What are your favorite superhero games?

What are your favorite superhero games?

I hope dobson is in the background somewhere

Suicide squad. I love 22fps repetitive loot grinding

I am heterosexual.

Hulk Ultimate Destruction

don't have any
I just came for the booba

Batman Arkham trilogy because it's the only Superhero games I've ever played

Looks like she’s wearing a chestplate fake titty silicone things trannies wear.

Too bad her face looks like shite.

Just standard fake silicone titties in this case.

Infamous 1
Prototype 1
Batman Arkham Trilogy
Marvel Ultimate Alliance Trilogy
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Marvel vs Capcom series
Freedom Force
City of Heroes

I believe that’s Marie Claude Bourbonnais and those are her real fake tits.

So my Vidya thread was deleted but this coomer shit wasn't huh

Was this vidya thread actually discussing vidya or was it just bitching and trolling? Because coomer threads are infinitely better than another “DAE hate remakes and fromslop and chuds???”

Actual Vidya discussion but it was my fault, I forgot this board is basically Anon Babble and Anon Babble lite now

Try not being a retarded faggot next time you start a thread

Looks like hag dyke wearing prosthetic tits.
Pretty sad.

stealth dobson thread

Link it anon, curious at this deleted genuine vidya discussion.

basically Anon Babble and Anon Babble lite

correct, but that's more on the users. My experience is vidya discussion slides of page 10 fast, than getting deleted.

correct, but that's more on the users

It's 100% on RapeApe.
Arguably 110% on joot.

Marie Claude Bourbainnes

ahh that takes me back


Anon Babble has been known as blue Anon Babble for almost two decades now.


Really? It's just them two entirely populating the ragebait threads for months at a time, and especially flaring up during election years? Nobody else?
Not gonna say they don't play a part, but by definition they're not the entire picture, countless anons decide to spend their time in those dogshit threads. There's no algorithm, the anons choose to bite the bait constantly, and to shitpost.

And again, prove me wrong with deleted thread that had genuine vidya discussion.

Black Cockmeat Sandwich on white bread with extra mayo

make dobson thread

newfags turn it into fake titties discussion


AI is getting crazy good

threadly reminder that liking fake tits is not different than tranny chasing
plastic to plastic

No. There's a difference between enhancing something that's natural to that entity identity than adopting something that's natural to another entity identity into something else.
A better comparision would be putting big plastic tits on a door. A door has no tits, nor does a man. A woman does. With a door and a man you're adding something different, new. On a woman you're just enhancing something she already has.

kot rail.jpg - 1920x1080, 332.57K

Her face looks good, prime hag


A man also has tits, retard

my first thought lol

Mod move thread from Anon Babble to Anon Babble
Time to post those real fake tits

A man has a chest, not tits, moron.

I need to fuck the shit out of those tits. Powergirl cosplayers deserve loads down their throats and on their racks.

The Deadpool cosplayer looming menacingly in the background makes me nervous... Going to cons before normies discovered Deadpool because of the movie and game was wild, every Deadpool had a 50/50 shot of being a genuinely funny lovable douche or a skinny little beta faggot using it as an excuse to just be a cunt.

Huh, I never would've thought to consider Prototype as a superhero game but it kind of does fit. Prototype 2 is still toppest of tier. One island with a normal city and no zombies, One island with a city collapsing from intermittent zombie attacks and one island with a completely fallen city totally overrun with zombies save a few Blacklight wet teams.