Scumbag captcha police strike again
Scumbag captcha police strike again
y'know, it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to wait FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTES PER BOARD what the fuck is up with that shit. god damn. one site wide 15 min timer is more than enough.
for real
You posted a Soyjak - think yourself lucky it's only 15 minutes. If I was m00t it's be 15 days
Ball gargling, faggot (and not in a fun way) election tourists love the wait
How dare you. How fucking dare you invoke Moot you ass sniffing sheep. Not only would Moot have never done this but in the time of Moot every thread would have been a complaint.
Talk about dying with a whimper. How did the site that once proclaimed "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget" in the course of a few years become "we are reddit lite, come munch corporate ass with us" For fucking shame.
And the biggest joke of all? Anyone notice any fucking difference? The catalog is still the same shit.
Don't like the wait? Feel free to give us your e-mail so we can pass that on along with your posts to anyone who throws us a sheckle
I can tell you're a secondary who learned about this place through YouTube videos
New jew
I thought the same thing. He probably thinks he's cool because he knows Habbo Hotel or some shit that's been covered into oblivion.
Isn't that special. Anon Babble has its very own shillbots. mmmm salty corporate balls. I was here back when youtube was just getting started and was a fun place to trade videos and not just another internet ((cash grab)). I was here before memes were called memes. I was here when this was you. And its still you. You'd rather confess that you love to lie in shit than complain about one more nail. First they gave us captchas, and I said nothing
Multiple shillbots. Was Anon Babble farmed out to the boys in tel aviv? Certainly vibes like their style.
alright kiddo we get it you can pipe down now
12 election shill ads. 10 log threads. That spam filter really works swell
mmm salty corporate balls. So you're the one that gets in if the others miss the taint?
I've never had this ever. Stop living in fear behind 2 vpns.
I thought it was hotel California that got covered too much!
What, are you going to be like the 2010s fags and start screaming "Mods"
They delete the email address from the server, dummy
You can tell the shill here isn't lying because he used an insult with his unverifiable "fact" Isn't their a political thread you're missing out on
No, not really. Haven't been to Anon Babble today yet
At one time this thread would have hit limits with protests and another 20 would have taken its place. Now its shillbots for the new corporate policy. So when is gookmoot going to start introducing "likes"
What, didn't want to wait another 15? No worries, /pol is here as well.
It's 15 minutes for the entire site, not for every board. Regardless I don't have to wait because I've posted here before the new rule was up so I am grandfathered in
Well I got stuff to do, I'm not artificially boosting gookmoot's log in numbers by staying connected when I'm not around and I ain't waiting another 15 minutes later. It died with a whimper. Later sheeple baaaa baaaaaaaaa baaa. mmm tasty corporate balls
So now that his favorite political team (Republicans) took state legislators, they have been making it illegal to access 'adult material' without an ID on the user
First grapeApe masqueraded as YELLOW ARMY to get rid of porn, but when that didn't work his timer is running down to get compliant with the law in Texas. Why Texas? That's where Ape told Hiro to move the servers. Guess what new Texas law on adult material is about to pass.
Asking for email this year is just to soften you up. It will be worse next year, an email won't be enough. Ape will have to purge the red boards, or you will have to use a payment method that establishes you are over 18 in order to use them
Good picture for a condom advert
If you are doing tabbed browsing it's easy to fuck this up. If you don't click on one of the other boards from a tab that has already passed the 15 minute and gotten the cookie, you'll have to do it all over again on the new board. Took me a couple times to figure out why I was getting it again.
Because they won’t ban the log fag. We have to pay the price.
How does a mod get to tell an owner what to fucking do? How do you know this, asshole?
4cuck is now worse than the shartytroon site
Total Janny Death, JanniesRS4BBC
just give us your email, goyim
How did the site that once proclaimed "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive.
Because nobody back then posted retarded soyjaks. Oldfags would have reamed you a second asshole, you dim faggot
Hiro is in Japan. Anon Babble could not exist as a service running out of Japan. It needs the fairly permissible US laws on speech and content to operate. Hiro delegated day-to-day operations and infrastructure decisions to a power mod closer to the US named grapeApe and gives him a small salary to maintain the site.
All this information is freely available on the internet.
This guy gets it. Users were posting the WRONG CONTENT. Have to put some hurdles in their way or the political shilling and log spam will slide off
Fuck off log fag
There just needs to be one ID that identifies YOU when you post
Suck my dick motherfucker
Meds take, little buddy
Called it. I love watching you rage when you think you’re hiding amongst the anonymous
You fat Nazi spamming faggot
Fuck you. You’re the reason this fucking board has a 15 minute timer now you fat fuck
And they still won’t fucking ban you
What do you mean fucking proof
This is one of your fucking stupid buzzwords you fucking shithead
Just enough time to unclog your throate between meals, E.
i agree
So no proof? You really need to stop inventing these bizarre little fantasies for yourself. It speaks volumes about your mental health.