To all the boomers that cry about us using disposable vapes

To all the boomers that cry about us using disposable vapes ...
Why do you care so much Boomie?! I just took one apart and it doesn't look super bad or anything.
Havent we been using disposable batteries for about a century now? What's the big deal?

You're disposable.

Lol I write better code than my oldtimer anti pattern colleagues
You're probably more disposable than me

Why would you waste your money like that? Just buy a decent vape with 2x18650 rechargable batteries, the initial cost is offset after a few months.

Ehh maybe cause I only smoke once in a while on a party? This was 8 euros. Less than the price of a pack.

You know it's just a lot easier and healthier to not mess around with that stuff. If you need it to fit in with your friends okay, whatever, only so much you can do about them, but at least admit it that it's a choice your making to score points with them and not a part of what you are and ought to be.

The fact that boomer conservative politicians have banned these in the netherlands while cigarettes and weed are legal there is fucking criminal imo.
Why don't all old people just get off of their high horses cause most are doing a piss poor job at whatever they're doing.

It's just a dumb waste of resources
How hard is it for you brainlets just to get a boxmod like a normal person?
You can use most both with nicotine AND THC carts

Give me a break. If you've never smoked a cig you're probably a sheltered nerd. That's not better for your health than a little addiction to propylene vapor.

Havent we been using disposable batteries

I refuse to accept that anyone doesn't know the difference between a Li ion battery and a disposable alkaline battery. So even if you're retarded, I'll call this bait. But honestly, people who don't care about wasting lithium would probably not take it apart. OP is probably well aware of how problematic it is and will use the battery to power an arduino or something.

What's the point of these? God, crapitalism is so stupid...

Cigarettes and weed don't need lithium.

I didn't mean use cigarettes moron.

Ok in that case it doesn't really matter. I thought you were one of those morons who use them to vape daily.

human health is worth less than lithium

Ok boomer

euro crying about "boomers"

all euros are boomers, lmao

People who claim others are sheltered because they never smoked is projection.
If you weren't sheltered, you realize how disgusting and how much of a money drain it is.

well if you wanna be pedantic about it should I have said "non zoomer"?
And what does being euro vs us have to do with anything? You clearly have 0 clue of what you're talking about even though this shit is very simple.

zoomzoomboom.png - 580x363, 56.68K

idk what your definition of sheltered is
but step out your front door dude you're speaking wack

lol you misunderstood my message
go back and read it moron

What's your definition?
I've lived with smokers all my childhood and teen life, shit is garbage that just fucks up your health and house.

Unironically, that aligns well with conservative values. Let the people choose if or how they kill themselves, but protect the nature from dumb destruction.

sheltered means you don't leave your house
in my circles a lot of smokers are social people
I never said smoking is healthy, I said not leaving your house is unhealthy

yeah well I think that's a fucking sad mentality
addiction is a mental health problem.
addicts should be helped, not be encouraged by big companies to kill themselves

more disposable

Either you're disposable or you aren't. It's not a scale.

autistism in a nutshell
have you written so much C that you think everything is made of binary numbers?

Imagine making an entire device with a battery and everything and then you throw it away after one use and buy a new one. Why the fuck would you do that lmao

sheltered means you don't leave your house

No it doesn't, that's being a recluse.

cause it's convenient and in europe we have figured out this thing called


everything is le coooode!

abject retardation

Disposable vapes for your disposable lungs.
It's perfect actually.

oh yeah I googled it and you're actually right sorry
I guess my english isn't the best lol

I got out plenty
IDK how I'm supposed to have a better opinion of smoking because of it

3rd worlder

that explains things, most of you are literally programmed to spend your first paycheck on cigs

oh ok no that actually makes a lot of sense
I didn't know these batteries are rechargeable lithium ion batteries ...
this shit is actually dumb af and I won't buy it anymore. Why don't they just make slightly fatter vapes with AAA batteries in them?
I'm actually mindblown that I found the answer to a legitimate question on Anon Babble

Americans don't understand what the baby boom was because they were never occupied.
They think "boomer" means "old person" not "person born just after world war 2"

Lithium batteries are just so cheap and energy dense.
Alkalines would have to be giant to not only get the same life but also to supply the same amount of power

oh ok well in meme culture boomer does kinda just mean old person so it's not super retarded to think that but then that boomer anon thought there are no young people in Europe?
very funny idk where he got that idea

Why don't they just make slightly fatter vapes with AAA batteries in them?

They can't deliver the same amount of power (Watt) as lithium cells can.
For a vape you need short bursts of high power.

A single AAA battery holds less energy than the Li ion in your picture. Also, I saw some disposable vapes that were designed to be recharged once or twice in their short lifetime. You can't really do that with AAA batteries. Plus, the maximum power you can draw from an AAA battery is significantly lower.

thank you smart anons
I'm being educated

Be careful with the battery. If you short the leads, you might damage the battery, and worst case even start a fire. If you habe some friends who are into electronics, give the battery to them. If you don't, at least give the thing to a proper recycling station. Afaik, in some countries, the vendors of these vapes have to accept the empty ones back to minimise the damage.

well I know the very basics about electronics and have done some arduino stuff but I'm a software guy so don't know much about batteries
I will maybe try and play with them a bit and I'll be careful not to burn down my apartment lol


also idk where you live but in my country (belgium we have bins in grocery stores for batteries

Be sure to tape the contacts though. Li ion batteries shorting out in these containers isn't fun.

one end isn't taped for the coil but the other end is
no worries anon

who is us, i dont do this shit

"us" was meant to be image related

i do not see any person called "us" in that image, would you like me to search up "us" in your contacts?

if you are too stupid to figure how to refill the tank of a normal vape, i doubt your ability to code is much better

Lol fellow zoom zoom
You're part of us

If you make assumptions like that I doubt you'd do any better

i am 97 years old, im not part of any group
there is no we, and there is no us.
never count me as part of your little gang, never speak for me and never associate me with anyone else. i am me.

You should definitely doubt more instead of being so arrogant and wasteful.

Lol if you're born in 97 you're a zoomer otherwise you should log off or you'll get a heart attack soon
Everyone is part of a group (for example the group of all people)

i did not say i was born in 97 i said i am 97 years old that means i was born 1927


Anon did I hurt your feelies ;w;
If you can't handle being called sucky maybe you shouldn't browse Anon Babble lol

Everyone is part of a group (for example the group of all people)

this is absolutely not true i am a lone wolf, nothing that a group of people does defines me or is associated with me, i am me, and i am not they.
neither are they me.

Yes read my message again retard
Heart attack was about you then

anyway i am only responsible for my actions and im not responsible for anyone elses actions, jut like how other people are not responsible for my actions
there will never be a we because everyones an individual

Take a statistics course please

cope im right this is also why generations dont exist, people arent a monolith
if you believe you can decode everyone like theyre some type of hivemind using statistics, then youre wrong

Zoomers are all the same though.
They all watch the same TikTok videos and wear the same clothes pushed by the same influencers.

In older "generations" you had loads of sub-cultures and indeed true individuals.
But this is all gone thanks to being glued to a phone for 16 hours a day since they were 7.

see youre not listening, im done replying

is that a lithium battery

Can someone explain to me what these things are for? If you want to smoke, just smoke a cigarette.

But cigarettes hurt my throat ;_;

Then don't use drugs.
In fact the only real use I've seen are weed smokers who don't want to smell bad.

all of sociology is wrong

kek I knew Anon Babble housed some loco's but you're next level my guy


Yes. In some of them the battery is even submerged in the vape juice.

this is very obviously wrong and it's you don't interact with young people then
I have many friends that are very different from myself and it's not because we all use social media that we're all the same somehow

benefit of nicotine high with less health consequences? What is there not to like?

meant to say "it's obvious"

inhaling cancer stick

do npc sheep zoomers really
just because the "cool" kids do it, doesn't mean you have to do it too, Ryan

> all of sociology is wrong

quite literally yes, its a made up subject thats completely fake, psychology is less so but is still snakey
sociology is not "science" and never will be

well what is or isn't science is debatable I guess
sociology is literally just studying data about large groups of people though? How is that fake?

most sociology is just think-pieces and is really just the writer's own narrative that they "think" they see in some data
the worst part is that most so called "studies" released dont even account for correlation not equaling causation, im not saying studies are fake, but the practice of "making sense of the data" that is sociology is mostly a sham
out of all the "decent" low amount of data/studies out there, there isnt a lot of narratives and ideas in them, rather just pure cold data that is left for the viewer to interpret, though this has nothing to do with sociology but rather just statistics

Well I think in most fields you have people doing silly work but to call a whole field of research fake is very deranged and flat earth level thinking

just because the "cool" kids do it

This is what triggers me about vaping: it's not even cool.
Cigarettes are cool.
Cigars are somewhat cool.
Pipes aren't cool.
Vapes are gay.

If you're going to follow some dumb trend at least pick something that make you look badass, don't stick a colorful piece of plastic with candy smell in your mouth ffs.
Young people used to look down on old people for being uncool.
But today it's the other way around.

how is vaping less cool than smoking?
I think you're the type of person that thinks they've slam dunked a nerd when they point out that they're drinking cola instead of beer at a party

muh flat earthers, the whole field is fake how about that? what you gon do about it?
philosophy, sociology and psychology are MEMES
owned and dunked on, dont bother replying as i already accept your concession.

Imagine a Tarantino movie except everyone vapes instead of smokes.

buying disposable vapes is literal npc behaviour

yeah and they're the big cloud producing vapes the size of a gameboy. that would be hilarious