Why do you choose to be a racist piece of shit like this guy?

Why do you choose to be a racist piece of shit like this guy?

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he´s not even white, kek

i don't want to be unlike him because he's racist, i want to be unlike him because he's a pole smoker

I may be a racist but at least I'm not gay!

Aim higher.

Meanwhile Kamala has rapper Eminem speak at her rally. He has entire albums full of misogynist homophobic lyrics but that is OK because it is just part of hip hop culture.

Just like how a leftist will listen to their playlist with nigger said 10,000 times across the entire playlist, but lose their fucking minds if a white person says it in real life.

Leftist outrage is so fake it is ridiculous.

He's asian

But what about

We accept your concession chud.

Who cares I am a spinless shill who flip flops candidates and opinions

Bringing it up means you are a CHUD!

Aww is the snowflake gonna cry?

Eminem isn't actively hating on gays and blacks and women in his celebrity life, m8
2000s was more edgy

Why do you choose to be a racist piece of shit like this guy?

will you obsess on a comedian, out of pure desperation?

Yeah Puerto Ricans are garbage.

Just a joke guys, calm down.

You sound desperate?

It's okay to be racist because my biased data supports it.

Get laid.

This guy is spot on. It all boils down to a sort of verbal judo the left systemically applies that the average person has not only been sick of for about a decade now but far worse for the leftist: people are beginning to finally grow bored of.

There were warnings for over 30 years that misuse and overuse of "misogynist," "racist," whatever would inevitably render the terms toothless. They're so overused that it's to the point that we've gone well past the streisand effect and have delved into the territory of, "Oh, I guess they just criticized a leftoid," and assume the charge baseless outright.

t. former leftist.

(Get better material.)

because my goddamn 1st amendment rights says i can be, and if you don't like it let me introduce you to my 2nd amendment rights.

Still not much of a joke, it's just being racist

Samefagging already?

That's a weird way to say you have a small penis.

Fair. Expect repercussions.

You were never left, you're just a reactionary that changed their political alignment 10 or 12 times when you were in highschool

It isn't racist to point out facts, retard. Puerto Rico is a shithole.

Remember when Trump called Haiti a shithole and celebrities like Conan took vacations to Haiti and took pictures inside gated resorts with armed security proving Haiti was safe and wonderful?

Haha... oh okay. So which posts do you assume are mine? We'll clear this up real quick, champ.


Can't remember his own posts.

Oh you're mentally handicapped.

2nd amendment.

Swing and a miss. By the way, "reactionary" is such a garbage naysay. Who actually cares?

Because you're a faggot.


It's real simple.

My posts thus far are:
And of course this one.

a small penis is still a penis.

unlike the left, who cut theirs off and call themselves a woman.

Oh, and this one:

Learn to use Google, you lazy faggot.

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First day of liberal school

We all know you masturbate to trans woman.
Every accusation is a confession.

So no proof.

Conan was obsessed with Trump's comments about Haiti being a shithole. It was weird

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Thanks for confirming for everyone you needs meds.

That pic is at a resort you retard.

Wait, you just accused him of masturbating to trans women, and then said "every accusation is a confession"?
You realize you just admitted you masturbate to trans women, right?

That's a weird way to say you have a small penis.

Every accusation is a confession.

kek, nice self own.

You're acting like a child.

You’re being racist, racist.

the retarded hypocrite left, my friend.


But Haiti is a shithole. It's know as a shithole the world over.

Eh... 2/10. Not funny. Not rage-inducing. Barely mediocre.

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Why are you sexualizing trans women then?

I didn't weirdo. I just chimed in when you didn't realize the logical implication of your post.

We all know you masturbate to trans woman.

Why are you sexualizing trans women then?

the back-pedalling kekekekek

Well you brought it up

We all know you sexualize trans women it's why you're obsessed.

there is no such thing as trans woman. there are only men and women.

But Haiti is a shithole. It's know as a shithole the world over.

That is my point. The people with Trump Derangement Syndrome must have the opposite opinion of Trump no matter what it is. Trump says a fact like Haiti is a shithole and they jump to defend Haiti without even considering he is correct.

we all know you sexualize trans women it's why you're obsessed.

Every accusation is a confession.

keep going bro kekekekek

Source: Fox News

How's the schizophrenia diagnosis going?

Puerto Rico isn't Haiti

Wasn't me.

I accept your concession then.

Y'know what? I think is a bot.


if you can swallow qanon and deepstate space lasers, i'm confident we can find some more room in that gullet of yours for gender spectrum theory

Things I don't like are bots.

Are these bots in the room with us right now with the dog eating migrants?

Puerto Rico still sucks and has a much higher crime rate than the USA. I am noticing the similarities between the fake outrage about Puerto Rico comments today and their fake outrage about Haiti comments a few years ago. It is the exact same shit.

So you're just racist?
Thank for confirming what we already suspected about you chud.

No. Really. This comes off as a bot response. All it can do is one of two things:
1) Ask a stupid leading question.
2) Barely riff off a response to form an insult. Barely. Not in a creative way that a normal person would.


*BZZZZZT* Wrong answer

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unlike my strawman and obsession



literally trans

kek you cant compete bro sit down.

i'll risk the dialogue. have you ever been to puerto rico, or is this based exclusively on things you've heard in your echo chamber? i have been there, and i liked it. it should be a conservative haven, with the stunning lack of taxes applied to anything

Most trannies have mental illness comorbidities.

Are the green texts what your voices are saying?

1) Ask a stupid leading question.

That's a weird way to say you have a small penis.


kekeke self owning all day.


You're desperate aren't you?

Haiti is a shithole because when they rebelled against their French slavemasters the French blockaded the island for almost a century and made Haiti pay reparations for the lost slave income. People always forget that part. Also the US backed the French on the blockade.

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Yes I have been to Puerto Rico twice. Both were for work. I helped install a piece of equipment there and returned to help train the users a few weeks later. And when I first arrived my cab driver asked if I had been there before. When I said no his only advice was to hand over my wallet if I get mugged. He said they will just kill me and won't beat me up.

So that was a nice first introduction to Puerto Rico.

INB4 you call me a liar

We both know you would only accept a positive opinion of Puerto Rico and any other answer would be dismissed as nonsense. I don't know why I even try to engage with people like you.

You just hate brown people.

Racists in cope mode kek

sounds plausible, where did you get mugged at? i thought 0% cap gains was the republican wet dream. no taxes, bro. you could be living the island life and not paying the irs a thing.

So they didn't eat your pets? Steal your kidneys? Puerto Rico is a crime ridden shithole exclusively because you saw a mean tweet from a cab driver and got scared? That's mighty white of you.

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I can't tell if this is fucking bait or not kek

I have never been mugged because I have situational awareness and don't relax around shitskins.

I love children who have no clue how vulnerable you really are.

Why do you choose to be racist?


Ever wonder why they keep having to make all sorts of modifications and limits to AI to keep it from instantly becoming racist?

Funny that pattern recognition is also the core of most IQ tests.

Because what it means is that "reality is racist"
The patterns reveal things that leftists don't like to admit.

No, what it means is that bigots have begun using pattern recognition as a dog whistle, and people are picking up on that.
You might call it pattern recognition.

You've always lived in a nice place huh?
Never lived in the hood, or in a shitty city?
Must be nice.

Niggers and drug addled trannys can't into math.

Have you ever thought that maybe you're hearing a bunch of dog whistles that aren't real?

reeee anything I don't like is bigotry

Same shit, over and over again.

Stop noticing things, you fucking racists!

stop noticing our dog whistles please


it's into the stormy hours now, anon. enjoy a steady trickle of sourceless .pngs and HDF, which is just eugenics junk science in a fancy new hoopskirt, but i've seen it enough times to not stick around for it.


High density fiberboard?

No, hating people based on their identity is bigotry retard.

Using mental handicaps as a pejorative just weakens your argument Anon.

Why do shitty people choose to act like another shitty person?

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I care about political correctness now

Disingenuousness is just a second language for you huh?

Totally misses the irony being used against him

Stalin was a leftist, retard.

He doesn't know what leftist is

It wasn't irony, and you aren't clever.

demonizes doctors, teachers, the media, and other intellectuals

calls for a purge using the military

secretly hated by his own

loyal to Mother Russia

cope, Republicunt

Leftist is everything they hate. Same definition as 'trannies' and 'woke'.

So you're not claiming that the actual head of the USSR, a communist country, was not a leftist?


Tankies aren't left, they're just authoritarian that like the aesthetics of the USSR, retard. They function just like the right

Anyone with a buckle that big is compensating for being overlooked as a child. Probably always an unlikeable cunt.

Leftists can be authoritarian, retard. You're basically doing exactly what you were just accusing others of doing. "Right" is everything you hate. It has no other meaning to you. Doesn't matter that communists are the very definition of leftist they're actual "right" if they make the left look bad.
You are fucking ridiculous.

Cope harder, leftists are democratic

name one thing wrong with racism and say it without sounding like an emotional libtard

lol. You don't even know what a leftist is and you call yourself one. You guys are fucking unbelievable.


Mad as fuck

B-b-but my strawman

Leftists can be authoritarian, retard.

Leftists are more authoritarian than the right. They suppress free speech and want to indoctrinate you with propaganda. Re-education camps are a leftist invention.

Communists aren't left wing!

I'm not mad. I find it hilarious that you have no idea what leftism is yet call yourself one.

leftists are democratic

What primary election did Harris win in 2020 or 2024?

politics aside, that so called comedian just sounds like a whiny fag. pretty embarassing tbh. just bring on a tranny next time while you're at it

The party leadership appointing a candidate is democracy.

I'm all for Tony's sense of humor there's a fucking place and time. Whoever thought having him speak at this event was a good idea is a complete fucking idiot. So it was probably Trump's idea.