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holy shit EE is so hot in that pic!!

missed the last thread, anyone know who bbno$ new girl is?

please EE mommy cleanse my soul

Queen Emi brutally mogging the other two

Nmp raiding Soda
Cuckfand on suicide watch

Emi tectone and asmon all hanging out again today, so no gauntlet even though miz has no content

Based. Stop wasting raids on this hopeless case.

two and a half chink

2 1 3

as he should

Nick has always been very vocal that he owes everything to Soda

esfand not getting any raids from any of the otk people makes me so happy. love to see him fail. wish people would stop going to his boring ass tailgate shit. faggot has no idea how to interview people because he just instantly makes it about himself

how many people is he going to tell about his star position at SMU being the fucking waterboy?

i was under the impression soda didnt even care about raids

esfand's at 4K, he doesn't need it today. he's getting asmon viewers who watch mmo games

he doesnt. he gets viewers regardless of what hes doing. but why raid esfand at all?

nick goes offline, maya goes up 2.5k viewers
i hate viewers obsessed with women

he doesn't, he just insults nick's raiders every time lol
also, it's interesting to see how soda can casually maintain a decent viewership while esfand struggles and usually fails

He probably doesn't care, but don't mind them. He knows 80-90% of them will leave because they don't wanna watch gameplay

This new bbno$ song could literally be about miz and emi. "Gave you all my love all and all my trust and my affection, sorry it ain't enough and you seeked out way more attention"
That's their fight over the insta pics. Watch out for when Miz listens to it on stream

For sure man

Is Nick going to stream on anyone else channel today?


stalker part too

nooo girls cant enjoy their youth while being loyal to their boyfriends

It's fucking crazy how many viewers scatter to different channels after Nmp ends, you don't even need the raid to get the gladiator boost but just be live

Guys i think I slept on my ballz wrong it hurts so bad wtf

Miz streaming today?

If miz and emi don't make up before her Japan Trip wouldn't that be really bad for their relationship? Because Emi would have time to reflect about her relationship with him and maybe draw some hasty conclusions

Katchii blew her chance to pick up that raid. Probably would have made a big difference for her if she'd started right before nick ended. If she wants to be successful gotta take advantage of timing your stream.

it must been a rough couple months to people like you

not really, it's mostly just maya that benefits from it, it's been like this for years. nick viewers are obsessive weirdos to women

T10nat Shes moving to mizkif place?????????


Baiting nigger.

emi hit the magic age, time for miz to get the new model

nmp always raids soda
very rarely he raids someone else


Shylily seeing anyone? Only confirmed answer plz

Teeth10Nat is not going to replace Emi LMAO


That's not true at all

I'll neck you myself nigger. Nobody can replace emiru.

what a whore


is emi's chatterino on?

I don’t think so

when they start showing their age miz dicaprios them

every time that simply starts to rhyme i feel like i dont want to live it anymore, thats interesting

remember people were wondering if OTK made ee do the collab with t10nat? ee doesn't even follow nat on twitch lmao


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BBNO and Miz agree. What a shame. Let women be women my god

I really need a fleshlight...

aside from the clickbait you are almost like a shitty AI deciding what's actually used from any vod. like i watched that Nat stream and you picked the most uninteresting/dull shit

Miz could get someone way hotter though if he was going to go younger

miz shes not your lapdog anymore

Woke crashed out and then got a giant hate thread 2 days later lmao

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You realize she nearly got launched out of a car window right? The airbag gave her hillbilly teeth



i'm sure that's the case
before she picked up nat she mentions that she's going to do collabs with the other contestants as well
also, she didn't collab with katchii, biggest new hit in town, and she was going to collab with a 300 viewer streamer? like it doesn't make any sense

what was the clip?

Who cares if they are?

Anons who link their own unfunny posts deserve a firing line.

There is no way katchii is gonna be able to handle streaming in phillipines. Like she is litterally gonna start her stream at 2 am. That is not sustainable. She also had to dm nick today but streaming stuff.

Katchii should honestly just go back to studying and maybe get together with her ex boyfriend.

shes gotta be really scared she'll lose people to her.


nearly got launched out of a car window

Asian drivers LMAO

what a fridge


is mizzy wizzy gonna make the same mistake as dyrus? that mf is still not over emi 5 years later

Miz should date someone that never touches twitch. He should never let her stream on twitch and that's the only way for him to maintain a "healthy" relationship. He fucked up by dating a girl streamer that was already big to a certain extent

Least racist katchii simp.

quqco looks great
she lost some weight
no pic because i can't screenshot

miz needs someone who stays inside, talks to nobody else, has no friends, and loves retards.

No lmao

esfand :3

is there any credibility to the idea wake is some super calculated leech? miz is getting fooled pretty badly if that's the case, they seem like actual friends idk

a good indication of when she leaves for Houstin ren faire is when her chatterino goes offline today

Yeah she looks great with clothes on


get sharex boomer

you shut your whore mouth

NTA but tis true, i seen it

tbh anon, she will most likely be better off staying back in manila if the tidbits of her privileged life are anything to go by. milk the austin crew and content to the very last drop (however long it takes), get the bag, then dip.

It isn’t she has left it on when she goes on trips

i'm on ubuntu
i can press the print screen key on my keyboard, thank you
the thing is it's not instant, it misses the right moment
though I just realized I can just pause the stream for a moment...

Miz's lapdog, Miz's babe, and Miz's wife

staying in manila means abandoning straming

asmon viewers who watch mmo games

he's sitting in the ashes of creation shit while stalling showing off his tech and talking about himself and his glory days as a water boy. is he even going to be playing the game?

if you've never seen esfand test something, he'll spend about 2 hours looking at menus acting like he's smart and is figuring shit out but in reality he's confused, overwhelmed and probably stalling cause he's not only bad at playing games, he doesn't understand how to build characters in them.

Anyone see his BG3 playthrough?
He turned Karlach into a fucking Rogue for some reason.

mizs punching bag, mizs bitch, mizs queen

that's the idea. once she's thoroughly exhausted that avenue.

Babe? I don't get it


stopped reading

When John was visiting miz he typed hey babe to Jodi from miz’s account


why not:
streaming --> streaming in Austin --> streaming in LA --> movies and music industry
manila is a dead end if she wants to make it big

that's true but if it does happen to turn off we'll know why

why, your windows forcefully restarted for an update?

the vast majority of a normie relationship is like tyson and kyedae.


miz boundary of her not posting like an onlyfans model is actually understandable.

idk if I was trying to leech of Miz, I would definitely wait for him to get banned/cancelled. You get to him at his lowest, and then when he inevitably get back full force he'll feel like he ows you and put you on a pedestal

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why not just use windows?

obviously it's a different calculation if she chooses to go all in with the fame and wealth route. depends on how deep her roots run back in manila. the pull of family, friends and other such relationships amongst filipinos is not to be underestimated.


And provable with Emi's DMs that she leaked 1 year ago

--> movies and music industry

lol not many streamers are getting directly involved with this and the ones who do get clowned. though I'm sure the idiot execs paying them think it's a good idea.

I'm sure valkyrae's gonna blow up huge after her bit in the upcoming Minecraft Movie.

yeah I actually feel bad now that I know the story

its been 3 years she should know by now that her boyfriend wouldnt be ok with those pictures.

miz is insecure
you are insecure as fuck for posting this 20 times in the past 4 days

that's a very good point

you meant Queen

She never posted anything like that tbf and miz was fine will all of the pictures except the floor one

because windows makes me feel like i don't own my pc
also, I'm a professional, linux is ideal for a it worker

No miz would actually move on after awhile if they broke up

Keep seeing people speculate she may not stick with streaming so moving to Austin doesn't make sense. If she's not in it long term she could easily cash out. She's gained enough interest and notoriety she could start an onlyfans gradually step it up for a few months and disappear again never to be seen with a few million in her bank account.

modded LTSC so none of that
ubuntu is just a meme distro, if you're gonna suffer through linux as daily driver you might as well full send with a proper one no?

"miz was fine with all of the pics except the floor one"


Leave jodi out of this

the servers are delayed until 3 so just stalling. sitting at 4.5k is great for him right now and unless another big streamer streams it he'll be #1 in the section. but he just said he might switch to Claws and Chaos while he waits so that will fuck his views lol

That was the first and only pic that was deleted at 3am the rest happened the next couple of days

majority of his streamer career has been as a leech. only reason I knew this guy existed was he was always in clips of that John Zherka dude who was banned. He was always portrayed as the "Liberal dude" cause of his man bun lol.

It's there he talked about basically being a prostitute/bull for cucks wanting their wife to get plowed by some young dude with muscles. His dick is also deformed (did porn with his old GF on OF).

He fucked that girl over so hard too when he moved into Esfands, basically dumped her for clout then sublet his and coreys rooms with randoms and left her there. She's in LA now probably making more money than him while he's crashing out hanging onto the OTK clout for his life.

ubuntu gets out of my way and everything just works
absolute minimal work to keep it update it and running smoothly

So Tectone tweeting non stop but not streaming after saying he would and he was in emis dms last night, seems him emi and asmon are hanging again today

20 times in the past 4 days

lol, what?

I don’t think anyone cares anymore

are you fucking 80 years old? you can just frame advance streams you know.

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Holy shit miz actually killed himself

don't give me hope like that anon.



ye wake yapping for 5hours must be more interesting than simply rapping lol, thank god people dont listen to your faggot ass advice otherwise they will end up like you in Anon Babble wasting their life

wtf he really did

dude is mad cause lots of people come on here pointing out how insecure and a bitch miz is
instead of accepting the truth he lies to himself saying it's 1 guy

Yeah I'm thinking she was feeling herself after that Nora collab and thought it would be fine and never actually sent Miz the pictures beforehand, even though he knew she was doing that cosplay

never actually sent Miz the pictures beforehand

so miz decides what emi can and can't do?

wait i thought this was bait. wtf happened?

Bro that Nora collab was worse than the pics imo she showed her whole pussy

look, i just didn't think about screenshoting live streams before

No but they clearly had boundaries over her pictures online

She went to a dinner with nora and todopokie. Both onlyfans whores. She got too comfortable thinking the pictures they post is normal and thought hers were okay. Actually confirmed emi is goon fried. Only way you think those pics are ok is if you're a porn addict. Anyone else could tell you they're intentionally provocative

so miz decides what emi can and can't do. thanks

Different than a post that was on pace to get 200k likes on Twitter and was already at 120k on IG

holy shit its over

I guess but the tweet gets way more attention

If miz doesn't go to her halloween party even tho she invited him and he said he would go then its over right?

esfand having more than 2500 viewers on his own without a raid or front page host in a month

I miss daddy streams already

Not really no


Yes and it's based


all asmon viewers tuning into him for ashes. once he starts playing they'll move to someone playing it who is actually good or shows off the system mechanics.

esfand will be a retard licking his lips staring at menus 90% of the time fiddling with his UI.


I know I'd like a doormate gf as hot as emi. She literally has 0 pushback. Like the only pushback we've ever seen is her "moving out". But lets be real. Miz is living there at least part time with her.

Yeah she’s probably pretty pissed if her tweet was going to be that big. She still did it though even after trying to recover her ig pic

so miz is going to LA just to party without emi? They might be actually done if he just wants to go to LA for some halloween party without emi lol

is that some reverse psychology you're trying to pull retard, or are you just illiterate?

She demanded him that he’s going on some wife shit

what pic are u mizkids even talking about?

stop acting like you know emi lil bro

he literally said he can't go you RETARD

What’s this coming from?

I don't think she's pissed about the tweet anon lol

All real niggas love to see esfand doing well

you could see it during vangard's oct 22 stream

someone really needs to dig up some of these old zherka/wake streams. people also say he was against miz initially for the 2022 drama, clips of that would go hard

whatever works for you ig, i have enough of linux at work but when i've felt autistic and had dual boot i like manjaro
gaming aside, sharex alone makes a properly modded windows worth it for me tho

which schizo discord sent emi the delivery ?

Sadly shes not his wife

Miz lucked out picking emi


He said it bonnies decoration stream last night. And to the other anon He said he's going for halloween but not in Austin. Obviously hes talking about LA

It was probably a real astalker

someone please do it. not having to see wake on anymore streams would be so fucking amazing. get this faggot kicked out of the austin crew please

so it was a lone schizo?

it was mizkif

A man's property is his right to use as he pleases. Now where did that dog get off too...

anons came to the absolute, "FACTUAL" conclusion that miz and emi are fighting after the cosplay situation BECAUSE:

she didn't raid him once and instead raided esfand

she didn't mention him more than they wanted her to for their parasocial enjoyment

anons will not entertain any past evidence (of her not raiding miz, her going long periods of not saying his name) as arguments against their "fight" because it just doesn't line up with their current narrative

Remember when miz went to NY for the transplant and Emi was originally going to go but ended up not going? And then next stream she mentioned a "death". What's the consensus on that? Is that a real death or was she talking about their relationship?

You retard

its could being in a RELATIONSHIP virgin.

fyi, setting boundaries, making compromises, and showing respect are key to having a successful and long lasting relationship virgin

exem fans rollcall
stamps now

Idk anon, tell me why Miz only stayed 5 days instead of the the 10 days he announced initially?

stemslayyy in simplys if you're a real one rn

except miz goes 0 for 3 on all of those from his end lmfao

lol imagine being pressed your gf posts sexy pictures of herself online as part of her job. thin skinned bitch

my lil raveslut

I wasn't shizo back then, why dont you tell me mastershizofaggot?

He was joking on Bonnie's stream and said there were a bunch of parties in LA, then Bonnie asked him for specifics and he said he can't actually go because of Naraka Bladepoint. Whole conversation was just more Miz bullshit

You don’t know anything about what emi has set for him

miz spent like 3+ years farming onlyfan girls where they would show up and flirt with him non stop. suuuuuuuurely thats okay right?

give an example virgin, dont just say shit

anyone that lets her gf do OF is a cuck idc what you say. Nothing to do with insecurities you just are a faggot for letting your girl give attention to other males and knowingly dressing up like some whore to let them shoot big loads of ropes on your gf

For emi they were also were talking to each other when miz was in ny

is the !watchtime command available in simply's chat?

Because Emi wasn't there, the trip was supposed to be with Emi and EE and 10-14 days long, when Emi couldn't make it he came back earlier than planned

alpha attitude

Probably not I've never seen it attempted

Emi has said in her alt she doesn’t see that as anything because it is on stream

the day maya started aging abnormally fast


Based and true

Based persian good guy showing niggas how it's done

Watching a Miz stream?


What's more alpha than fucking the shit out of your gf and having her simps pay you for it

you say this but if you could bag a girl that hot who would take care of you, call you daddy and made all the money this way you'd sit there playing madden and eating Cheetos all day long.

well for me his not pressed, he's just not a cuck like you

Is this video out yet?

Fucking your gf and having simps pay her without her needing to post thirst traps online

Not letting your gf post pics is one thing. But why would you even want to stay with someone like that in the first place?

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Probably comes out next week

remember when miz spent all night deleting clips and getting reddit admins to remove all images and posts of maya flashing her panties for .5 seconds?
i member

nah the most likely scenario was they were having a fight in that room and Miz was searching that shit to prove to her it wasn't ok, if it were Emi should would've searched stuff like ' my boyfriend won't let me post sexy pics on social media is he controlling? or is he right

If your gf wants to farm them and you don't want to then maybe you have different values in life

Damn, so poki cheated on bbno$ ?

He stop, must be because it's one of Emiru's "boundaries" lol

piratecuck raided maya

That's when boundaries come in, there you go anon you are starting to get it

all she's known are unhealthy relationships. been dating older guys since she was like what 13-14?

Mizkif is the best BF she's ever had which is pretty sad when you know how much of a mess he is.

It's sad that like the people who have their shit together best in the OTK circles are probably Fandy and her husband.


that guy seem weirdly obsessed with maya, am i wrong on that?

So Emi shouldnt be with Miz because he doesn't respect her wanting to enjoy her youth and he pinky promises to always treat her good even as she loses it?

but the baiters are the ones that are insecure and muslism that dont want their waifus showing skin


this is gold. dude is such a bitch.

These emi simps go save her man you know her address now as well LMAOOOO

Wot? I don't think you understand the point anon, Miz is ok with Emi posting cosplay pictures, just wasn't with this specific picture

they weren't even dating yet lmao

Nah i have no interest in hags

Emi shouldn't be with Miz because she wants to whore herself online and Miz doesn't like that? Yes. Either conform or cut yourself off.

do you think the same thing if it's the guy doing it? it's fine if the guy is showing off 90% of his body and letting fags ogle though, right?

And she deleted everything so

mizkif is clearing a hagmaxxer
first maya now emi

gay bating is so fucking ez and gets so much engagement. gay men are even horny than straight ones.

Shut up Miz is only naked getting gripped up by men or women and sometimes doing the gripping, in what? 20% of his streams?

She likes it toxic with a bit of simping mixed in

plus you know like at least 50% of the mizkids are actually faggots who just wanna suck his dick.

Progressive also sponsor Maya, how long before Essence jumps to Maya as well, website says they don't test on animals either.

yeah i dont get why everyone is so worked up. emi obviously felt ashamed and stopped so whats the deal. the problems over

projecting much?

Why would they sponsor that grandma

for all the faggots tryin to create a narrative that Emi googled "should I let my gf post whatever she wants" why the fuck was she googling how to restore deleted instagram post if it weren't the case that Miz deleted it without her permission. 100 percent confirms Miz googled "should I let my gf post whatever she wants"

emi obviously felt ashamed

he fucking pussy is visible every other stream
she has no shame

what a fucking disingenuous post LMAO
"all night" mf they just deleted the vod and clip, i was there too nigga

i love that faggots like you push something because you know majority of posters weren't there in 2019 to dispute your lying post or give evidence against it

I think it’s coomers who are pissed

Emi simps are now trying to convince everyone that actually Miz is the whore by baiting gays

can't make it up

only coomers are mad

Because she could have looked that up after she deleted the insta post after nick’s stream

Miz was literally outside when Emi deleted the IG post, what are you talking about

i know miz is trying to farm ad revenue on his 24-7 stream but surely 7 viewers isnt worth it


both those google searches show they had a fight over that picture. one person wanted it gone and one person wanted it restored.

If he did then that’s actually fucked

he has her logins

maya literally said herself that they were in a call all night while he was deleting shit and thought it was really sweet, i'm sure the clip is out there, she told the story multiple times too and LSF mods confirmed he was annoying as shit about taking it down

He's the kid who got into Bitcoin mining late

I don’t think they have each others logins


Is Nick's plan to make two 'love interests' battle with Katchii and Nora? It seemed that way when he talked about Love or Host with EE.

Tomorrow emi at the renfair realizing how much fun she has without miz. I swear man every collab she does from now will make her decision even easier to dump miz.

Don't think he has a plan yet

so miz is the white knight who saved maya
and now he's saving emi
cuuuute :3

retard is using paying more in electricity to run the stream than hes making from that 24-7 shit

yeah it is fucked up, very abusive behavior. I'd understand if she had her asscheeks on full show or something in the pic but it was just sexy nothing more

the fact that you dont understand CONSENT is very telling.
Maya didnt consent for those clip being taken, what sign of insecurities is there for being a considerate friend (at the time) and helping her getting rid of it ?

Emi unfollowed miz on twittee

For sure man

i didn't say anything about insecurities i was just going through an old folder and found that post, you made the rest up with your retarded emikif pvp :)

Why lie


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she flashed her panties and he was trying to make sure she would not get banned, and you turn it into some other bullshit jfc are you some faggot qtcinderella bluehaired dicksucker viewer?

same rhetorics after she moved lol, I'm sure they'll work this time


reminder i would tongue kiss her anus

Maya didnt consent for those clip being taken

she consents to all clips being taken unless she disables clips on her channel
that's how they work retard

after the fact she's free to delete them but you literally are consenting to clips being made when you have the option on. Don't like it just do all your own clipping/editing after the fact.

Hey guys, its been a while that i dont use these threads. Did Miz moved in with Emi already? :3

holy fucking reach LMAO

finally it dies down holy useless arguments

just saying it's one-sided and misogynists/muslims usually only think in one way since they're low iq and don't understand the argument

yeah tomorrow

yeah dude

he stopped


Maya stopped eating meat too and that is when her face started to change as well. There is that vegan face people get.

too cute to be posted by plebs

she's going live today for sure right

someone post the pic

So who did emi unfollow on twitter

interesting. maybe lack of dietary collagen

He made it sound like that's his plan. Whether he does or not remains to be seen but based on what he said he's clearly thought about it. They should both tell him to fuck off. All it will do is get a bunch of people to hate on them while he gets off on them fighting over him.

within minutes


esfand is high as fuck dude has not stopped talking for 3 hours straight

Bro, you are on Anon Babble. This place is full of cucks, just look at all the cuck thread that popup here

Probably someone who deactivated

Fellas am I a cuck if I'm the bull in a cuckold relationship

if she is ronald mcdonald emi is john wayne gacy

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i hope so, i can only stay full sack for such long

We have simple minds in here, one goon post goes up, we start gooning…it’s fascinating

Asmon taking the Sodapoppin route huh

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funny thing is esfand's been pretty coherent and talkative this stream for not having slept yet lol. sleep seems to slow his brain down



Surely. But she already fumbled taking so long after Nick ended. She said in her discord she'd be live within the hour and that was like an hour and 15 minutes ago. I'm rooting forbher but she has to take this serious. She missed an opportunity for a big stream today. Small streamers timing their streams to start as big streamers are ending is part of the strategy on twitch.


hes on adderall anon

shh don't summon Anon Babble they might nuke us

why are vtubers so drawn to asmongold?

Real question is how are asmon fans ok with it

does he not take it everyday or something? like yesterday he was slow as fuck, arguing with bonnie

please not again

because his fans are all weeb gooners. They'll all claim anime is gay while jerking off to loli.

Haha! I know what timezone you are in! Now all your secrets are mine!

Emikif is finally over! Peace

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Sure, but I'm sure she has boundaries for him that don't apply to her because she's a woman, like he can't comment on other girl's thirst traps etc

Reminder that the biggest let down of the entire year was the emi + cinnanoe collab not happening…

the bag

did miz have any discord activity this morning?
he's already awake in offline chat about to go live

damn that guy mentioning her earlier was right

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vtubers are all freaks. they are drawn to odd people but also like the classic man providing and woman taking care of kids. he's also pretty assertive, gigachad minus the muscle really.

Yeah, it's pretty selfish of Nick if that's his plan.

Clout and they have a similar audience

maybe that was what the "doctors appointment" was. refilling his adderal meds


Any Miz activity?


she looks good only with clothes on, her of is mid at best

I remember when fed did this to jadeyahn. It really fucked with her

simply says he would rather have bad sex than a bad burger and EE posts this instantly

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nobody speculating whether or not there is something going on between Miz and one of the Botez sisters. They've been spending a lot of time together

Andrea can be my new mommy


Who's is the guy?

It was only for the weekend and Andrea likes miz

Andrea botez, emikifs final boss that was victorious in their battle.

All hail Queen Andrea the biggest leak in Austin and she doesn’t even live there

Not even baiters are that retarded

she is 17 weirdo


Since Feb 2022 lol

you shut your whore mouth

he a gay?

nigga just bait with one narrative stop trying to push 30 lies

Clout like everyone

You are retarded


i agree but i also remember nick mentioned he hoped he didn't put too much pressure on her
i cant imagine how it must feel having to live up to so much expectation by yourself

hey guys dont forget about me im still going to be a big stream and part of OTK

Andrea really fucked everything up

Post Cinnanoe nudes

It’s never happening

she's cool but
not asian

nick really praising miz hard today


emiru deleted 2 tweets yesterday anybody know which?

The Botez sisters are basically premium escorts, especially Alex

Since she got a pc... She got lazy and only react for 5 hours

shes still doing good for being a complete normie a few months ago

If a small streamer stops collabing with the big otk members they will fall off

Only one men can help her.

probably essence ads

Cosplay contest

please no she is wholesome

Source... Trust me bro

Cosplay contest tweets?

this was a huge fumble for julia..... nick seemed to be enjoying her company and then she just... didnt follow up for more streams....

Did he say nora was on it during thr stream?

the cosplay con. ones

Nah he was just stating facts. To bad that Miz and current Miz are very different people, and telling people to respect and love current Miz is a good way to kill any new viewers cause nobody likes this mizkif

you are late he said the same exact thing 1 month ago and said many other things, like miz has to deal with his depression, not care about viewcount, etc or he is never going back to the top and that he is hoping for him to get back to be himself again

just now?? so emi and miz showing activity at the same time or did emi delete them another time?

I wasn’t here for the essence sponsor drop. How big even is that company? I feel like this just opens up Emi to being picked up by and even bigger company than essence. Aren’t her numbers even higher than when they first started sponsoring her?

KEK, why make it easy on you


t10nat content Pffttt, Miz fell off

Bitch do you even read

Pretty big they were paying the whole 50k for the contest and helping emi to do the show at a con



only watch asmon

youtube keeps recommending me emiru despite clicking that i dont want to see her

how do i get rid of the hag?

with aussie who cant vote


oh no

I’m pretty sure they are pushing her for otk. Emi followed her the other day, ee collab, and now miz collab

Miz hanging out with t10nat but not Katchii when she was there? Kek

to for their parasocial enjoyment

you think they enjoy that? you might be the biggest retard here.

yeahhh they haven't made up yet lol

Lmao he just killed his MMA shit if this is for Harris #chooseviolence

Filipinos aren't Asian enough

No shot

just blame asmon for giving her clout and putting her in the algorithm

oh god I wish that were true I would pay anything to fuck Alex botez in the ass

i'd rather have EE stream today, tomorrow and sunday, rather than travel one day, then tailgate with esfand, and travel another day.. to me going to these tailgates seems to be career killer unless in same city u are anyways

maga kids seething right now kek

He's just trolling, he would never want to upset Dana White and those connections kek

EE doesn't even follow her, too scared of losing simps to her especially with how well recieved she was.

That is what makes it even weirder

watching esfand tell a bunch of random people that he was the water boy at SMU isn't interesting? color me SHOCKED

Hmmm idk, I did a bit of research and they’re not even like top 20. I feel like a bigger company would sponsor Emi, especially when she collabs with big streamers in LA early next year and she gets that exposure. I think Rae is sponsored by a pretty big makeup company, I just can’t remember who

Damn they are soooo busy, of course they can't do the gauntlet, miz has to stream with a random otk top streamer contestant kek

miz and emi both free and yet no gauntlet. its over.

Emi for sure should get bigger brand deals but melissa is a dogshit manager

Trump is in Austin today

Emi takes a day off

Uhm.. shippers?

are you dumb?? emi has to prepare her cosplay show

she is busy, asmon needs he daily release

FOR SPONSORS : [email protected]

since when is this miz´s twitch bio

Also Emi has.... she has to secretly watch his streams

She’s probably leaving for the ren faire today

is anyone going? i've been before and its an all day affair.

They wouldn't want to sponsor him anyway since he's controversial

a perfect date with teccy <3

since his sponsors left

esfand said ee will be doing an irl there either before the tailgate or after. i would assume after, and if wisconsin wins then it'll be a pretty big party at that area since the opponent is undefeated

100% Emi has been comforting him. He has said there's one friend he talks to a lot about all the hate he gets. Emi has said she talks to Asmon on discord for hours. Connect the two.

Emi is just super busy today so they can’t unfortunately. I’m sure he asked tho

who cares? it would make sense he owns that company.

I keep seeing this is there a clip of her saying that?

Idk if it’s melissa, Emi says she turns down a fuck ton of sponsors. She probably didn’t want to drop essence for a bigger sponsor because she was with them for so long so probably felt guilty or some autistic shit (I can see her being like that). But now that she’s a free agent I think she’ll get a massive bag soon

Miz you aren't getting any sponsors talking to you at all.
Fuck, put it in my bio maybe they just don't know I do them.

busy with fucking what?

He's trying to make his dog jealous. Wonder if it works.

Surely the rest of the contestants are as pissed at t10nat and Arrav as they were at Katchii.

Idk but I know she’s SUPER busy otherwise they would be doing the gauntlet. They didn’t break up trust

It’s for sure melissa emi’s only brand deal shouldn’t have been just essence and she could have for sure gotten other ones

protecting his gf from the upstart usurper so cuuute

esfand is going to cuck EE for emi's party?

maybe because katchii is boring as fuck and nat can banter?

Since essence dropped Emi and now he needs to help her pay for her cosplay contests because he’s a good husband and he just wants her to be happy and less stressed (more stressed, depressed Emi = Less gorilla grip sessions and throat goat sessions = very tired fingers and tongue) homie is thinking ahead, I respect it

nobody gives a fuck what the manchild baby is ok or not ok with.

Busy gooning to the moonmoon logs

wait... his thicc talent?


Coomers care

Are you kidding me? Is he ?

10nat actually has a bigger chance of becoming the next emiru.

-actual personality
-not coomer baiting every fucking second

but both most likely will return to around 500 viewers.

The Botez sisters are massive shills, but they followed the path everyone in LA does in wanting to become a DJ. If you have ever been to LA or hung out with some people involved on some kind of social media all they talk about is their social media and how they are thinking of becoming a DJ. It's literally a virus that effects everyone in LA.

its the "i wanna be an influencer" equivalent


Yea and some streamers is also meant to only stream with nick. Like nora for example. She only has history with nick and that’s why their dynamic is great. It would be weird if she had a collab with miz for example.


Mizkif, Cinna and itsKatchii starting at the same time
Mizkif with a cool collab
itsKatchii without nmp
place your bets for peak viewers

Bitch actually went live at 3 am jeez

WE DONT CARE FAGGOT. WE DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry, t10nat is cute, but she's not beautiful
she also has a tomboy personality
not emiru material at all

obviously miz
kachi solo wont be that big for now







bro there is only one sexual part in a man's body and that is his dick, so unless miz posted a dick print thirst trap you can't say shit

Mizkif with no content, would be cool if he actually planned antthing

Nobody thinks zkatchii will top miz but will be interesting if she tops Cinna. I think she will.

nah katchi is just an average Philippine bicycle seat looking face with a weird chin. tnat is much better looking but the personality is much better. you are just thinking with your two incher, she farmed loser parasocials like you on nmp's stream. cringu

anyone else lost their last hope today?

niga not look like emiru, have the success she had. fucking hell can you gysys use your fucking brain??????// holy fuck i lose hope in humanity every fucking second

She won't. Cinna is collabing with Jason