Yeah the fascinating part to me is just how recently abortion became this huge issue for Christians that for many it's THE thing that decides their vote and some will even kill over it.
If they're not just trolling for attention they probably mean anyone who supports abortion, not just abortion doctors.
Many are shockingly unaware of a lot of what's in the bible and even more have all sorts of excuses to pick and choose which parts are metaphor or literal, what's hard and fast rules or a historical/cultural thing that can be ignored.
The bible has rules about slavery, rules about how much someone who raped your daughter has to pay you for her, etc.
You can find plenty of videos in the context of current book bans where, to make a point about the overreach of such bills, people will read or describe a part of the bible to supporters of the bans and ask if they think it's appropriate.
After saying it isn't and being told it's from the bible some just do not believe it and even if shown the passage will just deflect.
Trends of what rules are more significant also changes greatly over time and location.
Christians used to take rules against usury a lot more serious which is part of why many Jews got into banking. People still wanted loans but the Christians weren't supposed to charge interest which is pretty important for lending so only the Jews could fill the role.
Similarly not working or playing around on Sundays used to be taken much more seriously.
As for why abortion specifically is such a major issue... basically a deliberate multi-decade campaign to MAKE it an issue to rally Christians and conservatives and consolidate power.
Sure that you can frame it as "THEY'RE MURDERING BABIES!!!" does a lot of legwork but even that framing took time and effort to get to catch on.
Similarly they're trying to use that momentum and associate other issues like birth control with abortion to go after.