OTK & Company / Twitch Gossip

OTK & Company / Twitch Gossip

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when the arm gets collected

Where is the AI video of SimplEE kissing?

It's a joke. Miz is the happiest hes ever been


give me a pic of them next to each other and ill do it

quqco slutting it up

I don't even understand where that irongiant dude came from, literal 50 viewer streamer from nowhere. I guess he's a friend of the Klats but why is he streaming inside Miz's house? Kek

when isnt she

Works out at ironforge. Did the dougdoug challenge with miz for yt video.

He's a regular at the gym and friends with the other gym orbiters, he showed up with the klats, then Knut and Klats raided him.

Because Miz was too busy setting boundaries for Emi's instagram to set some for his house.

making deepfakes also makes you a sex offender. Reported.


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wait miz was at home yesterday?

he was on stream...

Notice the wrinkles around the mouth, they're getting rougher and rougher for every passing month. I don't think her anti-aging cream works

Not like this man

grandma emi

hes a cool guy

i didnt watch it, all i remember was people saying that he was at emis


he was in his bedroom all night basically
probably because he was pissed with everyone in there

He was somewhere and then lac texted him and miz came ~30 mins later and stayed home

dont think this reflects on her, she was just exhausted and overheated.
also stop bullying

This is the biggest sign that they really are breaking up. Miz is a pro

Nick fucked Katchii. GLADIATOR.

To the guy saying katchii and nick fucked and that he is whipped. He litterally said the other day in discord that farming is fun and all but it’s hollow, no real substance. And if katchii was so opposed to nick farming then he wouldn’t have begun farming nora already. Nick is just keeping his options open if he can’t lock in nora.

did they so a 2nd one? I only remember the russel, simply, lacari one

he couldnt stop mentioning her all stream lol

The wrinkles are obvious man

You nick simps are the biggest faggots in these faggot threads.


It was with Knut and some strongmen

Okay steak and eggs is 100 percent happening today

knut said he wasn't home but 20-30 mins after lac called miz he came walking in from the stairs/garage area

The if __ happens then it's really over fags are insufferable.


Yes, with James, the dude who he went to the lambo place with and Knut

Overheated btw

Overheated? Bitch is cooked. Burnt.


did her face melt off?

She looks good here

It’s not even nick simps. It’s katchii shippers who are mentally ill.

That cream is ruining her kek

She's obviously walling anon, stop coping. Don't get me wrong though, I would still let her crush my ballsack.. but there's no reason to lie and cope about the obvious

He just said he is going to go record it in 2 hours

Because he's retarded and thinks a twitch ban was stopping them from filming the YouTube podcast. That shit is dead. Fucking retards who thinks she wants to remain buddy buddy with the fag that cost her her sponsors.

Other people said he wasn't home too

nick is a soy pussy he always was he ain't doing shit with katchi or nora he too weak

welcome to the club sweetie!

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Tectone literally just said they are recording in 2 hours

What does this mean and why did I save it

this is the result of extreme makeup abuse and non stop facials since she was 13

I think it means you're retarded

timestamp pls??

Miz was smart to bail kek

I'm not that guy. I just hope that if he chooses between the two, he picks Katchii. Whoever he chooses is gonna become a fixture of his stream, a la Malena, and she's the way better option, IMO: easier to look at, funnier and flirttier. Less of a bore overall. Just 'cos Nora plays into his PogO, people think she's actually entertaining, but she doesn't throw it back the way Katchii does.

stop projecting mizcuck

Katchii is too white

You lost me at tectone faggot. Where's that night time special he said they were recording? Oh wait he lies to you gullible fags lol

Tectone literally just said

He also "literally" said he's left in the dark and has no idea what's happening with the podcast.

Well yeah, they're dating. Durr.

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holy fuck
does mike regret hooking up with his favorite twitch e-girl?


Your sweet emiru doesn’t give af about sponsors as long as she gets those raids from daddy asmon.

Yes he was waiting for response and got them retard

Nora irl was pretty boring, don't know why people are wanting more of that

At what time did Miz turn of his pc?


uhhhhh emibros...

why do you care? are you mentally ill?

He didn't

he still sees someone else when he looks at her

nora is lame as fuck and I watched all of their onstream erp and the twitchcon irls

For how often miz cries that he wanted to neck himself I bet he wasn't even close. Bitch can't finish anything and just says it for attention

7 years older than your actual age, that's what schizo stress does to you

new miz insta story

The wifi went out last night and he hasn't signed back into twitch since then. not sure what time, was just before they left the kitchen on James's stream

oh no....

I do think he used the cancellation to pity farm parasocials.

time makes fools of us all

i mean of course. he also never forgets when he did a favor for someone, so he can constantly loom it over their head on stream.

Cope. Katchii isn’t even that good looking. And she is honestly just annoying. She is like mizkif who just talks nonstop. Nora is way more chill with entertaining moments now and again. I truly can’t wait until next week. Seeing the karchii simps/shippers fuming will be top tier entertainment.

Im curious as to how they pay for the podcast

To how many viewers will Asmon come back tomorrow? 70k?

You could have just said it was a reel...

oh damn I saw his chatterino was off and he was logged out of Twitch.

do alinity next

Start doing more patreon stuff

the podcast is a cash cow, they have 2-3 sponsors per episode plus patreon.

Check his discord first

what sponsors? Emi is going to send out polaroids again let's go

The views and comment sections said otherwise. Pretty much everyone who comes across nora viewer or streamer loves her vibe. It’s not really a competition. Katchii is her own person who brings her own vibe and nora brings her own. It’s clear nick prefers her.

you know i usually dismiss this kinda picture as outliers but she seems to consistently look terrible in outside settings or with hd cameras.



Beat a bitch monday!


whashedkif is getting desperate

They're in a private relationship

hope he doesnt act like a little gay bitch

easiest skip of my life

% miz and emi duo in wow

Disagree. She was looking great at Anime con or on Nicks set up or when she bothers to brush her hair and put in effort for the podcast. She just didn't sleep and her makeup was melting here.

Bitchkif how manyvyouvreckon he's gonna have in his user list likex10k


nah katchii is so attractive i’d give anything to blow my load in her

Hard to know considering he streams randomly without announcing a time or anything, the drama viewers will probably tune in the first hour and then leave, hours before he usually reaches peak viewership


Yeah I just thought since he was going crazy the other day on Twitch he would've done the same last night on his off day.

emi will never look as good as her at her age

Maybe we just have different interests. She seems nice enough, but I would be bored to tears watching Nick and Nora again

Will Nick choose his next girlfriend solely for his streaming career tho? I don't know what Nick thinks about Nora, but he has given her attention for over 10 months now. He must find something interesting about her. It wouldn't surprise me if he chooses Katchii tho.


Alinity is 36 right she don't look bad for example Jessica Nigri looks horrible and she has pounds of makeup on.

How much hate will emi get from doing the podcast with asmon stil? Also will it affect her sponsors?

99%. Any argument they would have had, they probably resolved within 24hrs cuz they are adults that have been together for years. This thread is just the same mf's baiting since retards respond to them




anyone know when does the stream start

Damn emi chose the pod and asmon over miz, that is the real reason he dumped her

Nobody cares. They're going out. Who cares.

oh I see

You guys ready for miz to be overly flirty with ee and farm shipping content with her

how is it "over miz".

If she didn’t lose any because of miz I doubt she does because of asmon

EE doesn't play into ships so it would be pretty cringe if he did. She only puts up with the nick ones because they're unshippable.

Nobody will care. Asmon's always been edgy and she still hung out with him.

She is dating him, she does not care lol

They didn't think that far.

random cap from last stream, prob not most flattering but w.e

Day and night difference from the night before amirite

End of 2024 recap

miz and emi broke up

emi still defends asmon after his controversey

S&E continues

miz not going to emis halloween party

no emikif duo in onlyfangs anymore

miz pancake in december

You mean the gay bestie bit?

that's a high bar for anyone. Alinity has physical appeal and a sexual vibe that entices both men and women.

Well Alinity has botox across her face to smooth out the wrinkles, I don't know about Niggri, but Emi still has that option later on to hide the signs of aging which will literally make a girl like Emi look like a doll.. which might be a good or a bad thing, probably bad

Literally lost one last week. You just ignoring that?

yass bitch ur so fucking dumb

Absolutely delusional. She shipped herself with Miz for the first half of the year than jumped to ship herself with Nick, when he got more viewers.

I’m curious to see if they hung out while he was banned, maybe they talk about it today on the podcast.

> Speculation

> Literally just didn't happen

> Speculation

> Speculation

> Speculation

> Speculation

She literally went on a forced date with a guy miz wanted her to pity hire as an editor.

That's because Asmon was supposed to be on that contest. Gaming sponsors will still work with Asmon. He's too influential. So Emi will be good with those.

please i just hope miz stays like at 15k viewers or less so he stops collabing with this stupid whore and he deserves it for fumbling emi

She’s not dating him but I do think she values him more than miz at this point.

no thanks

god i remember there was a clip on lsf a few months ago of her doing push ups... her ass was so smooth and jiggly i busted the fattest nut on slowmo to that clip

not happening lmao itll be a massive day because EEfags

only if he has the bots off

So the type of sponsors she already gets on her own and has literally nothing to do with asmon. Got it.

new qween !

She lost her only brand deal because of him

Not possible with his bots.

give her a few months with mizkif

absolutely he will he farmed malena content for 10 years despite her never liking streaming

Can't wait for miz not to go to her halloween party and emi still hitting like 50 60k viewers wirhout miz being there HAHAHAHAH i hope he sees how nobody cares about him and they are all having fun without him.

Lizard queen

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is emi gonna farm no nut november?

she's showing thighs again

punished with 2hrs locked outside in the texas sun

how the fuck is arrav at 1k viewers in 20 minutes? did someone raid him?

Nah this time they will have much better interactions. Nick killed the vibes in amsterdam because of his bad mood and him being a jackass. It was also awkward because of malena. If nick was in a relationship these streams with katchii would not be entertaining at all. I just think people simp for her a little bit too much. She really isn’t anything special.

Mizkif ragebait stream let's go!

Yep. He fucked her over pretty hard. Especially since Essence was a loyal sponsor for years.

No, she's a virgin.

yes she will make men lose

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We don’t even know if it was actually because of asmon

she looks decent for somebody in their early 30s

Their love means more than a sponsorship.

People posted their tickets from their emails about asmon

That already happened with the Chinese New Years party. He was sitting alone in his room and only showed up, when the stream was already at 55k.
Doubt this party will do as much. I feel like Asmon's return stream is going to cuck her.

Bwahahahaha. If you lose to this you deserve to castrated.

No chance they will mention that lol

Emi gonna hatewatch mizs stream today and laugh about his pathetic viewcount. Also taking a picture of his twitchtracker from today to make fun of him

zzyzx and shinya missing out




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She’ll be with asmon. She won’t give af what miz does today.

They are dating or early stages of it

she does, but she does it in a way that she tries to deny it. she'll go on dates with nmp, but keep telling her chat it's not a date so that the simps won't leave.

They were removed from her tweet two days after Asmon's ban and after people here were emailing them about Asmon.

The only OTK member or OTK orbiter that looks like they don't age is Bonnie. Hell she looked older at 18 than she does now.

It’s possible

It was Asmon

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Emi’s search history was not because of miz.

she goes with nmp cause he's the only one willing to get off his ass, and she can easily reciprocate by going on his stream.

no thanks

She'll be at the OTK meeting and filming S&E.

It was because of Kutchii

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They talk everyday, he raids her constantly, he has bought her 2 games, got dinner together, boyfriend behavior to me

is there any chance he actually hits EE today or is it just one fag spamming about it

tec said on stream hes gonna chill from shinya for a while

From or with

Her and asmon are actually going to be together all day. S&e + meeting. More time she spent with miz in the past 9 days.

No he didn’t lol, they have been hanging out everyday

refined qween !

let me bait nigger.

Where's the pizza? Costco pizza is goated.

He bought her games? Tf

take a shot everytime miz mentions katchii or nick today

these are good

how is this even a stream? what are they doing with the other 2 hours

where is this from?

Can you cash app me some money so I can play with you? I'm a broke boy.

2 hours of miz doing the gay best friend bit and telling her to slay

No. He had some codes for games she wanted to play and he gave her those, so she didn't have to buy the games.




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cringe stall content


I already called that costco and notified them that theres a guy and asian girl trying to stream in their store at that time.

i hope this is his worst performance stream in a while so he gets the fucking message, ill do my part and not even click once today.

Miz at 9.6 subs lmao horable nick atc20k subs washedupkif

Actually based if true

Anybody else streaming at the same time?

Damn miz and emi breaking up in 2024 before onlyfangs wasn't on my list lol. But tbh emi is not good for any guys mental health there is just too many problems that come with dating her


Esfand just leaked

nope twitch is fucking garbage, there is so much better content out there, there is games, there is real life, ill recommend anything but twitch at this point, until that one magic stream that sucks you back in, but this aint the one chief.

these threads turned into miz hatethreads kek


you love to self report, is like you are begging to be ignored.

mizs fault for having his favorite whore on. probably just wanted a better ranking.

Not giving my view to a Miz/Ee stream either way

emikifers were drowning out the hate but they vanished

So we confirmed miz and emi break up?

glaziators and emi simps

it's the same 5-10 people


Every time miz streams

not yet, but there are some signs blown up proportion here.



how many hours they stall on desktop before doing anything

oh lord he's already started the gay slayyy shit and EE isn't even there yet

that's mayas hoodie

case in point:

went to sixth street

Miz still doing the gay bit.. the first thing he does after his intro. Yeah i'm out

its over high T enjoyers

ah shit

miz going to LA for 3 days.

That he's gay?

ditching the halloween party it's over

is like when he tells the avocado story i instantly close the stream.

in three days

sixth street closes at 2am and he was on his computer by then so he wasn't out late

and for a few days he said

Hes allergic to high viewership

best mood i have ever seen miz in, seems very happy and gay today

was the kirby blanket there before?

no but it means nothing

Did he say that? It’s over if true

Dani had it as a cape when the klats were in his room

pretty sure it was in his closet on the klats stream.


Holy shit miz has the insane bots today.. i think that's the only way he can cope with his breakup

thats proof that they made up, he got emis bots back

20k viewers in 25 minutes

He said for a few days

the retard anon who said miz wasnt angry last night lol

miz is leaving for LA tomorrow

they obviously should be getting permission beforehand, don't they have staff that can arrange that stuff?

never mind i forgot bots have kept him afloat since his self cancellation

and will magically stay 20k (with the users numbers floating) until the end


he still wants to do the blockbuster stream lmao

someone ask if hes going to emi's party tomorrow.

It depends how long they plan to be there. They realistically should buy the stuff and eat it somewhere else. The whole stream sounds like nothing.

You do it

It's getting too obvious. Nicks succcess must really fuck with his mental.

is he live?

its over.

ok it's over



did some fag actually donate that

the excuse has been planted

Might not go to emis party because he has a flight tomorrow.


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he basically said he isn't no?

he said he might have a flight. thats an early excuse for him not to go.

Did they out Tectone as a pedophile yet?

Yeah it is over said he might have a flight to take that is his excuse he will not be going

Has he mentioned why he is going to LA?


High chance of a love bombing and abuse combo. Probably won't beat her up.

yeah he said in 3 days but now he said he's flying tomorrow night lol

yep, sounded like "i would but no" and he just used flight as an excuse

miz was home confirmed retards



he also said that he's going to LA in 3 days at the beginning, so who fucking knows.

goddamnit man how the fuck did they break-up over that lmfao

Who was even in his house other than the ones already there and the Klats?

poor simply and russel just send 20 streamers downstairs lmao

Damn miz ditching his "gfs" party for other parties? I'm sorry you can't tell me it's not over lol

well there you have it boys for retards in here saying we were blowing shit out proportion

I’m ngl miz is better without Emi she’s a succubus

the pathological liar in action, i starting to think his brain cant operate base on anything real, truly a broken man.

ok so are we getting the pancake ending soon?

it actually might be over. damn.


i mean she has a track record of leaving man in a worst state before entering their life, even those she has never meet. If that is not the definition of succubus idk what is.

There is no excuse or cope, if he ditches that party tomorrow it is over

miz has a track record of aging women at record speeds

Fuck this ragebaiting perpetually despressed self sabotaging faggot. Hope he throws himself off a building just like that faggot Reckful


What he said makes no sense, he's apparently flying on the 30th but he might not show up because he needs to leave for LA?

He's too scared

the content has gotten so much better without her. having nobodies create an environment that generates content has been really good for him. And now he's setting boundaries so it looks like they'll be there for a long time :)

Too much of a weasel. Hes probably lying about how depressed he is.

Miz with almost 10k bots. lol


we must topple froggan

It's why his podcast failed so hard, fake ass personality with fake stories

emikifers on suicide watch rn


im gonna find your tiwtch handle faggot you're DONE

ragebaiting perpetually despressed self sabotaging faggot

couldnt describe him better lol

Is that why he's falling off on both twitch and youtube?

we must nominate frogan to make people seethe

Miz had never been this happy and seeing all of you seething is a beautiful spectacle.
The pancake ending is sooner than you think (but not for Miz)

Remember him gloating about going to a wedding where him and his friends had all fucked the bride and never told the groom before? I remember. Fucking retard

im honestly surprised they even got back together after she moved out, it looked 10 times worse than this, but repeating the fight>party is not good looks

Sounds like an excuse to ditch and so his community does not get pissed, I fear he has no flight tomorrow but they did break up and he is just not going

how did you check this?

true, but she does look older now than she did two years ago. streaming 4 times a month has taken a toll.

lol true

I'm kinda happy it's ending now. I was way too obsessed with emikif it had a negative impact on my life but i'm glad i can move on now

she has more than 1000 viewers on average, retard

Miz slept in his house.

surprised sonii was still interested

bro learn to read

you wont tho lol


can yall be a bit nicer

Well no excuse will work if they don't duo in onlyfangs. They will destroy him

Hes a midget and 30. He doesnt have many options now.

No bro you don't get it that's the classic scumbag mizkif act haha xD

ok now he actually ignored a gauntlet question

I will wait to see who emi gets next, asmon stuff actually has substance now

of course elroliss that fag

he didnt

completely ignored gauntlet question lol

Even if he answered you fags still doom about kek

we're getting a 30k stream EE is going to stay back. good dog.

lmaoo straight up ignoring the questions

im dead set on it being over, no dooming at all.

Ok now I can say something that was bothering me without looking insane. I think MIz confronted Emi about the pic and forced her to show him her dms. Emi was unfaithful with him and talking to maybe a guy or a cosplay girl in dms. Miz seems like he didn't back down from his fight and seems to feel like he is the right.

Those aren't real viewers.

Yeah im out. This shit dead. Over a fucking miku pic.

its made up

what the fuck is this cringe parasocial rp ?

does it matter? he'll force the narrative if he's already botting

Take your meds.

lol neckie

Emi cheating on him would make him have this reaction to a break up ngl

Miz is better without Emi.

bro lost his gf and now playing part as a shipper schizo

the cheater would be miz, not emi

he looks so happy


The happiest he's ever looked actually dare I say

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isnt this what happened with dyrus?

Him cheating on her with a random would also have the same effect. Break up -> cope with alcohol and more randoms.

You can say the same about Emi, there is no way she uploaded those pictures without thinking that her bf was not going to be upset, for what to impress some OF whore she just met?

I have grown to dislike both of them individually, but just got too invested in their relationship. If it's over then I'm done with these 2 narcissists. Probably for the best


Miz liked the bbno$ song because he saw himself in the video.
Miz is better without Emi.

Doubt it was just that Miku pic. Shit has been building up for half a year. They probably already had a short break up, when she moved out and tried giving it another chance.

He saw the Norafawn dms

Those pics were mild.

welcoming emikif refugees !

I think we are heavily underestimating what happened, people think Miz just went to her house, calmly told her to delete the pictures and left, that does not explain what's happening right not whatsoever

Whatever is happening, Miz is acting like he's in the right. He's been feeling himself

You just know that emi 100% came up with her autism excuse again that she is just socially clueless and "didn't think about it as sexual". Ngl i can see how that might be annoying at some point, because you will never have any progress with that stuff if your partner permanently acts like they just don't know better

How can he be this happy if they broke up ? After a +2years relationship

What gave it away? His partying with random girls, following OF whores on insta or groping EE?

Porn dead brain coomer

Shit has been building up for half a year

I'm sorry but you can't deny that it looked like they were on their honeymoon again just 2 weeks ago lol

she was cheating. i 100% believe she was messaging dudes.

This might be it

miz going to japan confirmed

No, Dyrus said it was his fault that she dumped him. He was being emotionally abusive just like Miz.

Only explanation i can see is like another anon said, that they already had a breakup (or more) but tried to give it another chance. So it's not as devastating now


No lol, nobody would be hanging out with her if she cheated, you are delusional

Where tf is EE? I'm bored.

this is not a bad theory tbh

Yeah how is miz in such a good mood. I don't get it

He always thinks he's in the right.

Not worth breaking up over considering all the other pics Emi has posted before. She even deleted the whole set to try and calm things down.

Like I said whatever fight they had Miz feels like he is in the right which points me to believe that Emi was being clueless/autistic talking with people on dms that messaged her after she put those pictures out. Go back to what Emi said that she was getting weird dms of people she knew but only saw it that way until Miz pointed it out.


of course its the other schizo baldonaldo


it' so over

I'm taking a wild guess and say that they didn't actually break-up and Miz is waiting for Emi to apologize or something

oh its so over

Fuck it's so over

its actually fucking over boys. that was cold

what happened?

i meant emi messaging people on insta

Does anyone believe that this retard has enough foresight to know that none of his viewers is gonna watch wow if he plays solo?

a couple more emi tts and he is gonna full send it, crash out miz come one do it

on someone's stream last night dani was talking about getting kicked out of costco for filming, this would be so funny if someone actually calls.

Emi might have actually got caught talking to someone in dms and miz found out

he ignored a question asking if he was duoing with emi for wow

retards won't stop asking if he's doing shit with emi and miz just ignores their questions

I'm wondering if he will really wait five years to have kids for Katchii. Her streaming career only started recently. It's not like they can't just be friends and create content together, like with EE.

Yeah he 100% knows nobody is watching without Emi

no longer leveling with emi for onlyfangs.

But would that make him be in such a good mood? Even if he feels his is in the right

It's the fucking Dailydose shit all over again, after a while I can get Miz being so fucking upset about this shit. This theory is strong in my opinion.

yeah he got like 3 emi tts in 5 mins by now and probably knows it's schizos, i wouldn't give too much about him not answering

He doesn't need people to watch if he's got bots.

Just making shit up to cover for Miz getting dumped.

this is probably it. he probably confronted her about something and now expects her to roll over and apologize, just like in the leaked dms.

he ignored the first question too, which wasn't schizo spam yet at that point

Emi having more viewers while she duos with Asmon might lead to a legendary crash out

will more be added to the list

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these are the tame schizos

He will try solo and his community will cry about emi, then he will have a meltdown about how his own community doesn't "watch for him" (similar to the backlash he got for the pregaming stream with the OF whores, "My own community don't want me to go live:(" )

Asmon will never do ssf his ego is too big

no shit he doesn't make or do any content, he gets other people to do it for him so of course that will happen.

if they do breakup miz should go back to streaming 6 days a week, starting with a subathon

the reason he reduced his days was so emi could stream

God, she makes the best faces. Did anybody make a webm of her last stream at Nick's when she went cross-eyed in front of the camera. Borderline pornographic.

no one else wants to date them so they have to make it work together

This retard saying he's looking forward to playing Wow every day for 2 months straight thinking it's going to be easy content while in reality without Emi it's gonna pull awful numbers. I can't wait for the inevitable crash out

these are not schizo's, just parasocial viewers who can fell something's off

Right. How is he surprised by this?


Emi gets streamers hitting on her all the time. And Miz can get leeches or OF girls.

there it is boys

faggots go here already