And its fucking disgusting.
Women voters only want one thing
women want bad ai agitprop?
Republicans before the child is born
Republicans after the child is born
use condoms
wow that was hard
Its a real dead fetus. That's what your evil deed really is. And you deserve to have your wicked face rubbed in it.
Prove it
it's none of your business faggot
Rapist chose not to use a condom
"Pro life" fags don't actually care about children, they just want to control everyones sex lives and bodies
they are weird control freaks with a psychological compulsion about group identity
I've only been saying this exact thing for 15 fucking years. people don't want to admit the truth.
So abortion isn’t real and just something made up by AI? I knew left wingers build their entire personality around denying reality but damn
Literally no republican says that. This just shows how sociopathic and disingenuous democrats are trying to justify child murder
It is a lousy world, I live a lousy life
I think I oughta stab you in the stomach with a knife
Or push you down a flight of steps until you fall and break ya neck
Did a little damage, can you manage a miscarriage?
It's just another embryo attached to an umbilical
You can let that baby grow, but I'd kill it though
here's your baby sir
b-b-but whatabout extremely outlier cases
Most abortions aren’t due to rape. Try again, child murderer
nooooo people who want to stop child murder don't care about them. It is I who want to outright murder them care about them more hehe
moralfagging on Anon Babble
child murder
majority of abortions take place under 12 weeks. a 12 week fetus is not a person.
Thanks for being honest about your psychopathic nature, pro-choice trash
Life begins at conception.
You are retarded
The symptons of insanity have me going Psycho. Friday the 13th just like Michael.
the worst part of the internet is more moral than your average left winger
these women are sick and shouldn't be allowed to have children, and they're removing themselves from the gene pool voluntarily, but you want to stop that from happening?
You just want more poor babies so you can fuck them pedo.
Infanticide is part of human history. It's part of our proud Western culture
only 1% of abortions are due to rape
condom failure alone leads to 15x more pregnancies than rape, and most of these people getting abortions don't even use condoms.
this is a pretty tame part of the internet even with turds like you floating around in the chop
right-wingers want to bring back the other ancient human tradition purchasing infants and raising them into slaves for sex or whatever
not true, life begins at sperm creation, every emmission is murder of millions of lives, to create one more complicated life.
Legal life begins at birth. We don't get social security cards for the unborn.
Fuck off back to Russia, Faggot.
yea they see the left already doing it today and feel like they're missing out I guess.
no u
death to russia btw
Keep the baby and kill the demon that posted
only 1% of abortions are due to rape
Not raising an unwanted or unaffordable kid is not disgusting. It's the only way to save the world from dying from overpopulation. Dumb religitards oppose it because they want overpopulation or the bible will be a llie.
child murderer
pine cones are not trees, retardlican
The baby cute wdym
Legal life begins at birth.
no, actually, in most places it legally begins sometime around the third trimester, i.e. when the baby has a nervous system and can survive outside the womb.
are you ukranian? is that why you care about russia so much that you interject it off topic into all your posts?
If it’d lived it would’ve grown up to be some fat hamburger eating tik tok watching loser so who gives a shit.
it's one post unless you're stalking me which is cute and something russians would do
Life begins at conception.
During the time of the Bible, people believed life began at birth. Killing a woman was punished by death, but aborting her unborn fetus would only result in a small fine.
some fucking south korean faggot actor talking about American politics, you know it's another RUSSIAN shill thread
Why would you want to make a life life, in this world we livin
Love ain't worth a dime, so then you nothin to give him
The baby has no father, he ran out on the mother
So raise him as cannibal to be like Jeffrey Dahmer
Sure, say I agree with you. But I also think you should have to look at what you did at the end of it. Just like this picture, to know the weight and consequence of your actions. This is no small decision you're making.
we just don't know what kind of life it could have led. it could have grown up to change the world for the better by finishing what hitler started. i think that's the real reason jews promote abortion among whites so much.
there are like half a dozen posts ITT with you or another of your fellow shills/schizos screeching about russia when nobody mentioned anything about geopolitics at all.
So is that when the government issues a birth certificate, social security card and other legal documents? You’re full of shit.
I'd wager a guess you'd ought to kill yourself then, yeah?
it's the latest possible time when you're legally charged with murder for trying to abort it, retard.
If you like losing, well you’re on Anon Babble, so… if you really believe Trump’s going to win you should bet everything you own on Trump winning, but you don’t and he won’t.
You aren't a good troll
you shouldn't be surprised because women are retarded and most if not all are immoral but i don't really care for abortion because i'm not especially a moral person either. i'm pro eugenics, screening embryos for iq in ivf procedures and sterilizing or genociding all >105 iq humans.
The unborn also don't count toward using carpool lanes.
Found the jewbot
How about you completely fuck off from the lives of free americans instead?
Exactly, it shouldn't be a state federal or community decision. Just know you're a cunt for doing it. Exactly I'm glad you get it.
ectopic fetus
Yes retard, fetuses die in the womb fairly often, and when they do, they need to be removed or they also kill the mother. Leaving that dead corpse inside a mother until both the fetus and the mother are dead is what you mindless fucking zombies have required by law becaure you're driven by an oversimplified ideology of black & white absurdity and not by reality.
All the death being suffered is on you fucks and I cant wait to make the deadly consequences of your actions just as real for you goddamn medievally stupid hicks and hayseeds as you've made it for everyone else.
death to russia
Hitler should have destroyed all of them when he had a chance
You're a cunt for trying to make any of it your business. Fuck off.
So mad because we agree that the law shouldn't be involved, but I personally wouldn't do it? You're the problem.
You're the only one that thinks it's a problem.
Your mental gymnastics are so fucking stupid.
Hitler failed and died like a pussy bitch, you worthless Jewkrainian neo Nazi femboy
You think it's a problem that I wouldn't do it. But agree with you on the government and everyone else staying out of yours and my decisions. And I'm fucking stupid according to you?
Is there such a thing as an 'electric nigger' like a nigger that can use electric type attacks?
Lmfao, obvious AI pic is obvious. Fully formed fingers? No umbilical cord? No bones? You have to be ultra retarded to think this is real. Also, women don't abort at like 8-9 months, they abort as soon as they know about it, or they don't. No one is just like "Hmmm, let me wait until this is fully developed enough so I can be as sadistic as possible". Doesn't happen, you're a dipshit if you think it does.
Abortion isn't a problem. Period.
No you dumb nigger I’m not Laura Loomer
Exactly, you're a problem for not seeing that other people may see it as a problem. But they don't give a shit if you're lineage dies out or the whores who kill their kids do. Just like the trannies that wanna castrate themselves, let them all do it. Weed themselves out, you're taking care of the problem for the rest of world. No one should have a problem with this. You shouldn't breed to begin with.
A tranny's life is worth more than a aborted fetus
Pro Life ends at birth.
Actually, most people that have abortions have children later, when they can afford to give them a non-3rd world-life.
Your genetic propulgation argument is pure nazi. Again, keep in mind your opinion is unnecessary and unwanted.
You are not a woman. Go play with your penis and stfu nigger.
Women are not smart enough to vote.
they just want to control everyones sex lives and bodies
This shit stopped being valid when the same cunts tried to force a vaccine mandate. So much for "my body my choice" right? Not like that ever existed for men in the first place.
instead of being greatful you didn't end up like it you post this. sounds like you're jealous on a dead clump of cells
There's too many goddamn people in this world already, so if a woman wants an abortion, she's doing us a favor. In fact, we should have more abortions. Anyone on public assistance should be encouraged to have one.
And if a woman says she's unfit to be a mother, guess what, she's right. Why bring another unwanted child into this world only to be neglected and end up out on the street?
The people who do all the abortions track that shit. Vast majority are from consenting adults who couldn't refrain from bumping genitals together.
Unless pregnancy is communicable, you are a fucking retard.
Based. I wouldn't wear a condom either
Imagine how much better the world would be if trump's parents had an abortion.
You're reddit spacing betrays you. How do dare you gender someone by the way.
How do dare you gender someone by the way.
Literally no one says this
If a woman has an abortion she'd be a terrible mother.
That said downies and niggers are a waste of time.
Trump wants to erase most taxes, make the economy stronger so your dollar buys more, then you won't have to beg for handouts because work will be plentiful. If work is plentiful and you still need handouts, you're likely a fucking bum.
donutchan aborted that late
lol, "child murder". First it's fetuses, then it's babies, now it's children. Little, six week fetuses the size of a pinhead are children.
Does this work? Is that how they got you to go crazy?
Fuck Trump and fuck pro-life churchlady faggots of christ or whatever you are. It's gay that Anon Babble moved to the right. Go back to facebook and sell your shit there.
Your stupid shit betrays you.
I'm over 50. I'll die before I have to learn that gender shit.
When the faggots start pulling out a grammar error you know they don't have shit left
Progressives are basically Jews. They don't care about the proliferation of evil.
Imagine being this stupid.
Killing unborn children is objectively psychotic. Nobody should take progressives seriously, and the only reason people do is because Jews control mainstream media and academia in the United States and most people are programmable NPCs.
he says that, as his programming tells him to type that, knowing he must recruit more followers to its side
zygotes aren't children.
Might as well call unfertilized egg an unborn child.
Get fucked retard.
killing unborn children is healthcare!
Go ahead and play your Jewish word games. Everyone intuitively knows abortion is repugnant.
I am genuinely puzzled at how they managed to make it a federal election issue honestly.
Dobbs made it quite clear that there's no federal constitutional interest in abortion per se, which just leaves the Federal Government with essentially its commerce clause interest, which is quite minimal, like some FDA approval stuff.
For the most part, barring a constitutional amendment or a novel case reaching SCOTUS (neither of which is relevant to a federal election), this is firmly a state issue. Leave it there.
muh jewish word games
unborn child
do go on, dumbass.
It's just a dog and pony show to distract the goyim from the fact that Trump was selected to lead the US war with Iran for Israel.
Killing unborn children is the most accurate description of what abortion is. It's kikebrains like you who trip over yourselves trying to find euphemisms for it.
Close your legs. Problem solved.
Nope. It's a fetus.
Or go fuck yourself and shut the fuck up.
Nope. You're a kike.
They're saving those for the illegal aliens.
more jewish word games in latin
Oh sweet summer child...
Changed the subject. ha, you got rekt.
show your neckbeard face
If more women did that, there wouldn't be any abortions.
Jews still seething about Jesus so bad after 1900 years they had to draw a O instead of an X because the X looked too much like a cross.
shill got rekt. time for him/her/it to flood the thread with slopaganda.
greentext will save me!
But only Jesus can save kikebrained degenerates like you.
Anon Babble moved to the right
Absolute newfaggotry
A fetus isn't alive but single celled bacteria on Mars would be life
Leftists are too stupid to live
can't we all just agree that twins are hot af when they're adults and hot chicks like picrel link?
It's not too late to repent. Also, how did you get that picture of me?
i live inside your walls
I highly doubt it
It did move to the right. If you were here in 2009 you'd know that. But you've only been here since Trump has been a politician.
You're the newest newfag that ever newfagged if you don't understand this.
I just quoted you lmfao. Made no comment on your grammar.