Why is it so natural?
Why is it so natural?
is this a Linus and Yvonne porn parody or something?
there is nothing natural about that paint color you cretin
Fuck off tranny ladyboy loving nigger faggot
If it is...sauce
Asking for a friend
As a black man I find this hot
asian girls and white men were made for each other. best and only interracial coupling that makes sense.
if true, i'd have had an image attached
pertty much every asian girl ive known lusts for white cock
Not sure if it's every asian girl but every asian girl I personally know does. At university I had a little fan club of Asians. Some dudes too. They used to ask if they could draw me.
Some dudes too
Asian dudes?
It's ok then.
asian girl
Asian dude
not really much of a difference in my experience
What do you look like?
Pretty normal.
ancestry is pretty much an even split between England, France, and Germany
6'2" tall
green eyes
medium length curly brown hair (similar to Jon Snow)
slim build
I hate to break it to you, but I’m mexican and have a fat DARK cock. Asian women love it. They like feeling nasty sucking a dark dick without the stigma of being with a black guy.
every asian girl I personally know does
i remember random girls coming up to me all the time when i was in asia, too
must be fucking nice. maybe it's because i'm built like a fucking tolkein dwarf at 5'8" but i never get attention from asian girls. it's literally the only type of girl i want and i fear it'll never happen for me. sort of missed my shot by joining the army instead of going to college right after HS i guess. but i look fairly okay, average or better, full head of hair at 15 thick, fairly muscular but i'm a little broad from the muscles and a little body fat. meh. i'll keep trying but the only way i guess is dating apps and hoping.
well, keep in mind i'm 40, so i'm talking 15 years ago (and so things may have changed in this respect as there's more of them here and more of us over there)
it happens a lot less frequently to me now
Asian women are still women. Does not matter if you are Asian, black or WHITE. If you are short, they ain't going to date you.
Sure they want more, but they also want TALL
yeah. worst bullshit ever. can't do shit about that
My father is 5'8".
His father is 5'8".
His father was shorter.
You live in a made up universe of your own and other bitter incels design.
You just have to euro maxx and look interesting to them.
blonde or brown hair
blue or green eyes
facial hair
Just don't have a shitload of piercings or tattoos because they don't like that.
cock size?
i have brown hair, again, full head of the stuff.
i keep a nice 1-2mm shaped stubble all the time
deep blue eyes
college degree and job in my field (not 100k, but close)
i'm in a college town, lots of FOBs. they tend to stay with other FOBs and other asian males, don't make eye contact, and the americanized asians are all what i'd describe as party girls. super fucking hot and obv looking for other super hot people. i dunno. i shouldn't vent on fucking 4chin lmao, but i'm only atttracted to asian girls and it seems the vast majority are looking for money or other asian men
looking for money
just like with any group of women, most of the best ones are gone before the end of high school
I'm in college also, white, blonde hair, green eyes, clean shaven. Asian girls, especially in the US are not all looking for asian guys. I hook up with mainly white and asian girls and I have no trouble with asians for not being asian.
I'm black and exclusively only fuck and date Asian women from 20-45 years old. You have no excuse lol
As an avarage asian guy, there's nothing hotter then seeing your asian gf have an intense orgasm on a BWC, it's something that pierces your chest and soul in a rush of ecstasy
It's a different time from your father my man. Your mom didn't have an iphone and access to all men
Mom cheats on father
Wow! I am taller than both my mom and dad!
would probably help if i had friends to help too. i have no idea how to approach women tbh. hinge has been my best bet but i rarely match with asians and i never get likes except from whales lmao
also i'm not in college, i just live by campus. i'm 35 but everyone i know including cuties i work with say they thought i was in my mid 20s
how do y'all approach asian girls? american and FOB. like how do you get in with them? do they approach you? if so y'all are probably just more attractive than me lmao
You're mad that reality doesn't follow your incel narrative, so you have to make up stories about my family?
Very mature.
My mother had met tall people anon.
Bro literally just start a conversation, they're normal girls who happen to be asian. It's the same way you flirt with any girls.
Even if they say you look young, being 35 makes it insanely challenging to hook up with college girls. My female friends think 28 is old, 35 is way too old for them to even consider hooking up with, unless you're literally like Henry Cavill.
Online dating is only good if you're young, most girls there are young and their age range won't be yours so they don't even see you. "if I had friends" and "no idea how to approach women" makes it seem like its mostly a you problem. You need to be better socially if you want to hook up with any women, especially an attractive asian woman.
LARP detected
Yeah no shit, this board is wall to wall with virgins LARPing and giving each other JOI.
yeah all that makes sense. tbf, i do get matches very occasionally with girls between 24-30, so far they just didn't work out. i did match with a FOB but then i got covid before we met and she just started talking to someone else. i don't necessarily want to date a younger girl, but would like to date between like 26-30ish.
i'm sure i'll find someone eventually, dating app or otherwise. just don't know how to start talking to anyone out of the blue.
i don't know
married my asian immediately after graduating high school
she approached me because i was coaching the club when she joined
were you an actual teacher/coach at the high school, anon?
no, in senior year i was coaching the math competition team because i'd taken all the APs in junior year and the teacher was lazy
Go to social events and if there's someone there you're into, then talk to them. If they aren't into you then better luck next time. I'm still young but even I don't rely on dating apps, that's just for the occasional NSA hook up. Older women don't really do that on dating apps though. Your best bet is to make friends with asian women at social events irl then see if it progresses from there.