I bought some psilocybin mushrooms from a grey market dispensary in Toronto but I'm too afraid to use them. Convince me to throw them in the garbage.
I bought some psilocybin mushrooms from a grey market dispensary in Toronto but I'm too afraid to use them...
Cook them in a nice pasta dish
don't worry about tossing them, some glowing gentlemen are on their way to help you out
you'll probably be fine cause mushrooms aren't as powerful as acid and won't last as long, but i would caution against taking anything you're not confident in because even if they're good shrooms your suspicions could cause a bad trip.
Why not try to sell them yourself? If you aren't a complete pussy just take a small amount and see how it affects you.
what's the worst that could happen? you die?
i certainly don't care about that.
Just eat the shrooms and play some Mario.
dont do drugs. its for cringe "dude weed" retards like seth rogan. you dont want to be like seth rogan do you?
shut up you fucking nerd go read the dictionary
Brother buy some grapes, brew some tea, turn on your lava lamp, put on Radiohead's In Rainbows as the trip's coming on, and just enjoy the ride for a few hours.
If you're truly scared and want a way out, antipsychotics like quetiapine pretty quickly end a trip and make you fall asleep. Works much better than benzos in my experience.
Just don't smoke weed when taking psychedelics like shrooms or LSD. You can feel like you're caught in a disorienting time loop while experiencing severe dysphoria. I've talked to multiple people who also experienced this, so I always try and warn people about it.
Don’t throw them. They’re awesome. But if you’ve never done them before, you should really have someone you trust with you and start with a small dose.
Radiohead's In Rainbows
who wants to have a sad sack depressed faggot trip
Show picture of the mushrooms, timestamp included.
Eating mushrooms is intentionally food poisoning yourself. If they're bad it could make you sick but maybe you can just force yourself to throw up or something.
You gotta chew them for like 10 minutes. Then they'll kick in. Make sure your neighbors are cool with loud noises, I ended up yelling randomly.
I ended up playing Tokyo jungle. What a crazy time.
don't listen to any of these pussies down the whole bag right now and jump right into the deep end
When I took my first tab I did 150ug and then I threw in another 150ug and then we drank 3 or 4 beers and then I went out to get some weed and then we did gravity bongs and it only got fun when we hit the bongs, like, real fun
Good evening Anon Babble I just shitted then I farded and had to get my car restarted AMA
try killing yourself instead
lmao mushrooms are anti habit forming
Great thread, Redditfrog.
lmao mushrooms cure suicide depression
This thread is awesome!
A gram or two of mushies and a bunch of weed = maximum comfy.
I need to get some growing again. Mushrooms are real easy and cheap to grow too.
Mushrooms aren't drugs. They're mushrooms.
poke them down your jap's eye for all I care, crippledick
is it legal
quit being a pussy and just eat 'em. make sure you lock all the knives and other sharp objects in a drawer or safe or something, though.
agreed or just invite over a buddy to safekeep them
If you're too much of a pussy to take a trip dose, you might as well microdose the stuff and get some cognitive benefits.
Its canada retard, their feds dont give a fuck!
Its not a rare commodity in canada, hes not gonna make money flipping an item with a short shelf life outside of vaccuum packing
Throw it in the garbage.
If hes not listening to psychedelic death metal idgaf
Those mushrooms belong in the refuse bin
Mushrooms are not worth it put them in the rubbish bin
Pretty rare for mushrooms to be fatal. You should be able to visually identify whether or not they are what they are supposed to be.
I reccomend females avoid psychedelics
Id never accept any females who do psychedelics.
I really dont give a fuck what u do with shrooms. But if youre not excited to do it, dont. Itll be a bad time if youre not into it and have faith in it
Group ethos
Cooking destroys the active ingredient
They dont rehydrate well.
Eating mushrooms is not cool
The nutritional value is minimal, but a starter as a fungal bed can increase fertility of the landfill soil
Bad logoths
Mushrooms are okay, but imo LSD is better. The second time I did shrooms felt more like a bout of psychosis than a regular trip. On the otherhand, every time I've done LSD it just gave me cool visual halucinations, rainbow after images, flowing/melting patterns, etc.
Make a tea. It's the least pukey way to try mushrooms. If you didn't get strength/dosing directions from the seller, you probably should just toss them though.
Tokyo Jungle
fantastic and criminally underrated game
not the anon you replied to but i am more of a psychedelic grindcore guy.
it feels like falling into the atmosphere of Jupiter while being immortal
convince me
Okay. You’re a weak faggot perceptive enough to understand the benefit of altering your consciousness for a limited period with non-toxic, completely natural foodstuffs that have extensive clinical and anecdotal data available for review so you turn to the defacto porn section of a notorious anonymous anime forum for their opinions
KYS you kike nigger faggot cocksucker
KYS you buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
you tellum! you tellum good!
I bought something deliberately
And now i don't want to use it PLEASE HEEEEEELP
Lmao you are by far the biggest low IQ retard of the whole Anon Babble.
eat 5g
experience ego death
Two words: lemontek
drugs is bad. sometimes you feel connected to the universe and can speak psychically and have other super powers but for real they make you more okay with things being bad. hakuna matata.. no no hakuna matata. Don't kill yourself. Do drugs if you have to but try to actually don't do drugs.
For mushrooms and hallucinogens in general the answer is simple: it depends on your mood, your sensitivity and your mentality. From your post i can see that you are naturally an anxious and paranoid person so i STRONGLY advise you to DON'T take this shit, because mushrooms/hallucinogens can cause exterme anxiety and panic, which can give you heart attacks or suicidal thoughts. Someone in my city jumped out of a window (from 15th floor) after taking mushrooms, he died obviously.
If you are in a cool mood then you will have cool hallucinations. A friend told me that he saw a cute little dragon flying around him. He also told me that he was able to "see" sounds, he saw vibrations all around him. He also saw a lot of colors everywhere, transforming into different geometric shapes.
BUT i also heard many testimonies of people who have took mushrooms/hallucinogens in a bad mood. A sad, anxious or depressed mood. And they ALL told me that it was the most terrifying experience of their lives, they all ended up in serious condition in hospital.
A guy i know saw dark ghosts, hanging corpses and dark silhouettes around him that looked like skeletons, for HOURS, he called an ambulance crying like a child.
Another guy i know not directly (friend of a friend) who is a muscular thug member of a gang (so not a wimp, more a bad guy) left his house and ran naked in street bleeding because he said he was chased by giant spiders. He got hurt badly falling off his balcony and ended up in a psychiatric hospital for weeks. Because yes, this shit can fucked up your brain and send you in a psychiatric hospital. There are also time alterations that can be terrible, a minute can be perceived as lasting 3 hours and all testimonies I've heard about it confirm that this shit is TERRIFYING.
So yeah, it all depends on your mood. But you seem to me to be a naturally stressed guy so DON'T take this shit and never buy this again.
try to actually don't do drugs
not op but it's too late for me, i am drinking alcohol as we speak
If they were grown in doors. They're safe. If they're wild picked throw them into the garbage.
Weed and mushrooms are not comparable
you could eat a small amount and probably feel pretty decent, there may be a little queasiness even with a small amount but the nausea of larger doses
doing 1g of mushrooms is better than doing 4g imo
i've done 7g dried in one sesh and microdosing is best
The entire concept is such a fucking trip on shrooms. Too bad it's so janky and action oriented.
I'm a veteran souls player but You lose all coordination when high, so I didn't progress very far.
I'm an anxious guy, but only socially, I can handle a high by myself better than if I was with someone else.
My first time taking acid was stupidly done at a workplace Christmas party. I really don't have a clue what the fuck I was thinking. I felt like I was there for 3 hours, and so much happened it made my head spin. Eventually I left because cops were called on people smoking weed (when it was illegal) and felt it was gross how the 40 year olds were hitting on the 16 year old part time girls.
When I got home a coworker texted me asking where I went. I told her it was 3 hours so it was time to go
She said I was only there for 40 min.
Never really did psychics after that. Sometime I think about that guy who went to Mecca on 3 tabs and wonder about how he felt.
I had or maybe still have that game. I played a good bit of it. Always wanted a super race of Pomeranians.