What the fuck

Well I’m now banned from my local McDonald’s for asking for a fucking refund. There was no ketchup on my burger. It tasted like shit. I dont even think it was completely cooked. When I asked for a remake they wouldn’t give it to me because I had already eaten the burger and they said i’d have to re-order it if I wanted another one. That’s 20 fucking dollars down the drain. They wouldnt give me my fucking money back either after I specifically asked for a refund. I told them i wasnt leaving till i got my fucking 20 dollars back and the bitch working at the cashier threw a fucking ketchup packet at me. When i tried to grab her to beat her ass her fat fucking manager punched me in the face and told me to get the fuck out. I went outside and called the cops and instead of helping me they told me that i’m not allowed at McDonalds ever again and that the bitch was pressing charges against me. This is bullshit. I didnt even fucking do anything except ask for a fucking refund. What the fuck am i supposed to do? I can’t afford a lawyer. I should be pressing charges against them for stealing my 20$. Fuck McDonalds and fuck that bitch pressing charges. What am I supposed to do? My face still hurts.

Ur bad at writing

Shut the fuck up

You ate the whole thing & wanted a refund? I'd hit you too.

Shut the fuck up. Its 20 fucking dollars asshole. The fuck was I supposed to do?

How is this bait? I have a fucking court date now

Yeah you deserved to be hit, can't write, tells everyone to shit the fuck up, tries to hit a woman that throws a ketchup packet, which your most likely leaving out the major details of you were being ornery & not nice.
Whining about 20$, grow up kid, learn to write cus this bait is shit.

thats not how refunds work.

this thread sucks

fuck off

you got your ass beat

She threw a ketchup packet at you so you assaulted her?
Something tells me you were doing something to deserve the ketchup packet. If you're going to get physically violent over a fucking packet of ketchup like this you sound like the type of stupid fuck who deserves karma.
It's a fucking burger dude plus you ate the whole thing. Why would you eat it all and then say it wasn't good enough? Fucking idiot.

You got beat by a fucking tweaker mckydees worker, AHAHAHA

You’re just fucking mad because you’re a scumbag who works at mcdonalds and excuses your shitty service to customers like me. I’m actually suffering loss because of this bullshit. Stop serving shitty burgers and I won’t ask for a refund.

ITS A FUCKING 20$ BURGER YOU FUCKING MORON. What am I supposed to do, just let them rob me? Do you know what I fucking do for a living? How the fuck are you supposed to know i deserve this shit, douche? I just wanted my fucking money back. Thats all I fucking wanted.

Shut the fuck up and suck my dick, pussy.

I'm actually a certified chef that's worked & run a handful of high end restaurants, stick to eating at slop burger & assaulting women, I'm happy 20$ is a huge loss to you kid, maybe learn how to cook so society doesn't have to deal with you.

What are you talking about, he only punched me once?

Maybe don't eat the whole thing next time & expect a refund, dumbshit.

Stalk her
Kindnap the shit out of her
Pour chemicals in her eyes & down her throat
Exact your revenge

Well how the fuck have you not been fired yet, faggot? Any authentic chef would know 20$ is a lot of money. I think you’re the one trying to bait me here, faggot.

Your a dipshit for paying $20 for 1 of the worse burgers in the world

I fucking might after this shit. This is bullshit.

I can do whatever the fuck I want, retard. Its my fucking money and if I want it back I can ask for it. I paid 20$ and they didnt even give me ketchup. Fuck this shit, yeah I want my money back.

Maybe because I'm good at not working at McDonald's dealing with the dregs of society like yourself , this is the shittiest bait in so long, you should get Andy's log award for how shitty it is

Fuck off retard. I just wanted a normal fucking burger but of course its gotta be so fucking expensive after Trump fucked up our economy. And they didnt even fucking do it correctly. Fuck all you fucking wagie fags.

All you can do is re-hash everything you already said, methhead, go smoke some more crack, oh wait $20 is the end of the world for you.

Ah HA showing your true middle east colors, kill yourself raghead, fuck this thread

What the fuck ever, douchebag. Taste my meat and fuck off back to your aunt’s shitty 3 star restaraunt full of cockroaches and shit, loser.

Its not my fucking fault 20$ is so fucking much. Maybe go back to sucking dick at your stupid MAGA rally

Fuck you.

Kys faggot

Shut the fuck up loser.

Lmao I go to a McDonalds every week and they fuck up my order more times than not. Sometimes I even get two burgers when I order nuggets shits wild. Anyway you a bitch and roll with the burger RNG. Also checked faggot.

You can’t eat the cake and have it two. Children learn this.

Speak English you fucking nigloid. I’m never fucking going to McDonalds ever again after this shit. Congratulations Ronald, you just lost a fucking customer.


What the fuck are you talking about?

shouldve complained to corporate instead of at the storefront.
corporate responds almost instantly and bends over backwards for you

why would you eat at McDonald's, retard?

You’re a retard and your dad is a virgin.

I cant get my money back if I call corporate, dumbass. They took my fucking money. And now the police got involved. What the fuck are they gonna do, give me a free lawyer?

Because I was hungry??????

I’m not the one who can’t get a fucking burger right.

lol, enjoy your cancer, retard
ps they spit on your burger so enjoy your aids too

Don't drop the soap in jail, buddy! Kek

Take your meds. Fuck I hate the mentally ill.

I think they did spit on my burger because it tasted like shit. I’m gonna get that bitch fired when this shit is over.

How can I go to jail if I didnt do anything illegal?

so eat food not goyslop? lmao

I’m literally perfectly healthy, thanks for asking.

It’s fucking McDonald’s. You eat there when you’re hungry, moron

no you don't, it's not real food. only fat fucks eat there

Then what the fuck else am I supposed go eat, dipshit? Cereal? Fuck off, cunt.

you know how I know you're fat and poor? because you eat at McSlop's

you should be banned from breathing nigger

probably some place for pussies
don't know or really care

you can't even cook eggs and you have the gall to shit up our board? kys nigger

Not fat or poor, fag. Maybe stop jumping to fucking conclusions. You don’t even know me or what I do for a living. I own a 30,000$ house with a pool, retard. I am NOT fucking poor. I don’t have to work at McDonald’s.

I cant get my money back if I call corporate, dumbass

you totally can
they come down on the storefront like a tonne of bricks
have some fucking patience you newfagfrog posting retard

only poor fat retards eat "food product" from mcdonalds, if you're gonna eat fast food slop literally any other option is better

I own a 30,000$ house

30k house LOL POOR

Fuck off

Who the fuck eats eggs for lunch? It was fucking 6 in the evening retard. It’s McDonalds. It’s fucking food.

t. poor fat retard

tonne of bricks

First of all, learn to fucking spell. Second of all, no they fucking don’t if you already went through on the order. Corporate doesn’t give a fuck, thats why I’m mot eating at McDonald’s. That’s why I even asked for a refund in the first place, douche.

Perfect, then it only cost you $20 to get them out of your life

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First of all, learn how to write.
Second of all, start eating taco bell & stop shitting up the McDonald's toilets

What is so fucking wrong with me wanting McDonald’s? It was food and I was hungry, faggot. Get that through your thick, dumbass skull.

it's not food, it's food product made for fat poor retards like you

Most posted in thread in awhile aside from politics/fag streamers/ or jerkoff threads.
Keep Anon Babble stronk

I'm not sure what is worse, eating poor fat retard "food" or being a brain dead zoomer keeping up with streamers. Probably keeping up with streamers.

Fuck off and let me do what I want, pussy. It’s a free country and I can eat/shit wherever I please. And my writing is fine.


I own a $30000 house

This is the funniest shit I have read all year. Your house costs less than a Honda Civic?

newfags ruining pepe, smdh

Are you fucking retarded? 30,000$ not including utilities. You know how fucking strenuous it is to manage this shit? Yeah no, fuck off. 20$ is a fucking lot these days. I worked hard for that shit and I still have to.

You guys are all a bunch of whiny losers hiding behind a screen. I would fuck you up in a heartbeat if you said this shit directly to me. Learn your fucking lessons and stop making excuses for shitty customer service. Holy fuck. I thought id have at least 1 person sympathizing with me but apparently you are all fucking autistic. This is why people like Trump are allowed to breathe.

Your the autistic one, with an iq like that

There you are just spouting on the net how much of dipshit you really are.
You know why you paid $20 for a mcdick blurb?
You know why your a broke bitch with a house that costs less then a new car aside from being a lazy fuck?
Kamala & Biden fucked the economy all up, Trump did nothing except reinforce the border & settled shit in the middle east.
You need another vax shot, rainbow.

How is 95 even CLOSE to autistic? At the very least its average. I’m not fucking retarded like you, spergboy. Do your research.

What am I supposed to do?

Obviously you start your own fast food chain and show everyone how to properly treat customers.

I paid 20$ cuz i was HUNGRY you MORON. Oh my god im losing my fucking mind right now. This literally all started when Trump took office. I dont remember the polls but if you would do this fucking research or do a google maybe you would actually know something for once you faggot. And just because I don’t have a new car doesnt mean I’m fucking poor. But theres no point in arguing with a MAGAtard. If you did any miniscule of research you would know what I’m talking about. Fucking redneck.

Don't give it ideas, it will have its employees assaulting customers & undercooking everything

But that's exactly what I want to see happen.

And theres plenty of statistics on vaccines too but you’re too stupid to look it up, tard.

Fucking libtard with autistic 90iq levels, keep digging yourself even deeper into the idioticness that you've posted.
At least in China they reign in on retards like you.

Why the fuck would I do that if I already know how to treat customers. You just cook it correctly with everything the customer orders. Its not hard. I shouldnt have to make my own fucking restaraunt just cuz you wagie losers cant get it right yohrselves.

You have no say in anything, your BELOW 100IQ, you choose violence over thinking.
I hope you goto jail & get raped by bubba like the bitch you are.

Of course you mention china, shill. You probably work for them and thats why you’re in here harassing me for standing up for my rights as an American. Say hi to Xi for me, rightoid communist shill.

30k house & your calling people who make 40k + a year losers? On 4chin?


Go to jail for what? I didn’t assault anybody faggot. There’s no proof I touched her in any way other than grabbing her shirt. I’m not going to jail and you’rd just gonna have to cope with that, fascist bitch.

Your rights are assaulting workers that work at a shitty job? Can't wait to shoot people like you.

then move to china nigger, they would love to have you. they love useless obediant faggots like you

Jesus dosent love you.

Fuck off faggot. You’re a wageslave and you fully know it, as well as 90% of you retards here.

Your mom doesn't love you.

I didnt fucking assault anybody you dense fuck. I grabbed her shirt. That’s it.

The court will see it differently, as well as testimonys.

Finally somebody fucking agrees with me. Why is everyone on this site so fucking stupid? It hurts to read this dumb bullshit. Fucking retards

I grabbed her shirt

3 years in prison. aggravated assault. rip op

So your the 10% that lives off of welfare & expects free handouts? Crying about 20$ when you fully consumed the product & want a refund? Then gets aggressive.

im not taking any sides really, i just hate righties, so when i read libtard i knew i found one

Yeah because rightoid faggots like you fill up the courts and turn this country into a fucking dictatorship. Fuck Trump and fuck you. I cant fucking afford a lawyer because you fucks raised my taxes.

How is that fucking assault???????

20 dollar burger

youll be fine, get a public defender and take your misdemeanor probation. youd still be in jail if it was that serious. stop grabbing people tho

Maybe stop living off my taxes welfare nigger & then you could afford a lawyer.
Then again your too stupid to know they give court appointed attorneys for broke nigs like you. Enjoy bubba.

For like a third time, you don’t know shit about me or how i make my money. This shit is fucking exhausting having to reply to you dumb niggers. I hope theres a civil war and you all die horribly.


get a public defender

Yeah, lime thats gonna work. Shit’s obviously fucking rigged by you fucking righties I don’t have a chance at probation. This is all your fucking fault, I hope you’re happy with your dictatorship Trumpies

court appointed attorneys

FUCK that. I’d have a better chance just representing myself. Cuz you fucks are just gonna gang up on me cuz hou know I didn’t assault anyone. What I did was PERFECTLY legal. Theres no way the court will give me a fair trial. I’m fucked.

You don’t know that, chump. Go read a fucking book before you destroy my country further, you fucking monkey

Spending $20 (?) and not getting what you expected is rough I guess, especially when it feels like the staff didn’t handle it right. But grabbing someone is considered assault.

Honestly, I’d try to focus on the legal stuff for now. Public defenders exist for situations like this, and you’ll need one to help deal with the charges. And next time, maybe stop eating if the food sucks, so you can get a better shot at a refund without drama.

At the end of the day, it’s just McDonald’s. I know $20 is a lot for you, but don’t mess your life up over a bad meal. Be more smart and stop claiming the left you make us look bad.

I’m not getting a fucking public defender for the last fucking time. Have you seen the state of this fucking country. Its filled with rightoids and gooks such as yourself who don’t know shit about how politics work. I’m literally fucked no matter what i do and its because of the fucking turd-flinging MAGAzoids. If I’m going out, I’m going out with a bang.

Yes do that, kill yourself.

Second this

I have an iq of 140, you trailer trash autistic. I hope you go to jail

Then you should fucking know 95 is NOT autistic. Go read a fucking book if you’re so smart.

You guys are the ones trying to fucking bait me and gaslight me for being right. Typical fucking Anon Babble.

Please stop putting the $ on the wrong side it hurts my brain. Are you saying you rent a house for $30K? or you built a house for $30K? or you bought some sort of swamp with a shack and live with a donkey for $30K? Great thread though OP have enjoyed while taking a shit

SAGE this log thread holy shit

30k house

I’m not even gonna fucking answer that. Where I live and how I live are none of your fucking business much less how much money I make. Do your own fucking research then we can talk about hiw much I make.

So your saying you want us to lookup your ip address then dox you in this thread?

Ok I looked at you live like shit anon now I can empathize with you and why you feel you were treated so unjustly

are you that Finnish tranny that has meltdowns on here? you post like he does

Stop being homophobic

Thats not me motherfucker.

That wasnt at all what I was fucking saying

Homophobic is a stupid term. No one is afraid of fags. Just repulsed.


i tried to grab her to beat her ass

That's assault, nigger.

Shut the fuck up. Right now. I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking about but I am not trans and evdn if I was I would not apppreciate your bullshit.

This has to be joke right? I can’t tell if he is serious…

Jesus Christ tranny, you shit and piss your diaper already?

Did u try murdering the guy at the register?


OP is confirmed troon

I'm interested in the burger, what was supposed to be on it? Was it a meal? Details if you will

fake and gay and autistic and retarded

Why the fuck would i not be serious you dumb fuck. I literally could face prison time for no reason

Oh right, I forgot. You’re all MAGAtards here.


tranny lmao

Step 1:
Legally change your name.

Step 2:
Apply online to work at that location.

Step 2, more better;
Better yet, determine if it is a corporate owned store or a franchisee. If it’s corporate apply to work at a nearby related store ( same franchise-owner or corporate) long enough to earn their basic trust and establish reliability.

Step 3: tell them you are moving and need to transfer to a closer store.

Step 4: dress in a different style of clothing, shoes, have a different haircut, switch types of phones you have, have different facial hair (some vs None), own a different car, eat different food (claim never to have eaten McDonald’s or fast food before.

Step 5: be so charming, helpful, productive, and nice to customers that you get promoted and then can be trusted at face value when you make a claim that the manager and bitch need to be separated because they spent “far too long in the freezer together” that you worry about the safety of the food in it.

Both will get fired immediately. Especially if you call corporate after the franchisee owner and main manager do nothing. Claim you want absolute assurance that the safety of the food and work ethics and propriety are being held in high regard as you Know mcdonalds to be.

Enjoy your new career as a district manager

It was a normal Double Quarter Lb. meal which usually has ketchup and mustard on it. Really it tasted fine till i saw how fucking pink the inside was and i realized this shit isnt fully cooked. I couldve gotten sick from that shit, in fact i think i feel a little nauseous. So they made me sick AND kicked me out AND theyre pressing charges for defending my money.

Annoying MAGAtards

I don’t need to work at fucking McDonalds when I have a decent-paying job of my own


They tried to kill you by serving you undercooked beef, by McDonald’s standards and practices they should have instantly awarded you a refund AND offered you a Different sandwich or meal
Or a complete Do-over for your 85’ed meal. 86 is when they are out of something, 85 is when something is raw. 32 is when something was cold(ie frozen).

being a fat tranny isn't a job

But they said they couldnt because I ate the whole thing which is bullshit.

If you want revenge you might have to work part time.

Add the step of claiming you have a twin brother you never met, and then you can date the bitch that pressed charges, and after fucking hey several times letting her know you are the same guy she pressed charges against and Not his twin brother.

I'm calling bullshit now far too many contradictions. First it tasted like shit, now it tasted just fine? You don't think it was cooked or it wasn't cooked? You could've gotten sick but then they made you sick? I just don't believe you anymore.

Anywhere if they claim you ate more than half of something they won’t refund you, you should have said the first part of the burger was fine until you encountered the raw parts. That overwhelmingly seems more legit and who wants to pay for and eat only part of what they paid for.

Tell them you are white and deserve respect and admiration for having built this country and that the spics, negroes, and Amerindian-Halfbreed little bastards that invaded it need to bow down to you and give you a whole fucking burger as a replacement.

the fuck are you on?

It tasted like shit when I realized it was undercooked you dumb ape. I wasnt paying attention to the taste. When i looked at the meat it was fucking red. They tried to kill me with uncooked meat. Then assaulted me and got the cops on me when i confronted them. How you don’t see this shit is beyond me. McDonalds tried to kill me.

This is the most retarded thing I have read in the last 15 minutes or so, and I'm in two whole &pol threads. How tf are they supposed to verify that your burger was undercooked and missing ketchup if you ATE IT? You absolute mongoloid. Also, the appropriate reaction to being told no is to fuck off, and if you can't and you stick around long enough for someone to throw condiments at you, the appropriate reaction is to take it with the manager, not to use violence like a fucking animal. The only bad thing in this story are the cops, they should have shot you at the spot like the dumb animal you are instead of letting you go. The only silver lining here is that considering your diet choices and disposition toward conflict over stupid shit, you won't live very long. Always something.

If they don’t want to give you a refund or retire then take your food, take a photo of it with them (or their counter and kitchen) in the background and tell them it’s going on Google reviews, insta, and X, and then take it. Bring back the same food and a scale and weigh it after you cheat by adding water or a part of a burger patty from a different McDonald’s so that it seems close enough to the same thing, and photograph it on their counter with the weight of the burger shown on the scale.

But now they wont refund me and im fucking trespassed against entering the store ever again and the little bitch is pressing charges for assault of which i have little to no hope of winning cuz this country is fucked. Thanks McDonalds.

This has got to be LARP. No one is this retarded.

You weren't paying attention to the taste? That is probably the single most defining feature of food. So you look at the patty and think this is raw I could be sick but fuck it I must consume.

I literally TOLD THEM it was undercooked. I TOLD THEM i was displeased with my order and they FUCKING ROBBED ME. This is total bullshit. I don’t know what the fuck i’m gonna do.

How could I take a picture of my food if I ate it dumbass. Thats the whole fucking reason they wouldnt give me a refund which is bullshit.

You’re the one thats LARPING and retarded dumbass. Take your bait and fuck off back to your boring wagecuck life.

Do you believe telling someone something is evidence?

Sorry was I supposed to be gooning over the fucking McDonalds food then? I couldnt tell if it was cooked all the way cuz there was a little bit of red. Sorry I’m not fucking Gordon Ramsey paying attention to every minute detail of the shit I’m eating.

Its LITERALLY their job to do what I fucking tell them. It’s McDonalds. They get paid to slave. I am literally a customer.

The red was the ketchup you dumb amerilard

Its LITERALLY their job to do what I fucking tell them

No, it's their job to do what corporate tells them, and corporate tells them to sell hamburgers. It's likely their policy to refund undercooked hamburgers, provided that there is evidence of an undercooked hamburger.

I am literally a customer


There wasnt any fucking ketchup on it. It was fucking undercooked. There was red in the burger itself. That wasnt ketchup it was raw fucking meat. If you knew anything you would realize that. Faggot.

If its their policy then why didnt they fucking do it?!?!?!?

There is no fucking need for evidence you dumb fuck. If I say I want a refund I am legally required for a refund. How fucking stupid are you. If you’re not an expert, shut the fuck up.

Because you didn't provide evidence of an undercooked hamburger.

I dont fucking need evidence.

No one is required to do anything for you. In fact, even if the burger was undercooked, they are not required to refund you. It might be their policy to do so, because they don't want poor reviews or similar to affect their sales. But they are not legally obliged to do shit unless you got physically ill.

omg stop feeding it

Obvioustroll.jpg - 454x432, 34.18K


I am certified burger expert. You ate perfectly constructed burger with all condiments and tried to steal money's from honest burger man Ronald. Shame on you poor peasant man, Ronald offers life and joy and you just greed and gluttony



Go back to roach hovel peasant man

Do you have any evidence of this occurrence? Or we just have to take your monosyllabic tirade?

You're a pig who wanted a free burger.

There was no ketchup on my burger.

Maybe Trump made it.

Tough guy coward ran away from another fight. I bet you're father is ashamed that you let some fat bitch dominate you. You got owned by some wageslave rando. And you called the cops like a fag bitch.

WAH! Please help me police daddy! I'm a victim!

Ask for some ketchup packs & put it on yourself. They’re literally free

this dude. i can get a burger free with mcdonald’s app rewards

this bait is masterful