If Trump wins we will burn this country

If Trump wins we will burn this country

you won't do shit

Not quite related but humans are indeed animals so I'll post it: my neighbour swears to Christ her blood type is neither A, B nor O but Rh negative. I tried to explain that she can't just be Rh negative since that just means that her blood is negative for the Rhesus factor, which is a protein found in most people's blood regardless of blood type. If someone says their blood type is O positive, that means that they have O blood and test positive for the Rhesus factor and omitting Rh in that example instead of saying "blood type O, Rh factor positive" just saves breath the same way you say something costs six forty-nine ($6.49) rather than saying the whole fucking thing (six dollars and forty-nine cents). But still, she insists her blood is this special, non-existent RH type.
Dumb cow. She says lots of stupid things.
She wondered why all the cat-eating Asians in Ohio looked Black and another neighbour and I spent a half hour trying to explain what a window is to her because she didn't quite understand the difference between a window, a bay, a pane of glass, a window pane and a window frame. And she argued that England is not in Europe (but China and Egypt are?) because you can drive there from Maine (?). She is very, very stupid. Certainly the dumbest person I've ever met that wasn't diagnosed with an intellectual disability.

kinda funny how they claim to hate russia yet have the flag of the USSR flying over their heads. Kind of like how they claim to hate Nazis yet support them in ukraine

Countries have borders. Usa is a primate exhibit

you gonna haft to burn it din

Better have a bigger gun than me

"If Trump wins, he will ruin this country. But not if we ruin it first!"

tbf, that is the sanest libtard argument I've heard.

Good, great excuse to just start executing you troons in the street

Finally a fake image where he's as fat as in irl. You can see the car buckle under his obese ass.

Please try. We need a leftist purge anyway

We cant wait for you to RREEEEEEE in the streets. Its going to be so much fun deleting you all when you start.
How do you expect a bunch of soft, trooning, anti-gun, pacifists to "win" any soft of civil strife anyways? Oh, you're going to act like a bunch of niggers and burn shit for a couple months? Try it. See what happens this time...
This is the most retarded, unthoughtful post on Anon Babble.
Good luck.
Trump has already won.

Not all Heros wear capes
I cant wait to go full Rittenhouse on the Libtards... after the cuddle up around their apartment radiators for the next 6 months first though. Its too cold outside for them to leave the house just yet.
Just like the Frosted Flakes on the Left, The 2025 Summer Games are going to be Grrrrrreat!

Win win then

BLM/Antifa will destroy MAGA within a week. When BLM/Antifa destroys a city, it never gets rebuilt. When MAGA tries, they just sweep up the glass, replace the window, and lock up everyone that was there.

Lol, go ahead and try, little faggot.

Maga actually attacked the seat of government, Antifa/blm just looted their own neighborhoods like the retards that they are.

How many politicians were killed and when was a new government attempted to be installed?

Unlike Antifa and blm they actually tried and didn’t just steal sneakers from the local shoe store.

Thank you for your false flag. Kill yourself and have a good day.

we will burn this country

You ALREADY DID. Remember, dumbass??

Maga actually attacked the seat of government

And failed. Now they're locked up

Antifa/blm just looted their own neighborhoods

And succeeded. They still controll the ruins.

Kek, well okay then. I guess Antifa will “control” the inner city full of nigger gangs and stuff they really don’t control and those people will keep killing each other.

they actually tried

And failed. Now they rot in cells, forgotten and abandoned.

Sigh. This tired cope again

Muh vigilante

You won't do shit either, a la Jan 6. You're completely disorganized, and have no actual fucking objectives or skills. You larp in military shit, and forget the most basic of military convention, that being "Figure out what the fuck you wanna do before you go sending people to do it". You couldn't figure that out for Jan 6, and you couldn't figure it out for Charlottesville. I can only imagine what'll happen this time.

The right constantly whines about "day of the rope"

Meanwhile, the only time they actually bring out the gallows, it's to threaten hang their own fucking VP because they have no idea what they're doing

Thank you for proving my point. I accept your apology.

"Wars begin when you will, but do not end as you please."
~ Machiavelli

Blackistan will unleash a reign of terror unlike anything the world has ever seen. They will deport the Micks and the Whops and the Pollacks and all the other illegal, pathetic refugees of World War I and send them back to Yurop where they belong.

Damn, David Hasselhoff really let himself go after that drunken hamberder rant.

I cant wait to go full Rittenhouse on the Libtards...

Damn, you must be some kind of badass

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He got high score in Asteriods. And still has three quaters left. You will never get a turn.

endless samefaggotry


Hello, Ivan.

except in reality you'll just sit in your basement and cry on Anon Babble and twatter 24/7 like you usually do. dumbfuck migacuck lol

This is a man who is not prepared for all the crying he is about to do.

do you think migacucks are gonna cry harder than they did the last time they lost?

The Left's corporate handlers only care about having you retards burn down the inner cities. All because it means they can buy up property at discount price and raise your rent. If you actually gave a fuck about your ideals you'd go riot at a government building, yet you retarded assholes only burn down Wendys and loot Target.


Check these unholy quads and /thread

The Left's corporate handlers

are migacucks actually this retarded?
literally simping for the richest billionaires on the planet + Israel all the while screeching about how the lefties are controlled by the rich lmao

Uh oh, we've got a certified badass on our hands, folks

Lmao I lived in downtown Portland from 2019-2022. What a fucking embarrasment that place is.

He also owns a plate carrier that he got from the pawn shop! He doesn't understand that it's not bullet resistant on its own and actually needs PLATES to work, but he's getting there. They also don't make them in XXXL, so it only covers about 20% of his torso

Specially since you have to coordinate the traffic in and out of your mom's bedroom, all those niggers and hobos

this is a funny argument that falls apart when you get good and are given high mid tier cars for just doing licenses like a non shitter (meaning you can spend 0 days racing a car below 400 hp) allowing you to skip the whole boring shitbox part of the game and focus on the real deal

well you're playing the game wrong then no one's forcing you to do it!!!!

then any game can be an epic carpg even assetto corsa if you just nuzlocke your own ass into roleplaying
Gran turismo 4 (and classic gt games in general) isn't a high peak of racing games because of all that bullshit, it is a high peak of racing games because the car list mostly consists of contemporary cars you could get out and buy or your mom could own and drive so it makes it relatable for everyone last but not least literal children. nowadays it's the same old tired list of the same old goddamn cars in every goddamn racing game. I want a 2024 racing game with a comprehensive list of traffic cars made between 2020 and 2024, not another fucking s15 a90 ae86 whatever junk every normie retard basedfaces seeing. I want a mid range toyota chr. I want a diesel mercedes c class. I want renault clio 0.9 tce. I want nissan leaf. maybe that game will dethrone gt4

no u!

Odd how almost every corporation, celebrity and CEO comes out in support of the Democrat candidate each year innit

Almost because democrats actually do good shit for the economy.

Hobos, tweaker, and violent mall goths full of more hate in their pinky fingers than David Duke had in his whole body

comparing celebs with 10-50mil dollar networth to billionaires at 250+ billion dollar networth

lol ok npc

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If anyone was ever a cock gobbler, this motherfuckers is the undisputed world champion


Leftists now taking the position that corporate endorsement is good because of the economy

Reagan would be proud of you clowns.

You're so close to putting the puzzle pieces together, Anon. Think about it a little harder. The rich, famous elites who have never needed to worry about finance are supporting the party that wants to tax the rich.

You're almost there. Keep thinking.

The rich, famous elites who have never needed to worry about finance are supporting the party that wants to tax the rich.

wow so Elon and Peter Theil and Bezos are voting for Kamala now?
dumb fucking npc lol

yeah this one retarded outlier will disprove your whole point hehe tough luck chud

So which one is it, leftist are soft, or vicious killers?

and nothing of value was lost.

The projection is strong in this one.

I'm surprised you had the semi-detached balls to post such complete bullshit.

If trump wins? After last night's nazi rally where one of his buds called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage? You do know that there are over 800,000 Puerto Ricans in Florida alone, right?

You will kneel at the foot of your New King and beg for His Mercy.

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12-0, State Champions. Suck it.

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Cool non-argument. Post discarded.

Who's we

Weewee peepee

A few in NYC too. Trump barely escaped.

BLM/Antifa, please keep up.

Cool singles. Checked.

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What day is it? It's white boy beatdown day

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But still, she insists her blood is this special, non-existent RH type. Dumb cow. She says lots of stupid things.

Perhaps, or perhaps she's Rh null. Golden blood. Then again, perhaps she things "golden blood" sounds special and is a compulsive liar for potential clout?

... hard to say unless you're the one doing the blood draw and analysis.

Peak MAGA. Donny wishes he could do this.

I have sprayed flame retardation on everything I own

they did it before for a criminal nigger

So you didn't do anything at all today, just like yesterday and the day before.

I got my shank ready....Gangs of New York style. I'm sharnking all you bitches..

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And you couldn't stop them then either.
Why so weak and pasty? Too much soy in your diet? Gluten free water makes you dizzy? Mayo gives you heartburn? You saw a photo of a peanut and can't find your epipen?

Lord!!! The day of retribution is at hand!!! May the hand of the Lord smack you bitches with rightouss and glory!!!

And I practice my stabbing motion at home when mom's at work.


I'm gonna deebo a mother fucker!!!

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I am an ineffectual fail male who does nothing all day. Incel too.

niggers are not on your side

As every American should

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It's my time to loooooooot!! I'm definitely coming to take yo shit, cracka!!

Waste of satanic quads.

Blacks burned down the businesses where they lived so they could be replaced by black-owned businesses. You are an especially dumb racist. Even other dumb racists call you dumb.

I told you, you don't own anything.
I accept your apology.

I didn't not know there was a portland in russia, Ivan. Do go on.

Fuck the government. I'm coming for the wealthy shit bitches. Be fuckin forwarded....oh yeah...

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Mainly I practice to gay porn.

God damn give me a fuckin reason!

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I own nothing and I'm happy

I got you bitches now!

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Rich people do well when the economy is doing well in general. Republicans=deficits and deficit spending.

Trump caused the USA's bond rating to drop from AAA to AA. The first drop in American history. You have no idea how that fucked the super rich and nations that buy US debt.

I better bulk up

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I'm so excited!!

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What are you doing today?

nothing just chilling.......

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I have already accepted your apology. You are free to continue apologizing if it helps you cope.

I'm getting fuckin hammerd...better than Christmas...

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Anon didn't mention race?

I'm bring the beer. Bottles, not cans like them poor hillbillies

forget pic!!!!

I done told you, I'm eating a fuckin heart before I'm done!!!!!!

I have to plan!!!! Plot and cohort!!!

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If Trump wins we will burn this country

Law enforcement will then get to vent all the pent up frustration and persecution during Biden's term on you little lefties...assured of little or no consequences. Should be good.

Yeah, your women are semi-safe.....

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I'm not saying I'm gonna pillage but........

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retard denizens of liberal coon & troon filled cities loot and burn up their own cities

"this'll show those damn Trump supporters!"

by all means, keep it up, you're doing your enemy's bidding all on your own

Good news!!!!
I've decided!........

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sound an awful lot like a terrorist threat....
would be funny if you had a visit from a certain group

Right Garth?

nice try FBI

You bastards!!

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As a non-American, can anyone explain to me why there is such a high concentration of degenerate commies in Portland?

and yet, that mission was an utter failure because they failed to realize that smart business owners actually buy insurance policies and rebuild, a concept the average modern concrete primates still have yet to grasp

As a non-American

degenerate commies

False flag denied, boomer.

The Pacific Northwest in general seems to attract left wing freaks. Part of it is that the climate is less daunting for homeless people and junkies. Part of it is the self-segregation of ultra-progressives on the left coast.

Ya'll know I'm gonna wear the suit. I'm gonna batman the fuck outta someone...

NTA but I’m Canadian and I all people degenerate commies all the time lol. American pop culture and political lingo is everywhere nowadays.

It works if you also provide programs to help addicts, but unfortunately, they didn't do that.

Cool. How were the 60s?

try again esl, you almost made a sentence

unless I'm leading

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A lot of smart business owners don't want to ay higher insurance premiums because they live in an area of increased risk.

Let go of your dumb bullshit narrative. It is false and you have made it clear that whoever provided you with that narrative didn't have backup when it was proven to be full of shit.

There are more republicans in California than any other state in the nation. Portland is crawling with Florida-level insane republicans once you leave the big cities.

You don't know shit.

I'm gonna wear so many costumes.....really freak fuckers out....

what I'm thinking right meow

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There are more republicans in California than any other state in the nation



Meant to say Oregon.

nah, really come here, I want to show you something in my pocket..

Oh, we ALL showing up for dis shit rigjt here!!!!

Apology for what?

I’m a millennial…

NTA but lots of Republicans live in cities.

the fuck are you talking about

if "it" is creating junkies and a junkie safespace, then yeah it "works"

kill yourself

I would so fuck ya'll up

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child pls

Shady's back

tell a friend

Lots of republicans live in California. In fact, as I stated, California has the most republicans of any state in the nation.

Yep, people here can’t into demographics or statistics for some reason.

Worked in the Philippines, retard.

Nothing gonna stop us now....

Oh you think you know my friend Anarchy?

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just because you operate on a spoon-fed narrative doesn't mean everyone does, you should try thinking for yourself some time. business owners will stay in an area if the business is profitable, despite the efforts of the big lip and poopwound tribes to force them out... and, say if what you were blathering about earlier were true, you basically just called blacks stupid for trying to start businesses there, which would be true anyhow

Grow up and take your meds

ya'll wanna get crazy?!!!

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pic related

I have no intention of looting......officer.

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If trump wins

stopped reading there, lmao

Only thing you will burn is your neighbourhoods and campuses which is win-win for everyone else

You gotta feel sorry for people like this who truly believe they know the future because they’re so gullible or stupid.

You are on Anon Babble, reddit scum. We rustle jimmies here and don't get downvoted into obscurity.

Agreed but we can’t predict the future ffs

Oh no, the commies are gonna burn their own stores and homes again.
What else will we do to stop the starving retards?