Is this nut really going to take over the nut house?


only if republicans can get court decisions going and screw up the vote counting process
the EC will be similar or worse for Trump than 2020

Is this nut really going to take over the nut house?

He has already taken over the nut house. They're called Trumpanzees.

Will he take over the nation? I sure as hell hope not. If he does, this nation is going to hell in a hand basket.

Trump is an idiot, a barely functional idiot.

He has the nutjob supporters for it

Trump's projected electoral vote lead is only increasing by the day.

Nope, not without a fuckin war.

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WTF does that even mean?

Kek. The Democrats just used kamala as a shield for bidens fuck ups. She never had a chance.

lol, imagine living your life being this much of a cuck.

I hope so., he’s better than the alternative.

Leftard pussies can't even lift their own arms let alone a weapon. You faggots better pray Trump wins and the transition of power is quiet, because you'd be dead on the first day of any conflict.

Fascism is better????

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Legit no kne ever thought she was going to win. After the past 4 years, no one with a D beside their name had a prayer of winning.

Maximum cringe.


Trump will win probably the electoral vote. But he'll never win the popular vote. Hence he'll never be a legitimate president.

It's all totally nuts !! It's the White house not the Nut house !!

Yes, fascism is better but unfortunately it’s not on offer.

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Him winning the electoral vote makes him the legitimate president, you illiterate faggot. We're not a direct democracy. Popular vote means jack shit.

Trump will win probably the electoral vote

He won't even get that.

He’s right, leftism is inherently effeminate, there’s no such thing as a left wing man.

He'll win the electoral college by a comfortable margin. No one's doubting that. But winning the popular vote would make his victory more legitimate to most voters.

lol, imagine living your life being this much of a cuck.

I know! Trump IS a cuck, especially when it comes to sucking Putin for Melania. (pic related)

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She was never meant to win, bud. The Democrats have kneecapped her campaign at every turn. More specifically, Bidens admin sabotaged her the moment he was tossed off the ticket.

This the new cope from the Harris / Walz campaign? That she's falling so far behind Trump right now because the Democrats "sabotaged " her?

Wonder how far behind she'll be when trump wins.

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that can't be real

"I'm against it"

what is it?

"Yeah, I don't even really know. Could you explain it to me?"

Is there anyone in charge now? Who?

LOL, this old fucker isn't on our team.

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He already has before. And he didn't close them down. So he's on their side. Like you. By that he has no value.

Unfortunately, it looks that way.
Biggest hurdle:

”I ain’t votin for no woman”.

We’re fucked.

I fucking hope so. America is finished if he doesn't.

*lick* *lick* *lick*

Good boy.

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His penis is 18lbs of giant, rock hard, engorged flesh.

Only if they keep cheating and get away with it.

I'm sure this fool is just trolling, but I honestly love the fact so many on the right think the left don't own guns. I live in AZ and easily over 90% of the left I know owns a gun.

I can also confirm this is the same way with Alaska, lol. All the hippies carry.

More Bizarro World thinking.