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White powder

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I'm gonna go with based on this one.

gonna go

baa baaa
sheep boy baaa
follow the herd herd-animal

Go suck more nigger dick like your tranny allies command you to.

WHITE POoooof...............

You can tell by this video that the man is simply trying to initiate a dialogue, and then he gets punched. That doesn’t make the liberal side looks so good.

You can tell by this video that the man is simply trying to initi-


No, it makes the Liberal side look STRONG. While it makes Conservatives look WEAK!

OK who let all these redditors in here
go back

Reddit > Anon Babble

violence solves everything

Try to genocide an entire race



It does! It's how revolutions happen!

i dont want to be a brown person


Tell us what you disagree with

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Being brown is worse than being a nigger. Everyone knows niggers are worthless. Not everybody knows browns are almost as dumb, so they give brown people jobs that only smart people should do.


i hope me being moortalian won't be unfavorable to you

You're fine as long as you know your place as a cleaner or waiter.


can i make food for germanic girls?

Yes. And white people in general.

can my gf be one of them or must she look like this?

No. She must have skin as dark as yours or darker. No lighter.


my cousin is germanic looking but italian like me. I wish i could somehow prevent the brown rape that happened in the south areas centuries ago. Am basically a moor

If it makes you feel any better, moortalians are one of the better browns of all brown people. Because part of you is still white. So, you're not as stupid or dirty as the rest of them.

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si but i still hate knowing my ancestors were pale until moors polluted them with mud eyes and dark hair and we still look like this today. At least it's not impossible for us and whites to be friends.

(this girl is sicilian but tells people she's arab and does arab dances and they believe her)

you seem like a queer

you are also a queer, you should do gay shit with your fellow queer

You should be her pimp.

the girl in the picture?
anon the original italian anon is a faggot like you
a queer

still seething, 80 years later


You are obviously a nigger.


i'll try but she thinks i'm a moor. I might taint her snowy pale feet with my swarth hands. I'm from Bari so half my ancestors were nords and the other half were this

i'll try but she thinks i'm a moor.

You're a man, right? Slap the shit out of her until she does as you tell her to.

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she sent me this after i made pasta for her once. What do you think of the german tradition of women stepping on cabbage?

she sent me this after i made pasta for her once

She wants to fuck.

What do you think of the german tradition of women stepping on cabbage?

You lie. There is no such tradition. It's a lie just like stepping on grapes to make wine. That is dirty and disgusting, like Indians.

She's really nice and pale but apparently wants to be with me. What's with germanic women liking moors?

also they used to make wine that way and our feet aren't dirty (foot shaped nation after all)

What's with germanic women liking moors?

All women are whores and so slutty white women will chase BBC because they know it's taboo and frowned upon. This is why women must be controlled by their men and husbands. By beating the shit out of them when they do they misbehave.

also they used to make wine that way

Please tell me if any Italian wines still make wine that way so I can be sure to never buy those brands ever again. That is dirty and disgusting.

According to most posters here when i tell them where i'm from they say blonde women liked browns so much the whole race changed and now i'm the product of it. I wish i had blue eyes like my cousin but they're the color of this girl's feet.

I'm not sure if they still make wine like that since presses are better and faster. Are u in favor of med and german girls giving each other wine and beer?

You're really obsessed with feet.

Are u in favor of med and german girls giving each other wine and beer?

Only if they are waiters or waitresses serving each other in restaurants.

You're really obsessed with feet.

sorry. cant help it. You know what shape our land is.

even if many of our ancestors were mudslim rapists we stand with u. I like german food too

Just make sure full-blooded black-skinned niggers don't ever enter your country ever again. I heard your country is allowing refugees on boats from Africa to enter your shores. Don't let those refugees feel welcome. And don't vote for those politicians who let them in. The refugees will rape so many of your women and make even darker skinned babies, just like the moors. Don't let future generations suffer the same fate you did.

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they said they would get rid of them but i think the mob secretly imports them as a business. Many of them don't stay here anyway so they see nothing wrong with it.

did some of my ancestors resemble this btw? My test didn't say so but it would explain my attraction to nords

Many of them don't stay here anyway so they see nothing wrong with it.

Where do they go?

did some of my ancestors resemble this btw?



Where do they go?

to ur lands. All politicians are owned by jews so they allow it


ugh, filthy moors spreading brown genes here and now some are in me. why did it have to be our med women having their kids? someone on pol even said i should become mudslime

someone on pol even said i should become mudslime

I'm from Anon Babble but fuck being a mudslime. The world doesn't need any more of those. It's better to be a Catholic than a mudslime or a Jew. Not the best, but it's above those two things.

them and jews are basically the same if they were smarter and less inbred they'd be just as subversive but instead prefer actually destroying things.

so you don't mind that i am part moor? I probably feel closer to pic related than nordics

so you don't mind that i am part moor?

As long as you stay with your own kind and only marry girls as dark as you are and no whiter.

I probably feel closer to pic related than nordics

She looks like a spic.

As long as you stay with your own kind and only marry girls as dark as you

fiiiiine (will still make food for germ girls though)

looks like a spic

most of them are part spanish who moors also had their way with for even longer than sicily so its no surprise. She's not spanish though she's north african.

her ancestors raped their way through and even today spain is poor, so it's africa's fault.

she's north african.


it's africa's fault.

Nothing good ever comes out of Africa.


unclear. She posted herself in an eid costume and bragged about her ancestors soiling the genes of spain and south italy. She wants to spread herself all over the med

Nothing good ever comes out of Africa

why do browns rape so much? sicily is like a caution to the rest of europe. people in the future will be surprised to learn swedes didn't look like this.

unclear. She posted herself in an eid costume and bragged about her ancestors soiling the genes of spain and south italy. She wants to spread herself all over the med

You must marry her before she entices an actual white man to marry her and spawn more brown babies into the planet.

why do browns rape so much?

They are animals. Not humans.

You must marry her before she entices an actual white man to marry her

no fair i want to be pure white too. If i married her her kids would just look south italian basically (try to guess if this girl is mudslime or from sicily)

They are animals

mmhmm. My cousin teased me by saying all europe will be my homeland soon

try to guess if this girl is mudslime or from sicily

She's brown. That's all I need to know. But I'll guess sicily because if a mudslime woman was ever caught not wearing a hijab and exposing as much of her body as the girl in your picture they would cut her head off.

My cousin teased me by saying all europe will be my homeland soon

Your Cousin is right, if the Jews continue to manipulate Europe.

KKK candle

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But I'll guess sicily

ur right. she really likes lemons because the browns who ravaged her ancestors brought them (exotic in europe until then)

if the Jews continue to manipulate Europe

although im almost a part of it i'll try to not let the brown plague take europe. Latin dna comes with baggage

That person was wearing a nazi armband. That's hate speech.

although im almost a part of it i'll try to not let the brown plague take europe.

You're one of the good ones.

fag chinese penis cuff


As a chink, I absolutely despise typical niggers and especially smelly curry munching cunts. Also hate the shitty chinese cunts. Vietnamese yubyubs need to all die. Everyone should just bomb the middle east so our white countries no longer fear terroists and use our money to save these rapists and have them come here to be uber drivers and rape our woman.

i don't get it

grazie. u as well (most pol posters are rude when i say im med)


white power

the third reich fell eighty years ago get over it faggot