Your worst experience with a homeless person?
What can we do about homelessness?
Your worst experience with a homeless person?
What can we do about homelessness?
conscription. in case of women, open brothels
What about the ugly or fat women? Or do we just market them as the budget option?
there'll always be retards who are into weird stuff so why not. if they don't sell, yeet em into the army
I really do think this is the solution to homelessness.
Have some section of the military with basically no requirements to speak of, and they'll be kept off the streets and fed until they're sent off to be cannon fodder.
They'll have benefitted society way more than they already are this way.
Homeless South American nigger took a swing at me one time at the bus station.
Idk what we can do about niggers or the homeless but if it were up to me? Gas chamber.
Worked at a Gas Station.
Kid 19 or so sits near door with hat on ground half pan handler, more a busker.
Politely greets everyone.
Does not ask for money just sits and drinks coffee that he buys and refills to stay warm. (Minnesota)
If customers drop trash he picks it up.
Any way onr day approached by Fire Dept Chaplin in clerical collar. Who angrily comments kid out there every day for a week. What are we going to do about it?
The homeless are not the actual problem.
The Wolves in Sheeps clothing are.
See recent Florida homless laws "Citizens may not feed the homeless in public parks. "
wheres this screen from
The best defense I’ve found is the decoy joint. Shwag though it may be, when deployed like chaff from a fighter plane, valuable time and sanity may be preserved.
We need mental hospitals specifically meant to house half the homeless population since they're mostly severely ill. Some of them are anti social psychos that'll kill you and are dangers to themselves and society. Some of them are down on their luck or made poor choices and it just spiraled out of control. But do people actually want a solution? Or do they want to hand the blame and the responsibility to someone else? And does that take away from the personal agency of homeless people if given the opportunity to better their circumstances? I won't say all of them want to stay that way, but some of them do.
What do you do when people choose homelessness intentionally? I'm not talking out my ass here. I had an aunt that did this her whole adult life. How can you force someone to do something they don't want to do, simply cuz the rest of society deems it "normal"?
You can't force someone to want to want something, but if she chooses it because it is a scam, then she's an adult and she has to deal with the consequences of her actions, but if it is mental illness then mental illness really fucks with someone's perception of what is wrong and right. Rationality becomes harder to attain than if you weren't mentally ill
There was definitely mental illness involved, but with the way laws are anymore, you can't have someone detained or committed against their will.
They have to show clear danger to themselves or others, which she never did.
This is an ethical problem more than anything, because at what point do you rescind a human's rights as an adult and autonomous person?
When their ability to demonstrate clear signs of rationality and adult behavior? If they're so mentally ill that their behavior is a complete deviation from all normalcy and instead they are erratic and unstable or unwell, it is time to intervene on their behalf even if they have free will. But that is "socialism" or "communism", and our healthcare is for profit so hey, if a homeless sleeps in the cold while their cognitive function deteriorates slowly and eventually reaches a point of complete degradation, why should we care?
when their ability to demonstrate clear signs of rationality and adult behavior is diminished to the point of non-existence
That is what I meant to say.
What can we do about homelessness?
Dismantling neoliberal capitalism is a start
Your worst experience with a homeless person?
Some guy having a psychotic break.
What can we do about homelessness?
Show them kindness and compassion, they're still humans and deserving of civility.
Build 50's styled cookie-cutter homes again, except this time give them away to anyone who needs them.
show them kindness and compassion
Within reason. Some homeless people are so mentally ill and far gone or so used to the lifestyle that it would require a lot of effort and resources or you'd be better off just avoiding it altogether. Some of them are animals, not because they're homeless, but cause they're that unable to function within society
Within reason. Some homeless people are so mentally ill and far gone or so used to the lifestyle that it would require a lot of effort and resources or you'd be better off just avoiding it altogether.
Sure and a lot of the time, the people like that aren't interested in interacting with you either.
Some of them are animals, not because they're homeless, but cause they're that unable to function within society
We're all animals, so of us are just so hampered by mental illness and life circumstances that they can't function with the rest of us.
A tiny minority of people are legit monsters with no care for other people because they have genetic traits that removes their capacity for empathy and ethical considerations, but they are represented in all social standings and groups.
Its always society's fault, there is no personal agency.
It was hard for me to know details on the mental illness question, cuz there was bad blood between my mother and her, last time my mom saw her, i was still a baby. She lived in somewhat close proximity to other family members, and visited every so often. All the info i have is second source, really, from other family members, mostly my uncle, and also her daughter.
Not saying it is society's fault why some people are born with a genetic predisposition towards severe mental illness. Doing drugs, not knowing what it is, how to deal with it, dogmatic religious beliefs don't help either. People do have agency and the ability to make their own choices, but mental illness can really affect someone's ability to make rational choices. I'm talking genuine mental illness and not the trendy depression and anxiety every kid seems to have nowadays and flaunts it on twitter for social credit.
Well i'll just wrap up the story. She was raped and murdered under a highway overpass in 2016, by another homeless guy, who is now serving life in prison. There's news articles about it online, but i prefer a degree of anonymity here, so i will not link them.
Got extra food through drivethru mistake. Gave it to a homeless woman. She then proceeded to info dump on us how "Shes just being honest by talking about her meth addiction" and how if you live on the streets "You have to do meth" to survive. took 15 mins to disengage from her retarded ranting. Some people are hopeless. Legalize all drugs cheap and let the problem sort itself out.
Got real dark, real quick. Homelessness is no joke. All it takes is a few bad choices and before you know it, it's all become one big pile of shit. Rip. It happens everyday.
Ya, the guy had already tried this same thing in another state. His excuse was "prison is better than living on the streets", so he murdered an old lady that did nothing to him. But i'm guessing, since it was found out that what he did, prison has been less than kind to him.
It depends how much they got your back when someone gonna try and fuck you up. If they're not trying to circle around to lead a charge. I'm pretty certain I can break that line but if I don't I'm gonna spend some time. I feel like my bros lack some circumstance reflection period that you can take a few hits. You have to circle around and start making sure nobody else jumps in. Not bash the guy I'm dealing with, I'm not out of it or nothing. I can fight a little more freely if the guy looking to take pot shots is distracted with you fighting some other guy he's friends with. I feel like we always have this sort of miscommunication. I'll crash where you're crashing but if you're fighting a guy beyond your stature I'm not gonna stop it, I'm gonna go pick fights with the guy around him so he doesn't kick you while you're down and work my way around there. I suppose it's whether they're picking the fight or I am. It's like we're bro you're not fighting your fight for me, if someone is kicking your head in I'll probably jump in there. Unless it's a gun fight, your down your down aint nothing I can do about it. Fights on we're gonna fight. I know things are likely going to be lopsided on my side most of the time, you're there to make sure people don't jump in and change that by kicking me in the head when it's convenient when we're tired up or something. You got your own brawl going on I won't fault you for not being there that's just kinda hot donnybrooks work.
What can we do about homelessness?
Nothing. Democrats and Jews will keep us from talking about and fixing the actual root causes for homelessness.
Democrats want the problem to stay. It keeps their goons employed and lets them tax the NPCs under them for their enrichment, while the homeless population grows out of control and goes unaddressed. Then they can campaign on pretending to solve the issue despite making it worse year over year, only to fill their own pockets and make the shit stain worse.
The first step in solving homelessness would be to remove Dems from power, which is difficult given how entrenched they are in every aspect of life. The second would be to fuck over all the real estate jews by upping property tax on unoccupied property. That would release all the free homes and shit for reasonable prices, destroying the Jew's accumulated stolen wealth/capital and returning it to the people. Then you revert all the sexist shit Dems put in place, finally allowing the homeless men to actually find work in a world where DEI hiring keeps them on the streets. From there you let charity clean up the streets - they are better at it than the government (and everyone gets to feel good about it!). The last step is the hardest - it's building back all the asylums so we can put the mentally ill somewhere (while fixing objective standards to put people there instead of using some political whacko's opinion). At that point the rest are bums couch surfing and whores boyfriend surfing, and you don't need to worry about them, they are out of sight and out of mind.
You mean dismantling Jewish oligarch control. Because capitalism is dead in America, we are owned and operated by Jewish oligarchs at the moment, all running illegal monopolies hand in hand with corrupt politicians (on both sides).
I'll tell you my best experience with a homeless man. I went into work one Saturday morning and surprised a homeless guy who somehow got into the "secure building". Within 10 minutes I was getting railed.
kill yourself
Illegal monopolies are an unavoidable, mechanical consequence to neoliberal capitalism. Laissez-faire cannot help but spawn monopolies.
And yet we answer it with a monopoly of force... interesting... who watches the watchers in such a lazy society as today, and what is the recourse to keeping a government in check with the power of incumbency? Government is made of men, the same type of men that can run a corrupt corporation.
>What can we do about homelessness?
That's an entirely different question by people that are not homeless. These are not homeless people. They have birthright citizenship where they're from. Their kids have citizenship from where they were born. We have rules and laws about you fucking go storm a trench with me and you can have citizenship. Wars are over, go home.
I mean amnesty is offered, usually you don't see these fucking people fucking die hanging to a plane like the last regime. People claim their kid was born here and is a naturalized citizen of somewhere else. They can naturally go back to where they're from and there are no problems they just prefer this place. After 20 years they could have done military service. Naturalization. If they cared about their kid maybe they'd send them to a school here. A private or military school here. They could get funds and scholarships and try to naturalize but they prefer their own home land. They use a kid as an excuse. Nobody is arguing the eliazando kid from Cuba would have been better off in America. He had family back over there and was a natural citizen of that place.
Give everyone a PR24. As a society we should all work to beat the homeless and not burden the Police
t. Reality? No thanks, I'll stick with propaganda
Death squads.
the only homelessness in america is chosen homelessness
homeless people can call the cops (all deactivated cells and payphones work for 9-1-1) and get a ride to the nearest shelter, where they'll get a cot and 3 hots, or a ride to one where they have space for the same. then they'll get free job placement program assistance.
I have zero fucking sympathy for any mongoloids who choose to not contribute to our society when we so freely enable them to do so, but instead cry out that they're a victim of the same society that offers the same help to everyone, even non-citizens
go fuck yourself libshit retards who don't realize this after decades of homeless programs existing in literally every state of the USA
oh and anyone who can't get ahold of any phone of any kind or ask a 7-11 clerk to call the cops for them: They SHOULD be discarded like the trash they are. Hell we should toss them all into a fucking trash pit where they can rot instead of fucking over the valid humans who actually contribute
Homeless dude here, posting from inside an actual homeless shelter.
Two types of homeless.
1. Mentally ill and temporarily homeless.
2. Scammers (not actually homeless)
No2 need to be shot and shoved in a ditch.
How did you get into that situation?
What are you doing to get out of it?
What are the people around you like?
is correct
actually wants to do better and contribute to society, and we completely enable him to do so, and he's taking advantage of that like anyone else with 2 brain cells to rub together would.
How did you get into that situation?
By refusing to play the 'worship money' game. I pity those who do, which is most of you.
What are you doing to get out of it?
Nothing. You tools who feed this system are going to fuck it and everyone else into societal collapse, so I'm just taking it easy doing as I damn well please.
What are the people around you like?
Mostly annoying. Some are cool, but I stat away from most of them. Sleeping inside in a bed is a temporary thing because I get sick of co-existing with most of these motherfuckers. Heading out of this town next month, need new scenery.
lol then he went and CHOSE to be homeless, further proving
we really should just toss trash losers like him into a trash pit, or pitch him up against other losers in a fight pit for sport
kill yourself
By refusing to play the 'worship money' game. I pity those who do, which is most of you.
I can't contribute to the society that has given me literally everything I have, including my knowledge, because I'm a parasitic loser and waste of space
Nothing. You tools who feed this system are going to fuck it and everyone else into societal collapse, so I'm just taking it easy doing as I damn well please.
I enjoy being a parasitic kike-stain. haha fuck you people who carry me on your back while I freeload
Mostly annoying. Some are cool, but I stat away from most of them. Sleeping inside in a bed is a temporary thing because I get sick of co-existing with most of these motherfuckers. Heading out of this town next month, need new scenery.
I think I'm better than all the other useless losers, because, erm, I just am, okay?
kill yourself
I can't call him a liar or say he's wrong, because he's right, so I'm going to switch to edgy words
Enjoy work tomorrow
enjoy your chats with crackheads about flat-earth conspiracies tomorrow. don't get bit or scratched by your AIDS-ridden roomates lol
enjoy nothing tomorrow
You tools who feed this system are going to fuck it and everyone else into societal collapse, so I'm just taking it easy doing as I damn well please.
I don't necessarily disagree with this but I think I'd rather at least have a car and a place to store my food and guns and hunker down when societal collapse happens.
I do anything I want, and what I want does not include paying leeches ridiculous amounts of money to temporarily store my shit and sweat about whether or not I'll have a 3rd of my total income to give to insure my being held hostage will continue.
Fucks like you and 90% of the rest of the population is what allows pig fuckers like all your fav politicians to exist and you love them assfucking you daily. No thanks, kiddo. I'll be living an actual life and not being cucked by bankers and all their faggot friends. Enjoy yourself. You are the very definition of slave labor supporting corruption. Congratulations.
sweat about whether or not I'll have a 3rd of my total income to give to insure my being held hostage will continue.
you're literally proof that there's nothing to worry about. shelter and job placement are given to anyone who loses it all. you don't have to have any percentage of your total income to insure anything. you're living proof and still can't understand that. you really are fucking retarded
Fucks like you and 90% of the rest of the population is what allows pig fuckers like all your fav politicians to exist
Maybe I'm saving up resources to contribute to their downfall. What are YOU doing to fix things, you useless fucking loser? Other than making it harder for patriots who are taking action, of course.
le edgy "everyone else's fault politicians exist"
yet, if we all became useless losers like you, it'd make us 1000% easier to keep enslaved and be stripped of our rights. you quitter. you loser. you subservient societal cuck. you fucking kike slave. you really are, as they say, cattle-like you fucking goy scum. try actually saving some resources to help overthrow the kikes in charge or get out of the way of others doing so by eating lead, you useless burden
Do you have a car?
I've been thinking of just traveling the US in my car for a year, would you recommend it?
I like to find a bum that has passed out. And when those stinky fucks pass out, boy do they pass out! So what I do is to pour gasoline all over them, then set them on fire. And boy, what hilarity ensues!
I do anything I want
yea, anything that doesn't cost more than the $10 you got from sucking off jerome
the amount of denial.
Best part is nobody tries to come after who did it (watch for cameras and hide your face still though)
I am homeless. Ask me anything you wanna know.
why not just pour the gas on them and leave?
they'll light themselves the next time they light up their drug spoon or a cigarette lol
I'd suck off Jerome for $10!
Two questions:
1. Why did you choose to be a useless piece of shit that makes it harder for everyone else to get out from under the bankster ruling class by dragging them down with your useless ass?
2. Could you do us all a favor and eat some lead so we don't have to subsidize your pointless, purposeless existence?
i bet you would, you mentally ill mongoloid
I'm sorry, you were bitching about what, nigger?
I receive $1703 in Survivor's Benefits (SSDI)
Another $135 or so for a pension
$200 a month OTC benefit to spend on gas and shit
$20 a month EBT
And I also work nonstop with DoorDash. Go to bed, faggot. You got work tomorrow
You won't do shit
you need to probably be taken off the over entited welfare with that attitude.
Come try it then lmao
lol Anon Babble is so infected with 'hard man syndrome'
Oh look there's one now.
Lmfao go to bed, pussy. BOSS MAN NEED YOU ALERT FOR WORK!
proves we're subsidizing their useless existence by assuring us they are living off welfare
I just took the day off because I have an actual job, and my pay at the end of the month will still be over 10k.
go eat that lead, useless loser. even illegals can doordash. you were raised here and still can't do better than them. please exit existence
It's like 10pm even on the east coast you boomer
I hope you get fired and have to eat beans for dinner, fucking piece of shit.
It's 11:11PM EST :)
That's pretty cool. We could kiss if you wanna.