Walk into your bedroom

Walk into your bedroom

You find Kamala Harris on your bed

Wat do???

Kamala Harris.jpg - 480x600, 62.05K

Vote for her

Tell her shes got my vote and ask if I could suck her toes

Vote for her

I think you truly do not understand how different the numbers are outside of the US. I make around 60k per year pre-tax, but that's about 40k per year post-tax. As it happens, currently I live like a rodent and own a shitty little flat. So I can live on 12k per year, just about. This leaves me with 26k per year in savings. So, I can more or less match these FIRE calculations.

But this is only the case because I'm a lifeless incel substisting on the bare minimum, I literally only work and sleep. If I ever want to have things like a family or even a car or a nicer flat or eat at restaurants that goes out the window and I will live hand to mouth.

For this country, in terms of salary I'm in the top 20% and in terms of monthly savings I'm fairly certain I'm in the top 10% or more. So yes, I can retire one day, assuming I live in an old one-bedroom flat alone and eat beans until I'm 50 (and then I'll have barely enough to not work but continue that lifestyle until I gracelessly expire).

Here, it's supposed to be part of the social contract that you pay out your ass in taxes but the state has you covered for retirement, sickness, family and education. Unfortunately that turned out to be a pyramid scheme that is collapsing as we speak, and I think the people here don't fully understand it. Or if they do, I'm disappointed that they're not turning boomers into mincemeat. Taxes are higher than ever but the public systems are largely unavailable and this will only become worse.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

So you'd walk into her again? Go back to math class you retard...


red state education at its finest

She's the lesser of two evils.

Based on what?

I ask her how she got in. If she starts giving me the "middle class kid" speech, I throw her out the window

how does the bait taste?



Evidence. Shit the left usually has.

Evidence about what?

She doesn't constantly attack Americans, might actually address immigration better than trump, she puts people in jail and uses prisoners to fight fires in California, also she will finally put an end to the Trump vs Biden era, uhh there's the tax cuts for the middle-class too. She acts sane and isn't obsessed with Republicans like Republicans are obsessed with trannies, there's more reasons but I'm not trying to persuade anyone on this shit board

She also points out that corporations are inflating their prices artificially while fear mongering about inflation, it's nice that someone is targeting big corpos

All the people I think are retarded end up voting for trump too like Fox, Elon, MAP Walsh, etc

The shit things Trump has said and done vs Kamala

regardless of politics I wouod eat that pussy for days.

8 the b8

Wat do???

First thing I do is check my bank account to make sure her deposit went through. Second, I check to see what color her suit is. If she's wearing a blue suit, I dip my scrotum in cocaine and rub them all over her face for about an hour until she's snorted and huffed all the Colombian marching powder that has mixed with my ballsweat. If she's wearing a gray suit, I push my dick up her ass and fill her bowels with piss (it can be difficult to pee with an erection so I try to do this while flaccid. It's usually not a problem given how immensely cavernous her shitter is). If she's wearing a black suit that means she wants the 'ol Rusty Trombone, usually culminating with me taking a gigantic shit right in her mouth. If she's not wearing a suit at all, I kindly ask her to put her clothes back on.

And then... I don't know. I guess I go get drunk and try to dull the pain of having to do this every week. Michelle Obama never made me shit in her mouth, I can tell you that much.

She doesn't constantly attack American

She literally just disrespected christians, christians are americans last time I checked.

might actually address immigration better than trump

That doesn't make any sense, she was fine with the border situation under Biden until Biden made new border policies months before stepping down.

she puts people in jail and uses prisoners to fight fires in California

That's called slavery

also she will finally put an end to the Trump vs Biden era

Same can be said when Trump wins.

there's the tax cuts for the middle-class too

That means she doesn't care about the lower class suffering because the illegals are also lower class since they won't get rid of them.

She acts sane and isn't obsessed with Republicans like Republicans are obsessed with trannies

I have no problem posting a bunch of videos to prove you wrong but I do recommend you check out the youtube channel memology 101 sometime.

there's more reasons but I'm not trying to persuade anyone on this shit board

Well no, because you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

What has Trump said that you didn't like? Kamala just insulted a bunch of christians.


Don't care, didn't ask lol just giving you my reasons

oh we know you don't care, that's kind of the problem here.

Suck my dick? Don't know what you want out of this thread, why should I care about Trump? I have more reasons to vote Kamala

I don't understand, Kamala hasn't done anything.

Good. Christians are dumb, hypocritical faggots


And Trump hasn't either, his legacy was covid failure and BLM coverage

So you want people to repect trannies and gays but not christians?

Neither of your statments are true though.
Do you have any proof to your claims?

Trannies and fags are unironically more respectable than christcucks

Based on what?

He was president during covid and BLM, there's your proof. Also vice presidents have less power than the president but you might be too stupid to understand that

Fuck Christmas, and fuck those pedophile Christians too. Bunch a kid fucking weirdos.

This... Can actually have a combo with a tranny, can't talk about shit around evangelical retards without being asked if I want to pray with them

show me a christian and i'll show you a pedophile

He was president during covid and BLM

Ok? Not getting your point. What did he do wrong?

Also vice presidents have less power than the president but you might be too stupid to understand that

Vice presidents do have power though so not getting your point.

Show me a tranny and I'll show you one too. What's your point? Pedophiles are everywhere.

everyone in the church is a pedophile.

Covid wasn't fixed until Biden came into office, Trump just riled up BLM protests instead of trying to calm shit down. He just took a photoshoot with a reverse bible during the time while gasing your beloved christians at the church

You're just asking a bunch of dumb fuck questions because you can't give me actual reasons to vote for trump. Still waiting on you

based on one being a bunch of groomers and pedophiles and the other being queer.

You know what I find funny?
People always go on about the pastors and the choir boys and always want to point and say it's because of christians.
When in reality, it was a gay pedophile pretending to be christian.
But you don't focus on that part, why?

Should you be arguing about the age of consent, pedo?

put on my lipsticks and wig

See Covid hasn't been "fixed" retard, what are you talking about? He's a bad person for taking pictures with christians? What the fuck is wrong with you?

christians deserve to be insulted. bunch of kid rapists that think they can get away with anything as long as their sky daddy says so. surprising that he always does say it's fine to keep raping children. can't be a christian without being a child rapist.

Did you reply to the wrong person?

Remember that part of the Bible where the apostles saw a naked boy running out of Jesus' tent?

Pedophile end up being conservative and religious to mask their pedophilia? No waaaaaay it's like the entire GOP

If a guy rapes a boy. That's a gay man raping a boy.
Gays are pedophiles too.

So every single person in the church are just gay pretending to be pedophiles?

He gases the Christians and held the Bible upside down, I don't care but that's what he did..what's wrong with you? Gassing christians and turning the holy bible upside down

shit, I meant pretending to be christians. The words mean the same thing so it's easy to confuse them.

Lol wait a minute
You're really going to sit here and claim they are pedophiles because they're christians but NOT because they're gays that are attracted to little boys?

Whoever OP is

Holding the bible upside down doesn't mean anything though. What are you talking about?

orange man bad

hitler too

oops dementia, you like the gigglenigger now

vote demoncraps to save demoncracy

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i was only pretending to be christian

When your messiah is the result of your god impregnating a 12yo, you're going to get a lot of weirdoes wanting to be priests.

I don't know man, seems like the correlation to pedophilia is the christian part.

death to russia

All the pedophiles adopt conservative values, yes. They like control over children and women and they're all self hating and closeted until they get caught

Just speaking facts, moron

pretty sure a gay guy fucked a little kid in a church because he was fucking gay

Still waiting on you to give me reasons to vote for trump. I already answered your retarded questions and I'm still voting Kamala kek

This is the saddest propaganda campaign I've ever seen.

and those priests raped every child they could get their hands on. boys, girls, babies, probably fucked dogs too.

Cope. Even your God is a pedophile.

I would tell her I will vote for her if she shows me her spread pussy.
Lurk more, newfag

lol, just the one guy and not every single pastor to ever exist? might want to off yourself pedo defender.

It fell apart as soon as Kamala stepped up. God bless her kek

His first term went good. He actually cared about the border. He actually attends to things he doesn't have to. He talks to everyday folks.
We were on good terms with our enemies. He backed actual middle class people and cared about workers and fair trade.

Jesus loves the little childrennnnnnn!

And because he knew he would be supported by his peers.

Salute the president of the united states?

Your god


No, the joke and the assumption of christians being pedophiles starting about pastors molesting choir boys.
It's usually because of gays.

No it didn't, where's his wall? Why is he sucking Putin and NKorean's dick more than the Americans at home? Why did he lose in 2020?

honestly. they never get more than a slap on the wrist for slapping their cocks on a child.

peace and goodwill to libshits

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I thought it started with pastors raping every child they could since the dawn of this pedophile religion?

That's odd because Kamala wants to continue support for Jews. How's that logic working for you?

Wall was partly built but Biden took office, ruined Trump's border laws and hired Alejandro Nicolas Mayorkas (a democrat) and has historically failing at his job for homeland security ever since.

That doesn't even make sense. pastors weren't a thing until much later in history.

Make Russia Communist Again.

So he didn't do what he said he was gonna do? If he was a good president he would've had a second term like every president in the last 40 years

Kind of hard to finish something if you're not in position of power to do it anymore.

He lost? Awww he has 4 years to do it, would've been 8 if he didn't fail Americans

Both of them support the Jews.
Hell, Christianity is just an offshoot of Judaism.

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He didn't fail americans, he failed the people who want to be gay and believe in weirdo cultist shit that don't care about America or it's safety to begin with.

Christians are just Muslims and Jews

so first they started raping the children, following after Jesus's lead, then formed the child rapist pastors?

He failed his own supporters?

well i always wanted to fuck a president but i'm not gay so i guess Kamala is the way

Are you ever going to make a point? You're just saying random nonsense that makes little to no sense. You act like christians are a different race of people or something. There's pedophiles everywhere. Your logic is nonsense.

well at least it's not Tulsi or Pelosi


Don't forget that if you have a child without intercourse and the wife has another husband then their God is probably a cuck

I never said that though. You're just trying to be rude because you don't really have anything bad to say about Trump.

That doesn't even make sense, you're not even saying the story right.


commie shirt


The difference being what? Liberals want communism.

And yet he lost in 2020 over mishandling COVID

pedophiles everywhere? yeah, and they're concentrated in the church.

How did he mishandle COVID?

so does one become this powerfully stupid?

No, that's you just dunking on people because you don't want to admit to the teachers and coaches that are pedos too.

I said nothing wrong.

It's a cuck... Sorry, if you're taking care of your "son" and your wife's husband, that's pretty cucked.. Mary didn't have intercourse with him either lmao

are you saying people in the church don't have other jobs? are you fucking retarded pedo defender?

Liberals believe strongly in private enterprise, free expression, and strong property rights and are generally anti-anti establishment, anti-radicalism, anti-violence and extremism

brain worms.

Not answering more dumbfuck questions, it's on you to give me reasons to vote for trump. Still voting Kamala

how did he not? there were 9/11 levels of deaths every day.

it's been misused to death to the point where you are kind of right but liberals are technically just center left, like neo cons of the right, tankies, progressives, commies, and leftists are the anti-american bunch that want communism and they hate people like Biden/Harris for not being far left enough

Again that doesn't make sense. You don't even know the story right. Just stop being retarded.

There's a difference between people working for the church and willing to violenteer for the church.

Free expression

unless it's for christians apparently.

You haven't proven me wrong yet.

Why not answer me? What did he do wrong about COVID?

There's 9/11 levels of death everday for alot of things. You're not making any sense.

He's a narcissist who wears too much fake tan.
And the only people who actually like him are guys who are so deep in the closet that they're friends with Aslan.

She made a snarky remark against people heckling her rally with "Jesus loves you" shit. Trump has recently been ousted saying "It doesn't cost that much to bury a fucking Mexican!" In private, when referring to an Army woman who was killed by her own. The funeral costs were $60,000, and although he offered to pay in public, when the bill was sent, he didn't pay it.

Because you're constantly asking stupid questions, already answered like 15 of them. Its more entertaining to watch you flail after

libs don't want communism, that's a lefty/leftist/tankies. Libs believe there's a place for all ideas and peoples, leftists believe in re-education camps

Misuse what? i know liberals that want communism and I've seen videos on youtube of liberals supporting communism.

And she makes up pretend accents when she visits different parts of the country, the fuck is your point?

Let her put my chud cock in chastity.

There's a difference between people working for the church and willing to violenteer for the church.

and they're both pedophiles. what's your point?

Jesus was conceived without his dad having sex... And his mom has another husband..that's just fact.

Free expression

unless it's for christians apparently.

those pedophiles should not be allowed to express themselves. shouldn't even be allowed in public, or within 500 feet of a schoolzone.

There's 9/11 levels of death everday for alot of things. You're not making any sense.

are you retarded?

unless it's for christians apparently.

don't be ridiculous, there are millions of center left christians, they just don't care sharing a spotlight for other religions and ideas because it doesn't affect them or their faith

if a liberal supports communism they aren't liberal, they are hiding their power level and they are actually leftists or tankies.
but this all depends on what you believe communism is, so it just might you are a retard

1000000000% retardation
if they weren't retarded they'd at least be a liberal

communism is by definition an illiberal ideology, there is no such thing as a liberal communist, that has never been a identity people have gone by

How can I flail when you won't even answer something you apparently hated? You won't even tell me how he handled covid badly.

We both know it's boiled down to democrats or republican. You're either with Harris or with Trump, that simple.

You're just saying more nonsense. is this how you think debating works? Pedophiles are everywhere. Trannies have proven to be pedophiles too, where's the outrage?

Yes they do, Kamala is showing it right now.

No, first of all back then there was no "second husband". Secondly, Mary was knocked up by an angel sent by God. Fucking hell you're dumb even in your lame jokes.

Saying all christians are pedophiles but ignoring pedophiles everywhere else makes you the problem.

How many people died from Covid in America? What could Trump have done to prevent all those deaths exactly?

Actually that's not true at all. i hate to break it to you but there's a DAMN good reason why Detroit LGBTQ cult and the Muslim community is butting heads. coexistence is nonsense.


>commie shirt


Sure, kid.

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I'm telling you what they're saying you fucking idiots.

Already answered it, you're just asking questions to everyone in the thread cause it's your coping mechanism, I don't need to entertain it

I don't know which reply you are or what you apparently answered.

How many people died from Covid in America? What could Trump have done to prevent all those deaths exactly?

literally his fucking job

Angels don't have chromosomes so Jesus would've been a tranny with XX genes. God is still a cuck that watched Jesus from a distance... Tell me the story if you disagree

Saying all christians are pedophiles but ignoring pedophiles everywhere else makes you the problem.

whatever you say pedo defender. child raping fuck.

Maybe limit the questions your asking if you can't tell which ones are being answered

Yes they do, Kamala is showing it right now.

By... campaigning?

Sharing and talking about this dumb thick latina whore with based MAGA anons that wanna degrade her

Jyezern on Kik or discord

We both know it's boiled down to democrats or republican. You're either with Harris or with Trump, that simple.

yes every 4 years that's the case but then you could say groypers and israeli shills are both the same because at the end of the day they vote republican. it's reductive, they are not the same even if they will ultimately vote the same on the general election

also Harris has no far left support at all, in fact the commies fucking despie Harris and call her a fascist conservative just as much as the right calls Harris a commie. They are brain broken on Palestine that they want Democrats to lose. Liberals make up most of the establishment Dems and are generally pro Democrat, Leftists hate the Dems, they don't even like AOC because she's a sellout who stopped being as radical

Ok? What did you want him to do but he didn't do?

God can't be a cuck, that doesn't even make sense. Are you just being edgy on purpose?

Or you could grow up and just tell me instead of acting like a teenager

You're just saying more nonsense. is this how you think debating works? Pedophiles are everywhere. Trannies have proven to be pedophiles too, where's the outrage?

are you mad that i'm outraged at the pedophile organization and not mad at these fake trannies you keep bringing up? whoever they were, they were probably christians pretending to be trans so their child raping behaviours would make the queer community look bad.

you don't realize how many times democrats send that meme to radical leftists

his fucking job.

Ok, how about you google what a vice president can do and not waste my time.

No, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy

See? You kids can't communicate worth a shit. You just say shit in circles. I wanted actual detailed examples you obnoxious autistic fuck.

Answer my repeat questions!

Sure he can, Mary has a human husband, Jesus is God's "son" without having intercourse. XX chromosomes and two dads, one more absent than the other kek

Ok, how about you google what a vice president can do and not waste my time

I'll do you one better, you tell ME what the VP has EVER done with their political power in ALL of US history. You're not allowed to reply until you do.

There have been eight vice presidents who took over when the former president.

See? You kids can't communicate worth a shit. You just say shit in circles. I wanted actual detailed examples you obnoxious autistic fuck.

google what his job moron

Sorry Meant 8 vice presidents took over when the former presidents passed or unable to fulfill their duty

No, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy

sure you are pedo defender

Holy shit, are you autistic?
You keep saying you wanted him to do his job about COVID. ok, he did do his job, what did you want him to specifically do?

You're not allowed to reply until you do.

look at this retard.

lol, he did his job? are you retarded?

I am, you're just biased
According to you if a teacher molests a kid you don't seem to mind but if a pastor does it all of the sudden you hate all christians.

if a teacher rapes a kid they're probably involved with a church.

What would you have wanted him to do about COVID? Be specific, this isn't that complicated.

Trump didn't do anything and there's no reasons to vote for him, prove me wrong

I hate all pedos. If that includes all christians so be it.

His job.

not send rate COVID testing machines to Putin
that's a pretty easy one

It's kumala whoreass, OP.

Look at you idiots, you failed to actually have a discussion once being asked questions so you resort to shitposting and replying in a infinite circle of nonsense.
No wonder why you vote for Harris, you're just as fucking stupid as she is.

Churches love to hide their dirty secrets like abusive husbands and pedos and antivax moms with dead kids

attracted to little boys


There's no evidence the vaccines actually work
Fauci has admitted that the protocols in place and even the masks were nonsense.

look at this retard thinking he deserves a thoughtout answer. why bother? you're a pedo defender, barely even human.

Waah people are calling me retarded

You're the definition of a laughing stock

There's no evidence the vaccines actually work

yo, this bitch has never heard of polio

He's an antivaxer too

Makes sense since you're a pedo

You only act like this because you're brainwashed

I obviously meant about Covid you ADHD dipshit.

You only act like this because you're brainwashed

merely pretending to be retarded you see.

It's comedy with the elections days away

cases of polio actually rose after the vaccine

I obviously meant about Covid you ADHD dipshit.

sure, Jan. and everyone that got the vaccine is going to die from it right? any day now they'll all start dropping like flies.


Now prove it's related.

a person or thing subjected to general mockery or ridicule

Feel free to hear Fauci being questioned. There's plenty of videos on Youtube. He admitted his shit about the protocols, the masks, the distance was nonsense.

NTA but to make a vaccine you use the actual illness.

So they didn't use their power as VP, they used their power as president. You didn't actually answer the question.

If you can't answer that, the rest of it is invalidated.

Yes I did, they used their power to replace the President. That's one of their powers.

Fuck her so hard and drops out of the race and endorses Trump

You're progressively getting more retarded as you lose ammo

That's odd because I have made sure I haven't said everything on purpose. You have no idea what you're even voting for or who to even support.You don't actually pay attention to politics.

No, that's not a "power of the VP", that's a chain of command. When the president dies, or is rendered incapable of serving in office, the vice president automatically assumes office. The only thing you can give credence for those people doing is "becoming president". From that point forward, nothing they do is power provided from being VP, it's power provided from being president, and I specifically asked what a VP has accomplished with their political power, implying what they did AS VP.

someone post kamala deepfakes plz

"power of the VP", that's a chain of command

Anon that's the samething in context...

I'm voting for Kamala lol

Well Kamala has gained her way to be the next president without doing anything.

Yes anon, I know you're retarded.

She campaigned. That's not a power afforded by being VP, anyone can campaign to be president.

She has gained control when Biden was told by his puppeteers to step down.
Now Kamala's turn to wreck the country some more with nonsense.

Why should I vote trump? What do I get out of it?

He can't answer

No, it's not. If I'm a private, and my entire chain of command dies, and I am rendered the highest available rank, "being alive" is not somehow an accomplishment I achieved solely due to my rank

What? Biden is still president, he just dropped out of the presidental race for 2024. Kamala is still VP, what are you talking about?

Better immigration and deportation for starters. Better relations with Russia like they were when Trump was in office.

run before the secret service shoots me

Biden isn't dead though. He might as well be but he's not.

Don't lie to yourself, you know the babbling mess he is now.

Concentration camps

Sucking Putin's cock


Oh so you want another war?
You really think our enemies is scared of Harris? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Biden isn't dead though. He might as well be but he's not.

You entirely missed the point, probably purposely. That had absolutely nothing to do with Biden whatsoever. Try again.

Don't lie to yourself, you know the babbling mess he is now.

I don't care what he is, he could be fuckin paralyzed, if he isn't declared as such, and Kamala isn't made VP, Kamala is only afforded the power that is available to her as VP and as VP ONLY.

If Kamala isn't made president*

It does though, Harris is going to be the next puppet to do Obama's nonsense. Just like how Biden was supporting Obama's nonsense. Now Harris is the next to continue to ruin this country with their nonsense.

Not if Biden grants her to.

Tell her to get out of my bed, campaign like Hell AND WIN THE FUCKING ELECTION!

Bitch aint got no time to lounge around in my fucking bed!


You mean how the democrats lock up everyone else? Slap them on the wrist and release them days later to do more shit?

Sucking Putin's cock isn't gonna stop him from losing to Ukraine, why do I want a president indebted to our enemies?

Which he hasn't done.

Why does the gays and trans support Palestine even though those people would GLADLY kill those faggots without hesitation?

Europe and NATO > Russia

You act like the job of a vice president is to sit and stare at a wall.

you are so dumb. lololol

Because Israel is genocidal and acting like Nazis, I think all genocide is bad

I'm against mistreatment of people who did nothing to deserve it. They can be as racist and homophobic as they want, if they're being treated like shit because "muh religion", I'm in the defense of the innocent

answer what? kid you are retarded.

Bottle rockets vs Israel's American funded military is not very comparable

Queer folk tend to against things like oppression and find pedophilia to be abhorrent, so they wouldn't support Israel.

Oh, you mean like the same treatment Trump thinks he deserves?
That's even more of an argument for Trump to support Harris, if that's what you think is going to happen.

Usurp and violate the U.S. Constitution?
If that's the way you think, then if Kamala wins, Trump will get a slap on the wrist for January six!

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Not paying much attention are you? Go back up a few messages, kiddo.

About what? You can literally look up those videos easily.

You don't know what a nazi is.

So they're only innocent if they believe in your beliefs, am I understanding this correctly?

So? Since when is war about being fair? We supposed to make sure everyone has the same people and weapons and types of resources?

Palestines kill gays

samefagging this hard

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Weird, you'd think they'd speed up the process yet Trump is walking around for months.
It's like democrats can't get him in jail, how odd.

What's wrong? can't ask again? go on lad, be specific in what you're asking now.

Palestines kill gays

prove it

So they're only innocent if they believe in your beliefs, am I understanding this correctly?

No. If you are treated like shit for reasons entirely outside your control, you are a victim, and I will never tolerate mistreatment of people who have done nothing to deserve it. Those civilians did not choose to be born in Palestine, and I will always be in favor of retaliation if you kill them solely on that basis.

Today's Nazis are loser men that worship a politician, they've always been like this

vote for her

Being gay in Palestine is considered extremely taboo anon.

Not really a war when they're just oppressing a population. Women and children aren't soldiers

B-but we need to protect Putin as he loses a war he started

I'm going to.

Being gay in Palestine is considered extremely taboo anon.

prove it

Yet when people applaud and laugh about 9/11 while living here as muslims it's apparently ok

Dude, you can easily just google this if you don't believe me. It goes against their religion. LGBT have no rights there.

9/11 is fucking funny though. lolololol

9/11 was 23 years ago, Anon Babble spammed 9/11 jokes for years. You forget? We also pulled out troops out kek

Dude, you can easily just google this if you don't believe me. It goes against their religion. LGBT have no rights there.

Sure, Jan.

Doesn't change what I said. Virtue signaling and thinking people are not going to be killed because you say so is childish.

Are you just trolling at this point? What is wrong with you?

Pretending to care about people seems dishonest when you're talking about deporting "immigrants" and banning abortion and whinging about gays

You and your Cuck God

Doesn't change what I said. Virtue signaling and thinking people are not going to be killed because you say so is childish.

people are not going to be killed

bro 9/11 already happened. those people are already dead.

Are you just trolling at this point? What is wrong with you?

nothing. just smarter than you and basking in that fact.

I'm not Muslim anon.
I also do believe in deporting illegal immigrants.

Not religious, never claimed to be.

And soon all of those people in Palestine will mostly be too. Guess you'll have to get over that too.

So if I'm wrong, what was I wrong about?

And soon all of those people in Palestine will mostly be too. Guess you'll have to get over that too.

hey, you're the one that can't get over 9/11. which is fucking funny. i laugh every year for the entire day.

No one claimed you're a Muslim, just that you're dishonest kek

a shorter list is what you were right about:

9/11 happened in my country, to my people.
Rest of the world can burn for all I care if they're not with us.

You can literally google bro. What is wrong with your attention seeking brain? This is pathetic.

a person or thing subjected to general mockery or ridicule

lolol, you should have protected your country and your people better, dumbass!

I haven't been dishonest about anything.

What is wrong with your attention seeking brain? This is pathetic.

same question to you.

That's what presidents like Biden was for. Oh wait, he made everything worse for everyone. Good job dipshit. Now vote for Biden 2.0 and make things even worse.

who is your mom?

I'm not making anything up though. You can literally google and fact check me dipshit. Are you really that fucking lazy?

Yes you are
Still voting Kamala lol

worse for everyone

economy is the best it's ever been

Lady Liberty

I did google it. Says right here you're full of shit.

Right, because that's why rent and food is more expensive right? Yeah, great fucking economy.

Hillary Clinton???

I accept your forfeit, I'm not giving into your childish behavior anymore.

What are corporations

You're on the side of Big Business too, what a cuck

Dishonest about what?

Biden controls your rent? Fuck stupid, buy a house instead of renting.

Is she Lady Liberty to you?

That was sarcasm you fucking idiot.

I accept your forfeit, I'm not giving into your childish behavior anymore.

admitting defeat and bowing down to your superior, smartest thing you've ever done.

He sure as hell hasn't made it better for anyone.

was it not clear they were a cuckold before?

so rent and groceries aren't more expensive?


They are, I was being sarcastic about the second part.

just better for everyone instead.

All I've learned is democrats are constantly immature, why? When do you faggots grow up exactly?

you were being sarcastic about being a cuckold?

If you're so rich, why are you here?

calls people immature

also calls them faggots

check the mirror

He's still spamming questions instead of giving reasons to vote trump

Guess I'm still voting Kamala

where else would I be?

democrats are mostly part of the LGBTQ cults, so I'm pretty sure I hit the bullseye.

You wouldn't listen anyways, why should I even bother? I have tried a while now to have an actual discussion but when asking questions or even trying to share any information you act like manchildren. It's pathetic.

Your job? With your partner?

and this information you shared, is it in this thread with us?

Not answering your dumbass questions still, keep sucking my dick though. Thread was very funny

Yes, I said Palestine sees gays as taboo and gays have no rights there.

we don't work together. why aren't you at your job?

Because I got off work hours ago.

and the proof for that is... where?

It's in the pudding xdddd

Hm... don't believe you.


Proof is in my go-gurt

swallow the gurt


They have also clashed outside of Palestine

Detroit is even having their problems with gays and muslims.
ksat.com/news/2023/06/14/detroit-area-city-bans-lgbtq-pride-flags-on-public-property/#:~:text=– A Detroit-area community has banned LGBTQ+ flags,religion and the city's reputation for welcoming newcomers.

fake news.

Why do I even bother trying to talk to your kind.

And? Israel is worse, doesn't justify genociding Palestine

it's in your cuckold pedo defender nature to be humiliated by bigger, better men.

Humiliation fetish as a laughingstock
a person or thing subjected to general mockery or ridicule

Why not? You want people to die.

He asked for proof idiot

a person or thing subjected to general mockery or ridicule

Who is your mom?

no, you want people to die and children to be raped.

proof, not a bunch of fake news.

Lady Liberty

Proof of what? That you have more in common with Palestine?

Hillary Clinton?!?

Why do you think Clinton is lady liberty?

Nah, I actually want Israel to stop the genocide

I want Israel to stop existing entirely.

why do you not?

I don't even think of her

not even late at night, when you're alone? when the lights are turned down, the music is soft, the candles flicker to make shadows dance on the wall...

Only right wingers obsess over celebrity politician, Kamala is hotter too

fair. donald is thiccc though.

imagine clapping his thrussy.

Nah, I worked in nursing homes before. Can't get the smell out of my memory. I see him and I can remember the smell of old people, UTIs, and cheap cologne


thrussy.jpg - 476x318, 31.79K

oh mr. president

Sorry, thinking about Trump's throat pussy always gets me distracted. What were talking about? Christians being pedophiles? Can't be a christian without diddling children.