Drawthread: BALLS edition

Drawthread: BALLS edition

sfw Anon Babble?


Requesting an anime OC of a Tin Man style robot, who's in his 30's, with silver skin, short silver hair, brown eyes, wearing rectangular glasses, a silver tin man style robot body with silver robot hands, silver robot boots, control panel and buttons on chest piece, and a groin piece, standing in a full body draw smiling. No AI generated art please.

draw them fucking

5555.png - 541x420, 45.88K

Requesting bunny Morgan having hand holding sex with her human farmer husband with her on top.

Requesting Ino in a cheerleader uniform getting fucked like in the reference.

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he's like sk******420 but less ironic in a bad way, still kek though

Femboy or Futanari

I keep farting

I stopped farting finally

Requesting a buff man in nothing but a diaper firing a rocket launcher.

requesting an anthropomorphic rifle with a pair of legs that look like dual stocks walking into a bullet restaurant, then a second panel of the gun walking out of the bullet restaurant fatter than before

Reminder to thank Obama.

dumbest thread foid?


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nigga you are not me I just spent the last 10 minutes deploying a shit from my asshole


Sniffs glue


milk but worse


Rope-or-treat.png - 561x921, 188.56K

Black lives matter Superior
kKK inferior

He's a femboy

Thanks for The informartion

you're literally a shitskin fernando thats why you believe that

Nigger that pointed with a gun a pregnant woman is superior than the Krusty Krab

Fernando I understand you are legit autistic but c'mon

nigga baka.png - 1381x2495, 381.31K

And anyone who supports or posts images related to that Ku Klux Klan shit is a real moron.

please the dubs


ghost.png - 788x880, 842.32K

Can you please realize that we have to be in favor of BLM (Black lives matter)

dubs and armpits

so close...

Fernand, blm, feminism and other stuff from that agenda is nothing but cutlural marxism pushed by the jews in order to rotten from inside western and westernized countries.

fernando vs abusefag
battle of the ESL retards

ideal outcome
OTP frfr

Well, I do like Jews and I am in favor of Israel.

Sorry for you.
But I do support feminism
I do support Black Lives Matter.
I am in favor of the LGBTQIA+ community[
and I am also in favor of Ukraine


Bleeding intensifies

I love you k-hole

On a related side note, i like it when the girl plays with my balls

I read that as retarded site note at first and it made about as much sense


tabi1.png - 696x600, 192.94K

es IMP!

Killy > Imp.
There. I said it.

Oskar is so smol..

47.jpg - 1920x1080, 314.19K

The answer is obvious as fuck, you already know it

juice do be dumb as hell

Smell it milk

i support ukraine too but only because the only good commie is a dead one

i like it when the girl plays with my balls

hey babe why you love play with my balls so much?

her: because i miss mine :D

He's too retarded to understand that saying "sowwies" and not actually meaning it is fundamentally different than an apology. Can't expect an inbred jeet to understand basic concepts of social behavior.

it really isn't, it's a toss up between nazifag, juice, and ren

the retard is retarded

outstanding analysis there thanks for sharing

why the fuck road is anon posting to talk good about herself now?
does she really think we are this reatrded to not notice this?

say what you will about road but she's smarter than the 3 listed here

Requesting Carol and Blueberry giving an anon double naizuri.

sounds like debil


fuck off road

it's said in the desperate hope of bringing enlightenment to those deluded into thinking he ever says anything of even the tiniest amount of worth. Vanishingly few though they may be.

new 'toss

toss.png - 1304x1441, 555.25K

Say NO to Incest.

cobra (7).png - 1147x1319, 570.06K

anon those are called trolls they do it on purpose

if incest bad,
then why does it my pp go boing boing?

putin is a retard

scetic squad on the right

nice try, shitter. not ESL enough to pass for abusetroon tho

tell that to the loud house fandom and those guys are going to hate you, this is death

clique pedos on the left

not scheduled to drink for another couple hrs but should start drinking now actually

colorpedo already proved that all russian are retarded

And eating candy corn.

wtf ihy

where's the dildo-seat?

pettan is putan's illegitimate daughter. that's why he's invading the ukraine, to get her back from her uncle

Listen. I'm trying to help you. To reclaim some of that lost value. You have to eat it all. Or it's a total loss. And that's just not acceptable. There's starving africans and all that!


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not scheduled to smoke for another couple hours but should start smoking now actually

Requesting her getting molested as in the reference.

Anon Babble abusefag's thoughts on movie oskar plz !

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dubs and I draw this


He will want him to be forcefully circumcised and beaten to a pulp with garlic covered mop handles shoved into his asshole.

some retard has been reposting shit from 2022 for hours now

SKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU hope youre doin well its always a delight to see your art
maybe, they're still a bajillion dollar company and the gear they rented for the event itself were cheap and old and busted as all hell so he probably didn't lose too much
probably lost more because of the product fucking up
but yeah absolutely, my company is a-okay
guys we were working for were kinda assholes but eh there have been worse gigs
at least it wasn't in an expo hall lmao
hope you've been doing well too man, eatin well? sleepin i hope?
For me? It's ESPG...
sighs dreamily...

road.png - 966x1052, 44.09K

drinking also now to actually also

Ah, why not? What're you having tonight?


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Requesting the secret photo meme with Kotori

malibu splash. and whevert else i can find if i survive this drink

requesting it but with nazifag

Survive? It's the size of a Perrier and 7% alcohol lol. Unless it's not your first?
Being a bit lightweight is a real moneysaver though


yay.png - 900x900, 172.67K

I packed the big bowl with hash and shatter. It's time to go to the moon and invest in Dogecoin.
You coming?

Request a furry version

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An update on the edesems statuses..


Remaining Rens: Unknown.

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requesting draw of this character i found on the internet a long while ago getting fucked or giving a blowjob because i think she's cute

qt.png - 608x978, 211.89K

Say NO to incest
Say YES to diversifying the gene pool

I am way too high for this what the fuck did I just draw

Illustration4.png - 1000x1000, 31.18K

i can only get thru half a beer b4 im drunk

why does this song actually go hard?

Hmm tempting. Might give this a shot but no promises

Dubs and Juice takes a shot of whiskey.

thank you

I'd rather be there or at the other extreme than anywhere in the middle. How goes the animation?

he lost?

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some things never change

he's in the plague clique so he got caught up in the collapse, but he won't be that easy to kill

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Requesting super saiyan Frylock.

want a rematch behind the gas station?

dante? you left?

on pause til i finish this req and maybe another draw (not the req i forgot frm earlier today but the sex with rolled character)

im gonna skedaddle actually, brain is havin a brain night and i gotta go occupy it
maybe i'll play more of the white knuckle demo.... shits p hard but kinda addicting

kiss kiss make sure to stretch your back and wrists and take breaks and drink and do that one thing you said you were gonna do 4 hours ago

road.png - 890x1061, 71.24K

i dont have whiskey but if u did i would drive to go get some limit 3 rolls 1/3

what collapse

It's not hard to get whiskey. I could get a whole crate of the shit before you got here easy.

me every time I see the dude with the sensual cheetah...


tabi3.png - 579x642, 139.19K

on pause til

me talking about my next abandoned project kek, you should probably check up on it with an edit every so often

he doesn't know

anyone got a request? sfw

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Oh, one of the greatest 8bit themes bro.


Lewd request? thanks

wat.gif - 408x361, 802.91K

Cute.. It was really nice of you to include me on this.. Like I don't really draw here and I'm not a biological male but you still went out of your way to add me in.. So thank you for that.. <3
I think cuddling is much nicer..
Obviously me lmao..


did you sniff your hand afterwords?

Request a furry version

IMG_2556.jpg - 850x1243, 91.95K

Since you asked so nicely, Butterfly

Ren comes back to the gas station nursing a bruised ego and memories of a sore ass

His spirit's not broken though! He's got a game plan. The resentment in his stomach spurs him on.

He tries and fails not to look excited when he sees the same asshole looming near the corner with a drink in a paper bag

The bastard doesn't even notice him though.

Petulant rage overtakes him.

He storms over in a huff. Slaps the guy's drink out of his hand. Whips a knife out as fast as he can.

It's a butterfly knife he bought off the internet.

He's been practicing flipping it open one handed all week.

Nailed it. The blade's there in the asshole's face.

Ren's relief at not dropping the knife as he twirls it around makes him hesitate. Like he wants praise. A pat on the head for not fucking up his big moment.

Instead he gets a hand twice the size of his own squeezing around his wrist so tight he thinks his arm is going to pop.

oh god not more of this shit stop

you are not dumb, you could tell the point of milkseething while everyone else scratches their head

Make out with a frog who's not interested in you.

ik i also know a place also that counted as roll 2/3
im gonna keep at it after i finish with a couple draws so like tomorrow and mayhaps even l8r tonight if im not too sleepy

he doesn't know

know what,

also draw a ghost.

Counted as a roll

If I'm rolling, I'm do so to add another pound of candy corn to your pile.

His hand's slammed against the bricks so easily. He didn't even think to resist. How could he? He already knows how this is going to go. He's lost before it even started.

The knife's gone. Kicked aside the second he dropped it.

The punch that lands against his cheek would have been enough to make him see stars on its own, but it sends the back of his head into the bricks.

Ren's not sure how he's still conscious. He can barely think. The back of his head's wet with blood. His adrenaline's up, he can hear the beat of his own heart. He wants to scream but before he remembers how to make a sound the hand that hit him is over his mouth.

He tries to bite. The skin's like leather and tastes like motor oil. A mechanic? Must work nearby.

Fleeting thoughts in the pain-drunk muddle of the moment burn away in an instant as his hand's freed

He tries to swing. Tries to hit the looming body blotting out the world. He doesn't even remember getting behind the dumpster. Maybe he did pass out when the fuckhead punched him.

He feels as weak as a kitten when his hand hits the mechanic's coveralls. He might as well be punching the bricks behind him. It HURTS his hand to hit the bastard. His soft young body rebelling against the idea of resistance.

Panic sets in. He tries to bite again. All it earns him is a wordless growl. Another punch. Low, in the stomach this time. He wants to vomit.

Fuck, his pants are down. Ripped off his hips, stinking welts across his plump young ass where the waistband scraped by.

His dick's hard. Straining against his boxers. It's just from fear, right? Fear boners are a thing. He doesn't want this.

Except he does. He's never felt so alive. His heart's pounding his pupils are dilated wide. His hands are flying, beating against the body blotting out the light. Struggling like his life depends on it.

It doesn't help.

This one doesn't sound so bad, I'll give it a shot

anyone want to set up a magma?

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nah thats would be trips okay damn i gotta go get whiskey now smh

hennessy will have to suffice soz

and a shot will have to be the nyquil cup

He's spun around. Slammed face first into the bricks again. An arm thicker than his neck up under his chin. Drawing in tight. Choking him.

The now familiar pain. When did the bastard get his dick out? His boxers down?

Teeth grit, tears force their way out. He can't make more than a strangled groan as the choke-hold crushes his airway tight.

Ren can't even hit the bastard anymore. Deprived of that frantic, animalistic attempt to bare his teeth and fight like a cornered animal. He's just a bitch, now.

Every time the rapist fuck's hips slam against him his cheek grinds across the bricks. It's just unpleasant the first few times, but his skin breaks soon enough. More blood, all down his face as the dick tearing up his asshole picks up speed.

When was the last time he had air? His ears are ringing, the world's closing in around him, he's clawing at the arm across his throat.

Does the asshole raping him know he's dying? Does he care? Does that make it better for him?

The laugh overhead as his desperate clawing weakens removes any doubt.

Slimy warmth surges throug his bowels, almost soothing against the raw heat of his raped buttcunt.

Ren shudders... and cums too. He's already dead. Arms limp at his side, eyes unfocused, unblinking, tears and blood and cum oozing to mingle together in a oil-scummed puddle next to the dumpster.

At least he's spared the embarrasment of getting shoved in the dumpster this time.

magma balls

why would cece wrtite this?

boredom mostly?

i didn't know scetic was actually real until ren dumped him

what's nicer, cuddling or vore?

whos the new guy shes drawing with?

I still don't think he is

Everyone hates you milk you have no friends

nines he draw furry

hes not

she actually did it

good luck lol


malibu is for skinny manic pixie girls not obese rosacea infected half viatnamese hogs that try to link up with the lowest tier scrap from bottom of the barrel somebody elses used goods to once again be a quirky contrarian and easy as fuck may God strike you down you evil pig


Uhh. Popper of 18 year old Ren cherry BYE



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she got henny all is right with the world

yeah no conjac is for pretty girls too stop fucking laying your sticky sausage fingers straight out of the fking boonies on every boujee liquor and stick to whiskey u beast

What it do

I'm so speechless your writing is really really good. It makes me tempted to share my own but you or that other anon that dislikes me would use it against me...

It's really good though and I love the detailing and how it isn't rushed..i wish the nsfw shit had as much detail as the death bit but it's alright.


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No bc why does she try to take everything from pretty girls it's so fucking odd and strange


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complimenting ceces fanfic

actually vile

the only thing i had to chase was the malibu im cooked

I'm not used to sharing writing publicly like this plus the character limit was giving me gray hair.

I'll remember you want more fucking next time, Butterfly <3

Good night for now!

stop okay i am saying this for your own good that has 100 calories per serving you will blow up FATTIE

juice with an eating disorder would go hard



yea had it been 10 years ago but by this point the skin elasticity is gone she faces no hope

You're so fucking weird... I have such mixed feelings about you. I wish you told me who you were already... I'm not a patient person..

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depends which kind

<3 so pushy. That's what attracted me to you in the first place. You're such a fucking BRAT

smugely.png - 400x400, 66.28K

do you think tails has a soft and fuzzy dick?

Dante got cucked again l o l

am ino

cece can you stop harassing ren or else im spamming you with gore on twitter


You're so weird. Unironically I do not like you.. you're always such a perv to me it makes me sick.. don't you know I have a boyfriend??? T__T I'm not a brat I'm just me. A silly guy

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is this real?

Twitter no longer exists
Now it's X

srsly go fucking kill yourself


he will just block you


Draw Theodore

yea well he unblocked me for some strange reason LOL

Whatever you say, Butterfly <3

why does nobody use facebook?

hi naz

was play game..Annoying!Many reset..

nobody fucking cares. fuck off

who's asking?

I'm not sure I should click on that..
Maybe..? I've never thought about it.. Nor do I really want to.. But I guess it would make sense if it was..
Hi.. What game was it..?

waxman lavalamp balls

Red rescue team


Um it's right there and it was all under anon from his side tbh cece tried to groom me really hard

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Can you please

meant to play junks lab but accidentally picked comp and we fickin full held less Ffk GOOOO

image-175.png - 1374x740, 672.97K

that's nazifag not a drawfag, retard


Holy fuckkk maybe not all cops are bad

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Oh well. Now you'll never know.

hey scetic I KNOW you want to fuck that pig... do you think its gonna be all engorging like a viatnamese empanada and pull you in by gravitational force? probably the latter but its a catacomb and it stinks like bad gut health and crackwhore. idk maybe thats your natural habitat reminds you of your mom when she was at her careers peak trying to secure her green card

time to draw a bit...

diann.png - 1201x2810, 446.33K

This is the person doing this btw


that's all pasta from 2 years ago

It's not like you were going to tell me anyways. We're done for. I'm breaking up with you.

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I'm not sure I should click on that..

it's 3D animated porn of tails raping a sex doll

hey scetic isnt she kind of out of your age and weight range..?

because boomers

a little unhinged

roz said i can fuck him gimme suggestions

based ren breaking up with groomer butterflyfag anon

ngl these were okay

no way ren doxx our friend cece :D

Cece Der Jude.jpg - 1617x5212, 1.84M

I thought butterflyfag and ren were cute

okay sorry juice this isnt the occasion i get it i am sure you are twice as hedonistic and histrionic when your cortisol is spiking from an excessive sugar intake of 200cal per serving of two liquors you shouldnt even be drinking at your weight ?please consult a doctor we are so worried for you




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unprotected anal sex with rock lee for the purposes of getting him pregnant

its straight because he gets pregnant

I draw slow and this didn't turn out how I wanted so have an added butt

Rip request


dubs and I make things worse on purpose


oh so close
I should anyways

new thread

holy based!! checked!

sfw Anon Babbles?

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watching the gooners flee this thread in real time

stop my 900 pound viatnamese pussy is quaking right now

i feel ugly as fuck time to copy a childs artstyle maybe i'll come off as sexier by virtually fabricating my demeanor as one of an underage childs men with ddlg fetishes pull up at my house my roast beef is queefing of joy right now it looks like a fucked up meat dumpling because i'm vietnamese xiahongshuu

My my that's one good looking hole! nice work with that ass and the balls deep oral pov is hot! Thank you!


why is pettan after juice anyways


ok sorry why is ketalandmine after juice anyways

Juice BTFO

I dont like this ship war lets go back to milkseething

Ren has been after Juice for a year since she started messing with Pettan a year ago and copied her art style, she denied it and tried to get buddybuddy with Pettan and then Ren got mad because of her hypocritical and snarky nature

Oh nine's here attacking her too, this is too good

Juice should kill herself

Her art is skillful but the appeal of it is almost 0, doesn't feel good looking at for more than a second of "oh that's good" so I think the seethe thing is stupid, let her copy if she wants, she isn't really going anywhere big with it


scetic stop

Juice just wanted the pedo audience, leave her alone

Wow exactly the same second

not after I get done with him

Why are Nine, Pettan and Ren bullying the talent?

stop deadnaming her she's not pettan anymore

me when the neighbor asks where the cat is but i crippled it and ate it for my vriska cosplay

I think it's just Ren and her new weird friends but deserved anyway

im not showing you in particular my vriska cosplay

Both are ugly but juice is a whore that eats from trash cans

whats with the foid war?

yea i dont want to see it fat retard go dickride another persons used goods for the egotrip of an average brandy melville girl you could never get on a regular i pray you lose weight so you at least can shop there once

ren and pettan got too much pushback shitting on nazifag so they're moving onto one that's more socially acceptable to bully

Juice the 25 year old hag copied Pettans artstyle many times and talked to people who tried to groom her and it made mommy Ren mad, Juice is mentally ill and loves male validation

pettan was supposed to be next in line for scetic but he's afraid of white women so he skipped her for juice

literally no one is bullying nazifag stop fabricating shit in your head i like how ur bullying her on womens behalf might as well transition now tranny


Scetic I promise you, she does not want you..

you made yourself too obvious with the smegma joke

i never said smegma you are mixing me up with somebody else

Reminder that this is a glownigger trying to make people troon out. Repetition is a verified MKUltra tactic and by calling random people tranniesthey'll slowly start to believe it subconsciously and will troon out. Don't let this nigger get away with it, he's trying to commit white genocide by gaslighting white men into mutilating their genitals. Call him out whenever he does this shit.

She talked to Shadow, Cece, but who else that tried to groom her?


LMAO Anon Babble retards actually believe this. Take your fucking meds schizo, da jooz aren't behind anything. You're blaming your mental issues on a group of people because a guy who's been dead for like 200 years thought the swastika looked cool.

why would i want to wear ugly clothes
its one sided im drunk and tehy wanna harsh my buzz lol

worst enemy of a woman is another woman

She talked to Kay and fucked his oc in erp, Kay whom also made Pettan's oc pregnant with his narc baby, she is very aware of these people trying to harm minors, she was also aware of Shadows actions while moralfagging about how the talmud is right about a year ago and using it for her gender studies, in essence she supports dogfuckers, pedophilic jews and pedophiles but not transphobes.

looks like men seething too

takin another shot and gonna play more ranked les go

Women shouldn't be allowed on the internet. They also shouldn't be allowed to show their ankles in public or go outside without a man. Men have the right to tell them to kill themselves if they go online, and they have the right to beat them to death if they go out in public. As Allah intended.

hahah. women don't have female friends, sisters, aunts or mother: they only have female competence


lol you wear 2017 h&m booty shorts to contrast your curves barely highlighted by much else but weight wdym ugly clothes? do you feel ugly and fat when you wear cute dainty tanktops with bows because you sure seem to draw a lot of those designs

Crackwhore juice needs to stop shitstirring too, she does it under anon

Ummm she only does that when she wants to emulate the pretty girls she sees on here to try to draw more moid attention to her obviously she can't wear those shits irl she can't even fit in them


She's more like the sassy black woman from ghostbusters 2016

Ren did nothing wrong by punishing people who did actually disgusting things

nazifag deserved it too ngl
she might've been 6 years old but she willingly licked that smegma. nasty ass bitch.

this one destroyed her because its actually accurate


stop trying to be part of this trannigger you boring ass nigga and leave nazifag out of it

Ummm we don't know you can you leave or something

I smell a falseflag trying to pretend to be a woman and joining the battle

Juice is appreciated

That's not me I'm Nazifag's good

and my boots r frm dolls kill everything about the CEO or whatever came out okay so

I find it kind of disturbing how Juice never really interacted with a woman here except Pettan and at some point Road, the whole foid squad hates her for what she did



I'm not trannigger I actually hate nazifag with a burning passion, just like ren and pettan do
but I'm one of you, I'm a based radfem that hates m*ids (though I am one but I'm taking estrogen to fix that)
I'm a based male feminist that hates nazifag for making women look bad. pooners are misogynistic in nature and need to kill themselves if we want total moid death

See, this is definitely not me

Juice is appreciated

cat typing.png - 626x351, 419.28K

LOL DOLLS KILL be so for real you buy from a less discount ROMWE w generic mall goth emo y2k tagged fast fashion clothing? wow queen so respectable of a social justice warrior who supposedely hates anti semitic companies

Also nazifags makes women look bad because how good she is compared to the rest of them

maybe because she knows that woman is the nigger of the world?

neither ren or pettan hate nazifag youve made that up and samefagged for weeks and its really fucking obvious and pathetic

FUCKING THIS Drawthread's gals are so fucking lazy and mediocre that when a single female appears and acts like a normal female this exposed the nigerish of all the other gals in drawthreads.

Or because she is a whore, want a sloppy seconds turn you too Abusecuck?


This thank you sm she's a sweet girl

no? when did I ever skinwalk a woman? I love women and I kiss the ground they walk upon. I love it when sweet sweet menstrual queens step on me like the little cuck faggot I am
they blatantly do



Juice has never been normal, when she first came here she used to argue with everyone, she also argued with Ren in 2023 about gender studies and she got countered in the discussion until she stopped responding and started trying to play off her incompetence as jokes and acting goofy. It was about gender studies and sourcing books Juice finds "esoteric" and "aesthetic" like the Talmud she did not realize had pedophilic texts in it.

Would you guys buy drawthread merch? I would, unironically

Untitled2.png - 457x559, 19.24K

in the other hand the other gals itt:
whore + npd
whore + bpd
whore + npd + insuferable
whore + npd + insuferable + doxxer

im not posting name because everybody know about what gals im talking about :^)

Based, I would buy that shirt

I feel like I really went off with the design

You can have the fatties sloppy seconds, nobody is stopping you Abusecuck.


like a pettan plushie-fleshlight?

kill yourself scetic dont think we are done with you just yet

Incorrect buzzer noise
how are this fucking stupid milkseether

We have betrayed her by letting her get groomed by Ren

Ren is not a groomer, stay mad colorpedo

why are you 30 years old and retarded

Yeah Milk is truly deplorable

u dropped this cuck

cuck lock.jpg - 225x225, 9.09K

nazifag replying to scetic

not ren

Suffer foids

did you remember to pee today

did you remember to block me on twitter it doesnt look like it im gonna spam you with gore

tank top from 5below <3

are you normally this stupid or just a braindead nigger?

feeding abusefag

jfc why is she so stupid

why make things up


wow thats so quirky wearing cheap XXXL sized clothes not like other girls who put effort into their demeanor look at herrrrr shes the hog next door

he's talking about nazifag you braindead mongoloid

Disgusting mexican
How is he so unselfaware? I think he will end up rotting on this website before he ever stops being porn addicted and a simp

why do the foids keep trying to make me side with "people" like abusefag and juice by being so petty and womanlike?

Abusefag is mexican gross brown nigger

You don't know the worse of Juice then and frankly you need to lurk more

keep forcing that meme

oh ok cuck

if you simp for AF and juice youre just a shit person and there's that, both of them have been extremely horrible and cynical people on an unrelated note of other women sperging. besides that, this isn't even bad, it's just some zoomer females trolling and baiting like they do on xitter everyday. i simply don't like juice's hypocrisy.

Lmao mexican you got caught
What would happen if we compiled all proof into a photo collage like you do with the women that ghost you? Youd be exposed as a mexican whos been here for 10 years to everyone and posted everytime your writing style is recognized

wasn't he indian?

juice is just a woman all women are shit people who suck pedophile dick as soon as the pedophile pays attention to them


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I know she's a faggot sjw brown bitch wannabe pedo whore that nobody likes
but posts like these are so fucking petty that I can't help but absolutely fucking hate whichever retarded foid posted it
being a female IS bad. caring about shit like "OMG SHE DOESN'T WEAR MAKE UP" is modern whore shit. this is why women shouldn't be allowed online, it's impossible for me to like them when their criticisms against juice and abusefag are petty shit like "SHE'S UGLY" or "HE'S A MISOGYNIST CHUD" instead of actual shit they've done. I wish women were capable of rational thought.

off by one, damn

holy shit based


you guys are so silly

do whatever u want cuck.



Two won
Seven won
Eight won
Nine won

Juice lost
Abusefag lost

who the fuck is eight

Lee got banned lmao look at the samefagging to draw straight porn

you're 0 for 2

The best
No I'm a bigger number

I'm sure they fling shit because of an actual moral core reason, the shit they fling is irrelevant by extent and I think that should be kind of obvious considering they do mention the relevant bad behavior the other party should take responsibility for each shitflinging party, the problem is that trying to make somebody who doesn't care accountable for mistakes simply does not work which is why I think they are playing by her cards and going a bit lower to get under her skin. People like Juice will not give a single crap about being told she is a pedophile supporter by association of pedophiles just for some dopamine kicks, but she will care when you pick at her appearance, as proven in this thread she holds her taste in fashion to a high standard rather than she does morals, she dropped the moral thing long ago when she noticed that the men in thread didn't like women who had left leaning values.

that's actually kind of cute
has to psych herself up to draw tits

What did Lee do?

Wait what? Why?


that is trannigger on the second
can you quote the posts?

tldr; if you cant convince a shitty person they are shit then you play by their cards and act shitty to get their attention

That's not me... I can understand the feelings of that poster but I do not agree

why are people numbers

jesus christ trannigger why are you typing like nazifag now

confirming its true by trying to bury it

I'm not trannigger, I don't think he's capable of rational thought either because he's a brown nigger that can't speak english. him and women are the same.

stoop to the same level as the person you're attacking as if that isn't just hypocrisy

woman moment

lol why

I mean sort of half agree on that juice is a wannabe underage and abusefag is retarded

1/3 of the niggers in any given thread are actually the same fag with DID

I dunno, same reason some people imitate bunyan's "what draw" i guess

She smokes weed and has double upper eyelid exposure including below eyelid, her face also has a smooth philtrum with flat descending cheekbones which is a sign of FAS or down syndrome, her parents could be alcoholics

Upper eyelid exposure is usually just called droopy eyes or happen from too much blue light, it's a factor in bad genetics and alcohol abuse within parents so it can be found on FAS/downs diagrams with the proper terms

Juice has a sloped forehead, can also be found in niggers/bantus
She probably has a small head too, yet her body developed into standing at an average of 5'5 and over 150 lbs, she is extremely uncanny and should be killed off immediately
The result of this is possessing retarded ideas like gender ideology and liberalism, including reading the Talmud

FAS is indistinguishable from mongoloid phenotype to the average westerner, hence why asians naturally have a slightly warped or ugly look to normals

Yeah juice's face is pretty fucked up, pig nose and all

That's Cybr not Trannigger
You can tell because Cybr's post are overtly incel in nature while Trannigger is just a simp in denial. Cybr tends to come out swinging at all women on all sides for no reason whatsoever, Trannigger targets whichever ones his queens are targeting.

the echoing is just too stupid to respond to and a game of telephone btwn people that lied about shit that happened and people that made shit up
they think im insecure abt my appearance and my clothes. they repost my pics and make fun of me but why would i be mad since i posted them myself

they can't even convince others there's a justification to shit on juice
just grasping at straws at this point because they can justify a reason to shit on anymore

I'm not a simp, I just go with the flow and shit on whoever people are shitting unless it's someone I like

Don't care about gender wars either if men are shitting one men I join too

Original thread of when Juice was BTFO by Ren for advocating the Talmud, she even "forgot" the Talmud was Jewish and not Greek then made an excuse to jump out of the arguement saying it wasn't her despite her posting files nobody had posted before with her filenames and her phones layout. She cried about gender studies.

It's fun to join and throw a rock and see if it hits

kek honestly

theyre bored + have no life + mad im drinking and having fun. cant even be mad cuz this is the highlight of their friday night


there is a lot of reasons to shit on juice
you must have forgotten how she was when she came here besides just taunting a child and interacting with pedophiles

talking to scetic

Dont forget sucking off a zoophile

all that while having a moral high ground is just vile for a 25, almost 26 year old woman

i was talking to [anon] abt what nonbinary meant and ren jumped in bc she (was) such an avid christian that how dare i say that the bible had trans speak (rich coming frm sm1 that pretended to be a man for two years or smthn)
the religion wanted even part of my part of the convo i was referring to an ancient text to talk abt how being nonbinary as a concept isnt "new"

you dont know shit about theology juice ,go marry a tranny if you like them so much

looks like there is more to it than just that, also there is no arguement FOR trans people in the bible. there is plenty against it by extent.

Why are you even talking about the bible? People who have read it can tell you haven't studied it at all. Especially not the talmud. Stop blaspheming, Ren was right regarding that.

how being nonbinary as a concept isnt "new"

You're 100% wrong in practical terms for actual human beings. Outside of the concept of what, a nonphysical ideal diety who's designated androgynous at most? Yeah, it was alien to the group psychology of all constructive peoples, so like humans (Aryans). Jews are destructive that's why they atomize gender into an esoteric thing managed by their intellectual elite.

people of those times coulnt even image what a tranny was

I'm crying not once did I say I was christian during that thread nor does it suddenly make me one just bc I corrected the retarded ass take that you're damage controlling now..? I'm cryinggg you need to learn when to stop talking especially while you're drunk I can't believe this is what you do w your life

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we need sicklr back to slap this retarded brown bitch some sense


I mean the bible has laws against men wearing women's clothing for a reason

oh how easy it is to just type "anyanymous" in the name box

that's a faggot not a trann- oh wait they are the same thing

being nonbinary is very much new in the sense of the gender concept you are trying to grasp, sexes are inherent, some asian tribe that interchanged gender role dynamics for ritualistic reasons 100 years ago does not look so good being your stance you proclaim for your political orientations as those same tribes acted on cannibalism, torture, pedophilia and many other things. that's especially common in esoteric religions that try to discard innate human nature. every native indigenous that has had it's own concept of gender roles has been barbaric and failed utterly. don't be naive.

guys help i forgot to dilate and my neovagina sealed up with all the pus inside

Not right now Bunyan

wow that ban is a terrible look for lee, very disappointing

can you screenshot what she samefagged

terrible look for lee

pretty good look actually

it's also not uncommon for small children to get confused regarding gender, like mr rogers had to sing a song where he said "WHEN YOU'RE BORN A GIRL YOU STAY A GIRL" long before the tranny shit became mainstream
there has to have been at least a few trannies in biblical times although they were probably stoned for their faggotry

It is kind of depressing she has sat here for a year straight with not a weeks break at her grown age, must be lonely

The kamala one?

so wait why was she banned

terribly because of the samefagging and dramafagging under anon, confirmed untrustworthy person now

Lee... I thought you were better than some of the deleted posts.


she gave herself a request because she was bored

dramafagging under anon

shitting on abusefag isn't drama

does lee samefag a lot?

bad look because she defended w*man

Does it really fucking matter like OH MY GOD SHE WAS SAMEFAGGING AND DRAWING WHO GIVES A SHIT She was actually contributing and having fun in thread like she wasn't dramafagging (UM BUT ABUSEF- SHUT UP FAGGOT) or anythign wrong Free my girl and also abusefag I mean Jedinigger you are a fucking faggot

No literally like she's pushing 30 and still here drinking and whatever but I don't have pity for women like that tbh

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link them besides the boob request ones

What happened????

I'm here everyday and I have no fucking idea who Juice is