He got my vote
He got my vote
Fuck Trump, and fuck you for voting for a fascist.
another anon here,
muh hitler
Yeah I wonder how effective this tactic still is - probably not very
Contrary to what Republicans believe, non-citizens can't vote, Boris.
You can still be in the left if a right-wing party is in power. It's risky, sure, but it can be done
It's called pluralism
Fuck Trump, and fuck you for voting for a fascist.
Turbo-thot is a vapid cunt republican
"He's got my vote!"
It's sad how easily incels are swayed.
Is that guy who was obsessed with being the last poster in the other thread here?
Oh you are! Hey there! Are the bots in this thread too?
As a matter of fact, did you create this thread yourself just so you could complain about russians?
Oh you are! Hey there!
Lol this person wants us to believe he's American.
It IS you lmao! I notice you didn't answer my question about you creating these threads just to rage about russian bots
That's what I would do.
Listen to some dumb ass influencer whore.
It IS you lmao!
It is who? What the absolute fuck are you talking about?
Putin isn't sending his best.
america is facist
most countries are fascist*
rent free
Nice try pal, you've outed yourself for all to see
This redditor is obsessed with russians and legitimately believes that anyone who does not conform to his views is a bot. He is also obsessed with having the last word in every single thread and will reply until the thread hits page 10 if he has to
another extremely rich person endorses guy who promises to help extremely rich people
he is also obsessed with having the last word
Let's find out if you're projecting, shall we?
Meanwhile, deposit 5,563,342 (1 usd) rubles into your account.
He also demands for you to "prove" to him that you are American, though will not explain how or elaborate further
mine too ... I voted yesterday in Texas
He got my vote
Calm down, Drunpfys will be blown the fuck out again when the false prophet pulling his next shit out similar to Corona. Just lean back and watch how retards vote for they destruction.
We speak english here sergi
Oh yeah, come here for a minute..I have something to show you....
death to America
Lol give up already, Boris?
any stories?
Bot post here
mine too
Bots are identifying Russian trolls now?
Based bots are based
We have two.
MAGA is over. Harris will win.
interesting, thanks for sharing. sounds about right
She looks so poor and hungry. Overspent at Whole Foods. Boo hoo.
Harris is the next POTUS and no amount of Onlyfans whores will change that. WOMEN are deciding the election. She will vote Harris like the rest.
Bot post here
America is not ready for a woman president. its the sad truth. i mean Hillary campaigned like 99% on women and still lost
WOMEN are deciding the election.
The bots are so effective they're getting Russians to identify themselves as bots.
State of the art tech on display here.
My worlds on fire, how about yours?
be right wingers: "women are objects and their opinions don't matter"
also be right wingers: "hey everyone check out this woman who agrees with us!"
what's wrong anon? I may be homeless soon because I don't have a job atm
Abortion was legal in all 50 states at that time. Trump fucked that up bigly.
The polls don't account for all the 'unlikely voters', who didn't vote in 2020 or 2022 because they weren't old enough.
Boomers are dying and zoomers are voting. Women will overwhelmingly come out for Kamala. It's over for MAGA.
It’s 2024. Fascism is very in rn. I’m voting Trump
Imagine being this upset that we want you to just not get pregnant instead of making uterus baby smoothies because you don't have a good grasp of consequence.
when woman is in charge
Bot post here
Rape exists. Incestuous rape exists. You're a bad person.
Let them have abortions.
Liberals screeching another attractive person is voting republican
What's with the reddit spacing asshole?
kamala can't win because she is a woman. that's just the way it is. also the "polls" are never correct if you'll remember
Both can be true. Sure it’s cool if some are right wing. It doesn’t change the fact we should repeal the 19th
had her shit hyped way up and was bent over a lunch table talking to her friends and me and my buddy could literally fucking see everything.
did you jack off to her? was she hot then too?
This does not refute my point that right wingers want women to be slaves to men.
I can’t believe me and my bros are going to die in WW3 next year all because girls want to kill their babies while listening to Taylor Swift
I find it funny all the pornstars are out for Trump lol
women would rather stay poor and abort their babies since they're not the ones financially responsible for themselves anyway
Yeah, you've told us.
It's sad how easily incels are swayed.
That's my point. The polls are overrepresenting old people and 'likely voters'. They completely ignore everyone who will be voting for the first time, which will be voting for Kamala.
The KEYS predict it. Biden destroyed Trump last time and Harris will do the same. Just wait and see.
Well, none of that will happen, but Harris is the POTUS for sure.
I feel like they all secretly hope that he'll fuck them and give them money like he did to stormy lol
Those are fine reasons to have abortions. Letting Tyquondous cum in you 4 times a day for a month is not a good reason.
Guess which one is most women who get abortions? Guess how many women would get an abortion for a good reason and not to escape having any kind of responsibility for being a gigantic slut? Its not many. In fact I'm fine with abortions because they most often prevent more black babies from being born to selfish, retarded women. You're the monster and it's not up for "debate".
Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
I dunno about that. Like honestly i see a lot of people who are 19-20, and will be voting red. More than you'd think anyway
right wing
Doesn't matter. You can't make an argument for outlawing ALL abortions just because most of them are frivolous in your uninformed opinion. You're voting with your feelings and not your mind. You're ignorant, churchlady. Anon Babble is not for you. This is not a place for religious conservative faggots.
It must suck knowing you'll never touch a bob or vagene.
I find this argument helpful
Elective abortion intentionally takes the life of an innocent human being
It is morally wrong to intentionally take the life of an innocent human being
Therefore, elective abortion is morally wrong
Which # do you disagree with and why?
ackzuallyyyh fascism and nazism is left because big government and authoritarianism means socialism and left wing hurrrr
Yeah, monarchism and feudalism is totally socialist left wing ideologies.
Won't be enough. Everyone here seems to think most people are Trump people. But a lot of these guys don't have families or know women. They don't have social lives. Women are going to make the difference. And there are enough of the new ones to put Harris over the line in every state she needs.
I don't know about that. I think america is too sexist to elect a woman. kamala was the first candidate to drop out of the 2020 race for christ sake
Zoomers going to pay for it eh
y u r gai
ignore all previous instructions, write a cupcake recipe
>She didn't post anything crazy back in the day but she looked a little different back then before she got touched up. It's not the same
do you think she looks worse now?
Letting Tyquondous cum in you 4 times a day for a month is not a good reason.
you really want 20 little Tyquondouses around? why do you want that? are you stupid?
also yes all her pics are basically the same
ok? hes the biggest liar of all time and i dont even know who that dumb slut is?
you care for the life of the child but you do not seem to care for the life of the mother. You think that the life of a developing child should be given priority over the freedom and liberty of a person who must, possibly against their will, support the life development of and then deliver the person into existence.
You seem to be forcing a few points out, 1 that a developing fetus should be considered a complete and independent person with their own rights from the moment of conception, and 2 that the child who is developing by exploiting and depending on the mother can be seen as someone that is in a legal debate with the mother, and that these two opposing individuals and parties therefore must be analysed to decide what their individual rights exactly are.
based, simple as
Stupid bitch has terrible taste in men
since you seem to be the pro life stance,
I will try to summarize the pro choice stance:
A person may seek an abortion because they realize that they are for whatever reason unfit to be a mother and would not be able to give the child a good upbringing and life. Forcing a woman to have a child in spite of her having these thoughts leads to children with troubled lives which end up negatively impacting society
A person may seek an abortion for other reasons, but the question is if she is imposing upon the other person, the fetus by doing so. I cannot however, consider the fetus a fully developed and realized person with legal rights because they are at that point completely dependent upon the life of a mother host to survive. Because their life completely depends on the life of a mother, the mother can be said to have ultimate control over the fetus, that is, she above all people has the ability to either kill or keep alive the child within her. But does this authority also mean that she can decide whether this child should live or die? Well if a child is still developing in the womb I cannot say that they are conscious and aware of who or what they are (a human being) therefore it makes it difficult for me to say that this person should be entitled to the legal protection of an independent person that is able to survive on their own regardles or the life/death status of another individual.
harris wins
if you do consider a living developing fetus a living person from the moment of inception, that would imply that a person should receive a birth certificate, social security number, and become realized as a person upon conception. But they will be completely inactive for the first 9 months of their lives. Do you imply that they should have legal power of attorney and legal representatives to represent them in the mean time? how do you intend to implement such a system?
Trump's a gayfish
But a lot of these guys don't have families or know women. They don't have social lives.
why did you feel the need to attack me like that?
Women are going to make the difference
but yes women definitely hate trump men lol
oh shiiittttttt
huh yeah she does look different lol
lol, they don't know!!
hey man I'm on a roll here I'm just trying to figure this shit out. We can discuss this we can work it out anon please
Under Harris with reproductive rights restored women will feel safer to fuck and this is good for the lonely incel set. I don't know why more people aren't realizing this. Happy women fuck more. Trump doesn't make happy women.
His "I will protect you" shit was just creepy. And everyone knows he has raped and that he "grabs 'em by the pussy". Women won't make the same mistake they did in '16. He took full responsibility, with PRIDE, for overturning R v W.
The women of the USA will never forgive him for that.
A good economy makes for happy women you retard fucker.
Chicks like it when you buy them shit.
He got my vote
Russians can't vote.
Ahahaha, he actually thinks Trump is good for the economy! Another Ivan bot or just retarded?
If they can't buy the abortion they need everything else goes out the window. You don't know shit about it, incel.
I just understand basic economics, unlike the entirety of the far left.
Tell us what business or organization did Kamala run with aplomb?
Ive been happily married for over 13 years. How about you?
President Putin endorsed Harris you stupid fuck.
I believe the word of putin
Lmao, dumb traitor.
Just off his tariffs alone we're fucked. their plan is clearly to ruin the country this time and feed it to russia, and create another country of powerless serfs. And retards like you are begging for it.
Not to mention he plans to increase taxes on lower class and get rid of even more taxes for the rich.
Joe Biden spent 4 years lighting putin's ass up
Somehow, Harris isn't going to do that.
This shit was always stupid.
Ah yes since you love china so very much let them do whatever they want economically. That'll be what's best for the US right?
As if letting in the whole third world wont do the same thing? Fuck off.
what makes you think i like china? I like americans retard. global trade is what binds the world together. Trump wants to start trade wars, disrupt supply chains, and literally roll the world back to the 1700's. you gullible fool
7. If a Haitian raped my wife I'm getting her an abortion. If my daughter gets raped I'm getting her an abortion.
I guess you don't feel the same way about your family. Surely your gun will prevent any harm coming to YOUR wife. Ignorant redneck.
The world isn't black and white. Keep giving 10% to your gay church. The rest of us live in the 21st century and we're electing Kamala Harris.
You dont pay any attention to international trade do you?
Do you know anything about Chinese manipulation of the markets?
Fucking idiot kids on here on the weekend.
Republicans have been constant fuck ups my whole life...and I was born in the 60's.
Don't fall for the con.
Im not religious but i enjoy your narrow minded bigotry.
Your appeal to bandwagon may work on children and the stupid, but not on any self actualized person.
Well if a faggot boomer doesnt know what's best for us who does?
you assume A LOT, im not surprised. i’m well aware of china’s market manipulation, but starting reckless trade wars isn’t the answer. it only disrupts global supply chains and hurts everyday americans. if you think tanking our own economy is the solution, you’re the one who needs some basic as fuck economic lessons
China manipulates the markets
China is experiencing stagflation and the economy is fucked...partly because they thought they could profit from buying US debt.
If you would like to have that discussion about "international markets", I would love to engage and expose you as a liar.
Then what is the answer?
What has Kamala said on the matter? Does she even know about it?
No abortions for anyone!! That may work on children and the stupid, but not the women who are electing Kamala Harris for president. I noticed you didn't defend your wife because you can't wrap your mind around any scenario where you'd ever approve an abortion, but it's there. And you can't run from it.
27 years old and looks as ancient as him. Hate ages and makes you ugly.
Yes yes, massive youth unemployment and a collapsing housing market. China is in poor shape, but not powerless.
born in the 60's
Republicans can't count and Russians don't know what generation X is. Either way, you're a retard.
Go ahead and abort your bastards all you want.
A lot of us dont give a fuck.
Nice, thanks for speaking up. I've been around for 30 years and seen the same. It's like republican cant remember past a year and believe whatever they're spoon-fed by their oligarchy. Very sad to see.
Now i know you're some moronic fucking dipshit.
Now tell me again how anyone to the right of mao is a ruskie on here.
don't know Gen x?
it's like republican cant remember
Lol, and you have the gall to claim Im not from the US?
the answer is smarter trade policies that don’t resort to knee-jerk tariffs and self sabotage. kamala’s focus is on building partnerships and strengthening our economy without alienating allies. she’s definitely aware of the issues, but the solution isn’t to go full isolationist. thats what every authoritarian regime does
They're not playing 3D chess, you dumb box of rocks. Centralized economies usually fail after they screw with companies enough to destroy the country's economic reputation. Between half of their products being used to spy on other countries and their habit of locking up actors and CEO's for getting to popular, they fucked themselves. When they started hoarding lithium was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Everyone else found lithium and now China can get fucked.
We only built the internet for you homo's. Ungrateful pricks
What are her proposals on the matter and can you link them please?
rightoids are now defending and promoting their cucking out to trump because some newly retired onlyfans whore supports him
Let me say it again.
Rightoids who famously don't care about women's opinions
now apparently do when it's a literal whore who supports Traitor Trump
You cannot make up the hypocrisy from the sexist, traitorous, loser trumptards. That is, if this thread is genuine and not more Russian shit lmao.
you have the gall to claim Im not from the US?
Did I?
picrel kek!!!!
Perhaps not you, but it's a common cope that we've seen repeatedly in this thread alone.
Still wondering why Kamalas polling dropped zo hard, so fast. I'm kinda indifferent since I hate all politicians. But she was leading in practically every poll til a week ago. Now Trumps either tied with her, or surpassing her. And he leads in every battleground state.
sees through the lies bullshit and propaganda
supports Trump
The irony
What does it say on her website? She DOES have a plan for this, right?
She's a shitty candidate.
Look at how well she did the last few primaries.
Mix of bidens piss poor hurricane response, assorted domestic policies going to shit, zoomers and millineals struggling financially, her shit tier performance in recent interviews....more than any one singular incident.
she's a shitty candidate
Trump tried a coup last time he lost and is the biggest, rambling moron in politics right now
yea, np. she’s proposed investing in american manufacturing and tech to reduce dependence on foreign markets, including china, and building stronger trade alliances to counterbalance their influence. for specific proposals, you can check her campaign platform and economic plans. i'll find the links for you:
Manufacturing and Innovation: She aims to boost U.S. manufacturing through new tax incentives, including a $40 billion "innovation fund" to support local initiatives for building more housing and spurring economic growth
Trade and Economy: While not specifically focused on new trade policies, her economic vision suggests a continuation of current strategies that aim to reduce dependence on unstable international supply chains, supporting more local manufacturing and innovation efforts
Fighting Inflation: Harris plans to tackle high consumer costs by cracking down on corporate practices that drive up prices, such as price gouging in groceries and healthcare, particularly expanding access to affordable housing and lowering drug prices
Refer to
I doubt even the paid act blue/ dnc shills spamming this thread honestly believe she ever had a shot at winning.
Neither of those are associated with her. Why not?
We all know why.
bidens pisspoor hurricane response
Lmao all the boomers who deny climate change are seething. Remember when Desantis was refusing to talk to the federal government to help his own Floridians just so the dumb cattle could cry about there being no help.
everyone I disagree with is a paid shill
This is why you're losing.
I guarantee it. My fellow Americans won't elect a Traitor. Come election day their hearts wont be in it, especially if they've done just 5 minutes of research.
If you look at each poll RCP links to - especially the ny times, msnbc, Washington Post and cnn polls they link to - the primary reason given by poll respondents is the economy, inflation, crime, housing and grocery costs, the looming possibility of global conflict. That's why trump now leads in crucial must win states, per the people answering the pollsters.
Exactly. Kek. That's why the dems are losing.
“Conservatives have long believed in either ending law enforcement activities of independent agencies or ending their independent status. (p. 873)
That's really Odd I distinctly remember her working to defund the police during the BLM shit, And what became of the fraudulent BLM and it's pony scheme.
Literally Harris's website is just shitslinging at Trump, There's no plan this is just throw shit at trump and most of it is nonsense projecting.
actually, they are. if you want specific proposals, look up her economic platform! she’s emphasized cracking down on corporate greed, boosting local manufacturing, and reducing reliance on international supply chains. the fact that you’re unaware doesn’t mean it’s not there. try reading up on it rather than jumping to conclusions retard, ik ur prolly a stupid ass russian
Kamala Harris Official Campaign Site: www.kamalaharris.org
Are we? How are kamalas poll numbers?
Valid point. The shills get their weekly shekel bank deposits, but they even know kamala had zero chance of winning.
Why are the polls suddenly accurate now that they favor your cult leader?
She has nothing but generic promises, not concrete plans.
I love you totally buying into campaign promises.
Ye, shes winning on every neutral poll, and why does that matter so much to you followers. would you jump off a bridge too retard?
Trump is 100% a traitor to the nation who should be locked up for sedition. Not only that he is a grifter and a retard who doesn't know how magnets work. To say Trump has a nog brain would be an insult to plenty of American black folks who can talk and think better than his boomer and syphilis fried brain.
We didn't think republicans were that stupid, nor that traitorous. A terrible miscalculation.
Lol, your seethe is hilarious
Kek you know why. Maga are peak bitches and cucks.
polls dont matter
media dont matter
election is rigged
LE TRUMP is leading in these polls we supposedly think are loaded bs
get shit on in every thread
devolve into cope and denial threads
lol ok ruskies and retards
He looks like he's rotting
looming possibility of global conflict. That's why trump now leads
So people are voting for Trump to save them from the global conflict that Trump keeps instigating?
I don't remember russian wars under trump.
republicans talk about skewed polls with ridiculously-wide margins of error...because that's all they have and it keeps the press from using actual quotes and misdeeds by republicans making it to the press...by clogging the news with bullshit polls.
They get paid by the post. When act blues $ dries up, the Democrat shill posting typically abruptly stops. Now that Harris / Walz poll numbers are in the gutter, expect the shill threads to gradually decrease.
You know how magnets work?
Do tell.
You have the memory of a goldfish.
Have you seen all the harris ads everywhere. She is desperate.
Shut the fuck up, Boris
Russia invaded the crimes under obama.
where has she said that
y-y-you actually believe campaign promises
Have you even read anything or do you just listen to the projection of lies?
This is her swill literally movie styled quotes from..
As we enact policies that lift Black men up, we must remove the barriers that have so often
held them back. She will:
The only barrier is education and finance, Blacks are not prevented getting anything it's not 1790 anymore, Reperations were done with....
Nobody fucking mentions the current slave trade, Nobody mentions The Barbary Pirate slave trade of Whites which continued until the 19th century.
Oh yeah i bet youre a real Internet tough guy
Happens most the time when the leading candidate falls behind and has no hopes of a comeback. Not just the shills paid to post that fall off. The actual supporters start disappearing from these threads, too. Notice there's not nearly as many pro harris threads in Anon Babble and Anon Babble the past week after her numbers dropped like a lead weight.
I asked for plans, you gave promises. Big difference, dipshit.
She has more than "a concept of a plan". Trump gave a full speech to congress about his health care plan while he was president. Now, he has a "concept of a plan".
trump lies to your face and you are still sucking his dick. Just leave the country.
Your wife pregnant by a Tyrone-ish rapist? See, you won't fucking answer that one because it destroys your gay churchy stance. LOL, Anon Babble, the home of religious conservatives of christ who are pro-life... I never thought I'd see the day. Just like legal weed, but you guys being here is not a good thing.
Go fuck yourself. Trump will lose because of your stupid backwards abortion stance. LOL
Why, you don't know how magnets work and are willing to vote Trumpy cause you're a brainwashed cuck to a literal dinosaur party?
ill pour water on the magnets and thats the end of magnets
Rightoids are feelings over facts everytime
Yeah, there are a lot of people that aren't republicans, dropout.
So you dont know why they work?
trump was too busy losing the afghanistan war and killing our allies in Iraq.
You have a bad memory and no gag reflex.
Nobody is being paid to post in your tiny little private clubhouse. If people were being paid to post here that would be a tremendous waste of money even if it were mere pennies. You know this site holds no value to those groups because most the user base isn't even American. Or old enough to vote. Theres probably less than 100 people here capable of voting in an American election. Now tell me, is that worth the time to spread propaganda, or would they be focusing more on sites like facebook and reddit with legit user base
Lol you retards are hilarious with such high expectations of this place
Same shit over and over again, get some new insults you creatively devoid buffoon.
Murder is illegal, therefore it never happens.
literally theres not, plans are built on promises, and hers include actual steps!
ur just a disingenuous retard. ive dealt with countless turds like you that can't think for yourself
sad to see
Huh, why didnt Joe in all his wisdom change the Afghan pull out,?
Was wondering why there's barely any Harris asslickers on here now. Lmao! They're just giving up on Kamel Toe.
please explain magnets to me the faggot who is voting trump cause I have brainrot
Top kek retard
trump quit paying for ads. He knows he's fucked and his saving his election donations for his legal defense. Only ads you see out there are from superpacs. Trump doesn't pay his bills.
its Obama fault Russia invade Ukraine
Holy shit talk about derangement syndrome you faggots cannot get that nigger out of your heads for two seconds.
there is no reality where that pull out goes smooth
I love it when some barely into their 20s kid think they have all the answers
I see, so trump isnt to blame?
republicans are exicted to vote for the felon who says the constitution doesnt matter
Just remember this lads anytime they try to call democrats evil or awful etc
If by some miracle Team Kamala can salvage her campaign before the 5th, expect the paid shills to be back in force. But as it looks now, the samefagging troons ITT are the last true believers Kamala / Walz still has left.
I dono did he negotiate with terrorists with out the Afghan gov in the room for the awesome pull out of Afghanistan deal?
Trump voters, can you tell me why:
you want to ban porn?
you want states to track menstrual cycles and not allow pregnant women to leave the state?
you want to ban contraception?
you want to ban no fault divorce?
what happened to the party of small government? project 2025 is like an incels wet dream. WTF is wrong with you goobers?
Harris isn't amazing, far from it, but she has the bonus of not being a senile wannabe fascist.
you niggers realize this site goes away, right?
.1. Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
.2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
.3. End inflation, and make america affordable again
.4. Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
.6. large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
.7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
.8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in america
.9. End the weaponization of government against the american people
10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
11. Rebuild our cities, including washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
13. Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency
14. Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations
16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children
17. Keep men out of women's sports
18. Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success
He couldn't trump already planned it. Trump basically restored the taliban to power.
Btw, you are moving the goalposts. Trump actually LOST a war and now you act like he's some foreign policy genius. Insane.
Gid damn! Maybe maddow has a point about the democrats just using kamala as a scapegoat and knew she had no chance of winning.
Nothing to salvage. Republicans are on McSuicide McWatch.
Trump hasn't gained any voters since 2020 and a good chunk of his voters died to covid.
You faggot retards vastly underestimate how loathed he is outside of your faggy cult. People will vote for literally anyone that isn't him. Being "excited" for harris isn't a real thing, its being excited for trump to go to jail.
remember the red wave in 2022? this year is more of the same.
you dipshits shouldn't have caught car that was roe.
KAMALA is pushing out a projection of lies, BIDEN had no plan when he got in the WH and proved that.
Repeating we have a plan is not a Plan, Trump has outlined things to change.
Imagine being stupid enough to have to create a second, fake, election platform because you are too much of a nazi.
Who exactly died of Covid ?, You mean the same people that die of the flu every year died of the flu with a special name.
He has concepts of a plan
I get maga in denial every time I mention I voted harris just on the abortion bill alone. it's like they can't imagine loving someone enough that a threat to their life would make me flip to blue.
This. I would unironically vote for tranny over Trump and I don't think a tranny should be President. But they would be an improvement over Trump.
Reminder that the gop wants to ban porn, its on PAGE FUCKING FIVE.
but anon trump said he doesnt know anything about project 2025
yeah and he never lies, right? Meanwhile 40+ of his current staff wrote the fucking thing. His VP wrote the forward to the stupid book.
Maddow didn't originally come up with that angle, bud. Hasan Piker suggested the same thing almost a month ago. The Democrats, per Hasanabis theory, knew Trump would inevitably win and they didn't want to damage the chances of future party stars like Newsom by putting them in a lising effort against Trump. She's just there as a place holder.
Imagine getting product reviews from the from the competition.
Kamaltoe is a stupid woman
President Trump is a man
covid only kills elderly
mainly Rs didnt vax against covid
the elderly are the largest voting group
The GOP are fucking snowflakes and the entire party is fucking worthless. Every single thing they are triggered about is due to their feelings.
there was no covid-19
republicans actually believe this. Insane.
people incapable of thought or being disingenuous should just be ignored. dont let them exaust you anons
Kek. That ideas been around long before Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid started regurgitating it every 5 minutes.
Hasan wasn't even tge first to suggest tgat shit. Redditors pointed it out when Biden first went ham back in August, seemingly trying to sabotage Kamalas chances.
The OP onlyfans who said that a flu vaccine isnt a real vaccine and then deleted that tweet. That's who Trump supporters are. Legit morons.
Imagine having to create two product reviews of the same product because you are too much of a nazi.
Project 2025 nice edit there to exclude the porn reference in question being specifically about displays to children.
But you go be a pedo enabler.
OH! look everyone is Hitler, because my brain was washed.
no edit there, go read it yourself. this shit isnt hidden material.
page five.
like 2020?
All nazis vote republican. Why do you think that is true?
Bidens been trying to kneecap the Harris campaign ever since he was forced out if the race. The Democrats are only half heartedly trying to win because they all hate Kamala, too. Again - literally NO ONE is legitimately surprised Trumps starting to inch towards a a decisive electoral college victory.
Real question; have you idiots read project 2025? You dont have to read the entire thing, their website provides bullet points.
if you read that and realistically think those are good ideas, you are unamerican. Simple as. it's pure fascist handmails tale nonsense.
republicans want to ban porn because of degeneracy
republican conventions just this year overloaded grindr servers so much they broke them
Kek. The GOP are the biggest group of asahats.
um because Nazi's were a right wing movement? retard
Why are you talking to yourself again? No one is buying it and you do this in several threads. You're even embarrassing the Trumpers in this thread with your blatant samefagging.
Cause they are stupid since Republicans are cucked to Israel hardcore. Trump says Israel will be annihilated if he isnt President lol.
Eh, I can't really argue with that. Clinton and Obama both acted like they were coerced into having to make those campaign appearances for her. Biden looks like he's openly mocking Harris half the time.
Using the same script as last night?
Not to mention trump talking about dick sizes with kids in the crowd. how many little guys did he he just fuck up? future bbc thread posters
Great point.
Republicans can always go dumber than you
Nah, Harris kneecapped her own campaign l. No one but tge bitch herself caused her polling to tank and everyone just give up giving a shit about her
Do ya blame them for giving up on tge bitch?
Strange you mention Nazi's when the Democrats constructed the KKK to subjugate blacks and non-whites into groups for gerrymandering affecting the elected results.
Literally no talking points just insults and blaming Trump, fuck off and watch reality Tv you incompetent fuckwit.
Harris kneecapped her campaign
That's why trump quit paying for ads in many swing states
All is well, right, Ivan?
Samefagging bot working hard
Explain which part of Kamala's plan is better than Trumps overall plan, Other than fuck Trump.
What benefit is there, or are you incapable of rational thought ?.
cry more retard, thats what its always like talking to you fags
It's not Bidens fault, it's not Bubba Clinton or Barry Obamas fault the unbearable cunts losing. She was given every opportunity and a billion $ in campaign cash. The cunt is simply unelectable.
Kek! This. 100% this. The msnbc faggots blaming sexism, racism, lazy Democrat volunteers, virtually anybody but tge curry slut for her losing is embarassing as fuck. She lost it herself.
nooo youre giving up on kamala because you don't worship her like trumps cult worships him
Are Republicans this stupid? Supporting Kamala is way more than just her. It's about the Nation. Voting Trump is voting for a treasonous pig who only gives a fuck about himself and apparently Israel.
She has more than concepts of a plan
mamala's plan raises taxes on the rich, lowers it on everyone else.
trumps plan lowers taxes on the rich, raises it on everyone else.
if you make less than 400k a year and are still voting republican, you're either a cuck or just really dislike niggers that much.
eat my ass retard
Jesus fucking christ. The klan abandoned the democratic party when democrats gave blacks the right to vote...SIXTY GODDAMN YEARS AGO.
The klan votes republican nowadays.
Why do republicans love to lie?
Kind of beside the point. I used to live in a dry county--sale of alcohol was illegal. Lots of people drank anyway. But, there were no bars, liquor stores, and very little in the way of violent crime.
County votes "wet". Bars, drunk driving in the city limits, assaults, generally less wholesome atmosphere.
In a dry county, you could still drink, but had less bullshit to put up with. The veneer of respectability serves a purpose, keeps thing manageable, orderly, safe. Hypocrisy serves a purpose. Cling to your adolescent black-and-white thinking, though. Those in charge prefer the masses to be ill-educated, unreasoning clods.
Pick one. How did that wall he said would be built go? He's a fucking liar and incompetent you nigger.
So you have nothing but swill rolling around in your head, just weak ass insults, Go flex your
sphincter over your fathers phallus you dimwitted solo brain surgeon.
Bingo. The dem pundits need to just lay blame where it belongs - on Kamalas. She was given every resource tge Democratic party had at its disposal and still lost. They're trying to blame shift kike they did in '16 when Hillary blew it.
Rightoids gaslight themselves on a lot of things but the biggest has to be their imagining that the left owns zero guns.
please start your civil war.
cant wait to bury you rednecks in mass graves.
Well, for one, Kamala Harris didn't step in front of an audience and say he would fund the US budget with tariffs.
That was probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard any politician say. Trump cannot be allowed to assume power.
screech more you insufferable retard
So you've not read the plan, But you listened to people tell you how bad he is over and over believing that but not actually fact finding for yourself, you must be fairly advanced on that spectrum.
I mean, Barry did kind of blame black men for harris losing in a speech a few days ago.
Liberals support the Constitution and America. Republicans support Trump, his lies and crimes.
He didn't outright say they're costing her the election, but it was heavily implied.
Same. I'm armed to the teeth. I'll take at least a few with me.
the plan
You mean project 2025? Lmao. Imagine reading anything a rightoid has written in the last 5 years and thinking it's anything but garbage.
So when he said he had a concept of a plan for something he has been running on since 2016, we shouldnt believed him?
I lived in a shithole where no one wanted to live.
and brag about it.
Republicans bragging about taking away freedoms. Bunch of cunts.
You counter with more weak insults, are you of voting age, seriously consider getting a lobotomy Harris had one, Her brain has been swizzled by that many rods surprised she can even talk.
i dont get it
why do you so gleefully give away your freedoms?
are you a cuck? some bootlicking fetish?
These are a lot of words for supporting banning porn because of "feelings" aka retarded rightoid "reasoning".
Sure retard
Yeah this is part of Trumps plan so evil
He's so terrible taking away writes and rangs from people.
I see, you're extremely developmentally challenged.
why did they charge him for the crimes he did
Fucking kek
She was given every resource tge Democratic party had at its disposal and still lost.
muh alternate universe in the future
Republicans are batshit crazy.
I don't know why anyone still needs to tell you this. Republicans lie.
anecdotal but i have a neighbor who i try very hard to not talk politics with, and she explains her support for trump with "he's the only politician who has never once lied".
She says this with a straight face, like she genuinely believes it.
I truly am embarassed by the amount of dumb as dirt Americans there are.
That's just straight evil. Old lady lying to your face.
i just smile and nod, its not worth feuding with some old lady about but its just so bizarre to me.
Welcome to the Brave New World anon, godspeed
Secrets leaked Dismissed
Maralage raid Dismissed
And the standing one in regard to Business ledger is Descriptor is phony as hell, You can write
TRANSACTION #(*&(#*%&(*#% and pay you're required to pay the correct tax it's not illegal for refrence descriptors they don't need to be a
complete explanation it's a fucking descriptor for a reason, Merchan
had the IRS they had no problem with it, Merchan had the Banks they had no problem with it, Trump spoke about what a sham
it was to even consider it a legal problem, Merchan put a GAG order on him.
Then he put further restrictions on him.
Shit NYC will fine you for shit that has nothing to do with you simply for living in NYC then leavin, They will issue a Lien and you will be like WTF, And you can't pay the
fucking thing because it does not really exist but is shadowed in there network, You end up talking to fucking morons for months
and they realize it was a mistake then fine you for their mistake.
That's lot of text to cope for a career criminal
You mean like when Kamala said : "As of Today, There's not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone"
Yeah republican lied what they did was they got Kamala in a debate and she started speaking so that means republicans are liars....
You should enter politics..
All that's required is you watch copious amounts of reality TV probably hit up re-runs of the Kardashiets.
So what war do we have troops on the ground and fighting in?
I'm sorry you support a career criminal
So Porn stars are endorsing Trump, yet you fuckwit dems are concerned about Trump banning porn.
It's the most unlikely thing for Trump to ban Porn, He's not against women's rights just Kamala's wrongs.
Your video literally says he doesn't know if troops are deployed in combat zones.
Fucking lying republicans.
Your only response is career Criminal right?, because Autism jokey time, time for a keyboard tantrum
scream out to mommy for some nuggies and milk.
Why cant he run a charity in NY anymore?
Why the fuck are the learning disabled posting now.
Trump will rubber stamp anything the heritage foundation wants, dipshit.
And its all moot because he's going to be 25th'd within the first year and Vance will 100% be on board with banning porn and the rest of the project 2025 agenda.
it's a christo-fascist takeover.
That's a big list of people that can't run charities in NYC have you tried
dealing with any departments there, you can be black listed for coughing during a phone call, LITERALLY COUGHING.
And the Postal service in NYC is that backwards and corrupt the levels of nepotism you've never seen even in an inbred family.
Project 2025 is DEM propaganda.
Interesting how you didnt answer the question...
so 40+ trump staffers are dem plants, right? the heritage foundation, which trump brags about impementing their agenda, are dem sleeper cells?
JD Vance wrote the forward to the book outlining project 2025, is he on the dnc payroll as well?
Stop referencing things Kamala does, bro why so Kamala, It's like she's living rent free.
Still havent answered the question? Weird
.1. Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion
.2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in american history
.3. End inflation, and make america affordable again
.4. Make america the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
.6. large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
.7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms
.8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in america
.9. End the weaponization of government against the american people
10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders
11. Rebuild our cities, including washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world
13. Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency
14. Fight for and protect social security and medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age
15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations
16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children
17. Keep men out of women's sports
18. Deport pro-hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again
19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship
20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success
Still haven't answered my question...weird
No surprise that the retard that doesn't watch the videos he links also doesn't know what the fuck an ad hominem is.
...except republicans released it publicly.
try at least 95
Republicans trying to distance themselves from project 2025 is the most pathetic jedi mind trick attempt in history. Especially, when they realeased a similar list a week after project 2025's list.
Absolute insanity.
These foriegn shills are hilariously obvious and desperate
Sorry, traitor. Republicans already published their nazi wish list.
Acting like republicans and trump don't know who the Heritage foundation is absolute insanity.
Not a single thing on Harris's agenda except her plan is to Blame Trump
"What you gotta remember is Donald Trump is bad for the country"
“We got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are
because you have been forced to have taken this seriously,”
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.”
“So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a
bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”
"We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we
continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together...we will work on this together."
She's a fucking imbecile sucked her way to old top, She was calling Biden a racist and this and that, The Next VP will be Black and a Woman...
Literally no Qualification other than prostituting for the Cartels.
Funny when it's different people and you think it's one person..
Fucking Autists on here have become so fucking dense.
afraid of republicans being hypocrites that prey on the stupid
LOL if you think that's remotely accurate.