic authoritarianism to unite people, especially in wartime.
Competition cannot be extracted from the human mind. There was once checks in place for various things like greed but the size of a system always results in alienation,
which makes it easy for people to give in to temptation........which become addictions and betrayal.
The problem is that overgrown systems always result in the 7 deadly sins which lead all empires to their ruin.
The 7 deadly sins are merely addictions to basic human motivations
Pipe dream. Human greed is an insurmountable and critical fault.
The most underage response possible.
If it worked, Capitalism would not be the global standard.
That's peanuts compared to all those who died under capitalist systems.
But I guess that's okay because they deserved to be poor or something.
Compare deaths under Communism to deaths under Capitalism since the start of the Russian Revolution.
Lazy and dumb people deserve to be poor
Now you are starting to get it.
If fledgling communist countries weren't destabilized by America, Capitalism would not be the global standard.
Then why are there so many retarded rich people and geniuses who die in poverty?
it's the last refuge of a failed state before it devolves into anarchy
because the best always rise to the top, and money is the best
No. That's libertarianism.
Its as bad as zoroastrianism and as pathetic as nihilism.
Only amidst the weak
Its not an opinion its a fact that over 130 million killed by Communism the last 80 years.
Not at all.
Youre probably just a faggot who never got near death on the job.
Lots of collateral damage and waste due to stratification and systemic inefficiencies.
fledgling countries
Holy shit are you a giant retard or just stubborn? The US is the youngest (major) country in the world, somehow it decided to not embibe communism
Its more conducive to human competition but if you actually study capitalist theory this isnt capitalism.
That few?
Now explain uneducated rich people
Nigger, 9 million people starve to death in the world a year, capitalist countries have the least amount of starvations. Get fucked.
inb4 source
Not my argument, just my denial
You think america is the only reason europe didnt want communism? Lol
It's good for localized communities, not for macro-governance.
I never seen a single libertarian government devolving into anarchy, they usually devolve into oligarchies under the pretense of being "highly regulated capitalism" which is just capitalism infected with excessive amounts of socialism, but every single african and south-american hellhole failed state seem to always be in love with socialism for some reason.
show me one single country that actually chooses to punish criminals and i will show you a prosperous country. show me one that encourages crime and i'll show you a commie paradise.
Che, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc etc were far stronger men than you.
Communism still failed.
And whats your issue with zoroastrianism?
Footnote* Somalia has the most starvation, heres their "beliefs" according to google
This is true capitalism is about constant competition and cannot have peace
Its an ancient version of modern politicians. Vague and refuses to answer any real questions.
I work in a fab shop, nigger. I could get killed in the first 15 minutes on the job and deal with power tools and chemical fumes all day long.
Youre assuming a dichotomy that im not
nigger country
ruled by commies
literal hellhole
Its literally never good. It breeds weak men and victim villages
Whatever, name a capitalist state thats doing worse than a communist state. In our tine please, lets not be regressive.
They werent.
Im not arguing in support of communism or capitalism
wage slavery for literal peanuts
That's capitalism.
under communism you don't even get the peanuts, just slave.
it's also communism, show me a time in history that it wasnt