Kamabla's "imposter syndrome" is simply reality forcing its way into her bubble...

Kamabla's "imposter syndrome" is simply reality forcing its way into her bubble. She BJ'd her way into her "success" and even the strongest self-delusion can't give her the brains or experience she'd need to actually do the jobs she gets parachuted into. Her history is a testament to the disaster that ensues when she tries.

Of course she's 100% fake. The entirety of democrat dogma is to be fake, and then in the background rape kids and destroy the country.

She doesn't want this actually. Her feminist streak tells her she should, but everytime she steps up to the plate it just exposes all the shortcomings, and the backlash is merciless, as it should be. This why the boozing is escalating. Considering it's the fucking PRESIDENCY on the line with her little monkey-ass girl-power charade, the whole thing is an ultimate clown show.

please remind the class which candidate has been photographed with epstein, flown on his plane, been to his island, and had him killed to keep him quiet

DEI in government is dangerous as fuck. This dried up wine aunt would ruin everybody's lives.

Thanks for schizo posting.

imagine basing your worldview on this nonsense

KYS oxygen thief

Nice nonsensical pivot, loser.

This. Otherwise this is a RYSSÄTI RYSSÄÄ RYSSÄNSÄÄ psyop thread, sage goes in every field

It's not helping that I'm sure she has a whole team of suck-ups egging her on with total lies about her ability, like Ronda Rousey headed for the Holly Holm fight.

Same results, except here it's daily.

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Another schizo magatard shill thread?

Another schizo magatard shill thread?

too much sense for you?

U seem upset :^)

A reality tv pseudo star it's way better

This is the problem with the people who make political threads on /b.
You obviously haven't done any actual research or have any actual knowledge about her past; you just spew inaccurate rhetoric because of your misogynistic views on women.
You've spent your life hating women because you're unpopular and don't understand why. You think women owe you something. (Here's a hint, champ - that's one of the reasons women don't like you.)
Your foolish arguments don't make sense; they're just part of the little emotional wall you've constructed to protect yourself from the fact that YOU are your biggest problem - not women. If you put half the effort into being a better person as you do into your anger towards women, you might be able to actually get one.
You won't, though - that's why you are a loser and always will be.

Ha вaш cчeт зaчиcлeнo пoлбyшeля cвeклы.

already voted (early absentee) for kamabla


Stopped reading here. Post is too retarded.

Heт, этo cнoвa тoлькo мы! Извинитe, чтo гaдю нa вaшeм caйтe вecь дeнь, кaждый дeнь, нo нaм нyжнo зapaбaтывaть нa жизнь, вы знaeтe. Плюc, пoкa мы этo дeлaeм, нac нe oтпpaвят в мяcopyбкy в Укpaинe.

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The entirety of democrat dogma is to be fake

It is a humiliation ritual. They get you to bite your tongue to even the most obvious of lies.

Women can have a penis

Abortion isn't murder

Niggers aren't more violent. Purely socioeconomic factors.

Nobody is illegal

We don't need a primary

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so weird. so desperate. so sad.
try not to treason again this January lol

try not to treason again

you know they will!
I personally can't wait...

vid related

1st of many

pretty much. it's all so tiresome

lol, one mad samefag leftard flailing about like a worthless faggot.

Enjoy Trump's second presidential term, loser.

It's more of a victory lap and dunk on you lefty crybaby homos at this point. And you deliver the salt right on time, every time.

Oh yeah, and Kamel is at 37% as of this morning...

samefagging and crying in multiple threads... is it really worth the $0.003 per post?

Keep talking about her, it's actually kind of telling when you see her face more than Trump's on this board

You are living in an alternate reality.

Sure stinks of samefagging leftard ITT

Has Harris ever answered a question with one word? Her verbal diarrhea is fucking weird.

At least if the leftards are ITT losing their minds, they aren't out raping kids....

As a civil lawyer in San Francisco, her colleagues regarded her leadership skills as poor. She plotted (and failed) to overthrow the San Francisco district attorney, and ended up resigning and trashing her former employer: "I've become disillusioned and disappointed with the top leadership of the district attorney's office." She then complained about the 'dysfunctional' leadership and 'low level of morale' in her office.

Her leadership skills in her new job were not that impressive either. She was appointed to two high-paying part-time state board positions while she was dating then-state assembly Speaker Willie Brown, but was frequently absent for the meetings, even though they were only held once or twice a month.

After campaigning and beating Hallinan in 2003 for the job of district attorney, conviction rates fell on her watch followed by a scandal in the the crime lab that prompted her to dismiss over a thousand cases. She is now running for president on her record of service as a prosecutor, despite a mixed record.

Kamala never once argued a single appeals case before a court, leaving that to her subordinates. Her policy achievements have all been near-or-complete failures. As VP, she was appointed as border czar in Biden's administration, and that also went to shit. Meanwhile, under the Biden/Harris dementia/DEI duo, people are maxing out their credit cards just to pay rent and buy food.

The past 3+ years has been a complete and total failure and everybody knows it.

Literally everything she touches turns to shit.

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I'm-a talk about golfer's dicks.

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You started it in the OP.

Enjoy Trump's second presidential term, loser.

Vance's. Trump's brain is melting out of his ears daily

I don't see that happening unless SCOTUS interferes.

Trump's been a fucking dumpster fire since the shooting attempt, and he wasn't in good shape before that.

Non-issue. She's had solid staff and support for the last couple of years.

Nah, try harder.

An investigation in The New York Times by journalist Nicholas Kristof in 2018: "This is the story of a broken justice system. It appears that an innocent man was framed by sheriff's deputies and is on death row in part because of dishonest cops, sensational media coverage and flawed political leaders—including Democrats like Brown and Kamala Harris, the state attorney general before becoming a U.S. senator, who refused to allow newly available DNA testing for a black man convicted of hacking to death a beautiful white family and young neighbor."

"This was a failure at every level, and it should prompt reflection not just about one man on death row but also about profound inequities in our entire system of justice...in 34 years at The New York Times, I've never come across a case in America as outrageous as Kevin Cooper's."

California Senator Dianne Feinstein and then-Senator Kamala Harris called for DNA testing of evidence—a reversal of Harris's own position when she BLOCKED DNA testing in this case, as California attorney general.

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Proof trump went to the island?


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Not wrong, OP said the last couple of years.

POLITICO interviewed 22 current and former aides, revealing a dysfunctional work environment in Harris’s office. This high turnover mirrored the challenges faced by many high-ranking officials due to the demanding nature of their roles. [President Joe] Biden's intervention highlighted his commitment to loyalty and his desire to stabilize Harris’s team.

He aimed to ensure that Harris's staff maintained loyalty, reflecting his own values of dedication to allies. Despite the rocky start and the departure of over 90 percent of the initial staff, Harris managed to adjust her management style over time.

Three years later, Harris’s office appears to have stabilized. More than 300 former staffers recently endorsed her for president, praising her character and leadership. The endorsement letter emphasized Harris's ability to tackle difficult challenges and deliver results, reinforcing her capability to lead effectively.

imposter syndrome

Trump's making fries at a closed McDonald's

Fucking lol

Comparative turnover rates

Staff turnover is a common issue for high-ranking officials, and it is notably higher compared to local or state-level positions. For context, President Biden’s senior staff turnover rate stands at about 71 percent, according to Brookings. In comparison, former President Donald Trump’s senior staff turnover reached approximately 91 percent by the end of his term, with many former staffers describing a chaotic work environment and expressing concerns about a potential second Trump presidency.

Yeah, that sounds about your speed, leftard loser.

From you, yes. As is everyone else with a functioning brain stem and an intact asshole.

posting the blatant murder of an unarmed woman by a fuck-up nigger as a win

Yeah, that's about how demoshits "think".

so mad, so gay, so cope
try not to kill yourself this November lol


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Stopped reading there

clearing didn't stop reading there

got so salty he had to copepost


Yeah, we get it, leftards are too dumb to know how to read. Weird flex....

posts Bevis as the height of democrat intellect

checks out completely

Are you fucked in the head? Trump was bragging about Arnold Palmer's dick at yesterday's rally. It got so bad that Fox News diverted their feed to cover Kamala instead.

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i agree