Can the existence of God be proven/disproven?

Can the existence of God be proven/disproven?

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Can the existence of Santa Claus be proven/disproven?

Can yours?


No. Next question?

Depends on your definition

I found the Redditor XD

yeah if you see the guy

Can the existence of God be proven/disproven?

theres at least a infinite yottaton of stars, different plants, infinite posibilities of lifeforms and sentient lifeforms,believing that theres a god and that it cares for our insignificant lifes is egotistic, religion is a dick, you dont go out and whip out your dick for people to see, so plz keep it to yourself religious anons

Depends which god. A vague deistic or pantheistic force is unfalsifiable but all gods of the various religions of the world have been disproved ad nauseum

Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.

One can seek God.
God often reveals himself to individuals.
But he does not do so in a scientifically measurable way. I can tell you about my experience and hope you believe. This is called hiving testimony or witness.

Many have done so, few outside of the faith community give it any credit.

There really is no shortcuts you just have to seek him yourself.

PS Follow Christs examples and Worship God. Do not follow men in funny hats examples and worship Christ.

Hope that makes sense.

First you'd have to define what God is.

OP never implied that God cares or that he's religious.

Sounds like schizophrenia.

Which god?

Do not follow men in funny hats


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You sound like youd be an intolerable faggot to deal with in social situations. Fix your gay nerd self.

Now thats some major projection right here


But what about all the other gods that have supposedly revealed themselves to people throughout history?

Go back.

The fallen Angels did roam the Earth telling lies cavorting with human women.
Genesis 6:4

I've been here longer than you. Still a newfag but longer than you

Other religions would say your yhwh is the demon, how do you tell the difference? A pagan could just as easily tell me Jesus is one of Lokis disguises

Am I supposed to disagree?

God calls Armageddon "The final Trump" wouldn't it be ironic for all those events to occur during Trumps reign?

few outside the faith community give it any credit.

Oh, there you are Peter.

Ask lots of questions.
Be slow to act until you know what they plan. If it violates a commandment? Ignore them. Most of us CAN hear the holy AND the unholy spirits.

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No, it's an experience completely independent of religion or thought.
99% of humans won't. It's like an ant realizing it's in a galaxy.

Positing that such a being is omnipotent, and actively resists being perceived, then no lesser being could ever witness or find evidence of them.

An infinitely powerful entity cannot be found unless it allows you to find it.

not 100%, but that's a good thing. god needs you loyal beyond reason.
if you come to Jesus you will be saved
god will spoil you, she loves you

You're still acting as if the biblical commandments should be the guide with which you separate truth from lies in spiritual matters, I'm just curious how you reach this conclusion and what makes it more valid than other "religious guidelines" for lack of a better term

Because I have been exposed to the Abrahamic Religions for good or for evil.

Because I was not born in India or China.

So I can only speak from that perspective.

I am not a judge, I am a witness.

Same path as you just sharing my opinions.

So whats the difference?

If I mislead you? I will admit it before God. I am fairly confident he will forgive you your doubts. And me my failure to teach you. Again he xxv is not seeking to fool us and punish us. He isctrying to reveal truth and educate us.

Can the existence of God be proven/disproven?

Of course not. The existence of God is religion, which requires faith. If His existence was proven, then it would require no faith so it would be science, not religion. Proving the existence of God would destroy religion.

And who is that Norwegian guy in OP's picture? Jesus was a Middle-Eastern Jew. He looked like this:

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I just think you should try seeing it from a more neutral perspective, something as consequential as the truth about the universe requires more consideration than "I was born into it"

No not if God and you chose your place of birth. Lessons vary greatly.
Birth and death we all experiance.

I may teach Christ?
But I do not draw a sword and attack Hindu or Buddhist. I am still human first.

Hebrews 13:2

Proven yes, disproven no.
You can't prove a negative.

Gone are the days of being convinced by others. Now the only path to true faith is through our own inner workings.

all individual gods have already been disproven

Kinda assholeish of god to make peoples salvation dependent on where you're born though, isn't it?

He is ask questions, that you are dodging while clutching onto your presupposition that you're religion is the right one.

Truth doesn't care what continent you were born on

All gods of current religions have already been proven nonexistent, the only refuge god botherers still have is deism

Depends on how pedantic you wanna get with your epistemology.
I'm okay with the stance you can't prove a negative. Theres a reason most god claims are unfalsifiable, can still have plenty of evidence the thing doesn't exist though and its sometimes fun to watch theists try to prove their god exists

What fate do you suffer if born in India?
Can you choose?
Was God communicating with India?
Did Christ address them?

They are only described as Ethnos in the Bible. People of other Continents.

Christ was sent for Hebrews, and lost members of those tribes. The gift is free to ANY who choose it.

No punishment if no gift is ever properly offered. Unlike US law where ignorance is no excuse? I strongly suspect any ignorance of Christ or Hebrew rules are forgivable. I don't belive God is mad at innocents only those who commit cruel and evil acts. In his Golden rule Christ said hear me o Israel. Not hear me o world.

Not dodging anything.
Perhaps just not the answer you want?

Sure it does the story of Jonah makes it clear. If God wants his message heard he will select a prophet to send even if yhe prophet resists and will go so far as to have him arrive in a fish to people who worship that fish.

God will do what he does.
And call those he desires or those who seek him. I suspect the Ethnos will be just fine. They are probably just on vacation

You didn't give an answer, you sure are pretending like you did though.

Neat bible story, why should I believe it to be true?
Try not to beg the question this time

1X1 =/= 1

How great a part of a religion must be proven false before the religion and the god it represents is proven false? I'd say christianity fell once we knew the age of the earth and creationism was disproved

I did give an answer.

How do you know if God is a demon?

Ask questions.A demon will try to fool you. God will not.

If asked to do something against the 10 commandments or the golden rule?

Bingo you got a demon.

As far as the pagan portion I'm not a pagan. I am not a judge of pagans. If they seek God or truth I am sure they will find it.

If asked to do something against the 10 commandments or the golden rule?

You're still begging the question, what if the actual god has very different commandments, or none at all?

Did I not write it already?
You have asked and I have said.

Do I believe the story of Jonah?
Ask a Nanivite. (Spelling?)

You seem confused, I'll try again.

Why should I believe the stories in the bible to be true?


Yes. He doesn't exist. Have you seen him? No, then he doesn't exist does he.
Did you know.. Batman, hulk & spiderman are all real too.. Prove they don't exist like you do with your floaty man in the sky

Every argument I've ever heard for the existence of God is either one of Thomas Aquinas's five arguments - the first mover, the uncaused cause, the contingency argument, the argument from degree and the argument from design. And all those arguments are fundamentally flawed (something Aquinas's fellow scholastics pointed out to him a thousand years ago).

Pascal's wager isn't really an argument for the existence of God, just an argument why you should believe. CS Lewis's dilemma is also kind of dumb and also not an argument for the existence of God, but an argument about the reliability of ancient texts.

So no, can't be proven or disproven. Maybe a better question is why is proof so important to you?

Based philosopher. This should be the customary response to inquiries about God.

But the Bible does not say the age of the Earth. We are not even sure what "day" meant in Genesis. It certainly was not 24 hours. More like Era or measure.

Adam was not Hebrew year one.
There was Adam before the "day" of rest. And a different Adam on "day" eight after the "day" of rest. Plus there is the mistranslation in Genesis 1.

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth, and th he Earth "was" void.

That *was* in Hebrew is havaya it occurs 12 times in scripture. All other time is translated became. A long time occurs between Earth and Void. The Hebrew books describe "tu hu eh vuhu" A great destruction long before mankind appeared. Not Noahs flood. But something that changed the entire face of the Earth destroying whatever was before. So again the Bible does not dispute the age of the Earth it is just the history and promises made to yhe Hebrew people.

Forth day Water creatures and "Those who live upon the waters" humans prior to hebrews. 5th day land animals and those who lived on land. Human kind seeded every where and accidently callec the first Adam.

Wash rinse repeat.

When evil plays with your books truth becomes far more difficult to discern.

Homework: Find Apples or Rapture in the bible? You can't... lots of folks behind pulpits and in funny hats are lying to you.

Read the fucking thread!

Simple as

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You shouldn't.
You have not been called.
You can go read any thread you desire.

You chose this one

Why did you choose it?
Are you seeking God?

Do you want answers or arguements?

God created life just so he could sit by and watch it die off, he has nothing to do with his time.

No he created life so that we could experience death and learn to stop killing each other


Concession accepted

You shouldn't.

Okay, I won't

You have not been called.

Have you? Has anyone?? How do you know it was god and not a demon?