what is Anon Babbles consensus on the rogan interview
What is Anon Babbles consensus on the rogan interview
Don’t vote
Don't vote cause Kamala is cheating anyways
I enjoyed when Trump begged for Rogan's endorsement and Rogan just laughed in his face
Don’t vote regardless of party because democracy is fake and gay.
"I have no proof! Just trust me bro!!!"
Fucknut logic.
There's no way to prove it so you HAVE to believe it, I'm just following the maga code
Joe Rogan shows off his dicksucking skills.
This. Trump never won the popular vote and he lost more voters than he gained since last election. Anyone saying otherwise is coping
I only watched the first half, shut it off because he didn't say anything of substance.
Thanks for understanding, fren. We need to mass protest by not voting so Kamala looks like she cheated more bigly
Actually watch it. Trump was sucking off Rogan the entire time hoping for that endorsement. Sad
He rambled a lot but at least it was an honest unscripted conversation. Better than kamala could have done.
2 guys talking out of their asses about bullshit. Trump did his usual schizo babble, and Rogan would occasionally chime in with some equally useless information.
They talked for like 20 minutes about ankle fractures lol.
He kept hundreds of his suppporters in the cold for 3 hours because he thought it was going to happen all while Rogan blue balled him kek
Trump is a big man with small feet; his ankles are a weak point. If liberals were smart they’d attack his ankles and bring him down that way.
he made no sense but he did better than someone that makes sense
That's an adorable cope you have there
Just by giving him access to his audience, he was sucking trump's cock.
This but unironically I’d rather listen to Trumps inscrutable ramble than some stuffed suit NPC corporate slogans and lies.
Trump made sense, he just jumped topics a lot. Kamala would have had. Laughing fit and thenher underlings would start jumping around off screen signaling to cut the interview short.
He kept thousands
Lol just one good whack and it's game over
Stupid sniper aiming for his head when his ankles are the real Achilles heel.
Trump made sense
Oh, okay lol
Found the shill.
his ankles are a weak point
decades of wearing 3-inch heels will do that
no endorsement
Trump made sense
No he didn't.
Sorry you're too low IQ to follow the weave.
Nah it’s just having small feet being a big man I have the same problem. One time I was walking and just rolled my ankle so bad my mom had to come and pick me up off the sidewalk.
Yeah, it's so great that Trump never lies.
I mean, has there ever been a more trustworthy candidate?
choose one
Yeah, that's what it is lmao ;)
we vote on the state level and our representatives are supposed to vote in our interests on the federal level.
It's called a Constitutional Republic because pure democracy is fucking retarded.
Rogan might well have caused the orange shitpile to skip the rally knowing it would be damaging.
All democracy and voting is Jewish and gay.
Russian says what?
Seriously it was just them bullshitting for 3 hours. Rogan, who barely understands politics, knows more than Trump
ITT deranged freaks too soul-broken to recognize a pretty interesting and fun conversation, esp. as far as political events go. more socialism won't make you happy. enjoy the next 4 years
The only one crying is you
I like trumps "don't vote" idea, that'll show the libtards
The last good thing Joe Rogan was a part of was News Radio. Change my mind.
Have you ever had to do a presentation that you didn't prepare for? That's what all of Trump's interviews and speeches are like. He just wings it because he has no clue what he's talking about.
He just wings it
to vote in our interests
you actually believe they give a shit about your interests and not money? do people this stupid actually exist?
he has no clue what he's talking about
sounding like a drunk moron who doesn't know his ass from his elbow is based
didn't watch the interview but comments about how he thinks it went anyway
what a retard.
It is when you’re a politician.
The irony oozing from the post is amazing lmao
I've been watching Rogans podcast since episode 1. He was always kind of tarded but now hes way more tarded, only he thinks hes smart now.
I could only watch the first 45 minutes on 2x because it was just the most boring thing I'd ever listened to before.
I think Trump is a really good liar and Rogan is really gullible. Like when Terrence Howard had him thinking he solved the grand unified theory (lol).
I think elon bot'd up the numbers too. And most comments where from people in other countries. He gets a lot of 3rd world Nazi's I noticed.
It is when it's my cult leader
This is what stupid people believe
doesn't even deny it
I accept your concession
You have yet to prove that Trump made sense. I'm waiting
being retarded is based and a desirable quality in a politician
then by magatards' judgement Kamala is more qualified to be president
Don't ask them for proof you know they hate that
and other things that only happened in my mind!!!
Kamalasisters, why are we so schizophrenic?
Shhhhhh!!! Trump did bigly and you're all just hella jealous
Protest the vote! Trump supporters don't vote, call out the cheating instead!
Admit it. All that dick sucking talk made you feel something enough to make this post ;3
You fucking shill. Just by having a pointless chat, rogan has served to normalize a traitor who tried to take over the country.
You know this or you really are a complete fucking retard.
Trump was great on Rogan. He answered nearly every question Rogan threw at him with the exception of very specific things he cannot legally discuss. Unlike what legacy media tells you, Trump was extremely cognitive for the 3 hours, gave legitimate responses in detail while cracking jokes. Even the moments where Rogan added some pressure, he never cracked once and would elaborate. Even when the pace of the interview became more rapid and they were bouncing from topic to topic, Trump never really went off-topic or try to take control of the interview. Not to mention he came across as likeable and seemed like an actual human being which is the benefit of these longform interviews. It was a massive win for conservatives. 22 MILLION views in 23 hours with an overwhelmingly positive reaction from everyone that watched it. Plus JD Vance doing extremely well on the Tim Dillon show. This might have won Trump the election.
watched the interview and thought it went well
what a retard
How's the weather in Moscow?
proof that trump made sense
doesn't mention a single thing he felt didn't make sense for anyone to refute
once again, you are retarded lmao
If Biden ever spoke like that, Trump cultists would lose their shit, but if it's their dear leader, they just happen not to notice
You're not funny
Unless you are a woman of colour or you have entered the US illegally there is zero reason to vote Democrat
And you're not American.
I know conservatives are notorious for lacking a sense of humor so I'll clue you in, that wasn't an attempt at being funny.
once again no proof that Trump is well spoken and made great points during Rogans podcast
Here's a good reason to vote Democrat.
You don't start a sentence with the word "and". Literally any American child above the age of 5 knows this.
you're delusional
Holy fuck you're weak at this lmfao
still doesn't provide one single example for me to refute
So I guess you're not willing to have an actual discussion and are just shitposting
Goes out of his way to prove he doesn't hear Americans speak in his day to day personal life.
We get it, you're a foreign shill.
you lost lmfao
Jan 6th 2021
and this is why women didn't want to have sex with conservative men
Go back.
Oh, okay lol ;)
wow someone in the thread who actually watched the podcast. here i was thinking this was a bot thread
That was the most reddit post I've seen in years. Wow
you're just mad he scored a grand slam on you
lost more voters than he gained since last election
lmao imagine being so detached from reality.
Samefag is the same
mentioning irrelevant website
Here's another
*adjusts bowtie*
You don't start a sentence with the word "and".
Never mind. i guess it is a bot thread with braindead responses like this
22 MILLION views
an overwhelmingly positive reaction from everyone that watched it.
I am definitely going to take you on your word, because how could that not be true?
i doubt any kamala "supporters" would wait for her.
and I'm pretty sure more grammarians would object to this than starting a sentence with a conjunction
Yeah you'd better go find a more based thread. Try faggot.
That's some adorable cope you have there lmao
Kamala is winning in early voting
Trump voters are waiting for election day
A good portion of them will be working wagey cagey jobs and can't vote/forget to
Smells like denial.
She has way bigger crowds than him. Pretty weird you fags think that matters though. Lemming logic.
That was like 30 years ago. Times change.
I am definitely going to take you on your word, because how could that not be true?
You could easily look up the like/dislike ratio and read every single comment in the video itself. That's quite literally the perfect way to see what the general consensus is.
Awww, reality makes you uncomfortable. Cute
the left can't meme for shit... literally ust stealing memes and slapping a maga hat on it.
You replied to the wrong post, newfag.
what I want out of my God Emperor. Owned the libs again.
lel thats been done 20 times to that image, pssst ur newfag is showing
at least you got the point
bigger crowds than him
if you say it then it must be true
Trump always has the biggest crowds, hell his crowds walk miles just to see him when the liberal bus companies didn't want to drive people. fucking libs ruining the world.
can't wait till you're all in camps
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Remember, let the facts guide your vote, forget about Ivan:
Now watch as Cletus and Ivan - once sworn enemies, now brothers in arms - cry "PROPAGANDA" whilst providing zero proof or evidence to back up their claims. Why do they hate facts so much?
People like to throw around redditor accusations a lot, but one that that is absolute 100% reddit behavior is responding to the way something is written rather than its content. A good way to dismiss an argument, or at least farm karma.
Please give this comment a bunch of (you)s. I have a family to feed.
REEEEEEEE newfag samefag samefag newfag samefag
you're fat, have green hair, and are subbed to antiwork.
You guys do realize Trump is going to win the popular vote don't you? The sooner you come to terms with this the better.
ikr. i guess when ur wrong about everything long enough, you stop caring. brainwash successful ig
Oh? Proof?
It's not necessarily grammatically incorrect, Boris.
For example: I have good reason to believe you're a Russian faggot shill because you've displayed a poor understanding of the English language. And I also hope you end your life immediately, to be quite honest.
^^^not grammatically incorrect
You can post it yourself to prove your point.
Pro-tip: You won't.
It was revealed to me in a dream
literally the opposite and wtf is antiwork and subbing? fucking loser lol
Ah, the unemployed republican psychic is back in business!!
being on 4cuck yet not knowing what subbing on reddit is
high tier bait
When they're bad like that they're called nightmares.
Winning the popular vote is a tall order. The last Republican to do that was the second time George W. Bush ran where he only got 50.2%. The electoral college is an absolutely required for Republicans to have a chance of winning.
a spastic interviewing a fatter spastic
Anonymous, I tell you this to make things easier for you in 2 weeks. I want what's best for you my son
What is with all the faggot reddit tier posts in this thread?
Putin is watching you...he is disappointed.
That nigger has way more important things to worry about than watch me jerk off 4 times a day. Losing a war is a bigly one
lol your family starved
Truthfully? It was a fantastic interview and very likely sealed the victory for Trump. The Harris campaign has rapidly been losing its energy and momentum, while Trump is doing the opposite. The Harris campaign seems to be trying to rely on celebrity endorsements to propel her to victory, but they fail to realize at this point no one gives a shit what celebrities think, and in fact for a lot of people it turns them away from whichever candidate they're supporting
Dear [Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to speak with you about something that has been on my mind recently. I was deeply hurt and concerned by the use of derogatory language related to the LGBTQ+ community in our recent conversation.
Using such slurs is not only disrespectful but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to a hostile environment for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
I understand that sometimes people may use certain words without fully realizing their impact. However, it's important to recognize the weight these words carry and the pain they can cause. I encourage you to reflect on this and consider the importance of using inclusive and respectful language moving forward.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, I'm here to talk. Let's work together to create a more understanding and supportive environment for everyone.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your willingness to consider my perspective.
Democrat Scold
The delusion is strong
What a weird post
If (when) Trump wins in a landslide will you consider yourself delusional? Or do you think you'll make up a bunch of excuses? Hm I wonder anon
It was a little boring, but it’s probably longer than all of Kamala’s interviews combined.
Totally normal, natural looking posts. Not weird at all.
very likely sealed the victory for Trump
If you genuinely believe the 2 of those mongs bullshitting about bullshit in front of an audience that already leans heavily in favor of Trump "sealed the victory", you really need to lay off the copium.
Winning the popular vote is a tall order.
guess you werent around much the last 4 years.
What is with all the faggot reddit posts in this thread?
Yeah Jan 6th 2021 was within those 4 years. I remember
not him but damn this is some last minute copium. suck it down while you can i guess. only two weeks supply available.
isn't redit 99.9% Left bias?
Prove his statement wrong. Try at least.
I am dying for acceptance from 90iq low-T basement dwellers
Sad. Seek therapy
I didn't realize Anon Babble was a place of consensus.
Victory was sealed long before this (great campaign + unlikable literal retard opponent), but this + MSG tomorrow might get him the popular vote.
It isn't. That's why it's funny when faggots try to have a real discussion here
Whatever helps you sleep at night, magat
That's nice Boris
overwhelmingly positive reaction from everyone that watched it.
general consensus
Guys, I think those goalposts just moved. Spooky.
You REALLY need to cool it with the anti-LGBTQ+ remarks...
trump is a moron. all trump supporters are morons.
Yes we know that already retard
Candy ass
He came off as demented. TF was he going on about with the fucking whales? It was like Joe was doing a bit at a nursing home.
The fact Trump thought Rogan was laughing with him and not at him the entire time is proof how far gone Trump's mind is
Why are democrats able to foist brain dead retards into these positions? If you have an R in front of your name, it's nearly a literal trial by fire. If you have a D in front of your name, you just need to be able to halfway read a teleprompter.
It's not even ideology. The so-called "liberal" is now sharing the stage with actual war hawks. The Cheney's were hated by supposed liberals and they could make coherent arguments why. Now they sit there and flick her bean because Orange man bad. It's so braindead that we must be living in a simulation that's not even very good.
You deal with the permanent negativity at the level that Trump gets and see how well your mental health is after this many years.
you're in a cult
Literal brain rot post. You need help
the whole world is against him
or maybe he's just a retarded asshole
Hey remember the BRAT meme. Is Kamala still totally BRAT type 1 for yes 2 for no
Gentleman, Anon has cornered the Copium market.
You just proved his point
thats not what i said. i said what i meant. put yourself in his shoes and see how you would see the rest of the world. i know its a big ask and all (not really)
yes, and trump is so skibidi that he picked and ohio senator for his vp
Rogan is a stupid Trumpshit now.
This is a FACT.
Everything he says is true. In less than 2 weeks Trump will BTFO these retards and you will think whatever you are told to think little slave man
Awwwww, that poor millionaire scam artist
put yourself in his shoes
I'm already 6'5", why would I need lifts?
What does Trump have on these people?
What does Trump have on these people?
why do you think epstein didn't kill himself?
oh, snap!
Found the sociopaths.
Sorry, Anon Babblero. You're all out of Copium. Maybe there will be more available in 2028.
Found the bootlicking goodest boi. You're such a good cult member, yes you are, oooh yes you are ;)
Yet he still didn't endorse Trump, which is kind of depressing for the fat fuck
1. This tank actually contains Hopium, 2. there is plenty left, and 3. no you cannot have any until you repent and accept Trump
Goddammit when did Anon Babble turn into redditors we can win this!
Oh wow didn’t know that lol
Maybe there’s hope for him
This isn't your secret clubhouse. Never was. Never will be
funny thing is i don't plan on voting for either of the clowns. who's the shilliest shill?
Sharing and talking about these two retarded latina whores with based MAGA anons that wanna ruin them
Jyezern on discord or kik
That’s a vote for Trump
Trump voters are more mentally ill than the average population, this includes normies and apolical people, look it up
foreigners can't vote in US elections, despite what magatards insist
Holy fuck what a lame post
Holy fucking shit
It's the Joe Rogan podcast, there never is
Honest question to trump voters:
you've read project 2025, right?
Why do you want porn banned?
Why do you want contraception banned?
Why do you want shit like the department of education removed, or the department that tracks fucking hurricanes removed?
why do you want states to track menstrual cycles?
why do you want pregnant women to be banned from crossing state lines?
why do you want to ban no fault divorce?
Further, what exact policies are going to help you? Tarriffs are going to raise prices on the middle class and lower class. You know who gets more tax breaks tho? The very rich.
if you make less than 400k/yr and still vote republican, please take the time to answer.
If youn just hate niggers or just want to "make libs seethe", say that. At least then we know you're a stupid faggot.
I didn't watch that shit, give me spoilers. did he make him eat the bugs? Hide a fake spider or whoopie coushin on his seat?
It's actually fucking hilarious when you stack up the media induced lies about this guy. They use to love him when he was a democrat.
I'm guessing he didn't pull a whoopie coushin? Isn't this guy suppose to be a comedian?
Yeah that was almost as good as his idea about making elections a holiday you get time off work to do, which is already a law but isn't really taken seriously you don't ever see people making a big deal about elections on some off cycle of federal bullshit that actually matters on a local level. I use to think partisan things were ridiculous but I've showed up at polls and thought who the fuck is this son of a bitch and which one isn't the democrat? at least fucking 5 times and I've been voting for like 20ish years and actually kinda bought their bullshit to start with. You know the kind of attacks they launched about Kerry I thought I'd never vote for these dirty lying bastards. Then when you think mccain isn't half as bad as some kind of deep state piece of shit you see the democrats real colors about how they're with her and their attacks on what's her tits for the vp. Honestly I think after all this I'll be voting along the lines of avoiding ranked choice and keeping the electoral college. They got a real bastardized agenda about ranked choice voting that's about keeping in shitty candidates rather than anything democratic.
boris can't keep up and is getting very emotional
No serious person thinks this is going to happen. It's time to get serious anon. Getting rid of the department of education would be based though
Isn't this guy suppose to be a comedian?
brain damage from concussions and drug use aren't funny
for dumb folks like you, yes
Trump kinda forced shitty candidates, things might've been better if it wasn't a cult and people actually gave a shit about the people in the country versus their favorite celebrity politician
Pick one faggot
40+ current trump staffers wrote project 2025, anon. JD vance wrote the forward to the fucking book.
Trying to gaslight that 2025 isnt a real thing is pure faggot mode. You can do better. Kill yourself.
I’d love to see project 2025 people all be subjected to the right wing shit that they want to force on everybody else
I don't need mind altering drugs to pick a candidate, Anon.
Sober up.
I do. I went to vote for Harris on X.
its a christian nationalist agenda. literally incel handsmaid tale shit.
if you haven't read it i really encourage you to. you can just read the bullet points, you dont need to slog through the entire thing.
its fucking unamerican. These people need to be lined up and shot and they are itching itching for blood.
there's like one leftoid flailing and screeching at every post in here. koolaid headed dude has lost his mind.
Oh is there? Oh no
Lmao the whales bit was crazy.
Trump 2020, was GG.
Trump 2024 is falling appart.
Would have prefered Pence.
I'm vote for the bitch this time.
Got em
project 2025 will make child marriage great again
so you know who has my vote
This isn't a political post. This is a cry for help.
You just got added to the investigation/retaliation list, bud.
I'm on the Project 2025 website and I see the clear statement that these are just policy suggestions, and that this group doesn't speak for any candidate.
I see these bullet points:
- Secure the border, finish building the wall, and deport illegal aliens
- De-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight of the FBI and DOJ
- Unleash American energy production to reduce energy prices
- Cut the growth of government spending to reduce inflation
- Make federal bureaucrats more accountable to the democratically elected President and Congress
- Improve education by moving control and funding of education from DC bureaucrats directly to parents and state and local governments
- Ban biological males from competing in women' s sports
All sounds fine.
IDK it sounds like performative fear BS to make people scared of Trump. The Dems might have had a chance if they spent effort developing a positive vision for the future of their own, and maybe picked a candidate with a working brain.
No serious person thinks this is going to happen.
Someone that has hosted trump for speeches multiple times was serious enough to make it and release it. Composed it it with nearly-50 of his former and current staff.
Project 2025 is trump. Quit trying to jedi mind trick.. It never worked.
and that this group doesn't speak for any candidate.
THEY ARE LYING. The head of the heritage foundation has said repeatedly that this is all trump.
Also anon, banning porn? seriously? on page fucking five.
Why do you so gleefully toss your freedoms away? Are you a cuck?
Do you seriously want condoms banned? WTF is wrong with you you fucking stupid nigger?
Yes dude I am sure the Trump team cannot wait to start tracking women's menstrual cycles. Very sane and reasonable expectation to have.
Cringey weird post
You would fucking thing so, right?
These people aren't sane, anon.
Vance is already on record saying he thinks states should be able to track menstrual cycles. AGAIN WTF is wrong with you?
I'd love to see all the Project 2025 people sent to an island where they actually had to live the Project 2025 plan. Watch them kill each other because republicans only know how to shit the bed and blame others.
senpai noticed my magatard impression
Yea dude the guy who repeatedly cheats on his wife with busted porn stars is secretly a Christian Nationalist who wants to ban pornography.
Vance is already on record saying he thinks states should be able to track menstrual cycles
of children, no less
I can't tell if you're talking shit about me or that guy.
yea dude trump is and always has been merely the vessel. It's who he surrounds himself with.
god dont be such a fucking faggot. kill yourself. Trump could give a fuck about whatn happens as long as everyone kisses the ring.
I'm on the Project 2025 website and I see the clear statement that these are just policy suggestions, and that this group doesn't speak for any candidate.
...because republicans tell the truth when they get caught being nazis.
the fucking mental gymnastics.
buT aNoN thAtS nOt wHaT tHeY REallY mEAn
whichever one makes you feel how you want to feel, I'm feeling generous tonite :3
Literally already happening in Texas.
You think someone who gets no pussy knows anything about pussy? Come on
Fuck yes. They keep testing our patience and they’re going to find out firsthand what it means to keep fucking around.
You people are claiming that this is what Donald Trump wants out of his next term, which is beyond ridiculous. I'm guessing even most Christians wouldn't want to ban porn, let alone Donald Trump lmao.
Listen, if this is your expectation going in to the second term I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised. Everyone is going to be happy.
go back to redit.. even with your samefagging, nobody is falling for your gay project 2025 shit.
Lord of the Fries.
Calm down faggot
you're right, anon, the gop has never lied. neither has trump.
Jd vance wrote the forward to the fucking book. The porn shit is on page fucking five of the 2025 documentation. This shit isn't hidden.
"bUT TheY DOnt MeaN WhAt thEy sAId"
Everyone already knows leftoids are deranged and prone to lashing out
They say that every four years they’re going to ban porn, what they end up doing is just being obstructive assholes that don’t introduce any new policy.
Donald Trump will just hand whatever over to whomever to keep himself out of prison, just like Netenyahu.
what Donald Trump wants
he wants revenge, but exactly like his first term all he'll do is whatever the gop establishment wants
microscopic dick energy
I don’t think so.
Things are in fact going to calm up.
lmao, zing!
Imagine a Trump shit calling anybody deranged lol
Jan 6th 2021
I googled it and he wrote the forward to a completely different book written by a prominent Project 2025 guy, not the P25 book itself. Am I wrong? If you want to educate us poor misinformed people on the dangers of project 2025 you have to get the facts right.
We don’t have to do fucking shit. Nobody likes it nobody wants it but stupid right wing dip shits and stop being a Joe Rogan about this and get a fucking brain
Agreed that that's what happened in his first term. With Elon etc. on board this time I think it will be different.
OK Teal’c
by a prominent Project 2025 guy
the book is about project 2025 you lying subhuman. The author isnt just a prominent guy, he's THE GUY.
again this shit isnt hidden. its not secret.
Why do you want contraception banned, anon? are you an incel?
imagine telling some to imagine something that's actually happening right in front of them
You seem like the kind of nerd I like but we're never going to be friends because your girl likes me more than you.
Everyone is going to be happy.
Literal cult rhetoric
All Musk is good for is just losing a few more more billion and being a manlet
I think
Imagine shutting up Trump shit
because your girl likes me more than you
my left hand has never been unfaithful to me
OK this is another example of how there are way too many Redditors here and not enough Chiefs
The dude is 6'2. He's an enormous faggot but the guy is far from manlet tier
I always sit on my left hand until it goes numb and then fondle myself and pretend it’s somebody else
when all you consume is word salad you end up with verbal diarrhea like this
Please, the way jumped up and down on stage with Trump is incredibly cringe
I don’t understand why people suck Musk’s cock so fucking hard here
is it because he has the illusion of having money?
Project 2025 fear babbies, I promise you you will be pleasantly surprised with a second Trump term.
Imagine the Trump shit complaining about verbal diarrhea.
Your side has nothing but Blind intimidation
Its because musk sucks Putin's cock
that's kinda gay. I like knowing it's me and not some rando dude
He's the most accomplished person alive
Sharing and talking about these two retarded latina whores with based MAGA anons that wanna ruin them
Jyezern on discord or kik
Yeah really accomplished losing 45 billion dollars like that on a website he ruined
I literally said he was an enormous faggot. By the looks of it so are you
Don’t do that it triggers me and interrupts the flow of this historic thread
You were still sucking his cock fuck off
Musk is a fucking bitch
say it
Well yeah I’m gay I want a Twink to fuck me
Do you think I could buy a college student?
Yes, because historically, the far right wing elements surrounding Trump will implode fighting amongst themselves like they did last time
While we regroup our forces and win
I corrected you about his height. That's sucking his cock? You're fucking deranged
Trump hasnt gained new voters.
you guys are delusional.
He’s a fucking manlet No matter how tall he is
That’s not true the Joe Rogan cock experience brought out a bunch of toxic manchildren
In fact I'm pretty sure he lost a lot of voters too. Not to mention the 1100 that can't vote because of Jan 6th
Musk is a fucking bitch. Still waiting for you to say it. XDXD
responds with a deranged post
Thanks for proving my point
I hope the dems rethink their entire strategy and come back in 2028 with a serious campaign that is aimed at making life better for Americans.
So, who's baking the next Anon Babble comfy shitthread?
They’ve literally done that the last 10 years. You being a low Information useful idiot doesn’t help anybody but the Republicans
Still waiting
Heres a chair. Have fun
What point was that that you’re upset that somebody attacked your blood diamond chudlet?
That's why when I try to bang a chic (or two, probably two) and convince her she should bang you, you're going to resent me.
It’s almost disturbing watching how many posters think they’re gonna be rich if they just suck some greedy faggot cock
So you are going to be a huge faggots about this the rest of the thread. I’m guessing some kind of Aspergers or autism has been triggered.
Do you group things into fives?
Their 2024 campaign is literally just adopting as many of his policies as possible but vaguely and simultaneously demonizing him. It's an insulting joke and everyone deserves better.
I voted for Harris on X
Good for you. You probably drove there and waited in line too.
Is that what's happening? Looks more like you having a mental breakdown over someones height lmfao
more deranged posts
Adorable ;3
No it isn’t. The Democrats have been wanting to push climate change labor rights and other important things since Obama.
Trump literally rated the treasury to give tax cuts to his rich donors
You suck musks cock
More like you can’t cope that musk is a complete failure as a human being and decided to distract with something stupid like his height
You’ve got your head so deeply shoved up that stinky fucking ass it’s not even funny
He's 6'2
So that’s a yes. You literally arrange eggrolls into a pentagram pattern like in that CSI episode.
you will be pleasantly surprised with a second Trump term.
20 to life would be a wonderful surprise.
Never defended the guy. Just said you were wrong for calling him a manlet. Then you started crying. Weird
You’re fag’1”
Yes you are this is like the fourth fucking post where you got upset that somebody told you to fuck off about musk
You’re a fucking bitch
why do you want states to track menstrual cycles?
like all of them?
I accept your concession
Yup called it. Ass Burgers.
What am I conceding? That yes I agree Elon Musk is a fucking man who lost nearly $50 billion on vanity venture?
I love conceding that.
Inb4 see: Autism
Staking America's economic present and future on some green experiments while China and India continue to produce fuckloads of carbon and other pollution sounds like a bad policy for a US politician.
People need good jobs and safe affordable places to life not 'labor rights'.
says somone is upset
while crying
lol. lmao even
You’re gay’ Faggot”
NTA, but what CSI flavor, season, and episode was that? Asking for an autistic friend. Thanks.
Right I forgot Republic turds like you are brainwashed climate deniers
Enjoy watching money diverted from billionaires going into needed infrastructure programs to address climate change
What am I upset about again? That musk is a fucking manlet bitch? That actually brightens my spirits
Not really sure how having the clear head about what a loser musk is constitutes “broken” Trump shit
You’re clearly going to be a faggot about this and other things
the rest of the thread
Clearly Musk upsets you. Take your meds
If man made climate change is real and we are doomed unless we switch to windmills then go talk to China and India first or else nothing else matters. Telling Americans to reduce their quality of life for no gain is not going to win you elections.
Everybody should be using all of their spare time to ensure that Elon Musk goes bankrupt agreed. It is something worth being obsessed over.
That's nice. Tell me how that goes for you
Oh the log fag is upset that another one of his faggots gods got raked over the coals
Good, you don’t count
If you can't trace your posts back and see how you overreacted then there's no hope for you. Get help
I’m sorry, are you still responding like a flat earther faggot Trump shit about this?
We were done several posts ago
You’ve outed yourself as a log fag so there’s really no point in doing anything but enraging you from this point on
You will say their pronouns
Look at this angry faggot and laugh
Pretty sure that still means shut up Trump shit
Who’s gonna be doing that? While literally nobody is on your side in this thread
Don't try to drag pokemon into this. I achieved a state where I caught them all and the extra one that wasn't available. It's not fair to make you compete against this. At soem point when you become a pokemon master you kinda feel guilty and you got like 150+1 chics that fucking hate you hooking up with other girls and you give your stash away to someone else that seems like a half way decent dude but got dealt a fucking shit hand comparitively.
How fucking pathetic
Log fag stuttering green text
It’s like you’re literally incapable of masking your true self when you cringe out
Nobody is on my side that Elon Musk is 6'2? Oh, ok lmfao
I love my solar roof. Free electricity really improved my quality of life. No more expensive fill ups at the gas station either.
They estimated a ROI of 7 years, but with the skyrocketing rates, it was only 4.
21 years of pure free electricity.
Bro you had a meltdown over someone correcting you over one detail. You clearly have issues. Seek therapy
Elon Musk is a fucking manlet who lost $45 billion on a cringeworthy vanity venture
Do we need to keep going through that?
It looks like we do.
2 hours in. its great.
No I’d rather enjoy the fact that musk is a fucking loser who doesn’t know how to spend his money. You’re having a meltdown that this isn’t your hug box fat ass
You just proved my point. Thanks?
Hahahaha faggot
Cool. He's still 6'2. Which for some reason reeeeeeeally pisses you off lmao
What point was that? That you had to say something stupid when somebody criticized Your blood diamond manlet?
Do you literally think you’re gonna be rich someday? Is that why you’re a huge faggot about this?
You can't beat a guy who gets rich off of US government subsidies and then sells out to Putin. He should be President after Trump.
Musk looks like a short little manlet in that picture with Trump where he’s jumping up and down. He’s a stupid faggot and so are you
So you're not having a mental breakdown?
What is it about you right wing dumb fucks sucking Putin‘s cock so fucking hard? I thought you were self-made men into boot strapping yourselves?
You’re just greedy shitheads lol
I actually hate the guy. Your projection is actually kinda concerning. Therapy then meds
I don’t know you kind of exponentially started cringing out when you realized this isn’t your musk fan club
Log faggot
Hahahaha haha
Never happened. That's why you look so deranged.
but it's just you, Ivan. Putin is going to send you to Ukraine.
Ohhh you're a woman. Makes sense
The irony is republicans consume the most porn.
You’re still doing it. You literally grabbed on and started riding it like a mechanical bull
Putin's money spends as good as America's. Why would you ever pass up free money?
Oh? Proof?
Because I’m laughing at you? Are you really under the illusion that you’re part of some toxic man’s club like Musk thinks he is?
I don’t see you denying you’re the log fag. You already posted one of his stupid faggot buzzwords
Stupid faggot
An actual man wouldn't type like you
You never denied being deranged
God that word is literally the most cringe worthy series of forced attempts that memeing I’ve ever seen here
I say “attempts” because you’re retarded shit never really got off the ground lol
So you can't prove what you're saying. Typical
Notice how it has to keep replying. Like a rat it must chew.
Where did that happen?
The irony oozing from this post lmfao
I mean why do you think it’s cool to like post a single word proof over and over again
I really don’t think you have a clue how that appears from an outsider’s perspective, perhaps maybe you should just Fucking kill yourself
Well I can understand how all criticism of your blood diamond manlet ist verboten
The fact you can't prove your point is concerning
It’s still happening. You literally think this is your Elon Musk he-man club and you found out the hard way it’s the exact opposite
Idk, man. Quality's drop a bit in the last 30 minutes or so. Thinking about calling it a night and just skimming the archives tomorrow. But they sure are funny in a cringy way.
You’ve already proven that you believe you’re gonna be rich from sucking Trump’s cock
That’s why you worship musk
So you're allowed to say your buzz words over and over but no one else? lmfao what a manlet you are
Nah I hate them both. You're just backpeddling because you forgot to take your anxiety meds today
Quality's drop a bit in the last 30 minutes or so
it happens when you hit the autosage mark
I’m not a failed celebrity pushing a retarded attempt at memeing like you are
I can say whatever I want
There’s literally no way you’re team Harris
loggggggg speak
Voted early for her. You're so mad it's delicious lmfao
No you didn’t. You literally got more and more unhinged when somebody criticized your two faggot gods
You have yet to prove you don't need meds to help with your anger. In fact you only proved more that your an angry little faggot
Why do you blatantly post as the log poster now? Don’t you know what a fucking cringeworthy faggot he is?
Your delusion just crumbled around you and that was your response. Sad
I have sold so many flags, hats, shirts, and bumper stickers in the last 8 years.
Another Trump loss and I can retire before 40.
Pro-tip: MAGA will buy anything if you put a barechested Trump on it.
What delusion was that? That I thought you were a poster that didn’t suck Trump and Putin’s cock? That was pretty deluded of me
No I don't because I'm not a shut in loser like you
You don’t have any kind of business other than begging Mom for tendies
keeps trying
Like an animal trapped trying to gnaw off it's leg. Sad
Oh you really got mad when somebody said that about you didn’t you? You’re seething aren’t you?
What else you mad about come on you mofo let’s get it out
The irony oozing from this post
Except I trapped you in a corner after you self outed log shit.
Harris triggers you
Trump is your God
You want this country to blow up like a powder keg don’t you?
Trips of truth
Somebody called you a shut in
in a wheelchair and you literally lost your fucking shit it was epic
I voted for Harris. You lost this weird little argument you created. Sad
Dude, the ultimate liberal joke is getting rich being a Trump swag vendor. I kid you not.
Oh? Proof?
No you didn’t. You’ve done nothing but be a right wing chudlet like musk the whole time here
comeon reddit, we can do it
we can hit 500 before page 11
Seems like a lot of effort Just to make money, and I would really have to bite my tongue around a lot of those people all they do is just bait
All I did was correct you about his height. You then had a meltdown. Sad
Yes I have I’d rather like the way that B has turned into Reddit in the years after the Democrats beat the Republicans in 2020. They’ve been flooding in here and it’s really been a good thing
Because you have the emotional maturity of a 4 year old
seems like a claim of that magnitude would come with some proof
I accept your concession
Yeah, you keep resetting back to that autist, it’s kind of cringe
Yeah read the thread for the past 30 minutes. Not that hard
Democrats beat the Republicans in 2020.
craptcha is TDS4T
nacho stand closed 45 minutes ago, sergei
I’m saying in so many words that you’re just a stupid faggot who chose a stupid way to try and make money.
no proof
many such cases
Because that's what happened. And you're right it was cringe (you being the raging cringey faggot) ;3
Yeah why do you keep saying proof over and over again do you think it’s some kind of special revered catchphrase that only the elite would make? The people in your Special club?
Because from an outsiders perspective…
you’re just a stupid faggot
threads closed but the IMAX just opened
I provided proof. Sad you can't read
you said you had proof but you never provided it
Funny, I’d rather recollect that I accurately painted Elon Musk is a pathetic manlet and you replied with something seethingly autistic And then then claimed
crying poorfag
lol sad
more redditor cope
Yeah but I’m not some kind of Dunning Krueger entrepreneur believing I can make a fortune by selling Chinese crap. That’s a gulf of difference anon
Yes I did. Read the thread for the past 35 minutes. You'll see that you had a meltdown over essentially nothing. Keep trying though lol
You’ve been having a meltdown because you think this is your Elon Musk hug box
spoken like a true 5'11" "male"
Of course you would, you're insane. That's been proven by you for the past 37 minutes
Holy shit, that’s how long I’ve been watching you fondle your tiny cock? 35 minutes? Did anything come out?
I said he was 6'2 and you had a meltdown
Yeah but you’re a true fag’ gott”
I accept your concession
girl cock isn't gay
I know we’ve been through this a bunch of times, I said something that was VERBOTEN and you tried to distract with something irrelevant like that mask you wear to cover up your crying seething real self
Inb4 projection
That's your response? Well looks like I fucked your mind enough. Night lads
go cry to daddy putin's dick, fascist
What? you’re gonna go kiss your little tiny cock good night lol
Buck status confirmed
This also looks like some kind of script.
You’re literally just bots and blubber
You’re literally just bots and blubber
ok hilldog
I don’t think this is a Josh thread at all.
hope you wore a condom
Some faggot had a meltdown over elon musks height. Nothing to see here
Some faggot
it's not cool to make fun of elon like that
we get it, you like cocks
I do too. You just need to be chill about it
Bots blubber and Berchtesgaden
Are you gonna tell God that?
Why do all Nuri Josh threads turn into Elon
So what do you believe you accomplished in this thread? I need a good laugh
Have no idea. The faggot went nuts
why would charlamagne need to know that?
All the gods have been asking about you. They’re like hey what happened to that faggot?
Are all the gods manlets?
With such dwindling numbers of believers yes. Kind of sad to watch.
god loses power if you touch a pp
does she know what the priests have been up to?
why do you think they're angery all the time
Who else is a manlet? Are the manlets in the room with you right now?
Because their not 6'2
Are you starting to get upset about Musk again? Because this really sounded like the beginning of an outburst.
What the fuck are you going on about?
you will never be 6'
You’re gay’ fag””
Wait are you the faggot the sperged out over musk? Hahaha
you're lust for mentally damaged South Africans
I just think you’re starting to have an episode like you did earlier when it was pointed out to you that Musk is a complete manlet.
Good. I don’t want to have to duck into doorways.
Who the fuck do you think you're even talking to?!?!
What, do you think you’re middle management or something?
have to duck into doorways
you'll still have to dick into whoreways, because no woman will have sex with amanlet
What third world do you live in that people 6 feet tall have to duck into doorways?
Women are overrated, I’ve got my fist.
will * willingly have sex with amanlet
fixed that for me
Third World hellhole
Trump’s trying to turn this country into one.
Are you seriously fucking retarded?
You can’t “fix” ESL
Though admittedly that was rather OCD
are you seriously saying being retarded isn't a valid lifestyle choice?
no, not a Musk fanboi last I checked-
He’s a manlet.
Elon simping language?
I’ve noticed the Dutch accent is kind of like a listening to a deaf person.